Why won't people understand Danny Rand is a 'perpetual foreigner'?
Why won't people understand Danny Rand is a 'perpetual foreigner'?
Mighty Whitey.
Cultural Appropriation.
Danny being white and becoming better at martial arts than the people whose culture created it is problematic and the only ways to resolve this situation stemming from a racist media era is to either strike Danny from the record or raceswap him into being Asian. Keeping him white is problematic.
This literally implies all Asian have to know martial arts, and the Thunderer is a vastly better fighter than him, anyway.
>Danny being white and becoming better at martial arts than the people whose culture created it is problematic and the only ways to resolve this situation stemming from a racist media era is to either strike Danny from the record or raceswap him into being Asian.
Nah. The solution is to constantly have Shang-Chi kick the shit out of Danny and make fun of him for being a cultural appropriating poser.
Like how the IDW G.I. Joe comic solved the problem of Snake-Eyes being a Mighty Whitey cultural appropriator by having Quick Kick beat his shit to pieces, proving that whitey can't outdo an Asian at his own cultural heritage.
>Cultural appropriator
This meem needs to fucking end. You BY DEFINITION can't appropriate your parents culture. He was literally adopted and fully assimilated to the culture, since he was a child. It's American culture he doesn't understand.
>since he was a child
isn't that only applicable to the movie-verse Snake-Eyes? classic comics S-E was invited into the clan by Storm Shadow iirc.
I'm referring to Danny.
>can't outdo an Asian at his own cultural heritage
Snake Eyes learned 'ninjitsu', a Japanese art from Japanese in Japan.
Quick Kick was an American guy of Korean descent.
If you are lumping Koreans & Japanese together? You're the racist user...or you are Aubrey Sitterson.
I was being facetious; mocking what Aubrey Sitterson actually believes (all Asians are the same).
Because he's white, and to stupid people that means he can't be a foreigner.
ah! my bad.
>Danny being white and becoming better at martial arts than the people whose culture created it is
But he's not. He's not the best person at martial arts in Kun'Lun. He's just the only one who gives a shit about things happening outside Kun'Lun.
Why yes, of course, all asian people are inherently better at martial arts, math and always terrible drivers. This is progressive thinking right there.
You know this. And I know this.
But the writers at Buzzfeed, The Mary Sue, CBR, Bleeding Cool, Salon and Cracked do not. And those are the sites people go to in order to find out what is offensive and what they should be outraged over.
Ironically, all the people shouting at Danny for being white are actually proving the point that he should be White.
People literally in canon, who don't know him assume the worst and think he's just a giant China-boo. Like in that panel with Hazmat.
I'm glad Luke sticks up for him though, in a separate comic. I think it was in response to the new Power man. People can't seem to grasp how he grew up.
I thought all the wars in Europe generally taught us that racism runs deeper than the colour of your skin.
>The solution is to constantly have Shang-Chi kick the shit out of Danny and make fun of him for being a cultural appropriating poser.
Can't they just be good friends and bond over their shared love of kung-fu?
>Can't they just be good friends and bond over their shared love of kung-fu?
If someone stole your bike, would you want to bond with them over your shared love of that bike? No, you wouldn't.
They're pissed that a white boy won it. Not understanding the context of
A) He trained at the same time as the other young boys and isn't just a white foreigner that swooned in to learn Kung-Fu one day
B) He knows the face of the man who murdered his parents
C) His mum made him promise he would survive to get revenge, for their deaths.
D) He was an outcast where his race or inherited wealth didn't help and he was trapped in this place until the portal re-opened
E) Unlike the other kids he was completely alone without a family, and he needed to get good enough to survive.
F) He's not even the first Iron Fist and it was revealed he's the 66th.
G) After being in K'un-Lun for over half his life, he is no longer as American boy, but a K'un-Lunian adult.
I'd say this is more than enough well-though reasons of why this white kid becomes the Iron Fist. (Then, of course introduce the other Immortal Weapons.)
See this is what an old-school Marvel comics Kung-Fu anthology fan would say, not someone who's first discovered Danny Rand via non-stop articles getting his character wrong.
Wow. That analogy is so shitty, I don't even know where to start.
Why do you not understand Danny was raised in an Eastern culture. It's very serious and dear to him. People don't clock this only, because of his social status in his parents culture.
Danny is completely unironic about his upbringing.
This is a very good essay.
I knew USCentric social justice would topple Danny, I just knew it.
no one would have had a problem with Danny if Marvel had more existing Asian leads
Something seems distasteful about the first MCU character to be engrained into Asian culture is actually a white guy
there i a certain level of cultural appropriation that exists within the character
stop looking at him like he's a person who exists
view him as why he was created, and who he's supposed to appeal to
I'd imagine Danny would have an immense respect for the Master of K'un-Lun and because he's in student mode, would love to be taught by him. I can also see them bonding over their father issues, with Danny talking in Mandarin as that's the language he's most comfortable with.
>Fund it Marvel
There is no such thing as cultural appropriation, otherwise the entire Turko-Mongol culture stole Indo-Aryan culture you dumb fuck.
This I can understand.
People go from literally talking about his story in-universe and in terms of character-creation, OP was talking about the former.
