Cartoons create mentally unstable manchildren liks pic related and are to blame for everything that is wrong with the...

Cartoons create mentally unstable manchildren liks pic related and are to blame for everything that is wrong with the modern world and child mentality in adults.
Notice how they all do those disney and dreamworks facial expressions?

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You spend too much time on this board mane

Don't you have a truck to run over us with or a Greenland to buy or something?


they purposely did this to make fun of you, they are drunk at a wedding and decided to all troll the internet

Attached: smug.png (237x489, 215K)

How would Greenland fare in USA's hands???

All of these people are good actually.

no, weed and video games do

He just needs to shave his hair off at this point

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This but ironically

lol no

So which one is Lindsay’s husband? The one facepalming?

My favorite Crash villain is Pinstripe

Only Jenny and maybe Mikey when he was starting out.

Mfw a tranny has more testosterone than anyone in this picture

Which one is the strongest in a fight?

Hol up. One of them is movies with mikey???

Unironically hontrapoints

The one with his mouth open. He's front and center.

ha wow, i thought it was John Green at first


maybe you should stop blaming others for your failings?

Maybe you should stop chugging onions, cuckboy

They seem nice

>half of this image has kiwifarms threads


Maybe you should use more original insults, you fuckin basic parrot.


That facial expression is called being happy, you should give it a try somtimes user. Take that sick out of your ass, i'm sure it will help.

ok faget