What were they thinking!!!???
What were they thinking!!!???
Making fun of them before it became just as dangerous as goofing on Muslims.
The arc of Mr. Garrison is about how he is an awful person and him being gay, or trans is unrelated to his awfulness. as much as he try to find himself, the issue is who he is , not hwat he is.
Also, he got rid of Mr Hat. That alone make him unredeemable.
The episode where, uh, she tries to stop gay marriage from happening because of petty jealousy is hilarious
You can't blame him for being the way he is. His dad never raped him.
And on point, trans people think they have more rights than "cis" or homosexuals. See: Trans getting mad that a homosexual girl doesn't want to date them.
>trans people think they have more rights than "cis" or homosexuals
No, they don't.
To accurately represent a tranny.
>Trans getting mad that a homosexual girl doesn't want to date them.
I don't see much of a difference with some straight incel getting mad girls do'nt want to date them.
>admitting to being a hypocrite
How is that an admission of hypocrisy?
It doesn't. It's Just Mr. Garrison.
How is it not?
No. They pretty much nailed it. Personality and all.
I'm sure it correlates with the tranny that lives inside your head
Go on /lgbt/. Place is crawling with Mr. Garrisons everywhere.
>What were they thinking!!!???
cartoon traps are serious business
Racist egomaniacs?
>How is it not?
there is nothing hypocrite about pointing out that some Trans acting like this is simillar to some incel acting like this. It's simply the truth.
> They pretty much nailed it.
Not really. it's just typical Mr. Garrison. case in point, even when back to being cis, he is still the same asshole. So, it's not a trans thing.
>there is nothing hypocrite about pointing out that some Trans acting like this is simillar to some incel acting like this. It's simply the truth.
Yet you judge one and not the other for it.
>Not really. it's just typical Mr. Garrison. case in point, even when back to being cis, he is still the same asshole. So, it's not a trans thing.
But being an entitled asshole is a trans thing.
>Yet you judge one and not the other for it.
I judge both and don't assign it to either being trans nor being incel. It's some people who act like this, regardless of being trans or cis.
Learn to read better, Or learn the meaning of hypocrisy.
>But being an entitled asshole is a trans thing.
It isn't. Again, you can find that attitude among many people regardless of whether or not they are trans or incel or whatever.
Imagine if they did it today
Not difficult to imagine, conservatives would be as butthurt as they were when they did it.
You realize they arent liberal right? They're pretty staunch Republicans.
If you're doing stand-up or writing comedy, this one trick will get you out of 90% of trouble with woke people:
Do not base your material on people you don't have real experience with. If there's a group you've never met but gee they're in the news a lot, or there's this activity you've heard about but never actually seen live... then leave it alone.
Christian comic does jokes about growing up Catholic: it's GOLD!
Muslim comic does jokes about growing up Muslim: it's GOLD!
Christian comic does jokes about Muslims: "well first I'm not allowed to tell Muslim jokes 'cause they'll murder me, but these towelheads actually believe..."
I'll leave it as an exercise to you which group Trey & Matt are more familiar with: Mormons or LGBTQ.
I'm pretty sure the only thing they knew about transitioning were some half-remembered Geraldo episodes from the 1980s. and the only research they did was finding the surgical footage.
American culture may never recover from what they did.
>I judge both and don't assign it to either being trans nor being incel. It's some people who act like this, regardless of being trans or cis.
Except this right here is a lie.
>It isn't. Again, you can find that attitude among many people regardless of whether or not they are trans or incel or whatever.
That there exist african bushmen who happen to be assholes is irrelevant. What's relevant is how there are no trannies who are not.
>American culture may never recover from what they did.
What do you mean? How they represented trannies in that episode was how majority of people back then saw them. It has been only a few years American culture has started accepting transwomen as "real women".
>Implying leftoids wouldn't call it trans appropriation or some shit
>You realize they arent liberal right?
Doesn't matter. Most "conservative values" rep dislike what they do.
>Except this right here is a lie.
Now you are not even trying.
>What's relevant is how there are no trannies who are not.
Trans Garrison was the weirdest boner i ever had
They wouldn't.
Well keep on with your sanctimonious ride then. Hopefully you'll figure out what kind of people you are defending, before they bite you in the ass.
It's crazy how that episode could never get made today, especially with Trey and Matt becoming huge political pussies. The whole episode's moral is literally you can't change your biology to adhere to your fantasies regardless of body grafting. It's outwardly stated with both Dolphin Gerald and Black Kyle. I'm honestly kind of shocked some people have reinterpreted the episode to be trans positive.
