Can Steven Universe redeem him?
Can Steven Universe redeem him?
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He literally did all the same shit White Diamond did! Of course Steven can!
Are you aware of how Caesar's Legion works and why they're a completely different animal from gems?
> Steven Universe
fuck off with your homosexual enabling cartoon
He did nothing wrong though
No but Caesar could redeem Steven
>Implying caesar needs redemption
Unironically this.
Caesar makes so much more sense than NCR and House.
they crucify people you retard
I actually want to see this
Who is he?
Your point?
Caesar from Fallout New Vegas, who's basically a tyrant
It's going to collapse in on itself because of its flawed structure, you mong. No gods no fucking masters
Fag. Caesar is a just ruler and did nothing wrong.
caesar is a pretty cool guy but the legion are a bunch of savage retards
Retarded amcapt.
It's not homosexual enabling...
>NCR wants to create a country that has pre-war population levels and political systems without any pre-war infrastructure to help supply and feed the tens of millions of people in their cities which will lead to huge famine and disaster in the future and total collapse of their failed experiment in democracy
>House wants to lord over the wastes like he's a post-apocalyptic Mark Zuckerberg/ San Francisco elitist and will turn his moon expedition into an overglorified casino resort reserved only for the wealthiest customers while leaving the 'flyover plebs' to the scorpions and raiders
>Caesar has come to terms with the fact that the wasteland isn't a solid foundation to build an 'advanced' and 'modern' society so becoming a pre-war technology-centric society is retarded in an irradiated wastland with no infrastructure is absolutely retarded and thus the only way to avoid another disaster is to enforce a technological stasis that keeps the world in iron age/bronze age levels
Face it. He's actively trying to avoid disaster while the others are just larpers.
>"Thank you Steven, you've helped me see the error of my bloodthirsty, misogynistic ways. Now we can work together to defeat the actual threat to humanity, House"
What does he have against House MD?
After all of the shit with online censorship and the way rich faggots like the Silicon Valley elites hoard valuable, proprietary technology for themselves, it's only made me hate House and lolbert ancaps more.
Well Caesar was educated and the rest of the legion, with a few exceptions such as Joshua Graham, are tribals
Misogyny isn’t bad you queer
No, the legion are still very much larpers. Just larpers with a higher probable survival rate.
>Silicon Valley elites hoard valuable, proprietary technology for themselves
Like what? Actual hoverboards and shoes that tie themselves?
Victor as a gem would be neat
He actively acknowledged the fact that his society is doomed to collapse and his plan on stability depends on it.
>No gods no fucking masters
Humans naturally gravitate towards strong authority figures in trying times.
Cope some more, lolbert. Go outside some time and you will find that your 'non-agression principle' is horseshit and doesn't register in the minds of anyone who isn't some sheltered faggot who treats 18th century philosophy like its the holy scripture.
The internet is effectively managed from from silicon valley.
Much of the information that enters your eyes and ears whether you're consciously aware of it or not is directly controlled by a handful of billionaires who live in a tiny section of one city in a country of 300 million + people.
House diagnosed Caesar with an inoperable lupus.
>Steven: You do know that you need to occupy the land you conquer right? And one day your underling is going to backstab you with a sniper rifle?
>Facebook banned me for posting this image.
he was in the right though.
How would the Gems even react to the Legion? PTSD flashbacks of Homeworld?
The problem with him is that he's too much of a WEEB. In-Universe a woman prisoner kicks the ass of all his legionnaires in 1v1, He's too stupid to learn the usefulness of Sniper Rifles, and none of his men can fix a howitzer despite it being so simple lore-wise. If Obsidian had the time they were supposed to have Ceaser wouldn't have come off as the default bad guy that only weirdos can see the nuances in.
colonel autumn's enclave unironically did nothing wrong and were the good guy
Hardly, they'd be cavemen to them in terms of both technology and cruelty
They are so because he made them so. He may be mostly pleasant to converse with, but he's still a fascistic megalomaniac at the head of an army of slaves.
And his politeness only extends as far as you're willingness to cooperate with him. Literally the second you disobey him or refuse to do what he wants he immediately devolves in to a sputtering rage and demands you do what he wants under pain of death.
My Johnny...
>more sense than House
Them fightin' words.
>Caesar has come to terms with the fact that the wasteland isn't a solid foundation to build an 'advanced' and 'modern' society
Man, if only there was a crazy cyborg mailman out there capable of building a flourishing society in the desert through sheer force of will (and a liberal application if violence), which could then gradually be given tech improvements created by a bunch a mad scientists
The Kings make the most sense. They got Elvis on their side
Doesn't matter, Caesar gets shot by the Courier and Steven is probably a NCR shill so he gets shot too. No gods no masters motherfuckers.
>Steven is probably a NCR shill so he gets shot too. No gods no masters motherfuckers.
Which, if you do it right, is ironically the best end for the nice. Kill Caesar, talk Hanlon out of being an idiot, and then use all of your willpower to not throw Olliver off the dam
the fuck did I read