so... why is Considered considered Legendary Masterpiece? Is it because it's boring?
So... why is Considered considered Legendary Masterpiece? Is it because it's boring?
Its comfy
a little too comfy I think. The characters are infuriating, though. I want to punch them in the face
God tier art, very humane characters, an early preoccupation with the enviroment, interesting premise, self-published but still very well done, good writing and so on.
Why do you find it boring? Specially on the first 3 or 4 books, there's always some crazy shit going on.
I had a random issue when I was a kid and I enjoyed it.
But as an adult, Concrete is just generic Ben Grimm.
I really don't understand why you think that stating the series premise makes it generic.
Of course Concrete is Ben Grimm, the entirety of the comic is built around the issues one might face in such a situation.
This is such a common thing these days, thinking you're too clever to enjoy something if you manage to "figure it out", for whatever reason I blame Lost.
you must be fucking kidding me, there is literally nothing happening, just dull life with dull life problems and dilemmas
the nigga climbs the everest by himself and then has to face russian spies when climbing down if this is your usual life problem I don't know what to say
you would be surprised
Currently reading killer smile I wish they fucking shot that guy already
I have to assume you do indeed lead a very thrilling life, so many adventures indeed that you barely have time to read the comic books you're talking about on the internet.
I gotta admit I'm being a bit overdefensive because I just picked up vol. 5 and I fucking love Conc, but I really would like to learn more about your issues with the series since I barely get a chance to talk about it with anyone else.
The characters are unappealing. I don't like the main character, there's not much tension, drama, anything. Even the origin story feels dull. Maybe it's the writing style, idk, but it's a very yawn-inducing comic. The art is competent, it's well-crafter, but nothing to marvel at
The story when the kid kills his dad? Despite the resolution the whole comic feels like some fragment of some novel that comes and goes. It doesn't feel like it has a proper beginning, middle, nor ending. It could have very well been a shorter story
Unappealing in what sense. Their humanity is what made me enjoy the book so much, even when they are used to further a plot point or opinion, they always come out as real people and not some mouthpiece. It's just not an action book, even though, specially through vols. 1 to 3, they are always in some sort of trip or adventure.
Also to call the art competent is being unfair, this type of naturalism is very rare in comic books, american or otherwise. It kinda loses steam once it starts to be colored but still.
Again, this seems like an unfair criticism, considering this sounds like something the book probably does by design. You're seeing some of Concrete, Larry and dr. Vonnegut's lives, not following their entire life. It just makes sense to me I guess.
They deserve to be punched repeatedly. Real people suck btw
You can only consume fiction if you relate to the protagonist? You do realize you sound like a goodreads soccer mom, right?
100 horrors is okay, though
The art is not bad, it just makes the dull story duller
the art is lush as fuck. Nature scenes in particular are anything but dull. Come on my dude, try to articulate, build upon why you dislike this shit so much so you can at least give me a opportunity to put in words why I've been liking it so much.
Like I said, it's my only opportunity in a while.
How the hell did you get that from that post? It's not about being able to relate, considering that probably most people could relate to larry. It's just that there is something about him that makes me want to kick his ass
This is what happens when you read too much capeshit. Maybe OP should stick to Immortal Hulk or Supersons.
If only Ben was this good. Again.
Lush? What the fuck are you talking about? The art is okay, it's good looking, but if the story is unspectacular, then naturalistic art only enhances that feeling
Still, nobody explained what makes Concrete a legendary book.
because nobody gives a fuck about your shit taste
But Larry is a bit of a douche, trying to fuck everything that comes in his path and always pulling up his dumb book we all know will never get written. He's probably the easiest character to decode because everyone knows a dude who either is him or tries to be him. In many senses, I sometimes feel like Lithgow himself was that, but was forced to adapt to his new circumstance and is now being forced to look at this stupid mirror while he's locked into being Concrete.
I don't know what to say to you bud, just look at the amazon or farm editions, every little corner of every little panel is brimming with life and vegetation.
That only proves my point.
You make it sound like it was Legendary, because it's the only book with god-tier art or "interesting" premise. What makes it stand out over other stories? Why should people read it? Because frankly, it's not really an engaging book. And sometimes getting through a story feels like a chore, while some other stories just feel random, without a point, like that korea story
The first four books are great tho. Comfy art and dilemmas. Concrete its a bit douche but with a heart. book five with the hippie enviromentalists kill it for me
Concrete is too much of a wuss to be a douche
Don't just focus on what you like. I'll list some reasons again, ignoring the ones you chose to focus on:
Early preoccupation with enviromentalism
Self-published but professionally made
Well rounded characters with their own unique voices
Different "problem solving" from most other comic books.