They would
>I'm honestly kind of shocked some people have reinterpreted the episode to be trans positive.
Probably because Garrison is fine with the fact that Kyle ruined his balls and he will stay a woman. If anything it's idealistic positivity because in the real world detransitioning is extremely common and those people regret their choice of transitioning in the first place.
>opefully you'll figure out what kind of people you are defending
Well, seeing that I always make a point to only judge peole in case by case on their own merit, it's not going to happens probably ever.
Naaah. Like they literally support men acting feminine and wearing dress. So no.
>It's crazy how that episode could never get made today
the more I see this bit sentence, the more I hate it. It tend to be 95% false when used
>detransitioning is extremely common
It really isn't, mostly because transitioning tends to cause permanent harm to a person's body to the point either way the individual will still require hormone supplements to live a normal life.
Not false in this context.
Not really.
>especially with Trey and Matt becoming huge political pussies.
Having a change of opinion doesn't mean being pussies.
>Well, seeing that I always make a point to only judge peole in case by case on their own merit, it's not going to happens probably ever.
That's cute.
>. The whole episode's moral is literally you can't change your biology to adhere to your fantasies regardless of body grafting.
The thing is, it turns out, as far as the medical and scientific communities have studied the question, it isn't actuzlly a fantasy, but a physiological reality. their brain is effectively of the opposite gender.
They wouldn't run those kind of message for the same reason a piece of fiction wouldn't try to run a message saying smoking cigarettes is a good thing to do.
If your opinion changes to one of a pussy it makes you one. Don't you believe in transitioning genders?
>their brain is effectively of the opposite gender.
Chemical-electric imbalances in your brain chemistry doesn't make you a different gender. It means you have a chemical imbalance and need it corrected to adhere to your healthy body, not the other way around.
Stop pushing this pseudo science bullshit.
They do in the UK, where you can get arrested for arguing with trannies on Twitter.
and yet studies on the brain are mainly inconclusive between the differences between male and female brains
>If your opinion changes to one of a pussy it makes you one.
Except that's not the case, here.
>he thinks it's because of "chemical-electric imbalances"
>accusing other people of pseudoscience when he doesn't even understand the basics of neuroscience outside of terminology he read from comic books
bruv ur dunning kruger af lmao
Incels hate tranny's because trannies are accepted and traps get laid
>Stop pushing this pseudo science bullshit.
this isn"t pseudo science this is the conclusion of many people who have studied the matter.
Whatever you wanna believe pussy
So it is because of a dysfunction in the brain, ergo a mental illness
Actually the brains of FtMs and MtFs are more similar to each other than the typical "male" and "female" brains.
Why? Obviously because they share the same mental condition.
The part of the brain in charge of the endocrine system is clearly different for the male and female brains. There is no questions about it.
>I don't see much of a difference with some straight incel getting mad girls do'nt want to date them.
You'll find there is some overlap between communities.
>ergo a mental illness
It's funny how you think you know better than the medical community.
Better not being accepted than being pitied.
because they gap the same bridge in different directions?
Hey remember how lobotomy was a great fucking idea of the medical community?
>the medical community
I'm glad that you were able to be convinced by a fringe group of doctors. I bet you also think Chiropractors are medical professionals too.
I probably have brain like that. I have always been effeminate and felt more comfortable around girls. But I can't say I'm a woman because I haven't been raised as a one. I will never know the struggles of real women and how they experience the society around them.
How 'bout that Jonathan Yaniv? TWAW!!!
That's the exact same argument anti-vaxxers use.
>I will never know the struggles of real women and how they experience the society around them.
It's a lot easier than you think
>It's funny how you think you know better than the medical community.
So let me get this straight, an actual difference in brain chemistry than what the body should have isn't a mental disorder, but being a gamer is? This is what the medical community has decided.
And "these medical professionals agree" was another argument they used so fuck off
>They're pretty staunch Republicans
Fucking lol, no they're not
you must have completely missed the point of basically any south park episode if you think them making fun of democrats means they're republicans
It's not about easiness or hardships but mostly how they were raised as a child. Since your childhood is the biggest part of you will turn out.
If you dad raped you when you were a child, you're fucked.
If you were neglected when you were a child, you're fucked.
And if your parents made you to perform as a drag queen dancer for adults in a strip club when you were a child, you're probably fucked.
>their brain is effectively of the opposite gender.
That's pretty transphobic user.
Matt Stone is ethnically jewish, this is why all Kyle jew jokes worked so well. He has experience in the religion. The mormons, Trey Parker had a mormon girlfriend
>Trey Parker had a mormon girlfriend
You could just live in Utah for a bit too and get the same effect, it's scary how accurate their mormon jokes are.