>There is no such thing as cultural appropriation
you don't even get a participation medal for this argument
Liefeld was 100% on the money. If Shang-Chi's movie came out first, like in the comics, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
>People go from literally talking about his story in-universe
focusing on characters in-story is only important for the stories when they were created. Especially for ever-changing characters like in Marvel
What is Iron Fists purpose today? what are the stories that should be told for him
Other people's definitions are retarded. The entire concept has no water, because you're fundamentally declaring that nations like the Comanche or Mongols that adopted a horsebound lifestyle by learning it from white people are "cultural appropriators" which is fucking retarded.
Why no one is mad about Power Man 2? He stole Luke Cage name, Danny's gig and asian cultural shit.
That's because he is a nigger?
>"Danny Rand is a mighty whitey asian kung fu appropriation!"
>meanwhile his best comics are blaxsploitation or buddy cop hijinx with Luke Cage and his ass gets beat constantly
I know no one reads comics but come the fuck on.
I blame the bastards at Netflix for this
focus on the current argument instead of spouting your own biases as if its relevant here
because who the fuck is power man 2?
Asian people didn't invent martial arts bro
Do you think Jamaica invented Dreadlocks too? Pugilism is a thing, wrestling is a thing
All written by white men. Racist white men from the 70s.
Why didn't they get a black person to write Luke Cage? Why didn't they get an Asian person to write Shang Chi?
Minority characters existed in those times, but only at the discretion of white men who created them and controlled them with no input or participation from the minority communities they were stealing their ideas from. That was a problem and there is no reason why it should be continued into 2019. There's a reason these mistakes are being corrected, or would you REALLY prefer it if all characters were white men forever and ever? Something tells me you would. I've got your number.
sad we're only getting Asian representation now because Hollywood wants China money
Those white men from the 70s were the best writers comics ever had, or will have
iron fist was created to be a white guy who is really good at eastern martial arts
>sad we're only getting Asian representation now because Hollywood wants China money
Funny thing is that China is so infinitely picky about how their culture is represented in Hollywood movies, that even films made to pander to them are often not good enough and get rejected. Like Crazy Rich Asians was made just for them and they hated it and it flopped. The actress playing Mulan in the Disney live-action remake had to get on social media and denounce the Honk Kong democracy protestors and praise the Communist Chinese government just to earn credit with the Chinese box office overlords.
>Like Crazy Rich Asians was made just for them and they hated it and it flopped
was it?
saw it as a movie made for white people who like to think of asians as all rich
>There is no such thing as this thing even though I'm clearly aware that thing has happened before
Which is it, dumbass. Does cultural appropriation exist or doesn't it. Can't have it both ways. If you need to call out a non-anglo culture for appropriating a culture just to feel better, go ahead. No one is stopping you. Just be aware everyone can see you're just bitching for nothing.
Well I mean he's a superhero most of the time he's helping people, because of his situation him having rich/white privilege is an explicit theme. Thing is Luke and him are besties now, but are the beginning he was suspious of him, because if you didn't know ant better you'd think he was the quintsential WASP, but he doesn't conform to it because of his cultural upbringing as a racial minority. Which is why you have Luke's guys from the streets thinking he's a sell-out for even hanging with him. And, then of course the love of his live is an afrocentric, disabled black woman, and people see baggage over white/black interracial relationships.
I'd say he, with the rest of his family that are PoCs (continuing Danny being a minority, but in a different way among his closest) it represents racial inclusivity and togetherness and not to judge books by covers that kind of thing.
I believe a default Danny can work with a writer that is sensitive to Danny and American racial contexts.
That black teen that looks like Luke Cage, took the Power Man codename to him and use chi attacks like Iron Fist.
>Danny being white and becoming better at martial arts than the people whose culture created it is problematic
So are you calling the existence of all these non-asians who beat asians at the gold medals "problematic"?
I just don't understand why these basic white girls give Danny so much shit while Dr. "study a couple of years and I'm instantly the number 1 with my complimentary Chinese manservant" Strange gets a free pass, the movie even had a cancer ridden Tilda Swinton playing the grand master of eastern culture.
i repeat, who the fuck is power man 2. thats your explanation on why no one cares about him
Its funny how you call genuine attempts at branching out and being inclusive racist. They didn't have many black or asian writers in comics at the time so the writers did what they could, is it perfect? No but if taken into the context of 40 years ago they did a pretty decent job at creating memorable characters not just there to job or make whitey look good. Now we have plenty of asian and black writers today and what are they primarily doing? asking why there aren't more asian or black characters rather than just making them themselves. Are you really surprised that a primarily white country had primarily white characters in its fiction? That's like if I went to japan or korea and bitched about their not being enough white representation in their media.
Look I'm a minority too, and I get what you're saying. I also believe with the right writers characters can grow from dated trappings. I also going give a fuck about race-bending as long as it's not important to the character. But, in the explicit case of Iron Fist, I believe he's one of the only white heroes who race actually matters. As rare as that is. I hope we get more minority characters so everyone has a hero they can call their own, to balance all the white ones.
Because women cream themselves at the sound of a British accent. Benedict Cumberbatch justifies everything.
>Hong Kong
>South Korea
>etc etc etc
user, the top spots are all Asian countries so what point are you trying to make
I hope you're trolling, because I can't believe people on Yea Forums would think this unironically
>They didn't have many black or asian writers in comics at the time
Stopped reading right there. THE REASON they didn't HAVE MINORITY CREATORS back then is BECAUSE THEY SEGREGATED THEM OUT and they did that BECAUSE THEY WERE RACISTS.
