If you say this wasn’t good then you are lying to yourself. This was great. This was classic Invader Zim and was easily the best Nickelodeon revival special hands down. You couldn’t get a more perfect revival than this
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I liked it when he shot the pug into space.
My favorite joke was such a small joke but it made me lose my shit. When the kids are singing the peace song and you see a cop arresting a cat and putting it in the back of the cop car. Just the sheer ridiculously of that made me lose my shit
With the amount of screaming Richard had to do I’m surprised he still can talk. Jesus that guys vocal cords must be destroyed
I liked Membrane just being hell of confused about all the insanity happening around him.
This was not "classic Invader Zim" at all. Classic Zim is a horrible, disgusting, dystopian future where Zim has no qualms about horribly mutilating, mutataing, maiming, or flat out murdering humans. Classic Zim would have had Zim making Clembrane from Membrane's amputated arms and Dib's DNA, fucking up the cloning process so he was a lumpy, mutated dib/membrane hybrid full of extra organs and shit he'd cough up and try and make food for the kids with. Not that shitty pink blob we got. Classic Zim would have had the peaceday bracelets infect the host children like parasites and turn them in to braindead green semitransparent versions of themselves after being shot by the moose, never being cured by the end of the episode and the world being too stupid to realize something had happened. Classic Zim would have had his plans foiled by something extremely stupid and commonplace within humanity, like the Florpus being an actual living entity but the stench of humans being so great that when it tried to eat them, it spat them back out in disgust someplace near where earth originally was, but not exactly, leaving a noticeable change in the solar system, etc. that only Dib calls out to everyone, who as always, ignores him.
No, this wasn't Classic Zim at all. This was a silly XD SO RANDUMB, slightly longer and heavily censored family friendly episode made for netflix.
This. The comics first few issues do it way better.
Jesus christ that´s edgy.
No, that isn´t what classic Zim was at all. That´s the image you have of it in your head. Not every episode of the original Zim was like the organ stealing episode.
What are you on about? This movie takes a lot from the comics. Gaz and Membrane personalities are from them.
I mean Zim was still flinging random people into the atmosphere when they got their bracelets like how that one dude was flinging children out of the game store in that one episode. Actually now that I think about it, Jhonen rolls with that idea a lot. I distinctly remember that also happening in that one MSI music video he made. Pardon that connection, I haven't seen that music video in a decade but still remember that.
There was also Gir eating a baby, lots of fire and burning, and Dib and Zim destroying that tiny planet. And The Tallest blowing up that intergalactic ice cream truck, and the dumb neighbor dude getting the life juices sucked out of him, and of course that complete chaos of Zim actually almost succeeding, with people running for their lives.
Do we know stuff about Jhonen personal life? I loved the special but it did feel way less bleak and cynical than the original, but I could see that being just a product of Jhonen's outlook in life changing in the last 15 years. Kinda like how you can tell Anno was on the peak of his depression when he made the original Eva compared with his more recent stuff.
Christ Alive
He was a cynical goth inhis 20's when he made the original show. He's probably chilled out a lot in recent years
It was a 7/10. Clembrane was extremely annoying, and the status quo ending was lame. I don't get the people complaining about the animation
>No, this wasn't Classic Zim at all. This was a silly XD SO RANDUMB
So it was classic Zim faggot. Zim is the birth of SO RANDUMB humor
The comic feels way more in line with zims tone. The last half of the first and entirety of the second issue support this I think.
Rewatch the first scene after the anime opening before she goes into dibs room and then the first tallest scene before Zim calls, that's where my complaints are.
Yeah in the Nick Animation Podcast episode with him he explicitly talks about how the changes made in the comic and then this special were a result of personality changes that happened when he settled into adulthood and stopped being an angry young man.
Also he’s been in a relationship with this special’s art director for 12+ years which probably comes with the typical shift in priorities and outlook that go along with marriage
I feel like the special matched the tone of the comics, and I also feel like the tone of the comics match the show well. The biggest differences between the special/comics and the show come from the softer edges and colors that keep you from asking “How far will this go?” like the old episodes did. Plus Gaz is less cynical in the comics/special, so her acting as a contrast to Dib is lost.
It was good enough.
Fuck off you edgelord. I bet you're still in your hot topic phase in your late 20s. Jhonen clearly grew up and so this most of us here. This movie was good. It had all the classic humor and charm from the original Zim.
I mean zims plan in the film is to bring the tallest to earth while zims plan in the comic is to humiliate dib and the whole universe laughs at him
>the status quo ending was lame.
People keep complaining about this, but Jhnonen has been saying all along that this isn't a finale. The goal with this was to make more Zim, not to try and give it an ending.
>That´s the image you have of it in your head. Not every episode of the original Zim was like the organ stealing episode.
Holy shit user I love you! THIS! Zim had a couple of dark and fucked up episodes and suddenly that's all what you remember it as. Invader Zim was a goofy as fuck show.
>This was classic Invader Zim
Haha, no
All this tells me is that this feels so different from the show in tone because it's been distilled twice. Not that that's a bad thing. I still love it.
>The goal with this was to make more Zim, not to try and give it an ending.
Really? I thought Jhonen said in a IGN comic con interview last year that the Invader Zim special was really draining and he doesn't want to make Zim full time again
I'm just hoping the next special brings back Tak.
He grew up to be a bland old man
What was unique about Zim's style wasn't there
I doubt it. Jhonen V hates her.
I wanted to see Ms Bitters and Sizz-Lorr!
Is this going to be a copypasta?
I'll agree with that, but it was replaced with something equally unique and entertaining. If Zim had to change, I'm glad this is how it was done.
Ms. Bitter's VA died, so i wasn't surprised she wasn't here.
I watched it recently, even the goofy episodes had the usual atmosphere. This was different
>now that I think about it, Jhonen rolls with that idea a lot.
Yeah, he leaned on parodying his old jokes in a new style, not making new jokes in the old style
>Invader Zim fans are autistic
Did you only read the first 2 issues?
>fans are autistic
What happened between them?
He's just open about the fact that he never loved the character, and never intended for her to be a mainstay. It was frustrating that she got so popular.
zim has always been so randumb xD
even jhonen's other work, while def edgy, has always been extremely goofy nonsense
I honestly don’t get why she got popular. She always seemed to be another one-off villain.
Something I noticed about this special was that the gothy nature of the original show was all but absent from this show. The original was very dark and earthy in color tone, aside from occasional color pops. On top of that, most of the BG characters had gothy looks too.
I don't think it's a good or bad change, necessarily, just different. The bad thing is it's lost some of that personality. The good thing is that, because most of the BG characters look, more or less, normal, Dib stands out more in his gothy clothes. It makes him look more like an outsider in comparison
>I honestly don’t get why she got popular
People want to fuck the psycho bitch, not much to understand
Her voice and design were really great.
No they arent
IZ comic threads were comfy as fuck Now that all this attention is on it after the new special they won't be for quite a while though
She’s another Irken. The idea of another Irken as one of the main villains is pretty cool, but I get why Jhonen doesn’t care for her.
It's called growing up and maturing user. Jhonen Vaquez got out of his edgy goth phase years ago but some people in this thread are still in theirs sadly
Goth and emo are now novelties, user. A throwback to another time, another place.
I agree. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just saying I noticed.
Or maybe the edgy goth shit and darker setting was a thematic staple of Zim and something that made it stand out and maybe people are remarking about how it's completely absent? You sound like a child.
I thought Gaz fixed the ship in the Christmas episode...
The art was a little too clean, but other than that I enjoyed it a lot.
I hope we can see more Zim in the future.
>Pic Unrelated
Yeah it was pretty kino overall. I'm actually surprised how much it does stay true to the original show.
Visually, it stays relatively the same as it did with the original tv show albeit more fancy and cleaner. But the climax is where it gets pretty insane. To avoid spoiling anything major, just get a Netflix account watch the movie at you'll understand what I mean. There's even a god damn JoJo reference at the beginning. That's all I'll really spoil.
