did anyone else watch this show? it was just there and i decided to entertain a few episodes of it. got bored of it quickly since not many of the main characters were interesting, but i'd like to know what other people thought of it.
Did anyone else watch this show? it was just there and i decided to entertain a few episodes of it...
I want to Fuck Carmen Sandiego.
I did! It was ok, I liked it.
I want more porn of the guys.
The character was cool since she was mysterious. They took away the mystery and educational elements, replacing it with fan fiction for a backstory. From the games she seems more like a troll that likes to be chase than a nefarious villain. Rewatch the 90s intro and ask yourself who was classier and cooler.
I thought it was mediocre, I wish I could draw so could make more Carmen drawfaggotry but I don't improve.
I enjoyed it. It's basic, but competent, fun, and I actually leaned some geography. I wonder if the plot about her origins will go anywhere.
I enjoy the 90's show more after watching nu-Carmen
Hm. Are you the guy who drew this?
>Where we headed to, player?
>Looks like you're approaching a board on Yea Forums called Yea Forums? Hey, did you know that Yea Forums is one of the world's largest exporters of autistic rage?
It was stylish and fun, but nothing great. This is probably going to be a better Sly Cooper series than the actual Sly Cooper series we're getting later this year.
Apparently, this show is getting a second season, an interactive special, AND a live action movie.
>this show is getting a second season, an interactive special, AND a live action movie
sly cooper can't even get a 5th game
yes, but it's more that I am Yea Forumsermin drawfag and find less time to draw for other boards.
I still don't understand how the fuck he stopped dead right there instead of tripping over the chair from all that momentum. It really bothers me.
The timing of the logo is perfect.
jesus fucking unf i wanna dick her so bad
Kid trained to be evil agent and then betraying organization. I don't mind the trope but they could have had more fun with it. It took itself too seriously. The style is fine but I feel they.might as well make an original character at that point.
I got halfway through the first episode and goddamn, it is so DULL.
I really liked the series, partly because Carmen I'm sure, but the style looks great. I wonder why do people call it boring / dull. I never felt that. Maybe because I didn't grow up on always online phones?
All right, I'll give it another shot.
It had better have some foot stuff.
Is this the guy who draws hot lolis like that girl from the ballerina movie? Nevertheless it is beautiful.
Why do you expect your specific fetish in a cartoon? I mean if you watch Tangled it is okay since it is about a bare feet princess. But Carmen is about spy stuff and a latina in a tight suit.