Say hello to the new Hellcat and Adams Family writer
Zoe Quinn
Hi. I don't know Jack shit about you and I don't care, but hi.
if she had a face mask on, would you bone zoe quinn?
This thread is going to be absolutely abysmal
something something 5 guys something something gator gate
am I doing it right?
Hi mMmmy, can I sniff your panties, pwease?
I never read Hellcat or The Adams Family to begin with and I doubt anyone here has either.
The internet has ruined me. Everytime I see a woman I keep looking for signs that they might secretly be a tranny
That's Zoe Quinn now? I thought it was Margaret Cho!
her Vertigo comic is pretty g00d
So good they had to cancel it!
Probably, I like sluts.
How many cocks did she have to suck to get that job?
at least 5
Not enough, mine's still dry.
she had to suck and fuck didios big fat new york dick. and you already know that, that bald bastard has an uncut dick.
Fuck this attention whoring cunt that single-handedly ruined this fucking site and geek culture as a whole.
You were never going to read them anyway, so why do you care, Yea Forums?
And now no one Will
I'd be more annoyed if nepotism weren't the norm in the entertainment industry.
And I can think of worse people with a similar background, people given jobs of a lifetime they never earned, who then couldn't even do the bare minimum of work to keep it.
Was she the trans one?
no she's the one who slept with people to get a good review on her "video game"
If people read Kate Leth's Hellcat, why wouldn't they read this?
Because nobody read Kate Leth's Hellcat.
You're thinking of Brianna Wu
Someone did, it lasted for 17 issues.
NuMarvel loves publishing cuckshit that nobody reads.
I had read a few issues. It was pretty, meh.
Not worthy of the Vertigo name.
Glad I didn't buy it.
Fuck, not again.
They give everything 17 issues nowdays
No they don't. Occupy Avengers got nine issues. West Coast Avengers got ten issues. (She-)Hulk had twelve or thirteen issues. Luke Cage got like eight issues. Falcon got eight issues. U.S. Avengers had dozen issues.
You clearly don't know the fuck you're talking about. Seventeen is surprisingly good. Waid's Dr. Strange got to seventeen, and that's only because they're just relaunching it again immediately anyway.
Hellcat had worse art than most webcomics, I assume is was cheaper it make
>nuMarvel decided to waste more money publishing this than they spent on other equally shitty comics
>and that's a good thing
I long for the day I can say she's a shit writer without being accused of misogyny
I know Gamergoobers and /Pol/ are already in the thread but I have to say THIS:
Honestly her comics are pretty great and they are fun, and isn't that what we want with comic books?
To have fun?
Here are more fun comics by her:
Read them and remember she is called the female Frank Miller for a reason
Please indicate what was sooo good about goddess mode. I truly found it awful, and I wonder what was DC thinking.
>she is called the female Frank Miller for a reason
So shes too shitty to get recognition on her own abilites and relies on being called the female version of a man to sell