>The two biggest cartoons of this decade were made by lazy men who wanted to quit and stop working after a few years
How are we supposed to convince people to take animation seriously with people like this in charge?
>The two biggest cartoons of this decade were made by lazy men who wanted to quit and stop working after a few years
How are we supposed to convince people to take animation seriously with people like this in charge?
you could try kicking a few bucks toward your favorite web animator, but they've probably got no work ethic either
Neither of them are Rebecca Sugar
Sugar has never shown any signs of wanting to quit working.
A lot of creators spend their whole lives aspiring toward one day getting a show picked up. When it happens, I think they're shocked to find out it's just another job. There's nothing special and magical about it, and you didn't win the lottery: you just have more work to do and it's not particularly fun.
But she made the biggest cartoon of the decade.
Stop hiring white men to be showrunners
Steven Universe might be popular on Tumblr, but hardly has the same pop culture reach as GF or AT. Gravity Falls gets mentioned in talkshows when Kristen Schaal is a guest. Nobody talks about SU outside of the animation community.
Kick the participation-award generation out of the medium entirely. Want to be an animator? Fucking animate.
It’s a nice meme but it’s false. Both are creating new cartoons at Netflix. Just because they don’t work on your schedule doesn’t make them lazy
Hirsch’s problem wasn’t being lazy it was being a workaholic. Get your story straight user
Pen literally said he was quitting because the quirk was too hard and prefers to stay home and play video games.
this in all honesty. I’m not even memeing.
I am a PhD student and science is like this too. But with more alcoholic narcissists.
Hard to do that when all the animator jobs are outsourced.
Did I somehow stutter through text?
That's because she barely works
The "art community" rewards a lot of the wrong things and sets false expectations. Artists are encouraged to share their struggles and insecurities in a bid to be relatable, but the business of animation is well, a business. It might be animated but its still Hollywood. If young would-be showrunners looked to live-action Hollywood as a guide they might actually get a better sense of what it takes to do well. Namely it takes a lot of tenacity, luck and a touch of narcissism.
If you're a shy introvert you simply may not have the personality to be a showrunner but this sentiment is rarely expressed. The better show runners may well be the charismatic workaholic schmooze-hounds that pop Addies and bark orders instead of the gentle shrinking violets. But it's rare for an artist to present themselves like the former. I knew fair number of people who wanted to go into animation and they were all the gentle wallflower type, nice but shy.
How mediocre is everyone else if they were "good" in comparison at their least engaged.
Absolute brainlet take.
Pendleton's issue was that instead of running things properly he just hired all his friends and their friends and so on whether they actually qualified as cartoon animators or not until eventually the friends of his friend's friend's friends took over the show themselves and Ward basically didn't care about Adventure Time by then so he let them run things for him.
Yet she rarely if ever actually works on the show herself or take charge of it. The SU crew is almost completely horizontal in hierarchy and Sugar doesn't want to step on toes or hurt her coworkers feelings, which is why individual episodes are plagued with quality issues (or plain bad writing) that still gets a pass because it earns CN brownie points and the fan base eats up the merch like crazy.
You mean TTGO? Rebecca has never worked on that show.
Depends on the people and the college. All of my professors fucking love what they do and love talking about their work. They not only teach but run labs.
Another brainlet take and this one's got it all! Lies, exaggerations. More repeated memes like "bad writing", (which means nothing, you're just a faggot trying to sound smart) and god bless even some blaming of the fans for daring to enjoy a show you don't. Truly a Yea Forums staple. If you wonder why you're mocked relentlessly outside of here, your safe space, well look no further.
>Made one pilot
>Plucks a pedo guitar to zer Tumblr poetry
Has xhe even drawn anything in the last few years?
You don't need to stutter when you don't fucking think.
Ah, the brain's version of a calculator's error screen.
What are these horrible participation awards right-wingers always talk about and why didn't I ever get them in school?
Daily reminder that SU use to have as long as 6 months hiatuses between episodes, not after season finales, but in the middle of the damn season. Amd when they all got back into it, everything looks lower in quality and off-model because they didn't evenhad made character sheets up to season 3 or 4, they all drawed them from memory when they weren't having interracial tranny sex with each other, no joke.
You never played sports in school?
Because not even woke people wants to pretend to like you.
Stop charging so much then
>Blaming hiatuses on anyone but CN
Like I said, brainlet.
I love how people on Yea Forums do absolutely no research and base all their opinions on completely baseless bullshit assumptions about how the animation industry works and then sit back and act like they're saying something insightful. I wonder how many of them realize how much of a joke Yea Forums is to the rest of the internet. When you look pathetic compared to fucking Tumblr you've reached a new threshold of lameness.
The best part is that they come HERE with their genius ideas as if Yea Forums is the cornerstone of the industry
The people in the animation industry had to work to get where they are. Participation-award babies spend all their time complaining about the state of the animation industry on the internet.
Given the way a portion of Yea Forums treats members of the industry I'd advise them to stay as far away as possible if given the chance
Ah yes, the early 90s. Truly the "wokest" time in American history. Grow up kid.
>American workers wanting American wages for American standard of living
>Multimillion-dollar media companies making multimillion-dollar profits think that's too much
How's that corporate cock taste?
>The people in the animation industry had to work to get where they are.
Yeah, making a ten-minute animation starring your college dorm-mates and some C-listers from a tossed-out Rolodex, sending it to a network, leaving your family behind for Cuntifornia if it gets picked up, handing several dozen Trent's and Travis's a list of characters next to some do's and don'ts and leaving whenever you want to play Minecraft for the rest of your life. I just wouldn't know how to cope!
They're lying to you
By telling your friends about cool indie animations that you seen and liked.
That is...... if you HAVE friends.
The architect personality. Once you have the ideia and it begins to build itself, your energy will drift more info trying to have a new idea than to actually finish your first idea and maintaining it