I wanna like/watch this show but it doesn't have any waifus. Pls tell me that his sisters show up eventually
I wanna like/watch this show but it doesn't have any waifus. Pls tell me that his sisters show up eventually
yeah she’s really fat and wears tons of makeup
guess why
We already got this so there's a good chance they show up in the next batch of episodes
I can't tell if posts like these are irony or not
>Muh waifus again
I refuse to believe that this board has gotten so shit as for this to be a requirement for a show to be considered watchable. I want to believe this is just one guy shitposting so baaad.
>no waifus
Well hopefully they show up soon and are sexy as hell
There's nothing wrong with wanting waifus and fan service you fucking faggots/SJWs
post pics
lose weight
I just don't get this boards stupid obsession with watching stuff just to get horny over it. Who cares if a cat has tits in the show? It's funny just watch it.
Adorabat is the shows waifu
Literal cumbrain
It's CalArts Cats, that's enough of a reason not to watch.
She's shit, no boobs, no legs, no armpits and no butt. It's like the creators purposely designed her to be as un-waifuable as possible. And I'm not a furry so it's already hard for me to waifu this kind of anthro characters
Only literal faggots or SJW or low test numales don't want waifus or fanservice in their shows. WHy do you think that anime is so popular and western cartoons are shit? Even Mao Mao has bad rating so I guess the entire country agrees with me
Just go back to Steven Universe of the only thing you care about are female characters
Just wait for his sisters and only watch the epsidoes with then in it. That's what I'm going to do
SU is shit you fucking discord tranny. Stop trying to shill people into your shitty tranny show. Dilate
It didn’t use to be like this. Back circa 2011, going on and on about waifus was seen as an Yea Forums trait. We still made threads about wanting to fug everything under the sun, tho. It just wasn’t a reason to pick up or not pick up a show.
>There's nothing wrong with wanting waifus and fan service you fucking faggots/SJWs
sure, but if you can't enjoy a quality show like Mao Mao without them then you desperately need to get laid, and no amount of namecalling on your part will change that.
nah sorry but i'm a dude. keep seething tho
>I breathe the same air as these people
>I inhabit the same plane of existence with these people as well
Chopping your dick off doesn't make you a male anymore
Dilate harder tranny
>requiring waifus to like a show
That's like half of Yea Forums and most of Yea Forums, you're outnumbered here faggot
>fan service
Please tell me which Yea Forums shows have had "fan service". I can't think of any.
I ain't doubting the prevalence of waifus, I'm saying that if you need waifus to like a show, by god you have smol dick energy. You are still free to like shows with waifus, I ain't got no beef with that - but to doubt your own senses just because a show doesn't have waifus? Smol dick energy. Begone of this orangutan penal colony until they learn the errors of their ways.
Is this just a meme now?
i realize you're upset over being a pathetic cumbrain user, but there's no need to project.
just say waifufags
I find it hard to believe anyone on this site has anything but cum in the brain.
I really hope that this just isnt gonna be the meme this show gets on this fucking board.
I assumed he was your equivalent to Barneyposter. You have one of those?
Mao Mao's father will be a legendary bandit who tries to steal the heart, which will lead to Mao Mao facing his father
Ive seen a post like OPs in every mao mao thread.
That's cuz people watch shows for the waifus/fanservice
Low test numales detected. Most normal males would 100% watch a show just because it had waifus in it. Why do you think most ads have pics of sexy females on them? Why anime shows are so popular? I know I'm not watching fairy tail for the writing or plot, kek. Most of Yea Forums is the same, why do you think that frog show is so popular or why cheesecake comics are even a thing. Cope harder you soi drinking numales
>Most normal males would 100% watch a show just because it had waifus in it.
Actually most "normal" men refuse to play videogames with cute female characters, which is why this type of character is so common. Men want to relate to a strong and good-looking alpha guy. The waifu shit is extremely niche and works because the fans of that stuff are obsessive consumers.
Wait for Adorabat to grow up. She'll probably get curvy.
I've considered this from every viewpoint I can see and it all concludes to this being truly pathetic.
If it's not a joke, it's admitting that you see no value in a show's artistic/writing/character/etc. merits unless you can beat off to the characters. That alone is pathetic. It's double pathetic when gays have no trouble beating off to straight characters.
If it is a joke (which it most likely is), it's not only pathetic because this is how one is spending their free time, at some point all the shit I said about this being a joke has not only crossed your mind, it also means that you constructed an elaborate shitpost based on those very specific parameters. It doesn't help that the focus on Mao Mao hints to furfaggotry.
Well that's how it works. What, you think Conan the Barbarian, 300 or Gladiator were made for women?
But most of those games have waifus as side characters or NPCs
Dilate tranny. I just want my waifus and I want them now
Never thought I'd need to break this one out.
nailed it. it's a likely troll though, considering the only argument OP has, even for well thought out posts such as yours, is "dilate tranny"
The women in those games don't really get as much spotlight, they're just trophies the male protagonist gets to fuck. Because that's how normal men see women, something you dumb your load in and then dump her.
It's extremely effeminate to be interested in women as persons. That's basically what the waifu shows are: they give the female characters actual characterization, some even don't have any male characters at all (see stuff like Love Live). This isn't what your average normie man wants to see.
Of course there are exceptions. Everyone was obsessed with Lara Croft back in the 90s. But it's just because she was hot. No self-respecting man would be obsessed with cute girl cartoons.
>it's not a joke, it's admitting that you see no value in a show's artistic/writing/character/etc. merits unless you can beat off to the characters. That alone is pathetic. It's double pathetic when gays have no trouble beating off to straight characters.
Not that user but come on, nobody watches a show about a cqt ninja hepling dumb, wimpy stuffed animals because it's that narratively complex or artistically impressive. It's a nice show but all these cartoons are brightly colored, goofy looking, fast paced 10 minute bite sized chunks of low brow entertainment, they require next to no investment, why would you expect people to respect them any more than pornography?
>Can't enjoy comedy, writing, story telling, or art of a show because "muh waifus"
This does explain Steven Universe and Rainbow Donkeys...
Your whole post is just... wrong.
You're essentially saying "No one's going to watch the show if it doesn't have tits and ass. Why do you think people watch porn videos?"
I agree with , seems like you've been brainwashed by the porn industry.
>why would you expect people to respect them any more than pornography?
Because, at its core, Mao Mao has more plot than your porn.
>Soi-males seething
>N-no you're the one that brainwashed, the SJWs are right, I totally don't think we should have sexy females character anymore.
>now excuse me I got to prep my wife's bull
>He will only watch a show if he can fap to it
Nigga just look at porn lmao why would you watch kids cartoons that will never show vaginas
Anime disagrees with you. Lots or other kids shows also have waifu bait. Wink's club and W.I.T.C.H and lolirock to name a few
>Because, at its core, Mao Mao has more plot than your porn.
It literally doesn't, porn has some real storytelling in it nowadays.