This will still make a billion won't it
This will still make a billion won't it
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China will like her hong kong won't but who'll be left after pooh bear tienan squares them.
Absolutely based, fuck disney
She did nothing wrong, prove me wrong.
Does she support police officers, or support commies?
This is 4channel quality.
The police officers work for the commies
And that's a good thing
Only if you ignore the fact that Disney is buying an increasing number of tickets to its own movies in order to inflate sales.
I would but those videos probably are too violent for this place's rules
You're free to head to China or North Korea if you like
Just go to /gif/ and find a rekt thread
Half of the entries are usually Chinese manglings
At this point they could just show footage of paint drying for few hours and slap a Disney logo on it and the lowest common denominators would still clap like trained seals.
How much money a film makes or even how many awards it gets is irrelevant. Time is the true test of good films. I have no doubt these live action adaptations will gradually slip into obscurity while their animated counterparts will still be referenced and viewed for generations to come.
Why doesn't a billionaire just make a movie himself, pick 1 cinema in each country, set ticket prices at $1,000,000,000 each, then fly around the world and buy tickets to his own movie to make his movie the highest grossing movie of all time?
>tfw Disney probably made her day she supports the Hong Kong police in order for the Chinese government to allow Mulan in China and rake in those China bucks
With all the bitching these chinks do its amazing they ever got down to business to defeat the Huns.
she did something wong
Because there'd be no point other to flex on Hollywood.
She’s American. Imagine having all that freedom and still supporting CCP.
I mean look at all the left leaning people on this board that openly say the 1st amendment shouldn't be a right because of muh /pol/ or Yea Forums
It effectively just boils down to money. She knows she's more likely to make bank off China than the US, where Asian leads are still treated somewhat warily, so sucking up to the CCP's policies is likely to get her more work there.
it's because she's american that she knows not to piss off the target market?
It's because she's American that she doesn't know to keep her fucking mouth shut.
>Let’s make movies for an asian country that loves entertainment!
>Are you talking about Japan or South Korea?
Murica, I love you, but you’re bringing me down.
Japan and SK has their own local source of entertainment which they export, China for it's size is pretty small, it's a lucrative market if you know what to give them.
I am actually pretty tired of all this talk about movies made for "asia", and how "asians" are represented, and how it's all made to appeal to "asia".
When what they really mean is China and fuck all else. Just say China and the Chinese if you mean China. Don't mince your words while hiding behind the banner "asian" appeal. China is not the rest of asia and China is very different.
Honestly just proves china needs to be wiped off the map.
Because cinemas set the prices, not movie producers
And China takes like 60% of the earnings anyways, Disney just likes the idea of eventually being subsidized for doing fuckall by the CCP like other American companies there(Google)
Preserve it's history pre-Mao and destroy everything else.
Asia is China and the West is America.
>she's american
>Born: Wuhan, Hubei, China
Inb4 some fag says "b-but she's naturalized". All that proves is that all naturalized citizens and their children need to pushed into the ocean.
Apprently a whole bunch of Chinese celeberties are in support of the Hong Kong police and the current theory is the Chinese government strong arming the celeberties
She should have kept her mouth shut
Yes, the money is all on the Chinese not Hong Kong sadly. They know nothing about this protest. Maybe a bit but the brutal stuff is heavily censored
Nope. They can't walk this back. After all the horror stories of the shit the Hong Kong police are doing, coming out as supportive of them is a death blow to this movie in the western market. I'm sure it can still make bank in China but this is bad, especially since she's the lead actress and the film's already wrapped production.
>she knows not to piss off the target market?
She could have just said nothing. It would have cost nothing to just not post the comment, risking the support of people outside of China.
>people care
They're doing a live action Mulan too?
Fuck. They're really just doing shitty live action remakes of every single animated masterpiece they've made. Fuck this. None of them have compared to their original.
Some people won't, but will use it as an excuse to rally up negative press for yet another Disney live action remake. This also feels like a boiling point for American film companies prioritizing courting the Chinese audience over basic decency.
A whole bunch of Chinese celeberties have been on a "CHINA NUMBER 1" streak lately and have been quitting or refusing to endorse products or brand China sees as "problematic". One quit because the clothes listed Taiwan as a separate country. Like said the current theory is that the government is forcing these people to act like this under threat of losing citizenship or organs but at the same time they could honestly support this
Lets be honest her fellas aint nobody boycotting jack squat, there still make there bank
Imagine boasting about your freedumbs and then fawning over a communist dictatorship
The absolute STATE of fattyburgers.
China threatened to rape her and her family, probably. Seems they learned from Japan plenty.
Not in vachina tho, the commies literally have got the entire population cut off from the outside world and are brainwashing them more and more effectively, the CCP can literally make 1/7th of the world believe whatever they want to on a dime
The mainstream media has completely black holed the protests and only mention them for a few seconds if at all, just like the yellow vest movement. Twitter suppressed the tag, too, most peopoe literally don't know.
>The mainstream media has completely black holed the protests
But they're all reporting on this boycott.