However one thing I will say is a negative was that the ending was kinda underwhelming. Also I feel as if they could've done a bit more than what they already did. Also I get why Clembrane was added, but his scenes just felt pretty unnecessary. But he becomes less annoying as the film goes on. He even gets a little bit of a redemption arc at the climax.
But overall I'd give it a solid 8/10 from me. If you're a big fan of the TV show and the character, I'm sure you'll get a kick out of it.
idk, it felt like it was trying too hard to be what invader zim was in the minds of people who half-remember it.
and there was too much in the way of exaggerated movements all the time when the majority of the movements in the original show were more "normal", and made the abnormal pop-out more.
>(IE someone taking off their backpack or coat and sitting down at a desk or a couch or whatever, maybe with rats or some dripping slime in the foreground)
this just felt like it was missing that sort of sarcastic misanthropy that defined the original series, that sort of late-1990's "cyberpunk"/"goth" mood that I guess was lightning in a bottle for the original show...
No Gods, Only Irk
the change I most noticed was to the composition/storyboards.
The only off parts to me were Zim and Dib's reunion and the Tallest reintroduction as they weren't as snappy as the old show or the rest of the special for that matter. It's where the uncanny Flash smoothness was most blatantly evident.
FELT like an episode of star vs or amphibia more than it FELT like original zim. I like current shows like that so it was ok whatever
>FELT like an episode of star vs or amphibia
Jhonen appearantly LOVES Tak. He just doesn't want to bring her back in fear he'll be using her for the wrong reasons.
I guess it's like that one guy who hoards all his best usable items in an RPG until the end of the game but never ends up using them.
Gir is still the best character right ? He got a few good laughs out of me.
>I ate a baby there
It's missing that gothic dystopian horror vibe. It has the random humor, but it just doesn't stick because it's missing it's key element that made it funny. Remember this shit? youtube.com
Nah I read it as it comes out. Idk, maybe the grander scale made enter the florpus fall flat for me
His donkey charge was peak Zim
different poster, but I think it was the color pallet, the animation-style (how characters moved), and the framing/"cinematography".
classic zim had more mundane things going off the rails, with a sense of decay or a sense of grossness to it all..
Wait, they're married?
getting pussy
That and his follow up “I tried my best” made me laugh out loud . That is indeed classic Zim but unfortunately some edgy fags in this thread will say it’s not
So its this the immortal hulk ?
They aren’t but when you’re with someone for over a decade the dynamic and commitment becomes pretty similar
Gir was perfect in this special
this is the case, I wonder if there's another series that might be fixed?
the one that made me laugh the most was during the tallest first scene, one of them is eating a bag of donuts, and when they are told that zim is sending a communication to them, he starts spewing coffee from his mouth in a spit-take, despite having no coffee at all
the film had lots of little moments that really hit, but I was surprised how much they changed Gaz's character, she was much less moody, and also less competent than before; in the past, it seemed like whenever she got serious about something that nothing could stop her, but in this she wasn't nearly as effective
>I was surprised how much they changed Gaz's character
Yeah, she's based more off her comics incarnation.
Holy shit these are actually the people I share this gay ass board with fucking lol
I feel like they didn't have time to go insane with the storyboards like in the original show.
The boards were outsourced to Korea too.
Go rewatch the series. Pretty much every episode has Zim giving zero fucks about human life. There was the genetic plague rats, the giant happiness screw in the kid's head, the flesh eating parasite, etc.
That one was pretty funny because of the "Casualties minimum" news reel bit. Gir was pretty on point, albeit a bit too competent. His only real fuckup was mixing the flame and peanuts button. But everything lacked a certain gruesome/shock/edge value to it that the original series had. Take Dib's restraints for example. If this were in the cartoon, he'd have had like actual hooks spreading his mouth in to a big smile while having his mouth/jaw kept forcefully closed with a restraint, with the audio overlay going as he lets out his muffled yelling. I get the guy grew out of the phase, but the dark undertones and humor were a core part of the series.
See It's lacking the dark elements that made the random humor stick. The dark humor is what kept it consistent, without it, you're basically family guy tier "throw everything and see if something is funny to someone" style that's hit or miss. At least with that aspirin example, the humor is with the horror music playing as the man has a seizure on the floor turning in to a cheery tune as it promotes ASPIRIN. And then Zim even remembers the commercial later and shouts "Uh...Mom? Dad? I think I broke my spine. MY SPINE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" to get his robo parents to take him home.
Who knows.
All fans are autistic, regardless of fandom.
Tak's voice is incredibly erotic. I want to fuck the ship.
>The boards were outsourced to Korea too.
that doesn't make sense though, why would they do that?
How would they do that?
I feel like I'm the only person who remembers that Dib erased Tak's personality and replaced it with his.
She's already averse to human asses. What makes you think she'd allow a bare penis anywhere near?
Is Tak a buttslut?
See this shit works together. A dark/shock value joke that gets referenced later in the episode to make it more than a one off. What doesn't work together? The ham narration joke. It's so easy to make that fit together. Just have Gaz shove the ham in Dib's face, then when he gets free, have him say something like, "Where did you even get that ham from? Why would you even carry that around? What's wrong with you?" and then at the end when she shouts if he still has the ham, he'd say, "WHY WOULD YOU THINK I'D JUST CARRY HAM AROUND?" and she'd say, "BECAUSE YOU'RE A WEIRDO!", followed by him attempting to come up with a retort, realizing he had nothing to say, then pulling out the ham and throwing it. Then Gaz would make a comment like, "See? Weirdo." with him saying, "You had it first, Gaz!" and then her just shrugging it off with an 'eh'.
She loves it. It's tsundere hatred.
And that episode proceeded to be about why that was a very bad and dangerous idea, so of course he reset it.
>No, this wasn't Classic Zim at all. This was a silly XD SO RANDUMB
I swear everyone complaining about the lack of edge hasn't seen an episode of Zim since it went off the air. It was always "XD SO RANDUMB"
There has never been a time that it wasn't "XD SO RANDUMB" and if that bothers you, fine you don't like it. But don't claim you liked the original when it's basically the same.
This is so cringeworthy I can't believe it's not pasta..
It's pasta now, I'm sure.
It's going to be the new pasta. I can feel it.
"We're running out of time!"
"You're ugly when you lie, Dib!"
"I'm not lying!"
"Then why are you ugly?"
This. It was always XD SO RANDUMB! Hell, it INVENTED it. Just now, it's a less grotesque version of it.
The comic is even more light-hearted and goofy once you get past the Jhonen issues and a huge chunk of the Jhonen issues were used for Florpus.
When you remove the elements that made it funny, you're left with nothing but lame jokes.
>Just now, it's a less grotesque version of it.
But that's what made it good you fool.
Eh? Sure, for the time, I agree. I've kind of grown out of it. Seems the show has grown with me. if you don't like it, I get it, but I like the zany, maniac humor without the cynical grossness.
>The ham narration joke.
Holy fuck this. This was painfully unfunny.
>When you remove the elements that made it funny
The parts that weren't funny made it funny? I don't agree. Besides it wasn't that much less edgy. You're acting like it was TV-MA and they made it TV-PG. When really we're talking about a minimal shift in tone.
Yo anyone got a link where I can watch this?
Dib now knows that the Irken Empire has absolutely no interest in Earth. Why would he do anything other than just stop Zim's stupid schemes?
>Go rewatch the series.
No U. Not every episode was Dark Harvest.
Zim Eats Waffles, Walk of Doom. Walk For Your Life. None of them were meaningfully darker than this special.
I thought so too. At least until all of the build up led to nothing. That was pretty funny. I think the narrator was a callback to the snowman from the X-Mas Special.