Yet people say South Park is responsible for making anti-semitism funny for white dudebros with the "Jew gold" jokes etc., so maybe those jokes didn't work so well after all.
They've had the conversation before, either everything is ok to joke about or nothing is.
I'm just saying that someone will always be offended no matter how well you know the topic you're making fun of.
There was an interview where a journalist mentioned he had friends thinking Stone and Parker were mormons because of how accurate it was. I only interacted very briefly with mormons. Here in Puerto Rico most people are either Catholic, protestant or Jehovah Witnesses
the difference is that incels don't try to force lesbians to change their sexuality
The medical community bought into trans acceptance because hormone therapy and gender reassignment are lucratively profitable. Doctors aren't the ethical guardians you think they are, especially in the U.S.
>it isn't actuzlly a fantasy, but a physiological reality. their brain is effectively of the opposite gender
But user, gender is a social construct and men and women are exactly the same. Do I have to blacklist you?
They were on such copious amounts of LSD in this picture...
Have you ever been to /rk9/? There actually is heavy overlap between incels and trannys. They figure if they can’t get a gf they will become a gf.
Nah dude. The shit you spewed would only apply to representative media (read: shitty, unfunny propaganda). Comedy never had to limit itself because it may piss off a group of brainlet activists or ideological tards (who have been around for way longer than any of the current popular movements). Hell, I would go as far and say that Garryson's character ark was the best way of handling being trans because they didn't sugar coated it and portrayed the whole thing in a humanized way. It wasn't representative "me X and if you Y and Y bad so me throw spear", they showed both the bad and the good of being trans while preserving Garryson's personality, showing the he was always a piece of shit and being a woman wasn't gonna change that.
Basically, it was speculative instead of representative which raised discussion rather than just picking a side.
>The thing is, it turns out, as far as the medical and scientific communities have studied the question, it isn't actuzlly a fantasy, but a physiological reality. their brain is effectively of the opposite gender.
It's still a big grey zone because the only way we can access the self is through the patient's testimony, which is why they say they feel like a specific gender. There is still no way to differentiate gender dysphoria from schizophrenia for example. Until we have the technology to dig into the self and observe it directly, the whole thing will be very divisive in the scientific community.
>It has been only a few years American culture has started accepting transwomen as "real women".
Only in your leftist little academia bubbles and coastal cosmopolitan circles. The mainstream murrican culture, let alone overall western culture has not fucking accepted those freaks as "real women" and most likely never fucking will because to sane people, the definition of a woman has the caveat of "being capable of producing children". Trannies cannot, and will never be able to become pregnant which means that T H E Y A R E N O T W O M E N
was starting a shitstorm part of you masterplan?
trannies are just men who haven’t had luck with women so they think switching genders will do the trick, but it still doesn’t help
Imagine a race so insecure and disgusting that you have made making jokes at your expense if not borderline illegal, then at least social suicide in most of the western world
I would assume they all hate white people (especially the ones that are white themselves) so yes
>this fucking thread
they’ve said in interviews that they’re republicans.
but they also said that it’s because they’re contrarians and they live in LA so that is the best way for them to be contrarians.
they’re also rich so being a republican makes sense.
You are aware there is a significant amount of case were fathers transitioned when they already had a well established family, right?
>a thread died just so a /pol/ bait thread could be bumped.
>I would assume they all hate white people
No. It's just Mr. Garrison.
Jews are honestly pretty awful. They consider themselves a race when all they are is a religion to which most that consider themselves Jews don't even practice. Not to mention they think the holocaust should prescribe them with some sort of special respect in the world when the Chinese were getting far worse treatment by the Japs in WWII.
>/pol/ bait thread
Nah it most certainly have started that way but the gay vs tranny shitstorm is pure /lgbt/. This thread encompasses everything horrid about /pol/, /r9k and /lgbt/ and it's hilarious.
There is nothing more relaxing after a long hard week than spending your friday night drinking good beer and arguin about trannies on a Bangladeshi kite testing forum
The only people that give a fuck a bout jews and their woes are white people, specifically white people in nations whose medias are under jewish control. The underlying cultural zeitgeist is turning against the jews however, both globally as well as in western nations. /pol/ is merely a part of this shift.
Half of the catalog at the moment is politics and the same three cartoons. Yea Forums is shit right now.
This, but unironically. I love arguing about shit on Yea Forums. It is fun as fuck for me.
That it was funny and it was. 99% of trannies don't pass and everyone knows it. There is no actual gender reassignment surgery, all you're paying for is mutilated genitals.