You can see yourself out.
media control
maybe Disney wanted to sabotage Iron Fist from the beginning to slowly discredit the service
A lot of them to bitch about strange and the fact that he is a white savior, the reason I assume buzzfeed and other sites don't jump on it quite as much as Danny is because the Ancient one is supposed to be Tibetan and they'd rather that whole concept get buried than to get clicks and potentially piss off China by even mentioning Tibet
Iron Fist appeals to: whites who want to fantasize at being better at asian things than asians
and also white savior trope lovers
Seriously. Steven is so much more of a 'White Saviour' than Danny ever was. Notice, though unlike Loeb who took years to cast Danny, potential casting for Dr. Strange were reported by all the trades and were white. He got a lock on it, he also cast Tumblr favourite fancasting Bennydick Cuumberbun. People where too distracted by the Ancient One being a white woman to spend time campaigning to racebend the lead. Compare/Contrast to the pure mismanagement of Iron Fist.
Are you some chink desperately trolling or a retarded american?
China still number 1
but all this list proves is that real life is diverse
Marvel took 3 phases to even think about casting an Asian lead in anything
Is it really that hard to say black?
>I hate Nu/co/
>n-n-non-asian individuals c-c-cant' beat asians at asian cultures! It never happens!
>So what if it happens, let me move the goalposts so I can still pretend I'm a victim!
Can't you read? I just told who he is. I don't remember is civilian name, I think its Victor. Just google it you punk
Its because you literally have an entire continent of content that stars exclusively asian people. It also doesn't help that one of more well known modern asian comic creators (what ever the filipino guy is) is pretty obsessed with talking about his own struggles and why white people are terrible at representing him rather than create characters that he wants to represent him. And that's apt for the struggle now, it's not about making a better future its about making a palatable past. It's never going to happen and the path trying has literally made everything worse
I am not american. What's the difference between black and nigger?
And yes, I hate how gay this board became.
Honestly whens the last time cage went as power man? Even his solo in the 90s went by cage
>1 gold
>not in Asia
>Russia and Belarus barely even have as many medals total as Iran
>Iran is located in Asia Minor
Is there a reason why you post like you love gargling on dicks?
>It also doesn't help that one of more well known modern asian comic creators (what ever the filipino guy is) is pretty obsessed with talking about his own struggles and why white people are terrible at representing him rather than create characters that he wants to represent him
he's not well known. you only care about Asians when they trigger you
different user
>all this Yea Forumsmblr
Because I love gargling on dicks.
I could show you how if you're tired of being a rhetorically-handicapped turbovirgin
This is what happens with the jannies won't let us have tranny hate threads.
Do you really think that's an insult here?
Where the fuck do you think you are?
same retardation
marvel is so disinterested in hiring Asians that their to become editor in chief used a japanese pen name to write books about asian things
Guys, can we please stay on topic.
>not in Europe
>being so desperate to call white people "asians" just not to admit he's wrong
Yeah you're a chink. Only butthurt chink are this retarded.
I care about them as much as I care about anyone, to say that their isn't a problem with in fighting amongst americans all trying desperately to grab a piece of attention they find fair has been out downfall. No ones trying to say anything new they're just trying to sell their story for the most amount of money. A while back I went to this showcase of new asian comics with a black friend of mine, now the show was decent it just was exactly what I thought it was going to be, two guys bitching about how white people don't know where they're from one asian chick comparing sex with asian guys and white guys and another who was bitching about a 50 year old story book being racist. Luckily the closer was a touring comedian who was absolutely hilarious, he was able to find the right balance of actual jokes with a sprinkle of fuck whitey in for flavor (I don't mind it completely but when the bulk of a set is is just that it gets offensive) Now I was joking about it with my friend after and just bullshitting telling what I thought and he just said "I don't know what they have to bitch about, they were just interned once and that's all they've gone through" Now despite me somewhat agreeing with what he said the thing that irked me was, there weren't any japanese people performing on that show. It was mostly koreans with an indian opener. But that's the thing its not about the current struggle its about the historical, we just bitch and bitch about the crimes of dead men while the living get completely fucked. Its not going to get better, I know that I just get tired when you blame that shit on me despite the fact that 90% of what you have to say is "shut up and listen" then proceed to say nothing
*implicit theme
>as why he was created, and who he's supposed to appeal to
As a relatively innocuous creation meant to appeal to everyone?
No user you don't understand, he's white so that means that only white people can like him.
Fuck off, nothing distasteful about it, it's western comics, so most of our characters are white, or deal with minorities that have been more significant, there's no shame in that. 90% of manga and anime is Japanese people.
I read tons of manga with entirely Japanese characters and no white people in sight and I have no problem liking Japanese characters, why are Asians so racist they can't like white characters? Asians are disgusting.
It's because of the possible colonist readings of Danny's story, and he was used for white boy's to self-insert, but he risen from that by lore and character revisions.
I bet you don't feel that way about the zillions japanese mangakas who write European fantasy characters living in medieval Europe culture though. Fuck off hypocrite.
>I care about them as much as I care about anyone,
only white people say this
You know it probably sucks mega ass to be an up and coming writer who is pigeonholed into only being able to write about your own race and culture. Guess my black friend had better stop writing his story set in feudal Japan to write a much more racially appropriate character and setting. I'd also better stop writing my asian female protagonist for my own superhero comic. Thanks for setting us straight user, can't have a darkie or a whitie writing anything else in this amazing world of culture and diversity.