Invader Zim is the very show which spawned hordes of Hot Topic-wearing "le so randum" tweens and teens, the likes of which we have not seen in many years.
yeah I got you
I can't believe there are actually people who were only fans of Zim for the body horror.
>Not every episode was Dark Harvest.
This is so true. People forget that the show hit hard initially, and then softened quite a lot over it's run.
It's better to have the ship sitting around with a self loathing attitude rather than a deranged psychotic one.
>this is my first moose
>The ham narration joke. It's so easy to make that fit together. Just have Gaz shove the ham in Dib's face, then when he gets free, have him say something like, "Where did you even get that ham from? Why would you even carry that around? What's wrong with you?" and then at the end when she shouts if he still has the ham, he'd say, "WHY WOULD YOU THINK I'D JUST CARRY HAM AROUND?" and she'd say, "BECAUSE YOU'RE A WEIRDO!",
Holy shit, this is a terrible take AND terrible fan-fiction.
This backlash is just another example of internet nerds writing an episode in their head then being mad when the actual episode is different.
You'd be hard pressed to say it wasn't toned down though.
I'm pretty sure they added that joke just because test audiences were probably too retarded to remember where that ham came from
no but they had semi-significant aesthetic differences, as well as differences in terms of the scale involved
Yeah it is toned down, and I would honestly have liked it to be a little darker too. I just can't believe people genuinely think that it was RUINED by being ever so slightly less edgy.
>if dib hadn’t shown zim the peace bracelet, he would’ve had the whole thing in the bag with revealing zim to the world since he would’ve still been depressed
Good job fucking it up, big head
IZEtF felt like watching a 4-episode special, which is exactly what it needed to be. The characters still work, the humor still works, and the kid-friendly subversiveness survives intact. Whereas the Jungle Movie sought to give fans closure, this movie is telling us and Nick that the series should be revived.
The film wasn't bad it was just underwhelming and really couldn't hold a candle to the original series.
>Some characters are completely out of character, especially Gaz
>Other characters are Flanderdized beyond recognizability like Zim and Gir
>The overall tone of the film is far softer both visually and narratively. Characters are too emotionally consoling to each other and the soft color pallette looks weak compared to the more contrasting look of the original
>The story is very underwhelming and the pacing is rather bad. The film needed to be cut down or provided more worthwhile set pieces. The story focused too greatly on Dib and should had greater direct conflict between him and Zim.
>Animation was inconsistent with hand drawn scenes being uncomfortably melded with auto tweened trash.
Overall I'm actually really disappointed. And wish this film was more like Tak the Hideous New Girl and less like Mortos the soul stealer.
>Other characters are Flanderdized beyond recognizability like Zim and Gir
They are genuinely impossible to flanderize. This is nonsense. Gir was scaled BACK if anything.
Why does Gaz get one third of the dialogue??
Why is she super competent now??
god they really sjwfied this shit
>god they really sjwfied this shit
Gr8 b8 m8. I r8 8/8
Don't reply to it.
She was always like that
A lot of episodes had Gaz being way more competent than Dib. Remember the episode where Zim piloted a microscopic robot to destroy Dib's brain and Gaz ends up beating him thinking it's just some PvP game?
>telling us and Nick that the series should be revived
Nick had already been asking for a revival. Jhonen just went with a special because he was worried about too much work taking a toll on him. Apparently he really puts himself into working on Zim.
Dunno about Tak, but I certainly hope Tak's ship was recovered after the finale and brought back to Membrane's. Nice little cast there with the whole family, and I'll even tolerate Clembrane (though I'm sure in serialized format I'd get sick of him instantly)
>Growing up means you stop liking the way something looks like
Gaz has always been the most competent character when she cares about something.
Zim kidnapping her dad was just the right motivation.
Overall not bad. Really liked the finale where Membrane was trying to figure out the moose. I agree that tonally it wasn't as dark in art direction as the original series.
He reverted it in the comic series, and since Enter the Florpus takes much after the comics it makes sense to include Tak's persona.
So you'd rather have two self-loathing tweens with daddy issues alone with eachother in space? Not a chance. Besides, Dib likes it better this way.
>Zim Eats Waffles
He literally put a happiness screw in a child's brain, and was planning to unleash a flesh eating monster on the world (which ended up attacking him instead)
>Walk of Doom
Zim literally burns his retinas out and blinds himself.
>Walk For Your Life
I don't remember anything overly dark about that one.
But you're cherrypicking a handful of episodes. Almost every single one of them had some sort of shock value horror or dystopian themeing going on that contributed to the series. Dark Harvest was probably the goriest it got, but the Germs episode also had Zim covering himself in hamburger meat. Zim sells chocolate in that one episode by literally mind raping people with horrible visions of the "future" that can only be prevented by buying chocolate from him. He tries to fucking murder Dib as a baby in another, tries to harvest his organs in the pizza hog episode, etc.
The series was meant to be dark. Removing the dark/dystopian/grime from it makes it lose a part of what made it so great to begin with, and you end up with shit like Florpus which was clearly heavily censored and toned down. I know people are just pissed off because they finally got more Zim, but are too busy overlooking the fact that it's been neutered because they don't want to ruin the joy of finally getting more Zim. But you'll see. You'll all see. Once the new zim hype wears off and you decide to go back and rewatch the series and then rewatch florpus, you'll see that it's missing half of what made it great.
Sometimes it does.
It was actually because Nick won't give him the desired budget he requested and won't compromise for the revival.
Is the comic worth a read?
I remember liking the first issue when it was storytimed.
It's literally just the show but not animated
Professor Membrane was based as expected, but the most enjoyable thing was seeing Dib and Gaz flawlessly teaming up and having sibling interactions, like both spending the trip enjoying the same music (original series would've had Gaz seething silently and/or slapping Dib silly for his annoying song and dance)
Bless Johnen and his team for that, here and in the comics.
>you end up with shit like Florpus which was clearly heavily censored and toned down.
I don't think it was "censored." i just think Jhonen V's style has changed. it's been 2 decades, homie.
>Once the new zim hype wears off and you decide to go back and rewatch the series and then rewatch florpus, you'll see that it's missing half of what made it great.
I marathoned the series before watching Florpus, and while the change was initially jarring, I did still like it.
>it was another Zim episode
that's the problem.
I enjoy the comics but there's a crucial loss in the transition imo, and seeing this movie convinces me that it's the lack timing that you get in animated/moving format. The comicc and the movie have the same writing but the jokes land better in the latter I feel.
Also lack of VA delivery obviously.
>Son, you don't have to prove anything
>I'm always proud of you
I didn't ask for these feels
I never said I didn't like Florpus, I just said it wasn't Classic Zim.
That part where Dib and Membrane are falling to there deaths with Dib barely holding onto him when he says he wants his dad to believe him so he'll be proud of him. But Dib, i'm always proud of you. [drops him] I wasn't expecting those feels from Invader Zim.
Well, what's wrong with that.
So why could the kids befriend sharks and not Membrane?
Membrane was never intended to be their surname and Jhonen explained this at least once but I guess he changed his mind. Ah well. It works fine.
Its hilarious, I've actually seen people saying they wanted MORE Gir. *holdz up spork*
>wasn't expecting those feels from Invader Zim
Probably because it doesn't make any sense tonally in the Show. If this was old school Zim Membrane would have said the opposite of what he did in that scene.
And the special would have been weaker for it. There's an arc in the comics that makes fun of fans like you.
I don't understand people complaining about this joke, it was great.
see You would have ended up with something more along the lines of, "But that's to be expected, since this is all just a dream. In reality, you're such a disappointment."
Really? I thought it was such boilerplate writing that I was waiting for some kind of twist to it that never came. It was such a standard thing for a parent character to say.
What are you, a faggot?
