Someone pick up the he phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT!
Someone pick up the he phone because I FUCKING CALLED IT!
You’re also late, faggot
Jesus aside from the show itself pushing them together there’s a goddamn thread in the catalog already
It's so fucked up how the left can literally openly brainwash small children into their ways of thinking and no one can do anything about it.
Two girls kissing is to much for your Christian sensibilities?
Shall i bring out the chair so you can sit down mam?
I have no goddamn problem with two girls kissing in anything else.
Leave it out of fucking cartoons aimed at prepubescent children, please.
>Oh no not the young ones!
Cope dyke lover. Cope.
it's not sexual. it's not brainwashing. girls can like girls. boys can like boys. it's just no longer being silenced by higher ups.
What is it with left leaning people on this site making limp wristed passive aggressive replies?
They're literally grooming an entire generation to their political beliefs. All the "young ones" will end up blue-haired SJW gender studies majors in 10 years.
It's brainwashing to raise children to believe that that kind of behavior is something other than aberrant.
If anything the one who should be coping is hetfags ;)
>homosexuality is a political belief
Brain on retard sure is fun
Funny this is coming from a guy browsing a site where laughing at dead babies is acceptable
>thread is even more cancerous than the others in less than ten posts
well shit that was fast
>the man who was cucked by a lesbian
Pansy sissy can’t take dyke banter
Homosexuality is a fact of life. Acceptance thereof, however, and treating it as a legitimate lifestyle is political.
You don't see me trying to convince anyone that laughing at dead people is A-OK.
At least he would get more sex than you'll ever have
so you're okay with millions of little girls watching lesbians and thinking it's normal and becoming lesbians themselves ?
you sicken me, and the day Frozen 2 will have a lesbian story is the day the Occident will meet its downfall and I will gloat as I would have already left the western world for a better place untainted by Soddom and Gomorra's influence
you'll be sorry and I won't care
you imbecilic cancer
it makes no sense for straight people to hate gays but love lesbians
more gay = more girls available since they won't go after them
encouraging lesbianism is the epitome of stupidity
the more lesbians the less girls will be interested in you and woud rather make out with the same sex than with you
all you idiotic mongrels always support lesbians, and lesbians are way more prominent in cartoons/television than gays
it is your fault, all of you, you will see the consequences
Elsa will be a lesbian, and little girls will all be lesbians because girls are very influencable
Men aren't as much influencable than females, so it wouldn't affect them to see gayness
it's your right to be gay
just don't put your homosexual fetishes in cartoons for normal people
normal people watch normal shows
gay people watch gay things
don't mix the two
you stupid fuggs ruined everything, but I'm not mad
as I said, the west doomed because of nincompoops such as you fag and I will be rejoincing to its doomsday from afar
>Homosexuality is a fact of life. Acceptance thereof, however, and treating it as a legitimate lifestyle
Guess being straight is a political thing too hell even being born is being political
Bitch I'm just sick to fucking death of lesbians. Where's the gay parings? The Bara x Bara meatfest, the twink and twink drama, the universal appeal of two traps makeing out! And more than that, where's the weird relationships human x AI, human x monster, human x a rule 63 version of themselves.
We live in an unprecedented time of cartoon freedom, that will not last forever. The true extent of possibly is endless, and what have these so called liberated writers done with it?
I'm sick to death of it, where's the passion, wheres the creativity, where the variety for god's sake!
Nice try, i just hate dykes for being awful human beings, if anything the constant usage of dyke ships to shit on male characters proves theyre all man hating bitchs
The dyke cunt should take a punch in the jaw if she wont take a dicking, dykes are cancer id rather have gay men in cartoons because at least they can be decent people if they want to be.
This is some tasty pasta
>can literally openly brainwash small children into their ways
That's not how brainwashing work.
Damn son my post really brought the autism squad out of the woods.
I mean that's literally how propaganda works. You just show the same thing over and over without any differing opinions.
Well thank you, captain Obvious. What are you going to predict next? That Disney will rack billion at the end of their fiscal year?