And so on. If you ignore what the comics scene was like when Concrete came out, it might sound like "just another book" but this has been coming out since 1986. Vertigo wouldn't be a thing for another 7 years and even then, Concrete is still different from most Vertigo stuff as well.
The last point is probably the only valid one. I don't think I would recommend this book to be honest. And love and rockets did it better (except environmentalism) and earlier
But it's very different from Love & Rockets as well. The enviromentalism and Concrete's gradual involvement with it is also a very important part of what sets this book apart (let me elaborate on that a bit):
As someone else (probably you) pointed out, Concrete is pretty much just generic Ben Grimm. In comic language, it seems pretty obvious that a dude who gets a near-indestructible, hyper-capable alien body will immediately turn to crime fighting (or doing). If this seems like a given now, it was even more so back when Concrete came out (though I guess stuff like Zenith and Paradax already existed back then, you can check on that if you feel like it), and up to a point this seems like a dilemma he faces himself, trying to help the Tibet kids or the farm people, but what he finds out is that almost no situation has a clear moral resolution (and this is probably the biggest failing in the book, how Chadwick always tries to pull a swerve on you, building the books tensions over character X being an asshole or a psychopath but in the end he was right all along, like the not-Prince dude or the farmer kid who shot his dad) and he ends up preferring to just seclude himself in his warehouse (which in turn drives up his ever-present sense of alienation, forcing him into his next shenanigans) and so on.
I'm sorry, I'm not an english speaker and I'm off-work this week so I'm already drinking, but if you need me to clarify anything just feel free to ask.
What is your point?
>this book doesn't deserve the status it has because I don't like it
fuck off, child
Yeah, frankly you are correct. Some people will find it appealing, others not, like I do. I expected this book to blow my mind, considering the hype it has, but frankly, the book just is, and the stories just come and go and indeed rarely there feels any proper resolution or a thought that author tried to give. Have a good drinking buddy. I will start drinking tomorrow, as I still have to go to work early in the morning. And your english is good.
He’s just baiting. Don’t give him any more attention, there’s no way to change his mind.
and another thing, like with that movie story. Many things happen in the story, but none of them feel in any way relevant to the main plot of the story. And I think that this is my main grip with the book. It feels like a collection of various personalities being intertwined, but without any deeper meaning
I didn't wanna go there with my post because it would sound like reaching but yeah, I've had this very problem in the past and it's why I mostly avoid non-anonymous recommendations these days, but whenever we come across anything through a third-party's recommendation, we have this tendency to judge shit for what we wish they were, not what they are, and this ends up clouding our enjoyment with a lot of things.
And yeah I kinda enjoy that in the book but it's also a characteristic I can see driving some people off.
Thanks man, at least it helped me understand things better
insanely boring comic. how do you take an alien abduction/body swapping origin and make it into the most boring almost slice of life esque narrative possible. oh concrete failed at swimming an ocean. concrete almost failed climbing everest. concrete’s on a farm now! shoot me before you make me read that shit again
it's because the author hates magic, and he reluctantly made concrete a result of alien abduction. not only that, he hated the idea anyway.
>why is Considered considered Legendary Masterpiece?
It's because it's a pleb filter and filters out the plebs who would think it's boring
Yeah, the farm story is really unbearable. Even the twist can't save it. Anyone other writer would probably manage to make it shocking or interesting. Also
more like Virginwick
Enjoy then a comic about Concrete making a cake and the excitement of him going to the grocery with a rush of unimportant thought clouding his concrete head. Also, Larry goes to the dentist! Awe in the amazement of him being ripped-off by two dollars
>waaaah if superman doesn't punch anyone i can't enjoy a piece of fiction >>>>>>>>>>>>((((((((((
There are shitload of stories where Superman is in his Clark Kent alter-ego and just has a chill day. OR when you have Judge Dredd doing literally nothing. And yet, they aren't boring at all, because they are interestingly written, and the writers know when to trim the fat. It's amazing that even something that should sound interesting, like Larry being taken hostage by criminals turns out to be dull as fuck
I kind of hate this thread but at least people are talking about comics so I can't really complain