Why are ninjas so gay?
Why are ninjas so gay?
>show near it's end
>cue the lesbians
Literally clockwork at this point
That's the thing - ninjas are so good at disguise one and/or both of them are actually men.
>Naruto wants to fuck Sasuke so bad
>Madara was so gay about Hashirama that he actually made a Hashirama's face tatto on his chest
>and now Enid
Ninjas are doomed to Gay Baby Jail
they've got nothing to lose I suppose
It wasn't supposed to end at this point, though.
Cuz it’s hot.
to be fair she's also a mime witch rabbit vampire werewolf rabbit lady so who the fuck knows.
dont watch this show but didnt enid like the blue bug guy.
they can't cancel your show if it's already over
She's actually bi. Don't tell Yea Forums.
well at least this time
1) it wasn't literally in the final episode
2) one of the characters being lgbt was already a preestablished thing (Enid's been seen a few times with this one Bi pride symbol)
wait, wasnt Red hand a cannon?
>a mime witch rabbit vampire werewolf rabbit lady
Oh great, now its considered monster fucking, furry fucking,clown fucking, weeb fucking AND dyke fucking if i want to fuck Enid
life sucks
There was an episode about platonic friendships regarding those two.
This is what we’re showing our children
>tfw you realize they can only do fisting
No she's not.
Again, she only real attractive for a females.
making threesomes is a thing
after all lesbians need to jerk with dicks anyway
>creator states she's bi
>outright includes a bi pride symbol in the show
>shows her distracted by a hot dude at one point
> our children
Yes it's beautiful.
be a parent then bitch cakes, god knows how many anons on Yea Forums got away with watching adultswim because there parents didn't pay attention.
you made a habit out of this?
oh ok i have no problem with bisexuals just hate the surprise lgbt reveal like with korra. At Least this one wasn't an asspull.
It's less of a surprise pull and more of a slow burn.
Plus, you got like a few eps left and, let's be real, Enid wasn't subtle with her crush on Red.
Its always lesbians, animators seem to hate gay men
Children's cartoons are infected with cancer
>animators seem to hate gay men
we watching the same show?
Anyone got the dancing KO gif?
Mega when
I got something even better
Story wise, she seems to like women more.
Based 12 Forever breaking the trend.
Yellow technique > Wilhamena > Punching Judy > Dynamite Watkins > Black strategy > Shanon > Cosma > Enid > Carol > Miss Quantum > Drupe > Koala Princess > Elodie > Sunshine > Demon Queenie > Ms. Mummy > Fink > Dendy > Miss pastel > Punching Trudy > Blue Power > Foxtail > Rippy Roo > Nanini > Green Guts
well yeah, but that doesn't invalidate the times she's shown attracted to men
Bisexuals who prefer one gender are still bisexuals
but she is a dyke so it cancels out
thou they made the gay saints
Didn't she have a thing for Rad until he was a jerk to her?
Leglets ruin everything. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T SKIP LEG DAY
Are you saying monster fucking is a bad thing?
Does this mean Mao Mao is gay?!!
user everyone is gay to some extent, even you
>i have no problem with bisexuals
Well I do. Pick one and stick to it. Goddamn sluts.
No because gay male characters in children's cartoons can't exist, only lesbians
I don't know, rad feels like a experiment than a love interest
Women are lesbians when they're bi.
They're only ever going to be in a relationship with a woman if they're supposed to be bi in fiction, as a result a bi character is never any different from a lesbian in media.
>They happen to the end like they always do because it's seen as a way to resolve a character
>But one of the relationships is lesbian
again we watching the same show?
Reminder that this gay pandering shit is only in Cartoon Network and Nick.
Disney XD remains based
Did you forget about Star vs.?
Gotta say that episode was really well done
nigga you what, where not here for the meltdown over jackie or some shit? that was far more half assed and tact on though.
Until they decide to make Elsa a lesbian for the sake of its rabid lesbo fans. Say goodbye to Amphibia and Owlhouse's decent part of the community when it happens.
This is my major gripe with bi characters: they're effectively gay. Once a character is revealed to like the same sex, they will pretty much be destined to care far more about that sex. It's part of this whole "bi is not gay enough" mentality.
People are idiots. What's new?
Yeah, sure.
Let's forget that both Boxman and Venomous are bisexual men and that these two gay bros don't exist.
I’m talking about main characters. The show literally stopped caring about Jackie at that point, and we never see her after that episode.
