I am making a spider-man polygamist marriage fanfiction.Who should be in it?

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Silk, and Spider-Gwen

Kamala and Peni


Who is Peni?

Aunt may.

eddy brock

Silver Sable and Silk.

The only two bitches that were upfront that they wanted the whole package.

Human Torch

He dated Marrow that one time.

r63 Yea Forums oc donut steel

He dated Hercules's ex wife Hebe that one time.

>good morning Peter

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Kamala Khan

MJ is the first wife then after
Felica is the wild one
Marrow is the one who needs to learn to be tender
X-23 is the rambunxious one there to piss off her dad
Silver Sable is the sugar mama
Silk is a spidery one
She hulk is the mediator
Johnny storm is the hot head

Sue Storm is a vital part

>nobody has mentioned Venom yet, who is clearly yandere as fuck for Peter
I'm disappointed, Yea Forums.

Oh and Kaine hangs around with his new boo water snake and their daughter Aracly. I can't think of any love interest ben had though

Tony Stark

When are they going to give Amanda Conner a full series again?

>Sue Storm is a vital part
I don't want to wake up with it immediately married couples.

Mary Jane
Felicia Hardy
Gwen Stacy
Betty Brant
Silver Sable
Carol Danvers

Do multiple universes: a 616 version, an Ultimate version, a Raimi film version, a Marvel Adventures version, and others

Venom got over Peter. It was a thing.

can you write a chapter where Spidey tries to catch Black Cat but because of her bad luck powers she keeps getting away and he get`s his balls busted hehe

Liv Octavius.

Peter NTR's Flash and gets the symboite to be his cum dump

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Ultimate goth GF MJ is K I N O.

>self inserting Spidey fag

>The no fun police

I honestly can't believe I forgot about chat

You know, Spider Man is a priori selfinsert character for average geek boy.

>You know, Spider Man is a priori selfinsert character for average geek boy.
For all of the underachieving ones, the unambitious ones and the cuckolded ones

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Have X-23 be extremely possessive.

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Peter with Kamala and X-23

ur mom


Powergirl needs to be in it

>Who should be in it?

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MJ, Felicia, Gwen, Venom symbiote, Silver Sable.

I also want to add gloria the woman from the spider-man game on PS4 she and pete had a cute raport

J. Jonah Jameson as the stock tsundere

Squirrel Girl, Peter could use a sunny and positive girl in his life

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Best waifu

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Felicia is a Cuckquean

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Felicia and Peter are the alphas, some of the rest are good too, particularly Silk and old school Gwen

Chat needs more love.

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Best crackship.

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Felicia == Gwen > Sue Storm > Venom > rest >>> dogshit > mary whore


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Reminder that OP is a faggot and will never deliver.

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