>Twitter suppressed the tag, too, most peopoe literally don't know
Twitter says BoycottMulan is trending right now.
I wish i had a chinese GF
Where you at senpai? Here in Australia the HK protests and all the associated ugliness have been all over the news the past few weeks.
>Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, literally every other eastern Asian country that isn’t China: population 500-800 million people (plus they are spread out among like 10+ countries, making dealing with them all more burdensome and inefficient marketwise)
>China: population 1.4 billion people (literally 1 single country, the only other country that comes close is India, and well lol at them ever being as successful as China is in the near future)
North Korea proved that complete information control does work on a large enough and thus significant amount of the population, so it makes sense that China would do it too.
Just like us Westerners are also influenced by propaganda, no matter how smarter we all believe ourselves to be.
So we've seen all the obvious China pandering in cinema in the last 7-8 years, but when will we get blatant attempts at getting Indiabux?
What even would they do?
Most likely
India has multiple large movie industries. I'm not sure that's a market the US can really smash into.
Odds are like most people who announce boycotts they'll forget all about this when the movie comes out
Based Disney always wins
India has its Bollywood, and thus is impenetrable.
Truman fucked us over by recalling MacArthur before he had a chance to invade/nuke China during the Korean War and bring democracy back to them before Mao killed 60+ million people in the “great leap forward”, more than died during the entirety of WW2
And yet that bun headed shithead is still on their money and on a huge Stalinist portrait in fucking tienamen aware of all places. Brainwashing works
Reading sure is fucking hard isn't it dumbass
PRC is just Disney for the East
Of course now that the movie is a statement about defending mainland China´s policies the government is going to make obligatory watching that movie.
I love our dystopian reality where megacorporations and police states team up for money. It doesn't surprise me that the same people cheer for Disney and the PRC.
>blatant attempts at getting Indiabux?
Does this count?
ban toilets from films
But not #HongKong
The tag was sunk worldwide last i saw
Lel the mainstream media has been too busy hyperventilating about Drumpf for the gorillinth time to pay attention to something as problematic as “What? An actual news story with global implications that directly shows an American adversary in a bad light? Eh, but if it’s not brutal self country flogging, why bother?”
Of course it will. It's Disney. They might as well be a cult at this point.
Say it with me: one (obnoxious clapping twitter emoji) point (another annoying clap) four (still clapping) billion (c l a p) people
it's trending on twitter right now dumdum, check the #boycottmulan tag
Jackie Chan is a legit nationalist though. If I remember right, a lot of martial artists got de facto patronage from the Chinese Government because it’s one of the aspects of culture that was over looked by the Red Army and survived attempted cultural purges.
Cults are usually small though and the number of people who worship Based Disney and all the amazing things they've done probably outnumber every major religion
>implying being a leftist isn't a rich people's quirk
it's more sheer laziness. look at all the shit things nestle and such have done, but they produce so many products that dodging every pie they have a finger in is just about impossible unless you want to annoy everyone around you and spend lots more money.
>Based Disney and all the amazing things they've done probably outnumber every major religion
Spoken like a cult member
would the US just do a false flag on the South China Sea and start WWIII already? sink some Flip and Viet ships.
Its Obvious that Drumf cant take Zi in trade. That blink he did when China dropped the Yuan and scattered US trade shows that Zi already has the upper hand.
Based Xi should just glass HK at this point.
>glassing valuable real estate
I can just imagine some Chinese operative painstakingly lurking this site and learning the memes and going, "Right... I shall call our leader... "BASED"... and the Westerners shall soon fall in line!"
Their investors would lynch them
That’s the reason why the HK protestors are invoking Bruce Lee instead, another famous Hong Kong martial artist yet he never shilled for the commies
I agree. Many cry but still buy their products. But its either hard to dodge or their price is mandatory for people wih low income.
>legit nationalist
his son was caught with drugs, the only way to help him was to kiss the commies ass.
all his older movies have propaganda in them, like when westerners try to smuggle out "chinese artifacts" its all bs cuz the commies destroyed their own shit.
Here in fucking Chile we heard about the Hong Kong shit everyday, some reporters try to talk more about it but it's better than nothing. I'll give you the yellow vests tho, we were lucky to heard a murmur about it at it's peak.
Damn, you are right. Just the Hong Kongers will do then.
man i wish we could post the bugspray copypasta in Yea Forums, i wonder how many chink drones actually lurk here.
she needs to support China or they fuck her, remember China is a dictatorship, not a decadent liberal democracy
China has literally 5 times the population of Japan and South Korea combined
They're also a nation of locusts with no sense of taste, freedom, or choice, and have a domestic film industry that puts out nothing but state-sponsored trash meant to reinforce their programming. You can make some garbage, CGi-filled schlock and make an absurd amount of additional revenue if it picks up in China, whereas Japan and SK aren't starved for Hollywood's slop and can't yield that much of a haul, even in the best case scenario
She made the right call, disney wants that china money, not hong kong money.
>supporting police
But wouldnt this blow up in their face?