>Gaz gets a personality change to be more friendly and progressive
>She the strong independent woman is the one to beat Zim in the actual confrontation
>ALL male characters are fucking braindead retards
Cringe. What the hell is this SJW shit
You know how kids (and well, grown ass people like us) love when a cartoon that was laughs and comedy suddenly gets a small pinch of seriousness? That's something i personally love done, hell i recall the fact Tak's ship brought some continuity to the Zim universe was something i loved when younger.
One could say it was Membrane being nice/more sincere since he was in a dream, but then that particular point would have been adressed.
The ideal rendition would have been a scathing comment before a "...but I'm still proud of you, son." to smack you at the end.
Wut? Membrane fucking loves his family in the show. He’s just absent a lot because of his work. Dib being his poor insane son doesn’t mean he doesn’t love him.
This one hits the nail on the head.
Honestly, it was pretty good. Not peak Zim but people tend to remember the best episodes. There were also episodes that were just okay, flawed but still entertainig overall.
This wasn’t a grand return, it was an alright return.
For me that’s good enough, I enjoyed it and I’m glad I got some more Zim. Some parts I didn’t think were funny, but also others hit well enough to make me laugh out loud which most comedies can’t do.
I think an average episode of Zim is still a pretty good time, though I understand people being upset it didn’t live up to their hype. I think a lot of people were expecting lasting consequences or a finale or something.
Shit. Fucked up the top panel
>Invader Zim fans complaining about a meat-related non-sequitur
This is how you spot posers.
It makes sense for him to be honest about his true feelings in a dream.
I think it was really sweet of him and was by far my favourite part of the movie.
>I think a lot of people were expecting lasting consequences or a finale or something.
Pretty much in my case, i wanted some closure.
>that scene where membrane is just completly destoying zims robot army while dib just hits the remains.
That was pretty adorable.
Why did they ruin Gaz's design?
>Her new outfit is just shit looking compared to her goth dress
>Her default eye position is open
>She the strong independent woman is the one to beat Zim in the actual confrontation
>ALL male characters are fucking braindead retards
Did you watch the original show? Gaz was always the most competent character.
It was less about the ham joke, more about the pause and narration.
You don't even get a (you) for bait that low in quality.
How was this show not a reminder that "edgy" shit gets nowhere on television? Especially kids' television, where anything darker than Scooby-Doo might as well be a snuff film.
Yup. You nailed it user.
I thought that was funny too, because it was absurd and added to the build up.
Gaz wasn't nearly as much of an ice-cold bitch as I remember her being.
Oh, and yeah, it's shit too. Both versions.
exactly, I wanted a finale cuz Zim is never coming back again.
Retards, the problem was the narrator, not Gaz throwing the ham at Zim.
Just because it's not a proper reply doesn't mean he doesn't get any less satisfaction from you replying to his dumbass bait.
Jhonen had no interest in making one
The narrator was the best part of the joke. Get some taste.
Nice bait
At the very least he can make 1 or 2 more specials
Jhonen is a bitch
>Hates working on the show
>Doesn’t fucking end the show
No, she wasn't Jhonen said that he was most excited for her when making the comics, because he never got to expand on her in the show.
>jhonen grew up from his emo goth phase
>in a relationship with some sjw artist for 10+ years
>current time
I mean, it was destined to happen
It was an unfunny waste of time. Gaz calling down lightning just to throw the ham at Zim actually got a chuckle out of me.
Let's hope he does.
I don't think he hates it so much as he was totally burned on it. it wasn't a great period in his life.
>jhonen grew up from his emo goth phase
I mean has he actually said this?
>some sjw artist
Is that what she is?
love how the assumption when people have been together longer than a couple years they must be married
Jesus, let it go, my dude.
No, but it's pretty obvious to anyone who has been following him
pick two
So who got turned trans in this one?
thanks the test audiences for that
Common law, if they live together
They live separately.
You did. Congrats on your bravery.
>Preparing to call the tallest
>"You see gir The-"
Go home Virooz.
Granted, I haven’t seen the show in quite a while, but this special didn’t seem that far removed from the overall humor of the show. As much shit I see people in these threads give this special and the Rocko one, both had some undeniably funny bits that you just don’t see that often from modern cartoons. Maybe they aren’t perfect but they’re goofy fun to say the least
What did Zim mean by this?
Sizz-Laura would be incredible waifu material ngl
I know you're shitposting but actually what happened to tak? Lot of potential to be a recurring character, I was certain the reason her ship was so happy to help them storm the space prison was because tak was being held there
>Johnen gave Mini Moose a dirty asshole
What did he mean by this?
I was upset about it at first but seeing it in motion was excellent
They didnt remove the distortion and unpleasantness they just changed how it was portrayed, all the pinkness was still very weird
She kinda died
Here are my only complaints
>Clembrane had too much screen time and got annoying
>Gaz was less cold and brutal
Everything else was fine
Can I get an F for my nigga Florence?
That's an OC, not Tak. Her pak isn't blue.
A lot of it felt really forced to me, like it was written by a different guy trying to imitate Jhonen
You mean Lawrence?
rewatch the original series
the humor was always forced
I loved it. The inevitable switch to digital animation made things look noticeably more clean and sterile but the animation highs and faithful writing were enough to distract me on the first watch. Wasn't terribly fond of Dib being the focus instead of Zim but I think it worked out for the most part.
Will we have to wait another 17 years for another special/finale or was this it? I'm grateful to just get this but a conclusion would be great.
Her ship is there, but Eric Trueheart hates her so don't expect her to come back soon.
"In Zim, the world has always been about people being completely distracted, oblivious, focusing on really minor, stupid little details while the world around them is literally decaying. Because the world of Zim is always this kind of monstrous infrastructure but squalid for some weird reason, and that’s definitely in the movie. I feel like the world is slightly less squalid, which, I don’t know, I think if I were to take another stab at it, I’d make it a little dirtier.
But, initially, in the original idea, no one knows that anything bad has happened. None of the humans, from beginning to end, pay any attention to anything that is happening. Literally, the world is dragging it out. And they’re just really happy with their phones, with their wrist watches in the movie. But, I didn’t want to go that way. It kind of like distracted from the core story of Dib with his dad, and Zim with the Tallest, and Zim and Dib just doing their thing. But yeah, kind of hard to miss some of that stuff. I’m saying that I’m trying to avoid being overt, but, it was pretty overt."
-Jhonen Vasquez
I laughed a few times so that's good enough for me. My favorite bit is probably CHICKEN RICE
If this was successful enough I wouldn't be surprised if netflix shelled out a bunch of money for a season
The OG series was animation in digital as well.
The movie was worse than bad, it was mediocre. Stuff like Korra or the finale season of Samurai Jack at least give people something to bitch about, and people still bitch about them years after they've ended. Meanwhile people will stop talking about Invader Zim by the end of this month.
They basically took a twenty minute episode and padded it out to an hour, then they took the edge and darkness of the original series and dulled it down to be closer to modern cartoons. Who's it meant to appeal to?
Is it wrong that I got a thing for Gaz?
Honestly, it's just growing pains. He's trying to bring an old property to his newer style of art and story telling. There is gonna be some weirdness. Still liked it, overall.
Just the coloring.
She's a cartoon character. It's fine.
Well now I just feel fucking retarded. There is definitely a change though. Is it the slight shift in artstyle? Or was the lack of visual grit a conscious choice?
Not if you're 12.
>liking food jokes
Fucking zoomers...
If more Zim, we'll like see the art similarly evolve like it did in the comics to a comparable state of wretchedness.
I'm starting to hate Justin Roiland as a VA more and more. Dude has no fucking range and can only do "Whiny child #193893". It's fucking terrible
Just because it's screamed.
yeah yeah this threads good and all but I WANT MY SLAW
Watch the original show, you fucking queers.
I've hated hearing him since Lemongrab. Cartoons haven't been great for me.
This was amazing, miles better than the Rocko abomination
Oh, now it's Abbot and fucking Costello.
Did when it aired, re-watched on YouTube a few years back. It's exactly the kind of show everyone I hate likes, is how I'd put it.
