Prove me wrong!
This is the most boring super hero ever created
I cant. Just replace him with megaman and be done with it
Did you watch Doom Patrol, Cyborg was fucking great in that... actually kind of want Beard Hunter to be part of his Rogues gallery now
He is such a pointless useless character that weighs down Bumblebee
He has the ability to interface with any digital machine and the ability to travel and stream data and his concience through the internet. Also has the ability to change his shape thanks to nanobots within his system.
Honestly, if there's a more topical hero, I don't know it. There a wealth of stuff to do with this premise and it would be doubly popular because of our current digital age.
The only reason authors don't give a shit or touch him is because he's black.
he also had some bad redesigns over the years
all DC superhero’s are boring
except for Batman
What do I win?
Hawkman exists.
b-b-b-but his brain waves are the foundation of Vision.....
sadly, yes
feel free to prove me wrong
Cyborg's got a few problems that really hold him back. First they refuse to let him move past the "am I man or machine" drama, if they want drama there are other routes like the immortality angle. He gets torn apart or hacked constantly to show how strong someone else is which really only serves to make him look weak, he's fused with one of the most advanced pieces of technology in the DCU he shouldn't come off looking like you could take him down with a baseball bat and a computer running Windows 95. There's also his design, I don't know what the obsession is with making him look like someone strapped some pieces of meat to a robot but it's a bad design. Compared to other tech heroes there's no reason to want to be Cyborg, Blue Beetle for example gives you essentially everything Cyborg can do while also allowing you to have a secret identity; no one wondering if you have a dick or not; and no possible existential crisis over whether or not you're just a robot that thinks they're human. There's probably other things but that's just off the top of my head.
This is stupid because 3/4ths of Japans superheros are cyborgs and nobody cares. No decent writers have used him, full stop, thats the only issue
I do find him a bit boring, sorry to say.
Worst reply on this thread.
You're just a brainlet
I still think this is either Whedon's fault or some idiot exec who kept reading the "Snyder color tone is so depressing make it colorful" and forced the post-production people who brighten it up without any time to make the brighter CG blend in at all.
At least grey Snyder shit could have a giant naked blue man and not have it look like unviewable CG popping out.
Please, nightwing, aqua lad, wonder girl, lagoon boy are worst than cyborg.
>still no answer, just lame insults
typical DC brain
Fuck you.
Red Safari Simon is awesome.
he doesn't work on the Justice League thats it
thats all anyone knows about him
If you want a boring black dude just say Duke Thomas. Outside of the Justice League Cyborg has some great moments both inside and outside of comics. They should just toss in Steel or Vixen if they were that desperate for someone black.
He was decent in the Wolfman/Perez days but he's an ensemble cast character who can carry his small personal arcs for 2-3 pages at a time but he couldn't hold a book even back then.
Now? It's amusing to see how during the NU52 rollout DC really tried to convince to non-comic reading world that not only was Vic an A-Lister now? He had ALWAYS been one..but did they even try to write him like that? Nope. Instead he serves as a narrative FUNCTION instead of a character. He saves time by being connected to the internet so he can say "I'm picking up chatter on military traffic...parademons are attacking Washington!" and he can scan things quickly with nebulous science asspulls without needing to 'take it to the lab' like Batman, Flash, Beetle, or John Henry would need to in order to move the plot.
There IS a good character in Vic but nobody is trying to find it. And if Johns had such a hard on for him to push him as an A-lister he should have been prepared to back it up.
Boring is subjective, Aquaman made over 1 billion because people thought he was fun. God, Marvel fanboys are retarded
*because women thought he was hot
For some reason TV always makes cyborg compelling. Teen titans cyborg was pretty cool and this year alone we got the Doom Patrol and Young Justice version.
Both very solid takes on the character.
It's my personal opinion that there are no bad characters. Just shitty writers.
This is the same problem with John Stewart. He is boring as shit in comics. Yet? Justice League made him fun.
DComics just cant write good black guys.
Jon was kinda dull in JL, he was only good when he had others to bounce off or when the focus didn't linger on him too long
Is he a hero tho... or is he just... a machine?
>full stop
*because disney bought half the tickets
he is bo....OOYAAAA
>making him look like someone strapped some pieces of meat to a robot
If that were true it'd actually work better with the character. 90% of the time he looks like a regular dude wearing a metal jumpsuit. The one good element to Snyder's Cyborg is that you can tell at a glance that there is no way you're fitting an intact human body under the robot bits.