Ah yes, because having the one and only female main character be a dyke is so subtle. Why are you seething so hard anyways you roastie faggot? fagpride people literally openly admit they want to put queer couples in as much media as they can to normalize it.
>Boxman and Venomous are bisexual men
So the show's moral is that bisexual men are evil and family evaders?
Marco and Star seem to be bisexual: Marco has shown interest in Tom and kissed a ninja once, while he enjoys wearing girl clothes while Star once showed interest on that buff bara girl, Brunzella or whatever her name was.
Why does EVERY cartoon have to have some sort of gay or lesbian in it now?
Mac and Beefhouse send their tidings from Twelve Forever.
>you seem to be seething
take a nap you're grumpy over a cartoon
>maybe you should try /pol/ some time, just saying
fuck off, Doomentio
>Get mad that a literal agenda is pointed out
Change your tampon, the blood is attracting flies.
>Hashirama face tattoo
Wasn't that literally Hashirama's head growing out of his chest like a tumor because he used his cells to improve his undead body?
didn't we just have a bunch of threads bitching about how member's of the lgbt community can't be portrayed in negative light?
you don't watch cartoons tourist.
How many of your childhood shows need to be dug up from the grave and dressed in an LGBT agenda before you realize it's not a coincidence, but a conspiracy?
What will you do when there's an Ed, Edd n Eddy remake where they Eddy and Kevin end up gay lovers?
The show never cared about Jackie because it's just a Mary Sue fanfiction with Jackie being an obstacle for author's self-insert romantic shit. Of course Nefcy hated her and wanted her have as little screen time as possible. It was possible Jarco could have broke-up offscreen after Starcrushed. It's miracle (which became possible exclusively because author wanted openly gay in her show but didn't want to do it with any character she care about) we have any closure for her at all.
you don't understand the legal situation with eee enough to seriously or even ironically make that claim.
It's not a conspiracy when people just want to make the world a better place to live.
>gays are just a tiny minority and therefore shouldn't have so much space in media
Why does EVERY cartoon have to have some sort of hero or heroine in it now?
That doesn't change my point at all
The creator kept the right to his show, right?
same shit
yep and has no interest in selling it off ever.
que te larges a la chingada, pinche chaneque
>>It's not a conspiracy when people just want to make the world a better place to live.
flat out admitting they are doing something on purpose but it's "for the right reasons"
sounds like something Rebecca Sugar would do
>What will you do when there's an Ed, Edd n Eddy remake where they Eddy and Kevin end up gay lovers?
you know Jimmy was gay right?
People are trying to do everything on purpose if they are not insane.
>t. pedophile
That namefag is retarded, but your post is completely in bad faith.
Where do you think you are?
Does anyone have a mega link? I'm so behind but it doesn't really matter does it?
It's not a conspiracy, it's an agenda to push pro queer propaganda.
That's a fact at this point, if that's a positive or negative remains to be seen.
How so?
>flat out admitting
Yes, I thought a conspiracy was kept secret
I thought he loves sarah.
Almost All the boys beat up Jimmy and bully him.
t. pedo
>god knows how many anons on Yea Forums got away with watching adultswim because there parents didn't pay attention.
I don’t remember such incessant faggotry when I was watching Samurai Champloo and other shows on adult swim. This shit is on CN on the day. It’s not the same.
>Frame your side as "making the world a better place to live" so that anyone who disagrees on methodology becomes an opponent of making the world a better place
Shitty rhetorical tactic.
Does she show any fucking romance to the green guy or the manlet?
No? Then who fucking cares
I mean I don't like the agenda being pushed but I can admit that the generations after me are all a lot more tolerant of gays than I was at that age or are still. Their normalization push seems to be working in terms of the generations raised on these shows.
>I don’t remember such incessant faggotry when I was watching Samurai Champloo
You a lying bitch, just that one episode of Samurai Champloo was arguably gayer than the entire run of OK KO.
He wasn't, though. He got REALLY jealous when Sarah was in love and trying to spend time with Edd instead of him.
I can smell the election tourist on you. i remember talking about mission hill on Yea Forums you fucking idiot.
That's literally what it is, though. You are actively against gays or trannies living open and happy lives. You the kind of person who cites suicide statistics as proof of the banality of the deviants but ignore the part where it says the suicides are caused by discrimination.
That's very innocent type of argumentation by Yea Forums standards.