He's like the Seth Rogan of voice actors. Overstayed his welcome.
Then why are you here?
Zim as he usually is honestly. Nothing is different, but, the genuineness that Gaz and Professor Membrane has completely outshines Dib and Zim, making the main characters seem flat.
Honestly? I really always like it when Zim goes into something semi serious - you don't expect it, but it's always so interesting with the visual style and flair
How did they fuck that up so bad?
in all honesty I wouldn't mind a KC Green-directed/written Invader Zim.
he was the guest artist behind that, might make a nice director/storyboard-director
This reminds me of that "SOMEBODY PUT SHIT IN MY PANTS" comic
Was anyone else expecting the Peace song to just be the Doom song but with the word "Peace"?
They didn't, you're just a cookie-cutter /pol/tard.
No but Zim and Peridot should hold hands
I think the reason Yea Forums likes Peridot is because she was Zim lite, just without the organ harvesting and the like
Why does this "Eric Trueheart" hate Tak so much then?
And That's a Good Thing
because of the autistic fans
Every time someone asks about Tak, Eric Trueheart delays her appearance in the comic for a story.
No ones going to point out the official title of the movie is "Dib Membrane vs. Invader ZIM: Enter the Florpus"?
post your fanfic.net account
Everyone is trying and failing in these threads to write Zim dialogue better than Vasquez
Because I watched the special (taking special care to not give Netfucks any money), just to see what pseudo-edgy bullshit they can't get away with anymore.
Membrane has never been cruel or callous, just neglectful.
Him and Gaben probably hang out on the weekends.
The most "edgy" thing was that subtle comment Zim made, "GIR AVENGE YOUR ROBOTIC BROTHERS AND MARIA"
>in a relationship with this special’s art director
ugh no wonder he fawns over this style
Membrane has always loved his kids, just he's always been so busy
He said working on the show originally with Nick was awful and that he would NEVER work on Zim again.
THEN over a decade later has made comics and this special. People change and change their minds.
Peridot is basically Zim if he wasn't retarded and had empathy.
>assuming the robots' genders
how the fuck did they get away with it?!
What jojo reference?
Glad to hear this turned out well and you guys are enjoying it
Please go back to your Stonetoss thread.
he's probably right about working with nick being terrible.
just from the way other showrunners have described it
>if he wasn't retarded
not sure about that
Thank you for proving my point.
Yeah the criticisms are from people that built Zim up in their heads as something other than what it was. I watched the pilot last night immediately after Florpus and the humor is nearly identical.
>Anyone who doesn't like Static Cling is a /pol/tard
Come on, you're better than this.
Honestly really loved it. I felt 12 again.
Surprised Yea Forums had a mixed reaction, but you guys are fucking stupid so it checks out.
>I'm 12 years old!
That entire sequence in the beginning
I don't get the change in gaz's design from purple skull to blue invader gamer shirt.
Seems a bit petty for a grown up man working with children's cartoons.
Oh, lovely. The other show enjoyed exclusively by people I hate.
jojo really rots the brain, huh?
It was terrible, all of it was bad. It can never live up to the original series because the entire thing is a cynical cash grab with poorly written social commentary.
Jhonen is old as fuck and out of touch.
She's no longer a goth. She's just a gamer.
Not very comfortable at the reveal that one of the tallest is trans
It was 100% in the spirit of the original show in a way Florpus and TJM weren't, and the absolute only thing anyone would be fucking weeping about online would be the trans frog.
I really thought he'd be a (Snake) Beast Man in disguise as the show went on
>The movie was worse than bad, it was mediocre.
Literal worst opinion I've ever heard. Mediocre is by definition better than bad and "having something to bitch about" isn't in any way a positive.
I have to assume all the people posting "mediocre" with nothing else to say are all the same autism user.
>social commentary
of what?
>no forced trannies or politics
of course Yea Forums hates it
It matched the original show perfectly. The only complaints I've seen were regarding the tranny.
He's fine. Are you still mad because of muh sauce
>It was terrible
>It can never live up to the original
You just said it did.
I thought Static Cling was better than TJM, but Florpus is better than both.
Shes so cute.
Try rewatching the first 10 minutes and come back, the anti-white sentiment is appalling.
I do agree.
If they gave Gaz blue eyes like in the pilot, would you like it?
Oh definitely, they hated him and he hated them and half the decisions Vasquez made were to piss them off.
>no forced trannies or politics
People think any tranny in any media is "forced." There is no organic way to add them, unless it's to make fun of them or pity them.
it was flash this time
I miss her old clothes
Go away recap kid
Infamy is better than being forgettable.
This is probably the purest 2000s aesthetic
>based bossposter
Still cute.
this is your brain on /pol/
With the characters he voices, I think he's used to it.
the change message was too heavy handed and they even made rocko a strawman at the end
Checked. Also stop replying to him.
>infamy is better than being forgettable
I GUESS you could argue that on a personal level, but you'd have to be totally braindead to prefer an infamously shitty Zim return to the extended zim episode we got.
What exactly did Nickeldeon think would happen if they asked a guy who primarily drew comics about murder to make a kids' show?
I would also be mad if they added Dil Pickles to my revival show
That wasnt jojo at all what are you talking about? Was it the style? I guess it kinda looks like anime but it's more comic book-y
I think Superjail was technically flash too, from the "making of"/"behind the scenes" videos it looked liked they were working in flash/Animate.
The old Zim thread that died
The messages in Rocko were ALWAYS heavy handed. That's part of what made it fun.
You're right that mediocre is objectively better than bad, but movies can be so bad that they're enjoyable, and if you're rating movies on how much fun you had watching them, a bad movie can be "better" than a mediocre movie.
I thought that the special was pretty solid. All of the characters seemed as they were in the series except for maybe Gaz. She was way too involved and had a bit too much dialogue.
I do agree that they've removed the "horror" aspect of the show for the most part. But people are just going to have to realize that most of the world has moved on from the goth and edgy phase. Unfortunately
One of the nick execs read Squee and thought that Jhonen could make a good kids show. Like that ONE exec knew the kind of thing he was probably going to make but the greater Nick hivemind hated the weird dirty misanthropic show they got.
buff characters are jojo
gay characters are jojo
characters having dialogue is jojo
The funniest scene was when Dib pointed to that Alien Bee.
I think the reason people think it's a JoJo reference is the combination of the high black collar and "My name is ___ I am ___ years old"
Then they tried to cancel it as a write-off, only for merch sales to take off like a fucking rocket. Canceling Zim was a major fuck up.
those artstyle changes (including, of course, calarts) during the Florpus scene were kino
Wasn't the actual reason the show was cancelled because they accidentally ordered CGI walnuts for Room with a Moose and it tanked the budget?
The show as a whole was more expensive to make than most, and Jhonen had a bad relationship with Nick and SOME parents wanted it pulled.
I felt it was a great representation of the series given how long it's been since it stopped airing. Gaz felt off for sure, but pretty much everyone else was about what I'd expect.
Let's see a mediocre movie with no rewatch value that people will stop talking about after a month or a shitty movie that people will talk about forever, which do you think is better for a franchise?
That's the rumor, but the show had a ton of CG elements.
>No, this wasn't Classic Zim at all.
I agree. It wasn't exactly like the Invader Zim I remember but I still enjoyed it for what it was. And Classic Zim wasn't ENTIRELY edgy. There was a hand full of "lol so randumb" moments sprinkled throughout the show.
Low ratings + Controversy
>Tak's ship
>The prisoners getting fried
>Peanuts button
>Dib's big ass head on TV
>the alternate realities
>all of Membrane
I had a great time
I've heard it's because it was popular with kids 12 to 17 and they wanted it to be popular with smaller children
>There was a hand full of "lol so randumb" moments sprinkled throughout the show.
A handful? It was GIR's entire character.
What's your favorite Invader Zim episode from the old series and why?