>Prove me wrong!
can't user, it's a fact that black characters are never good
John's the straight man in comics, he either needs other characters to bounce off of or for writers to lean so hard into it he stands out because of it.
>not Falcon
Man, after watching a video on how did they make the effects for Robocop, I earned new respect for the director, the crew and the movie in general. Holy shit it was amazing. Truly a masterpiece.
Too bad Marvel/Disney is killing every single glint of creativity by the overuse of CGI.
That would be Batman.
Carol Danvers exists.
In this single pic you have a lot of examples of worse characters than Cyborg.
50+ years of existence and they've only been relevant on recent years thanks to a junkie and the complete change of their presonalities. That's pathetic.
You really think so?
Tommy pls
Nice bait
Hawkgirl is even worse
oh god your right.
>3/4ths of Japans superheros are cyborgs
Who else besides the first few Kamen Riders and Cyborg 009?
Not him but what? He IS boring, like extremely boring, he got no flaws or unique personality traits.
You know, if they wanted to try something new with Cyborg, why not have him delve more into his New God routes. I mean, if he is part Mother Box, what if that helps catapult him into potential becoming a new New God? I mean, heck, it is not unheard of humans becoming New Gods, look at Black Racer
I mean fuck it, why not have a miniseries with The Forever People
I really wish they would stick to the jacket design
Read Cyborg Rebirth and JL: Odessy
reddit or faceboook is the other way
This. Cyborg's comic shown that Motherboxes are a bunch of highly advanced digital dimensions working in unison. Of course no one reads books with Cyborg in it so few people know about it.
Fuck you, Falcon started off as jive talking former pimp and he and caps partnership was always great.
Tommy, you really need to get a life.
people hear other people on the internet complaining about Cyborg and assume that the complaints are valid so they complain too but the problem is that the people that complain about Cyborg has never read any of Cyborg's books they are just repeating what other complainers are saying.
And the people who praise Cyborg have only read Cyborg by David Walker and think that that run is the Holy Grail and is how Cyborg should look and act 24/7.
y-you know... the r-rest of them
Cyborg is actually a great character. The problem is fucking Johns removed literally everything interesting about his backstory and replaced it with MUH FOOTBALL MUH DAAAAD when that shit was barely present in the original, with his dad fucking dying a few issues into NTT.
Johns has a tendency to just boil characters down to literally one thing that makes them really boring.
What was cool about Cyborg, his "stuck between two worlds and belonging in neither" thing extended beyond his robotification, he was raised isolated in a lab to try and make him a genius, then he went to public high school and just wanted to fit in with people his own age, he got involved with black power stuff, but he just couldn't fit in properly with normal people and had to struggle with his identity. Until he found the Titans, people who finally understood what he was going through, with Dick, Kori, Gar, Wally, all going through similar struggles with identity.
Unfortunately when you dumb something down and try to force it on everyone so it can be made into a movie easier, people respond poorly to it because it's obvious.
>not allowed to use exclamation points on 4channel
we should give them commas too, while we’re ceding linguistic territory
What about D-Man
>Best Cyborg design by a wide country fucking mile is the 2003 cartoon design
>They STILL refuse to use it in the comics, video games, or movies
>And also they keep putting that awful fucking dot on his head
For what absolute fucking purpose?
His whole internal crisis with wondering if he's more machine than man and if he's losing his humanity is interesting whenever they do it.
Because that's false and you're a millennial toonfag who likes it because of nostalgia
No faggot the 2003 design is objectively the best design.
Name a single better one, seriously, Cyborg predominantly has absolute dogshit designs.
DCYou design
Miles Morales.
He looks like a guy in a weird unitard and gloves, not a cyborg.
Also again with that fucking head dot.
>The only reason authors don't give a shit or touch him is because he's black.
There's plenty of black superheros who do get play. That's not Cyborg's problem. Cyborg's problem is that he is fucking unbelievably boring conceptually AND he looks incredibly uncool in every incarnation of his. They keep trying to redesign him but every redesign leaves him looking like a huge dork with that asymmetrical half-skull of his.
And the cartoon looks like the old iMac
>dissing on old iMac aesthetics
Shit taste.
I enjoy his humor, but hate his artstyle.
Asymmetrical heads are not the problem.
This is the most retarded comic, I really hope this is just a parody.
You mean the whole Hollywood, starting with overusing CGI to make more easy reshoots
What abomination is that car