This episode understandably always gets a debate about the tranny issue, so people always ignore the great scene
>Cartman: Nyanyanyanyanyaaanyaaa! You-hoo-hoo-hoo loh-ost! Hahahahahaaahaaa! Kyle, I'm totally ripping on you at a totally inappropriate time!
>Kyle: I know. I deserve it.
>Cartman: Yeah, you know why? Because Jews can't play basketball!
>Kyle: You're right.
>Cartman (looking confused): Jesus, that's no fun.
>they’ve said in interviews that they’re republicans.
“I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals.” - Trey Parker.
They aren’t republicans
Trannies are some of the most regressive pieces of shits. Honestly believing in the "lady brain"?
Become part of the 41% you fucking cocks in frocks
>but a physiological reality. their brain is effectively of the opposite gender.
The brain controls hormonal output you cretin. If the absolute horseshit you were spewing were true trannies would naturally transition during puberty.
wrong interview fuckhead
>they literally support men acting feminine and wearing
yes, the men who do it to genuinely try to be women.
if you do it as a joke, like they did, the left would absolutely get offended and boycott them
accepted until they’re out of earshot and then their rightly laughed at and shittalked
Even better now that there’s an episode where Garrison turns back and admits he was a dude all along.
I refuse to believe that people like Stefoknee aren't mentally ill.
>their brain is effectively of the opposite gender
Least intelligent post award
It’s more like we’re looking at walking dead men in ladies dresses.
No, but they'd probably consider it mockery and still offensive
This is the fucking shit that bothers me.
I don’t know you but I can tell you have the mindset that I’d like to see snuffed out of our society.
That was their dynamic perfectly dissected in one scene.
But there's the rub, isn't it?
There's of course people who bash transsexuals to feel morally superior, but there's also people who just recognize natural law and that extensive plastic surgery doesn't actually rewrite your genetics ala Ranma 1/2. It's sad, but it's true. Kyle can't be a basketball player, and at least as of this point in writing, if your genes are XY, you can't be a woman.
The Dolphin episode is more on point than the apology episode, since the apology episode is less "Gender Fluidity exists", and more of Matt and Trey's "live and let" libertarian ideology at work. You can kinda see they're uncomfortable with transgenderism, because they make Wendy FtM but don't actually commit to it.
The Dolphin episode is crude(god forbid South Park be crude!), but it explains the crux of the anti SRS argument effectively - just because you LOOK like a woman, it doesn't mean you are a woman, in the same way as looking like a dolphin or tall black man doesn't make you one.
The apology episode sorta kvetches and never makes a definitive statement other than "anyone who cares about what other people do is a fag."
>American culture may never recover from what they did.
If some filmsy comedy show is enough to destroy your ideology, maybe your ideology was equally flimsy to begin with.
Didn't they live in LA? How were they not familiar with LGBT people?
This episode was and still is funny. Anyone who has a problem completely misses the point of the episode. It's a further development of Garrison showing that he's a selfish cunt and the importance of realizing that just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. Gerald and Kyle illustrate the problem with body modification. We all have issues, wants and desires, but we live in fleshy shells. Taking action without thought (Kyle/Gerald) and assuming it makes you what you want to be leads them to experience pain, trouble and fail ultimately in their dreams. The episode has jack shit all to do with trans or whatever shit you want to talk about. It's about understanding your choices and to not take the fact that just because we have basic memes to do so doesn't mean you should do it (at the very least without understanding what comes next).
It's disingenuous to say it's an individual critique of Garrison and Kyle. The transexualism is portrayed as an allure, a false promise that suckers in Kyle, Mr. Garrison, and Kyle's father. Those three characters pay the price for the false allure, but the dr and the ideology are also portrayed as equal or perhaps even more insidious culprits.
Dreams are fickle things. I'm never one to judge those who failed in them, or those who succeeded. Too many random elements involved, too many hidden fees.
Did you miss the whole point of the episode? Because I think you did. No matter what mutilating surgery a tranny has, they're still their original biological gender. Being mutilated to superficially resemble a woman does not make you a woman.
It's almost as if incels and trannies are equally pathetic and despicable!
fuck off retard. jesus we need a purge.
Republicans don't have to be conservative. The majority of them voted for Trump and his platform was more liberal than Bill Clinton's and his policies to date have been more liberal than even Obama's. And he still maintains tremendous support among the Republican base despite that.
So what is Garrisons sexuality supposed to be
In the earliest seasons he got plastic surgery to atttact ladies
Later hes a flaming homo
Then he swaps gender
Then he swaps gender again
Then he doesnt really do anything as Drumpf