I've always been a fan of Backseat Drivers. Anything where there's some interaction and intersection between the Irken Armada and the Earth plotline always has my attention
Recycling is a lot more innocuous then turning your penis inside out being normal
Mega where?
>less competent than before
She did BTFO anything that came in here way piloting Tak's ship. I miss Tak.
>What's your favorite Invader Zim episode from the old series and why?
Zim eats waffles.
I like anti-humor a lot.
The hypothetical mediocre move with no rewatch value is absolutely a million times better for a franchise. That's why there was no second Avatar movie by M. Knight Shyamalan
Also Florpus was good and I guarantee you fans of Zim are going to watch it more than once
This, on top of execs and Jhonen having a ton of animosity. 9/11 didn't help either. The show didn't become a darling with disaffected tweens until most of the way through the second season, and merch began flying off of Hot Topic shelves. By then it was too late.
I think they didn’t really give a shit and just wanted to churn a thing out for an easy payday
frogs can change sex at will
Bolognius Maximus
It was funny AND creepy
No, that's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac/Squee.
Walk of Doom and Zim Eats Waffles were a favorite of mine as a kid. Haven't rewatched in a while so I'm not sure what it would be NOW.
We got an Invader Zim movie in 2019, thats all that matters.
Theres plenty of classic Zim to rewatch to your hearts content.
I guess that's similar to the Kira quote but that's really a stretch either way. Wish the show didn't get as popular as it did because it brings in a ton of meme spouters and shit like that but if we get a DBFZ like game out of it then I'm all for it
>Deep down, i'm bologna?
JTHM and Squee weren't widely popular. Zim was why there were "holds up spork" girls in every highschool.
>Theres plenty of classic Zim
You're ugly when you lie, user!
The Rocko was hardly an abomination. It was really just boring and forgettable and that’s about it.
>the irken fleet forcibly penetrate a planet with their giant dick-shaped carrier after forcing a hole innit
>their leaders are mentally unable to do anything but go "straight"
It's kinda interesting that they sorta refined the weaker parts of the original show: Gir's lolrandumbness and action sequences but in return lost a bit on the show's strengths: comedic timing and grittiness
The one where Zim harvests everyone's organs
Most JTHM fans learned about ti through Zim.
I agree that it likely wasn't a JoJo reference.
That wasn't my point, in general it was way too direct and not funny.
This stuff had a charm to it, the charm in Rocko's movie was just that it was Rocko, not anything it really did.
Yea Forums likes Peridot because they want to fuck Zim but they don’t want to be gay about it.
>The hypothetical mediocre move with no rewatch value is absolutely a million times better for a franchise.
It's true. Avatar by M. Night Shamalamadingdong was mostly forgotten, or remembered horribly. Compare that to Avatar by James Cameron, which was, by all accounts but visual, pretty mediocre.. Yet, now it's getting more movies, and it has a theme park tie in.
Zim Eats Waffles and Backseat Drivers fBtS
I just love the pure stupidity of ZEW and am a huge sucker for Red and Purple
If you were a creator and someone asked you about a secondary character you were indifferent about constantly you would grow tired of it.
What did you think about the Red and Purple in Florpus?
So like Rebecca Sugar with Jasper?
They were close to the best part
>walking his fat ass out the door
>chicken and rice
>the charge
He was great
>Yet, now it's getting more movies
because cameron wanted, not because there was a demand
as for the park, it's because disney was making it before they bought star wars
I just saw it pretty good. Upper mid tier episode of zim. Which is better then what I can say for alot of "revivals". I dont really like the way the show looks now. Its not offensive but definitely not as good looking as before. Every time the tallest were on screen I was so happy. Though as soon as I saw that pause to narrate the ham I knew it was either gonna be among the funniest jokes told on the show or terrible. It was the latter. Still really good 8/10.
These puppets looked pretty well-made, honestly.
>idk, it felt like it was trying too hard to be what invader zim was in the minds of people who half-remember it.
If that was the case it would have more shock kid-friendly gore, because people tend to remember that just as much as the lolrandom stuff.
This movie was basically Zim with a slightly less pessimistic outlook, they could have made this movie back when the show was airing and all that would really change would have been that the Florpus wouldn't change animation styles, it would do something gross instead like turn everyone inside out. Past that you'd see Membrane and Gaz closer to their original selves, because they have shifted slightly, and that'd be about all that would be different.
Because he's Invader Zim's Gene Yang.
>can't stop talking about it
She likes it
Gaz has always been competent, she just doesn't give a shit because she knows Zim has the same intelligence as a Yea Forums poster, she even expresses mundane surprise when his scheme actually endangers the world for once.
Doesn't surprise me. Jhonen's love for puppets carries into everything he does.
GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff
I find Duty GIR more funny than regular GIR.
Exactly my point. Despite there being no demand, they're gonna go ahead with it because it was good enough, and made money. If it had bombed, they never would have done any of that.
user, you don't think a genius scientist--that incinerates robots just because he didn't remember hiring them--that practically commands the entire planet to hold hands as a power source isn't dark? Shit, Zim took out an entire city block's power just to track the armada's trajectory. People die when you do that shit, like that one time irl where some retard racked up vidya bill so huge his power cut out but his mom was on life support so she died. I think he sued or something.
Bitch, if people got super interested about a certain aspect of my product, I would take plenty of interest figuring out why they like it and mostly cooking up a good strategy of utilizing and monetizing it. Naturally, this doesn't mean I would jump like an idiot into devaluating it by excess supply, but you know, give a bit of a taste once in a while. Even if the end users were obnoxious twats, I'd still remind myself that they too are people and stuff. Maybe slap them down a notch but still be polite, professional and have a plan to kill them all... with my superior offers!
Attack of the Saucer Morons is objectively the funniest episode of the series due to its incredible pacing, layered humour, and how quotable it is. It's simply perfect.
However, I've always been a fan of "straight man" Zim episodes like Abducted, Plague of Babies, and FBI Warning of Doom. Not only do they give Zim rare opportunities to come out on top, but they also build upon the universe, showing that the diminutive Irken might not be the most dangerous thing in the universe
post the dogs
I have only seen three episodes of SU so I cannot say.
Out of curiosity, how many of you are girls who wore Gir hoodies to school?
Congratulations, you're the reason I hate my generation.
the planet got trans-ported
Gameslave 2 and Mysterious Mysteries are my fave.
There was never anyone like this at my school. I'd have done anything for a Zim fan gf. I still would.
Pessimistic cunt. Let people enjoy things.
Gaz and Membrane act more like the comics than they did the original show, but Gir is almost identical to his old self and Zim's only real change is whipping out correct catchphrases/terms more often.
Everything in this movie was great. Zim and Dib yelling at each other got me.
those people were few and far between honestly cut them some slack, I'm sure you liked some shit stuff when you were younger
Gaz was literally the most competent character in the entire original series, the only real competition was Tak.
Her having more dialogue and being less rude is a change, but I figure that's down to her being extremely popular and bringing the series back means fanservice for the characters that were most popular.
>. If it had bombed, they never would have done any of that.
you say that like it's a good thing, I would prefer there to be nothing more of James Cameron's Avatar... because it's annoying knowing that it's coming but not knowing anything more about what's going on with it.
honestly I wish I had been nicer to those girls and gotten laid in highschool.
it was stupid of me to be so fucking "serious" and cynical all the time back then
This coming from someone who posts on Yea Forums
>that dancing Gir
Remember this fucking gif?
I never owned a single piece of Invader Zim merchandise and even got embarrassed watching the show. I had an older sister who made me feel extreme shame about liking cartoons as early as 8 so I had to hide my love for them. Had the remote in hand ready to change to next channel up instantly when someone walked in the door. My parents always wondered why a little girl was always watching M*A*S*H.
I prefer this dance.
Zim was ALWAYS SJW shit, the only very competent characters period were Gaz and Tak, both females.
