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The show taking place in Mexico explains why the world is such a shit hole and why everyone is so stupid
They couldn't just leave him being somewhat Spanish alone. They had to make him into a fullblown mexican, skin color and all. I know some latin people are pissed
el gran padre
Jhonen is mexican. He's said the Membranes were loosely based on his own family. All that happened was their skin was slightly tanned and you can't even tell half the time. Their ethnicity is never touched on in the show so it doesn'treally matter. Anyone complaining or genuinely upset over this are just being overractionary babies
chinese, thai or jamaican
>some latin people are pissed
Dib and Gaz are like the only characters from Earth that are intelligent in the show, you're making shit up
>I know some latin people are pissed
Yeah, "some latin people", like my latin girlfriend , who goes to a different school, in Canada.
Esto, pero de manera no irónica.
Mexican's not even a race you dumb fuck
It's a nationality
You can't be "Racially" mexican
You can be of Spanish heritage and still be Mexican since people of spanish heritage fucking created Mexico
This is like saying because there are mixed race irish people celtics don't exist
"Mexican" is a slur for the brown mixed natives you dumb cuck
We know the difference between them and actual latinos
Also she works at Nintendo, as my uncle.
It's literally a nationality lmao stfu retard.
>It's literally a nationality
And a slur, you dirty Mexican
>Dib stays all day in his room
>somehow gets more tanned that before.
A fucking slur for stupid fucking people
Doesn't make it the "Official" technical meaning you stupid fuck
Smart people say Mestizo when referring to mixed
There is no such thing as an actual "Latino" since it's a geographical term, not a racial one
Wasn't Jhonen a white mexican?
No it's not, you'd have to be from somewhere far away to actually think that or want to spread that kind of sentiment, like Russia or something.
Mexicans get darker with age. Look at Zim's maker than compare early 2000s him to him now. YOu fumbing cummo
Man this post is like... really gay.
Found the triggered Mexichump
>No it's not
Really? I'm pretty sure I just used it as a slur.
Also everyone South of Texas have been called Mexicans since literally forever.
It would have been too easy if it had taken place in murica. Zim just had to deploy weapons and everybody would start shooting each other.
You pronounce that like Johan right?
God I love that video
Wow you so anti-intellectual faggot? Does it really kill you that you're wrong about something?
that also explains why no body gives a damn, must be the US-México broader tho. Every makes sense now.
Are they skin dyeing him or just making him Mexican? We have castizo's, they're usually the lightest shade of brown from here. Would make sense for a rich scientist Mexican to be one for that college education money.
So long as they don't make him full blown mestizo or, god forbid, native it's fine. That's just pandering at that point.
Does this mean more bigdad art
Mexican's a nationality not a race
These are terms you should learn
Anybody got a download link to the movie?
Is this a torrent link?
Pan needs a Tan, maybe he should take up gardening
Membrane isn't a hispanic surname tho.
Is that The Pan Pizza?
He sure looks like a White Latin American
names can legally change
I now know the error of my ways and for that I apologize for mistaking a .mkv file for a torrent
I mean I don't think you should call people those names.
Yatevi dum
Not t to their face anyway
It's a cartoon.
Mexicans are white, though.
>Wasn't Jhonen a white mexican?
People are only labeled as "white Hispanic" when a Hispanic person commits a murder but the media wants to blame it on a white person (see: Zimmerman/Trayvon).
El r2d2
>You can't be "Racially" mexican
Yes you can.
Jesus what the fuck? Last picture I saw of him, he was skinner before this, but with more pimples.
Did he trade his skinny weight for clear skin or something?
Pan Pizza does reviews in a room and spends 15 hours sitting and maybe 3 hours walking around the city with his gf, it isn't some healthy life
He thought Sharks where his friends.
Trust me, when you get older around the age of 30 or 40, it will be harder to lose weight.
Yea he we know this for years user, are you this new?
Martin Sheen's real name is Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez. Membrane is probably just a more marketable name to plaster on products in universe
I liked these moments but I also think it was too easy. Gaz should have been less amused.