>colonist readings
Yeah you gotta have your head up your ass to buy into that shit
>came out in the time when kung-fu movies were popualar but lacked a lot of white leads
I don't think that's an Asian problem, it's just idiots that think that a character being of a certain race or culture means that it was created specifically for them and that only them can like the character.
Yeah, only white people are harassed into hating themselves.
why do white people only ever think white people are in america
I mean it's almost as awkward as the first female lead Marvel production having a central theme of rape. Shit gets weird when you think about it
Hey look, I was right
>white people make fun of minorities for being good at things
>even extend those stereotypes thinking those who don't conform to them as being "wrong" in some way
>"only white people are harassed into hating themselves"
We don't you virtue signalling SJW cunt, I'll be going to Shang-Chi when it comes out, and I loved Iron Fist. Stop preaching to the fucking choir and do some real good somewhere.
Butthurt sjws think that, and they think that white people writing asian cultures is "appropration" but japs writing Tolkien-style (a white guy lol) fantasy is completely fine.
give me the tl;dr because most of your post just looks like fluff
>give me the tl;dr
You're a lazy cunt.
>white people make fun of minorities for being good at things
Where? This whole thread is nothing but butthurt minorities whining at white people being good at things
because the country and culture is different and the intentions of why they use such settings is different
WHat would you rather me say? I care about them more than myself? The only people I "care" about are the people close to me, my friends and family. Now I'm fortunate enough that those people come from a myriad of backgrounds racially and ethnically. Everyone else on earth I try to love but that shit gets emotionally exhausting. Have you ever tried to think the best about 7 billion people? I don't get bogged down in the nitty gritty of it because I'd realize to quickly that the bulk of them don't actually deserve my love, but I'd love them regardless because that's what I was raised to believe but then I'd get caught in my own self constantly trying to find a light in people I'll never know. so yes I care about who I can user, I'm sorry if you don't feel it but it doesn't mean its not there
Yep, I fucking hate these cucks.
you ever watched comedy central in the early 00s
It's only a problem when big bad whitie does it. Like the idea of trying to write, understand, and portray a culture foreign to your own is somehow not a good and inclusive thing to do. You'd think being able to appreciate and enjoy the culture of a foreign land/peoples would be exactly what these fucking troglodytes want, but no, gotta spin that shit into something negative to hurt white people who are the furthest thing from close-minded and racist they could possibly be.
That there's a problem with infighting inherently in our people (american) and since that definition is broader than any other ethnicity the fighting is made to feel bigger than it is
looks more like you care about your made up characters being unchanged than even thinking about other races
Yeah, Nah.
>people aren't worshiping white people
>people are actually expecting me to care about other races
>this is infighting
>because the country and culture is different
Wtf does that mean? If you're angry at americans why do you bitch "white people" when there's white people outside of the USA too,retard? Are you saying a Frenchman writing a white hero beating asians at asian culture is OK then? Because you're fucking lying if you claim that as you pieces of shit bitch about French comics too, retard.
>the intentions of why they use such settings is different
Oh no, someone wants to write a cool character in a cool setting that they relate to and someone else wants to write another cool character in a cool setting that they relate to. Sooooo totally different, yeah. Dumb lying retard.
Shang-Chi came before him, and there were other non Asian martial artists like White Tiger and Sons of the Tiger
Quit bitching faggot
Go live in a third world country, you ungrateful sloth.
>>people aren't worshiping white people
What the fuck is wrong with you? Who the fuck has said or asked for that in this thread?
Yeah, yes.
>Saya this on Yea Forums, of all places.
I'm not american, kill yourself if you are, especially if you're a chink too.
Yea Forums is the Tumblr of Yea Forums, Gray Lives Matter here.
>my solution to "infighting"?
>why does everyone think i'm a racist?
This is where things start to get hairy, when your making some sort of story, regardless of if its a comic or tv show or movie, you only have a certain number of characters that you can focus on. So typically you have A Protagonist an Antagonist a love interest and a few supporting characters, there for exposition or comedic relief. So in that who gets cast as what? Well in most other counties in the world that isn't a problem but here we do have to think about the group as a different beast since at best our population is a ragtag group of people who all seem to hate each other. So typically the comedic relief was the designated minority in any given project, but thats just because we it would be offensive to cast them as a villain and no white person in the 20s-50s would want to see a minority lead or mixed couple. So you have these characters that were created out of a real sense of trying to branch out to other groups but obviously in this day and age it doesn't look nearly as progressive as it was meant to try to be.
>and he said there's no racism against asians
Yes, please, get out, I don't think you're a foreigner, probably not even a minority, just got a stick up your ass.
Fuck other races who expect me to read absolute shit just because they're butthurt white people exist.
Because karate is for ching chong wypeepo problematic plz censor no appropriate
I mean it seems it the same for you, you don't want to see new stories written from your perspective. you just want already established ideas to conform to whatever perspective you have
Why would I want people to worship white people? I just want you niggas to actually say something beyond opening old wounds and saying "look what you did"
This thread is proof asians are actually racists themselves and deserve to get what they give.
okay but why can't things be better now, why justify why things were worse in the past
why does a protagonist need to be white?