Homo lifestyle is a legitimate lifestyle though. That’s what homos do. Homo stuff. How is homos kissing political.
By that logic
>little girl sees this
>"I'm a dyke now!"
>little boy plays GTA
"I'm a serial killer now!"
White people love all the gay shit in cartoons.
Hence why the rest of us primarily watch anime.
>Leave it out of fucking cartoons aimed at prepubescent children, please.
You don't know the meaning of that word.
t. seething aids ridden fag
>I mean that's literally how propaganda works.
Showing things that exist is not propaganda.
Showing gays kissing is no more propaganda than showing straight kissing.
Keep telling yourself that while the show is cancelled.
>TV brainwashing children
Sure, pal. Not like parenting is a thing
The lesbian kiss doesn't surprise me, the fact that people have actually watch this garbage does.
OKKO is a good show.
>You just show the same thing over and over without any differing opinions
Oh boy someone lock up all the kids who played RTS games they'll grow up to be dictators who will cause WW3
won’t somebody please think of the children! Ban games! Ban cartoons! Ban gays! Ban violence and racism!
No, It's rubbish
oops forgot image
>RTS games
Yeah the problem with that anology is that there's dozens of different themed RTSs that don't all show the same shit over and over again.
Mr. Garrison and all the dudes he has fucked
Tweek and Craig
Mr. Ratburn
Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland
There you go you homo
>there's dozens of different themed RTSs that don't all show the same shit over and over again.
Except they all have the same message, destroy and conquer
12 Forever has a bara pair, though they don't feature very much after their designated episode
>destroy and conquer
>not "Command and Conquer"
You very clearly don't play many RTS if you think something like Civilization has the same theme as Supreme Commander.
Then again, you're probably a console nigger.
>Civilization has the same theme as Supreme Commander
>comparing a 4x to an RTS
>calling anyone a consolepleb
Is this a copypasta?
Don't worry braindead user
Mr. Gar and Carol also had a kiss scene. So it evens out.
What about AoE where you can just brainwash the masses with a few good wololos, a perfect moral for any leftist!
>a perfect moral for any leftist!
Or alt right
The alt right doesn't own the entirety of the mass media.
Shit taste, Enid.
Green one best.
But they wish they did
>Stop putting gay in my cartoons!!!!
Cartoons have had gay mouth-on-mouth smooches since damn near their inception and most of them were forced kek
>Green one best.
Based and Redpilled.
I don't like faggots and I don't want children to seem that faggotry is normal.
Heh i remind when ok ko was used as anti SU, that didn't aged well lol
>creating an "insult" for something that's the norm
Imagine being this butthurt.
Eh, this is such an obvious shill marketing thread, trying to use the classic but boring faked outrage method to advertise the show to the people browsing this board.
This is a show where the characters are shoddily drawn furry creatures in "normal" people suit, bunch of weird living fruits, gestalting robots, superheroes drawn in the "TUMBLR" style, references to classical 90s webcomics and video(s) games and other inane stuff.
Nothing about this show is surprising at all.
The only thing that would be honestly controversial would be if Rad and Mr. Garr were a love couple (featuring KO's mom as a MILF in relationship with the two of them).
>to seem that faggotry is normal.
So you want kids to be misinformed. Great (because yes, being gay is normal)
Whoa jeez more lesbians in a cartoon that only people in their 20s/30s bother to watch what a shock
I bet at least 2 of the responses to you are angry LGBBQT fags
Fuck off normalfag
>for something that's the norm
If it's the norm then why people complain when it's not given focus? Sounds like the only one buttblasted here is you :3
>>creating an "insult" for something that's the norm
That already exist. It's being part of the fucking normies
>bro think of the children even though i have no experience of being an actual parent so i automatically think children are going to turn into faggots/dykes because they're exposed to something that actually happens in real life
This board and /pol/ gets fucking dumber by the second.
The percentage of actual LGBT people is like 4% of the population.
Why do they need so much pandering?