>le wrong generation
sup reddit
I think they were slightly dumbed down in it, the reason I fell in love with them was because they were childish and gluttonous but still competent and intelligent where they needed to be.
Just blowing up Earth instead of changing flight paths definitely feels like them, but I wasn't a fan of how they paid no attention to the florpus. Even if they sometimes come off as incompetent, they still know when to take action without losing their comedic charm, like in one of my aformentioned favorite episodes, BSDfBtS, Red took action and ran a diagnostic while still ordering others to save the snacks.
Besides that, though, I still heavily enjoyed seeing them again, and wish they did a bit more with them.
Your sister's a cunt
My only complaint about them ONLY COMPLAINT. Was that after the Earth disappeared they should had celebrated, looked out the window, and panicked while flying in.
28 episodes is fine, now that the public has been made aware of Zim again look forward to more fan stuff to go trough as well.
As horrible as it might be.
Having competent female characters is not "SJW shit."
Doesnt help that every scene with the tallest has fucking family guy animation budget and they basically dont move at all
So your argument is it would have been better for Florpus to be shockingly horrible because that would have meant that we don't get any more Invader Zim, which is somehow better for the franchise?
Franchises being canceled because they are terrible is not "good for them"
I want more Zim after this. Jhonen still got it
This woulda been done much much better, they coulda made it so the Earth "covered" the Florpus
Gameslave 2 or Dark Harvest
The special still has that Nick grade shit which I think Jhonen did on pupose. Pic related. The YAY they did after they got incinerated.
Dib transitioned into a chair then back again. Does that count?
You mean negative.
Pessimism is about expecting things to go wrong. Doesn't define personal attitude towards it, though. You could go "oh no", while a cynic would go "whatever, not my problem". Negative person is someone who observes a phenomenon and tends to shift towards negative response even when the meaning of it is largely subjective.
What I want most is for the scripted eps to be fully produced.
I want The Trial.
*slurp* oh god a girl.. one that likes cartoons. Oh my. Do you mind of I.. *SNIIIIIIIFFFF*
Oh fuck ya its gamer time
Avatar made 2.79 billion dollars you utter fucking retard. The only movies that are in the same ballpark are Endgame, Titanic and Gone With The Wind. How mentally deficient do you have to be to talk about it like it's some kind of generic summer blockbuster? It's a one in a million box office smash hit, calling it 'mediocre' is like calling China's economy 'average'.
very nice
Artists aren't stuck with 1 thing only, they can find new strengths in unfamiliar territory. Ed Edd and Eddy was made by someone who ONLY made adult cartoons, he made Ed Edd and Eddy as a dare and it ended up being Cartoon Network's longest lasting show ever, with a 10/10 "essence of the show" movie to cap it off, compared to Zim's 8/10 "essence of the show" movie. If CN never took the risk of hiring someone known just for adult shit, they'd be very different today. Hell, look at Nickelodeon, who made Loud House which was literally based off of an incest comic, not just made by someone that makes them, but it's essentially an adaptation of an incest comic that just species swapped the cast from rabbit to human, keeping the "one son with a ton of sisters" plot that came with the "fucks like rabbits" trope and going human from there.
....what? Is there a source on that, because it sounds fucking insane.
The leaders are both male and, as said, are both competent, even if they are silly.
Dib is competent, just gets fucked over a lot.
Prof. Membrane is a world renowned fucking scientist
I thought him being part vampire bee would come into play
this too.
my boys deserved better
>"I just wish you would believe me"
>"Ah, Dib. Wishing isn't very scientific either."
Drawfags if you’re there can you please draw user cuddling Zim while he tries to escape like a feral animal?
yes it is women belong barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen nowhere else
CGI walnuts causing them to go over budget is correct but I don’t think it’s why the show got canceled.
Chris Savino really, really, really, really likes incest, huh
Super unsurprising
I really liked all the different aliens
bro if they make more Zim, I want there to be a throwaway line about "walnuts being so expensive nowadays" or something like that
Working MEGA when?
Go to a pot dispensary, they all probably work in one of those.
You can enjoy shoving live tuna up your dickhole, for all I care.
Wow, never heard that before. You must be one of the comedic geniuses who worked on this show.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was millennials who were AMV-producing "rawr" girls who put gay fanart of Zim and Dib in a slideshow to Fall Out Boy, on a YouTube account with alternating upper and lowercase X's on either end of the username.
>The leaders are both male and, as said, are both competent, even if they are silly.
Yeah, bullshit. They literally cannot comprehend that getting sucked into the Florpus is a good idea, they demand to only go in a straight line and cannot understand the concept of consequences or decide to do anything important. They are literally the definition of incompetence, if anything you should be calling the flight navigators competent, but even they are incompetent in that they don't secretly change course or do anything clever to save themselves.
>Dib is competent, just gets fucked over a lot.
Dib is not competent, he is AWARE. He is AWARE of what he sees, and more competent than average, but not actually competent. He sits in his room all day literally glued to the chair until he sees Zim, unable to understand he should be keeping his health in line. He makes horrible decisions in the name of gaining his father's respect, and even though he is AWARE that Zim is an evil alien he is incompetent enough to fully trust Zim, for example instead of keeping Zim in cuffs and going with his dream-plan of showing him off in a test tube, he partners with Zim and gives Zim the motivation, alone time, and resources required to fully fuck himself over. He isn't the one to trick Tak's ship, Gaz is, and he isn't the one that goes along with the fake Dad to play it cool, Gaz is. He's AWARE of things but INCOMPETENT enough to not optimally achieve his goals despite trying his hardest.
>Prof. Membrane is a world renowned fucking scientist
Smart and competent do not mean the same thing. Membrane cannot tell dreams from reality and assumes he must be dreaming. Membrane is less aware than Dib is, and ignores blatant evidence that a competent person would at least consider. Membrane trusts sharks enough to let them bite his arms off.
None of them are near the competence levels of Gaz or Tak.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was millennials who were AMV-producing "rawr" girls who put gay fanart of Zim and Dib in a slideshow to Fall Out Boy, on a YouTube account with alternating upper and lowercase X's on either end of the username
If you’re definition of millennial is someone born before 1995 then yes it would be millennial girls doing that.
This is actually pretty amusing. Is there a collection somewhere?
Does anyone remember that episode of Zim throwing rubber piggies in a time traveling replacement portal device, tried to make Dib die, but Prof Membrane was able to build a huge mech robotic machine to help bring him back to life. The more Zim tried to throw the pigs once Dib became alive again, more deadly weapons were added to it.
did we know this already? cause that fucking blew my mind
A quick google search gives me this small collection, there could be more
Yeah they are funny, shame the Loud House doesn't try to do anything similar but less obvious to get past censors.
this is angering me
it was one of the best episodes, so yes
>I'm willing to bet that Zim will never, ever...
Why are you so negative?
Man that animation at 12:18
The Tallest were in the original show
How the fuck is Tak competent?
You realize she was defeated, right?
Zim getting abducted by the dumb aliens
Was good seeing aliens dumber than zim
This one is in the comments just to show how far into production the show got before swapping to human
Also the vampire bee having orange soda on its teeth instead of blood
We did
Tak had the Frank Grimes problem. Being capable in a deranged universe is setting one's self up for defeat.
You think him and that mangaka for Oreimo/Eromanga Sensei would be best friends over something like this?
I thought that was just honey.
Is there a Mega available?
>does anyone remember...
Aside from a few popping in I guarantee you all the anons in this thread have seen every episode at least three times.
>it felt like it was trying too hard to be what invader zim was in the minds of people who half-remember it.
That's exactly what the comics have been too.
There's no ambitious sense of "this is our one chance to make something great, so let's get as creative and unpredictable as we can." And as pointed out, no fantastic groundbreaking boardwork.
It's just a silly fun adventure that you could do with pretty much any characters, but it cashes in on the now-old franchise of Zim because that's the smart business decision.
