You have 10 seconds to be as Karl Pilkington as possible

You have 10 seconds to be as Karl Pilkington as possible.

Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 6K)

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Monkey news, alright. So, there´s this Harambe fella...

If the evolution theory was true how much do you think were dinosaurs surprised to see the first chicken pop outta one of the eggs?

I don't get it, if I'm working and I make £300 worth of tires in an hour, and the material and upkeep costs £30, why do I only get £15 an hour? Innit strange?

It's weird init? When you're _____ you _____. But then _____ and ______. It's like, ______.

Ricky: You absolute _____. How could you be so _____.

Merchant or whatever his name was: laughs

That's all I got. Pretty much every episode but I loved it nonetheless.

>Merchant laughs
Nah he was the worst cunt on the show.

Ricky would make jabs at Karl like a mate. Stephen the lanky sack of shit that was bullied although school and can't get a bird went full cunt mode on Karl because he (merchant) thought he was a superior being, not realising Karl is happy and didn't spend his high school years getting beat up the 'lads'.

Why do we exist
Do we actually exist
How do we prove we exist? I mean I know I’m here, but how do I prove that everyone else is

Karl is so dumb he discovers solipsism

Wasn't there an episode where Stephen made a joke about Karl's wife and Karl just said "how's your wife?" and Stephen went on a huge incel rant?

The clone moment was legitimately a philosophical answer.

Goddamn. I used to be able to do a spot-on 'Karl Pilkington describes Man of Steel' off the cuff, but now I can't.

Fuck. Can you forget how to be funny?

He’s smart you fucking sugar snorting retard.

Little monkey fellah, innit


Nah mate, their conflict goes from way back, and they both were to blame for it.


Karl was "stupid" in the sense that he had a weird combination of not thinking things through to the end and then not being able to articulate them well but he's not ignorant.


He’s low INT high WIS

Homeless people need to get a job. To get the ball rolling we can give some of the homeless the job of helping other homeless people find a job

Toes. What do we even need them for anyway?
I say just get rid of them. Then yo wouldn't need to makes shoes as long as we do now.
Save some material. Enough leather to maybe save the life of a cow. I'm sure he'd be happy about that.

>used to always kill flies
>now save them
Who else took the /doingtheirbit/ pill?

I just realized Joe Rogan is American Karl Pilkington.

Attached: joerogan.jpg (1080x1077, 108K)

All I’m sayin is... if they’re drawing right? Then there’s no ‘arm innt right?

Oh God...What do we have to do to get them together?
>karl: we know that we have six fingers and toes in the womb.
>joe: woah. jaime bring it up on screen.