Pretty good bait
Why do people think that an Asian has to be the best at Kung Fu? It's like getting mad at Larry Bird for being a good basketball player
You guys being racist to Asians in the comments, is EXACTLY why the AAIronFist campaign exists.
Danny doesn't deserve to be saddled with this shit.
Because I like white people and I want to read about white protagonists. Deal with it.
>they aren't worshiping whites, they must be racist
I don't want only white protagonists I want new characters to be from whatever background the writers wants them to be. Not just constant remixes of pre established franchises.
>You guys being racist to Asians
>Asians themselves being nothing but racists to white people ITT
>no way a white guy can beat a slope at karate, have you seen how quick those chinks can move? They invented all that hi-yaah chop chop shit over in nipland, they're just genetically predisposed to shit like kung fu and math and shit.
>yeah, I consider myself a progressive ally, why do you ask?
>they are bitching that white people that beat their ass exist, how dare you whitey! Totally not racist
>you just want already established ideas to conform to whatever perspective you have
we're not talking about race change in comics
Progressives unironically think in terms of that one Louis CK joke
>white guy goes to Africa
>"Look at all the minorities here! I'm the only majority!"
I'm just gonna leave this here
Because the creator made him white, what other explanation could you possibly need?
You're bitching that white people like to read about white characters while not giving a single blink that japanese people love to read about japanese characters
>we're talking about made up comic book characters
>cultural appropriation
Cool, when are black people gonna stop appropriating houses and clothes and technology?
Motherfucker this thread is nothing but a bunch of retards being racist to white people for no fucking reason.
appropriation isn't just taking a thing from another culture. it's taking a thing, claiming that you're better than them at it, and shitting on them for even trying.
It's only important if it's relevant to the character. For most white characters it's just because they're picked as the default. However, in Danny's case "White Privilege" is an implicit theme:
Cultural appropriation exists, but it's not a negative thing. It's literally how information and culture spreads and evolves. If you think cultural appropriation is bad then it's time to get all those vaccines out of Africa since their culture didn't develop that kind of medical technology and thus don't deserve to benefit from it.
Yea, it's Yea Forums, one user says something, and the SJW freaks on here lose their shit, these people are the ones unironically defending this bullshit.
Made up white comic book characters can't beat made up asian comic book characters at asian cultures even though that's happened in real life?
>w-well what about!
your debate skills suck
stay focused on America
Japan is 99% Japanese, and still has more white leads than America has Asian
>muh separate but equal
Like printing?
>no i'm not racist!
Yaaas KWEEN slay!
And America has plenty of black leads, whereas Japan has virtually none.
Why? Because black people aren't culturally relevant to Japan.
Get cucked.
How are Asians not culturally relevant to America
Half of the creators of Youtube are Asian
user didn't you hear? If it was invented by white people then it doesn't count. Everyone should be proud of their culture except whites they need to be replaced don't complain that's problematic
>if you're telling me to even look at minorities you must hate white people
>why should we have new poc protagonists?
>why can't we just give these uppity minorities the scraps of established white characters so they'll stop complaining about muh representation?
Asians have been less relevant to the United States compared to other groups for most of its history, tis a simple truth.
Cry more.
This website is racist to everybody, but white people can never handle it once it's directed at them. Literally white frailty.
>Asians have been less relevant to the United States compared to other groups for most of its history, tis a simple truth.
why does that matter
Your hypocrisy is transparent, you don't give a rats ass about the relative lack of black people in Manga and Anime.
Yeah but look at the population size of Asian Americans
It's all about his eternal white-hate narrative.
i'm not japanese, and i don't live in japan
sounds like an issue for japanese authors to worry about
to really care and try to change that would just make me a cultural imperialist.
Something people who wank to Danny are
Because Asians aren't typically poor, thus the progressive stack doesn't care about pandering to them for votes.
There's literally nothing to be gained politically or financially by pandering to Asians, hence why they're effectively seen as white by most social justice types.
this just adds onto the "i'll enjoy your culture, but pretend you don't even exist in my country" narrative
thats part of the issue with danny
Oh, so you can only criticize your own country? I'm sure that's a standard you adhere to with integrity.
This isn't even focused on Danny Rand, anymore.
Mods, feel free to delete the thread.
So why are you faggots crying racism? Why are you the only ones that get to complain about it?
This thread was about Iron Fist and a bunch of cunts that dislike white people derailed it and turned it into a /pol/ shitfest. It's not even white people that they dislike, it's just Americans.
>Accusations of Cultural imperialist
>About a character created to point out China's cultural imperialism over asia
So you really don't give a fuck about anyone outside of america huh?
so if they have money, why is it such a problem to even say it isn't a bad idea if we try to appeal to them
>Wahh I'm losing
>Jannies save me
You can't talk about Danny anymore, the netflix show made sure of that.
>predominantly Asian country has predominantly Asian protagonists
>"N-not my business!"
>predominantly white country has predominantly white protagonists
i'm not a globalist faggot like you
>>About a character created to point out China's cultural imperialism over asia
no he's a character created so white kids don't feel left out in martial arts movies which were popular at the time
Because it's not about appealing to people who have money, it's about building dependence.
He's a white character created by a white guy to sell to white kids, by your own logic that you've been displaying its completely fine. If you want more asian characters buy the books featuring asians currently and hopefully that'll encourage them to make more books starring asian americans
And the trolling has been revealed, there's no such thing as a nationalist SJW liberal, you've been exposed as a fraud.