For those claiming it wasn't edgy, keep in mind Vasquez made this for Nickelodeon before tehy cancelled it and Netflix just picked it up
Nigga whats wrong with you
>their giant dick-shaped carrier
>forcing a hole innit
I wish I could see the same things as you.
i liked the girl jumping the volcano over the stupid song
they should have cut it before she makes it so we assume she just killed herself
did you fucking WATCH the episode about Tak? She does everything Zim thinks he can do. She makes an actual flawless human disguise, knows how to blend in correctly, knows how to make a functional plan to take over a planet and doesn't fucking forget the steps later. Being competent doesn't mean you always win, it means when you lose to someone incompetent it's funny. GIR has beaten characters before while being the literal no-brain symbol of incompetence. The only thing keeping her from taking over planets is pure luck, for example Zim fucking her over in the past and present.
Then the ring wouldn't work, bro
>put playback on 1.25 speed
>it's actually better
i miss the dib ship
why the hell did it get retconned?
They wanted Tak to return, at least in spirit.
I just read a brief summary of the movie and the Tallest get btfo by driving into a hellgate? Why didn't they just turn around?
Wasn't Zim's name changed to Jim for the Japanese audience?
I wonder how this scene played out in the Japanese dub
They literally didn't want to
JTHM was mostly pages and pages of wordy ass rants more than anything.
they could try again without the dead kids
also it would suggest it, they dont nessesary die but we can guess they do
>"straight man" Zim episodes
It was awesome seeing Zim dealing with interesting situations like in your examples, especially since those eps showed multiple sides of his personality instead of just making him a one-note bumbling idiot.
Yeah but it had Squee in them if I remember correctly.
Did this thing even got dubs?
I actually lived in Japan for a bit cuz my mum is Jap and Zim was the only popular American property there alongside Spider-Man/X-Men
Yeah, I saw it on spanish
Why don't the Tallest just kill Zim if they hate him so bad? Hes fucked them over multiple times now.
I just noticed that Purple Tallest doesn't even have coffee yet does a coffee spit take.
If it was any other show I would have said it was an animation error
Pedantic cunt
that would require effort
Latino? then why the fuck did i saw it in english, nothing against the english dub, but i saw Zim in Latin spanish way back then and it was my childhood
They address it in the movie. There's a guy at the control panel that wants to go around it but they keep mocking him for being too negative. Tallest have a thing about the whole armada only going in a straight line
t. cope
>Zim was the only popular American property
Lies they loved PPG enough to make an anime out of it and used to go nuts for South Park.
I want to cum in an Irken.
True but I think Zim is enjoyed by the animators more in Japan than their populace. See Panty & Stocking.
Making Gaz and Tak the competent snarky characters comes less from a political message and more from Jhonen not being very good or creative with female characters.
Every beta male who doesn't know much about women just writes them as aloof and emotionally distant because that's how they act around him.
Isn't Spongebob popular, too?
the only weird thing about the latino dub is that one of the tallest was just dib's VA again
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was millennials who were AMV-producing "rawr" girls who put gay fanart of Zim and Dib in a slideshow to Fall Out Boy, on a YouTube account with alternating upper and lowercase X's on either end of the username.
They legitimately briefly forget he's alive for lengthy periods of time. This movie kinda shows that if given the chance and low enough barriers to it they will go for it, but otherwise it's just too much of a bother.
They would have done it in The Trial, but we soon find out that his data-mind in Control Brains is like a virus to them, not even deleting it was possible.
Sending him to other deadly planets with false promises of rewards shows his ego and ignorance protect him from meeting death.
Sending a package of malfunctioning SIR units didn't go as planned since they never thought someone in the delivery line planet they control purposely switch labels out of spite.
Also the whole 'Why don't you just shoot him?' trope.
>started autoplaying in finnish dub
Quite horrifying. Also earlier saw the trailer in arabic or something.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think it was millennials who were AMV-producing "rawr" girls who put gay fanart of Zim and Dib in a slideshow to Fall Out Boy, on a YouTube account with alternating upper and lowercase X's on either end of the username.
It was absolutely millennials.
didn't even have the balls to change the status quo for a movie
way to go
This is all i wanted
holy fuck
Irken Zim x Irken Gaz Romance art when?
Fresh Bread
Zim isn't just incompetent.
Zim is defective, he's so defective that he can't even be connected to the Control Brains without making them defective.
Zim is the sum of all defective Irkens living in one body.
now how on earth would she have blue eyes
it was safe and boring.
>so many boring generic-as-hell shots of characters standing still and talking
>so fucking many bean mouths
>all those bright garish candy colors like something out of TTG
I knew the animation would take a downgrade but goddamn this is ugly.
Were you expecting a huge change to the status quo? Because I genuinely don't understand why anyone expected that.
millennial here. It was absolutely our generation behind that shit and I'd go back in an instant if it meant getting out of the current timeline
Are you implying they should have revived the series just to change shit completely? This is essentially a long episode of Invader Zim, which is exactly what it should have been. There's potential for a revival because of this, if they changed it that wouldn't happen.
>It's too different!
To the left of me
>It's too similar!
To the right
Here I am
same user here You know, going back, I kind of hate their portrayal more and more, I don't like that they're almost... stupid now. They're immature and goofy, but they're still at least moderately intelligent, intelligent enough to take the threat of the florpus seriously.
Not to mention the animation quality drops in their scenes.
I just hope that if IZ continues, they don't do my boys this dirty again.
I'm still optimistic, though.
Hopefully Jhonen will get his footing after this, it has been awhile, after all.
It was interesting to see them in different clothes. I guess this means Jhonen has dumped the robot bodies idea.
Alright I'm going to admit my retardation here. Yeah, Tak is definitely competent.
The lack of sleep from staying up all night to watch this special is getting to me
The Ship was operable she just fucking hates Dib
He debuted in JTHM and then got a spin off. Can't remember what he did in the JTHM debut though.
It's good and I like it.
Got freaked out by Nny a lot.
Aw, dude, the different clothes were really neat.
I wonder if this is set before The Trial (if that episode is actually the tiniest bit canon), considering Zim still thinks he can connect to the Control Brains
For reason I thought it was gonna be like a huge plot event. or the series finale.
It was basically just one long episode, and a great one at that. Im not annoyed but I really want more now though
this was really fucking great, rocko was such a letdown with a forced message
>"""the way something looks like"""
>revive lolsorandom cartoon from the dead nearly 20 years later
>being surprised that it's kinda different
>social commentary.
Im just here to laugh at you.
> Big fan of the series when it originally aired. > Was pessimistic all this time ever since they announced it.
> Almost fell for Yea Forums's bitchfaggotry saying it was bad.
> Actually watch the movie,
Hell yeah, dude.
had to toss gender in there huh
Would you say that if she had said "little boy"?
You're reaching
i hate dialogue like this
women do it to put out a difference, like when we had a huge infestation of them purposefully changing phrases with male oriented focus like come on dude or my man
I mean, the internet is pretty male-centric. Most people assume anyone else the meet is a guy unless they say so.
Yes, and they go out of their way to note the difference because such a pointless assumption that likely would go unspoken bothers them. Like when referring to an user saying "he posted that" but they respond saying they're a she. That's cancer.
>When Men mention their sex it it's being normal
>When women do, it's pointing out that they are female
Literally all she did was say she was a little girl. You're projecting.
Keep pretending.
It's unlikeable and obnoxious behavior. Do you seriously not see any issue with those who say "actually I'm a girl" just because they used the general he or him in reference to an user? It's fucking annoying and Yea Forums is one of the worsts for it.
It legitimately doesn't bother me. Not as much as you bitching about it, anyway. Calm your tits, and go outside once in a while.
The Trial seems like a series finale. Zim defeating the Tallest and becoming to the new ruler (or dying) feels like there's nothing else to do.