Less liberal points. Less western money which is more worth since the chinese goverment takes a big cut? And do chinese buy disney merch or do they buy knockoffs? Even if their copyright gets stricter, i dont think its that applied as in the west?
Tankies exist
They support police being the only ones with guns so yeah.
Why would the Chinese not support a movie that supports them over Hong Kong?
Chinese American here
Talking about the CCP with my parents always enters disaster territory since I take freedom of information and "loving your country shouldn't mean loving your government" seriously
I'm just relieved they accept me despite hating it so much
>How dare the police do their job of stopping troublemakers.
Fuck china
Police should be protecting people
*Innocent people
And punishing evildoers.
The people of Hong Kong are at risk of having their legal system be controlled by the CCP who have different intentions than that of the people of Hong Kong and can accuse a citizen expressing his disdain for the CCP's actions as a criminal and lock him up with no fair trial
I'm not one to support war crimes but Japan shouldn't have stopped at Nanking
.....not this one. There's been the beginning of a backlash against media portraying women as Smart & Strong. I first noticed this with Rey from Disney Star Wars.
Anyway, in retrospect ALL this Pro-Female themed media is going to be hated. And why not? Women aren't good soldiers, they're not good warriors, they're not good cops. In fact the only thing women are good at is Kunoichi which meant seducing targets and killing them while asleep after sex. So women regardless of anything are nothing more than glorified sperm toilets.
Anyway Mulan is a pile of shit. I don't care if the Chinese invented the poem, it must have been some specific dumbass emasculated pussy begging simp from many years ago. And these kinds of men exist in all races. These kinds of men should never be allowed any rights for their mentality is what eventually enables bullshit like women's rights which brings us to the present hellhole that modern civilization is enduring. Any race that is STUPID enough to give women rights is going to collapse (usually because men love women so much they don't have the balls to take away their rights so the country must endure generations of women voting until collapse because women's voting habits are expensive for any country).
I don't hate the Chinese people
I just hate the CCP
Don't ever change Yea Forums. Laughing at the retarded shit you morons say brightens up everyone's day.
fucking mods do your job. this is not Yea Forums
The fact of the matter is most humans regardless of race are VERY stupid.
The only way normie shit eaters would ever start to maybe consider something is off in the world is if their supply of excrement is taken away and they start feeling hungry.
1) Now you are just making up shit. The extradition bill that was tabled doesn't cover political crimes. It covers stuff that is already illegal or punishable in HK or under any international conventions/agreements HK is signatory of.
2) The PRC already controls everything.
>Disney will support communist brutality
But never forever. Communism always collapses and China is no different we've already seen Communism fail before. It's all a matter of time.
Disney is a Leftist Globalist Corporation owned by Jews, of course they support this.
The next movie will be Maduro propaganda.
Its not like all those chinks go see movies and live in cities, a large amount of that number are dirt farmer rural folk.
It's worst than that, When Disney bought Fox they were giving more barging power for movies timeslots.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law Hong Kong protests
Of course they do. They get essential slave labor for their merchandise
They hate the trade war for this reason. They’ve always been a company first even in Walt’s reign
I think Liu Yifei just likes not being party vanned like Fan Bingbing
fuck outta here, ching chong
Do you really believe all this pro-female media shit is going to age well? When the United States of America collapses, and it will, the last thing any man wants to think about is supporting a shitty film like Wonder Woman. Face it, the only men who like this Pro-Female shit are beta losers who have a Femdom fetish (in fact Wonder Woman's creator had that as well). And women are disgusted by weak loser males like that.
>all his older movies have propaganda in them, like when westerners try to smuggle out "chinese artifacts" its all bs cuz the commies destroyed their own shit.
both were true, commies destroyed some of their own shit, but westerners undeniably stole some shit too, that's practically Their Thing is stealing shit
Listen, answer this honestly:
What is your exact age?
Alright sport just be careful not to shoot up your school when you can't get a date
Based. Order needs to be placed upon Hong Kong.
>The extradition bill that was tabled doesn't cover political crimes. It covers stuff that is already illegal or punishable in HK or under any international conventions/agreements HK is signatory of.
So? Mainland China has a fucking 99,% conviction rate, cooperating with that disgusting mockery of a system is a violation of human rights of it's own.
You say steal, i say rescue from leap forward demolitionism and cultural holocaust.
> a fucking 99,% conviction rate
So does Japan and South Korea. And yet somehow most countries have extradition agreements with them.
No they don't. You're confusing conviction with resolution. No one absolved in China, so long as they grab any poor bastard they will bullshit a trial in 30 minutes and send him away for 15 years.
And what about the reeducation camps, the human harvesting and the hyper-invasive surveillance in Xingjiang, Tibet or even outter Mongolia? Fuck China, they should be broken into at least 7 independent countries and never again be allowed to own real state or ports abroad.
True. There's a similar situation with ethnically Chinese kpop stars where a lot of them even of HK and TW origin are posting something along the lines of "I'm a protector of the 5 star flag." It's suspected that anyone only posting that phrase is being forced to do so. However, anyone posting rhetoric supporting the HK police specifically are the ones going way above and beyond and should be put on blast.