Japan despite being 99% Japanese still has more and most tasteful representation of white people than America who has lots of different Asian groups but still struggles to make Asian characters who aren't based off sterotypes when they are even in the story
This. The people complaining about Iron Fist don't even read comics so why should we bother hosting them.
>the best way to fight this ''''''racism'''''" is to fight with even more stereotyping racism
Isn't there a term for what ethnicity characters are in manga and anime? Its supposed to state that they don't want to specify what a character is to be able to sell to the widest markets possible and so any kid reading the books can connect as closely as possible to the character
>Japan adapts western property
>localizes everything to work for a Japanese audience
>"Th-thats just their culture!"
>western country does the same thing
>Its supposed to state that they don't want to specify what a character is to be able to sell to the widest markets possible and so any kid reading the books can connect as closely as possible to the character
You mean empathy? Something that all humans that aren't psychopaths have?
If Danny was black or middle eastern all of you faggots would be sucking his dick for being a progressive representation of a downtrodden minority
You're implying that any of these fucks read comic books to begin with.
the creator of Tintin decided to be more thoughtful of depictions of nonwhites when he meet a Chinese man
this was in the fucking 30s
Marvel didn't want to hire any Asian writers so one of their writes decided to fake being Japaneses to capitalize off the current Japan/anime crazy in the early 2000s
Somewhat its so that when japanese creators sell books in korea or china they don't come bogged down with memories of former atrocities. Characters like Goku or Luffy or Naruto are absolutely asian but there is no specifying anything because its a magical world
Sometimes it can seem a bit vague yes, but not usually. Characters can also be quite androgynous looking, so it's really just the art style.
>there are no asians in america! why should we even think about them!
>D-danny should be Asian because ching chong karate is their culture or whatever!
So there'd be NO uproar from those same people if, say, Wakanda was relocated to South Africa and T'Challa was reinvented as a white African, right? Cause that's culturally accurate and you'd have to be some kind of racist sociopath to only be able to identify with characters who look like you, right?
Because you don't need to know what race a character is from to like and understand them, and anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard.
>Replies to post, but ignores its contents entirely.
>Continues with own vapid non sequitur response.
>he thinks there aren't any white people in Japan
>Asia is the one with slanty eyes, Africa has the browns, South America is arriba arriba taco dancers, desert has sand people, everywhere else is a diverse melting pot that whites are trying to steal for their own
That honestly explains so much
No, that simply left Americans in charge of things, and they are generally incapable of understanding differences *within* races.
>stay focused on America
No, you're the one that bitched about white people, white people is more than America.
>Japan is 99% Japanese
Actually no, there's a significant Korean minority. Still Japanese authors don't suddenly start making comics with Korean protagonists just because Koreans exist in Japan, they still make comics for their own entertainment. Which is the same for white people in America, just because you exist doesn't make you entitled to being a protagonist in comics white people create for their own entertainment, you racist piece of crap.
I'm not saying Danny should be Asian
Danny has been handled pretty well over the years. His character is fine. The writers were clearly thoughtful when writing him
its not his or his writers fault why Marvel hates Asians
I mean one of the latest Asians to be introduced in the Marvel Universe was fucking Silk
This thread is absolute proof that segregation not only needs to come back, but needs to be fully expanded to racial isolation. Each race needs to be placed in one area and be completely isolated and unaware of the others.
>i don't think about minorities ever, now they want me to think about them? THIS IS WHY WE NEED SEGREGATION!
Nothing's wrong with Danny. The only problem I have is he should be a fucking ADULT instead of the "surfer dude-bro" kid in that lame Spider-man cartoon.
Danny should still be in fuckin' Kun L'un, Peter was still just a regular kid, and Ava Ayala hadn't even been CONCIEVED when Danny and Peter were preteens. If they want to make a teen hero cartoon, at least do them properly instead of trying to smash all the MCU characters into a similarly-aged group, ignoring the fact that most of the heroes and villains 1: didn't have powers at that time, or 2: weren't BORN yet. Just do a damn Mighty Avengers cartoon instead of the de-aging bullcrap.
Man, these DNC campaign slogans are getting way less subtle
Actually, the United States has gone to great lengths, for a long time, to include minorities in its media.
>white people creating comics for themselves, minding their own business
Fuck off racist.
>white people
Clearly a mistake as proved by this thread, Japan's way of thinking only about yourself and fuck all the rest is better.
Fuck your false flagging SJW bullshit, you do not represent our opposition to the unfair hate Iron Fist has received.
>he doesn't realize progressives are the ones pushing for segregation
user, we've got segregated college graduation ceremonies now so people of color don't need to be seated among filthy whites. The pendulum has swung all the way around, it's come full circle.
Being rich and white and living in America makes you anything but a foreigner.
>completely and willfully misunderstanding the point behind my post
Thanks for proving me right, anons. Complete isolation from other people is the One True Path.
I don't think that's true, the SJW's want to divide us along racial lines, I'm fine with a statistically appropriate amount of diversity to reflect the societal reality.
I don't blame you for feeling that way of course, you've been giving plenty of reason to.
>Japan's way of thinking only about yourself and fuck all the rest is better
Finally, someone who understands.
How much of the blame for this conversation is on Scott Buck and his shitty show? Like, had the show been good, would it be enough to make crazies shut up?
Iron Fist was ok, it was criticized for largely SJW reasons.
Finn Jones having zero charisma as Danny isn't really an SJW reason.
He carries the show (or at least season 1) really good actor. Both seasons were flawed, especially season 2, but Typhoid Mary was perfect.
That and marvel cheaping out on the action, apparently they didn't have a proper stunt coordinator so they had to block all of the fights while they were filming them
If it was people unsure of the character, sure, but it's just /pol/ shit-flinging.
This is fucking horrible, man. Iron Fist fans got given the worst fucking scenario any fan could have.
It's just tiring man. All this anger and fighting over a character that really doesn't deserve it.
Chow really did a number on him, didn't he?
Japan is one of the most homogenous nations in the world, America however, advertises itself as a 'melting pot'.
>America however, advertises itself as a 'melting pot'
Only in the sense that non-whites have to "melt" themselves into white culture or be exterminated.
>make ku'lun a multicultural heaven run by old asians dudes
And there it is solved.
Seriously! Unlike most of Yea Forums I don't give a flying fuck if a white character is race-bended, but Danny is a huge exception. Fucking hell it's about a rich, white kid learning about privilege and his place in America from his minority friends. He's one of the most progressive white characters ever, and having /pol/ shits defend him just makes Danny-defenders look bad and/or complicit. It's fucking frustrating.
Or whites have to stay out of the way or be accused of racism and have their life ruined. hint one of these complaints still actively happens
You're not looking at the whole story and you're not the only one.
Probably. Danny is a character that needs to be done right from the get go, ESPECIALLY in this current climate.
Too far actually. There's more gays on tv than any straight person will ever actually meet...unless they looked up a slutty gay friend's "fling list".
It's all false flagging.
Well, that's another matter entirely, yea, the faggotry is pretty bad.
I think people suggested that, but AAIronFist was like
Its the same thing with talking about the problems with Miles, there are legitimate issues with his slap dash addition to 616 but any one complaining about them gets accused of racism, it doesn't help the fact that half of the arguments devolve into race baiting
Yea, and I actually like Miles as a character, but he belongs in the Ultimate Universe (which should still be a thing) and with his own title.
Culture is art and it is meant to be enjoyed by all.
Iron Fist is a character that defeats racism through his sheer existence and brings unity to people. To show how one can indulge in and become part of another culture.
Your backwards xenophobic/racist thought processes will not win in the end. People all around the world are understanding and accepting each other more and more every day.
>Marvel took 3 phases to even think about casting an Asian lead in anything
There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.
None of their most popular characters were Asian, user.
>Culture is art and it is meant to be enjoyed by all.
Art is meant to be observed respectfully. You don't go to the Louvre and put your grimy fingers all over the Mona Lisa or try to paint over it because you want to give it your own personal touch.
Look at it like this: You see a flower in the wild and think that's it's very pretty. If you pick it and take it home with you, you can enjoy it for a few days, but then it will die. Or you can appreciate it for what it is and leave it alone. Let it flourish and be grateful for the memories you have of it and the opportunity you had to see it and appreciate it.
Picking the flower, taking it home and letting it die is what cultural appropriation is.
>None of their most popular characters were Asian, user.
thats part of the problem
If you go to to pretty much anywhere in Asia and sit on their TV for HOURS and HOURS or watch their films you'll find they don't have any white or black people at all show up except for bit commercials as a joke. And they most certainly won't be leads in a TV show.
You're really ignorant about the world.
i thought we were talking whites and asians and americas issues with representation
A more apt analogy would being inspired by French art and incorporating French styles into your own canvas.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery.
When Marvel started the population was like 75% white in the US.
You can't own the art that his culture, it is perpetually in the Louvre for all which you don't seem to understand. You wish to bar specific people from entering and seeing it. Racists like you are the worst.
and Asians were still there
Actually, when Marvel started, the USA was almost 90% of the population, it's just under 75% now.
>Argument through analogy
That's a fallacy. Nothing you says makes any sense when applied to culture, which is not static, and is not separate from the people who "carry" it.
whites were almost*
Demographics reflect representation.
Over 60% is white. So the majority of things will be with white people, this is simply statistics.
13% or so is black
5.6% is asian
And represented in Marvel comics.
18% is hispanic whoops
But its not your culture either, you're american. Your relationship with your parents culture ends with that. You claiming any sort of heritage is cultural appropriation because it wasn't the culture you grew up with in the slightest. Its a kick in the ass I know but hey, its what happens when you live in a culture that homogenizes other cultures until they become more acceptable to current social morays with in it
Honestly why don't hispanics bitch this much? Its always asians and blacks bitching about this representation ship
Blacks don't actually bitch that much themselves, white liberals do it for them, and they're too poor to argue. Same deal with Asians, I guarantee you the SJW's in this thread are unlikely to be Asian themselves.
It's an important point to be made, there isn't really a culture war against foreign invaders, the west fights a cultural war against itself.
They got Antonio Banderas, Jennifer Lopez, Andy Garcia, Freddie Prinzes, Eva Longoria, Danny Trejo, Cheech Marin to name a few...because they were a larger portion of the population.
>Honestly why don't hispanics bitch this much
they do
Tbf though they really don't have any representation in comics. Hell bendis bent over backwards to make miles as black as possible despite touting him as biracial
>all this fucking blah blah blah back and forth
Let me make it all easy for everyone:
- delete Iron Fist from the Marvel universe and keep him out of publication forever, as much as it hurts to do so
- place each race in its own isolated zone
- ensure there's absolutely ZERO communication between races
There. Now every race has its own culture, and absolute isolation eliminates any thoughts of " cultural appropiation."
And, yet Danny is. It's what makes him unique. He instead defers to his PoC friends, when it comes to questions about America and American life.
At least Jaime's meant to be getting a movie. If it ever comes out...
We really should've stayed segregated.
It'd be nice, you could do something with ted teaching jaimi and maybe dying to prevent the invasion of the scarabs?
>Like Crazy Rich Asians was made just for them
More like Asian-Americans, who were treating it like a mini Black Panther.
I wouldn't want Ted to die, just yet. A mentor relationship would be quite cool. Still waiting on that Blue and Gold flick, unless it's the 100th property being scrapped by WB.
nah it was made for white people
Might as well include the various genocides committed in the Asias, Africas, and Americas.
White guy entering the mystical domain of Oriental fantasy/culture is a white man's fantasy. Either step up and defend the character or shut the fuck up and let the entertainment business steer its course towards the demographics that can actually make them a profit.
East Asian Americans do not watch movies, unless they're going at the behest of their white friends.
>demographics that can actually make them money
So white people?
Maybe introduce them both in a movie then its sequel can be about booster and teds friendship than a third movie can be the three of them working together to prevent some catastrophe that ends with teds self sacrifice?
He was a kid, who becomes a K'un-Lunian adult. This context is actually very important.
Loads of Asians watched it Bro, and considered it a watershed moment for Asian-American representation.
>proving that whitey can't outdo an Asian at his own cultural heritage
but they can
I could see something like that happening, but I honestly would like to spend more time with Mike and Ted. Also, because I would love to see the Superbuddies in some form.
Problem with this is it implies martial artist prowess is embedded in their DNA, wasn't this 'positive' discrimination and stereotyping last decade that Asian-Americans wanted to escape from?
They realized they missed the boat on all the fun stuff everyone else "appropriated" when they were putting all their efforts into becoming doctors and now they want it back. It's all very greedy.
But, it's the loudest flagging.
Why does being upset about race bending make you /pol/?
Fortunately, Shang's not like that.
Some people are literally being racist to Asian-Americans, while trying to defend Danny's whiteness. It's not a good look and is just fuel on the fire.
They were the ones that started this fucking bullshit, they don't get to play the victim card here.
The only hate I seen toward asian americans came from a full blooded chinese.
>b-ut he started it!!!
Yeah... happas are something.
Yeah, they started it so they don't get to fucking complain.
Look at the fucking thread, literally the first reply is "Mighty Whitey" and "cultural appropiation".
Then maybe call out the specific racists instead of people that want War Machine to stay black and Snake Eyes to stay white. Lumping everyone with innocuous opinions in with toxic people is a worse look.
>General reminder the Chinese hate that Shang-Chi is an American, with an evil Chinese father.
Who wants to race-bend War Machine?
I'm sure there's someone. I hated when they race bent Spawn.
There are literally people calling them racial slurs and making run of their concerns over representation. It's pretty obvious who in the thread is being referred to.
>people called me racist? well i better be racist!
real 4d chess move
Wasn't Snake Eyes created by a Japanese American?
Do you even know what my posts are? Or are you just assuming that I was being racist towards a person who I don't even know where the fuck they come from?
Because all I see in this thread are a bunch of fucking racists assholes going on about how "whitey is bad".
>literally doesn't understand a white flag post when he sees it
are you actually a retarded person
At least I wasn't bumping this shit thread.
No. He was created by some dudes in Rhode Island.
He was fleshed out, given a character, and made a white ninja by a Japanese American.
I unironically wouldn't mind if he was hafu
Yeah, but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Ironically asian countries would. They hate hafus more than foreigners. It's hilarious.
His story is going from being a minority where you were raised as a child, to a rich majority in your parents' culture. He could be an non-East-Asian race while in KL, as long as he's visually dissimilar, but in America he would have to be white. I guess a hapa could work, but he would need to be /extremely/ 'white-passing' to get the racial privilege in America angle of the character down. You might as well just cast white.
But whitey can't do kung-fu!
I like comics
I dont believe you.
I'm normally in the white Iron Fist camp, but if it means turning him hapa to get a good adaptation in the movies, then I'm for it. Hope he gets rebooted someday.
I do, i've actually been reading some old Iron Fist and Master of Kung Fu comics. I'm tired of all these movies, i want to talk about comics.
No, the quickly advancing Chinese middle class, idiot. You really haven't noticed all the pandering to Chinese film tropes in the last 5 years?
And the growing Chinese film market and tightening restrictions on imported movies, dumbass. That bubble's about to, what's the opposite of burst, collapse?
Not market: industry. My bad.
doesn't really work, though, does it?
It's difficult man, but maybe you could try posting some old comics and see how that goes?
There's no one who hates Asians more than other Asians.
Asians love Asians. Just their brand of Asians
Fucking wrong and racist. The idea that a person can lost everywhere they go and belong to no one even though he loves them and works hard is a universal message.
White exterminationists are just buttblaated this story is beautiful.
>implying the jannies aren’t all trannies
I've done that a couple of times but i don't really have much time to storytime, a shame really