Did you like all the Echidna stuff from it? Did it make the Sonic world feel alive and unique from just being a video game, or did it detract and feel convoluted?
Archie Sonic the Hedgehog
it was like they didn't really want to work on a (or knuckles) sonic comic. Don't get me wrong expanding echidna lore was a good idea but that's the impression I got.
And the minute someone who did want to work on the comic started doing so, they promptly cleaned much of the chaff and made it much more readable.
I was thinking of doing a pseudo-storytime of the Encyclopedia since it sums up almost all of the pre-reboot comics.
Could make for some nice discussion and reminiscing about the ride.
What do you guys think?
Ya, do it. I’m in the mood for some pre-reboot Archie
My opinion on this has always been pending.
Thats because he didn't. The whole point was to become a launch pad for his OC and refinement location for his failed ideas.
Pre Ian there was maybe 2-3 writers that actually gave a shit about Sonic as a character and not a gig between marvel/dc/whoever.
Alright, but it'll have to wait a couple of days.
In the meantime, why don't I do a litle preview and storytime the timeline.
Hated it and begin skipping it when it was a... backup in Sonic?
So Sonic had a bunch of different cool characters from all over the world, there was the chaotix and the australian freedom fighters and the wolf pack, etc etc etc. Instead we were focusing on a bunch of red generic people. I also remember the whole lore being extremely convulated. Regular Sonic comics were much better.
Or it would have had Penders not forced a total reboot.
Jesus Christ, all that happened huh?
Like, that's a lot of shit to sift through. At the very least I'll say it's unique and definitely its own thing, as opposed to just being the video games.
>Jesus Christ, all that happened huh?
>Like, that's a lot of shit to sift through.
It's just scratching the surface. The original Archie continuity went on for 20 years.
Honestly, all of this sounds cool, but I know most of this was poorly written.
The timeline conveniently skims over a lot of plot threads that don't make sense.
For example, did you notice the Xorda bombs were meant to wipe out humanity, yet not only failed at it but made all other animal life more human-like? This shit was never explained at all.
I liked Knuckles having a father acting as someone that watched from a distance. I liked Enerjak. I liked the evil echidnas. I liked Julie-Su. Everything else, from all the past guardians to a whole city coming back full of echidnas, was too much and just bored me.
JFC this timeline shit is so fucking dumb
It was so half-assed that some fans appreciated the Genesis Waves wiping out that bullshit origin
Thanks for reminding me why I'm glad Archie Sonic is dead.
that's just the sonic comic right? if you add all the other side stuff then there's a lot to read about.
I'm still sad that one user who was going to storytime all of Archie Sonic now that it was over pussied out after 4 or 5 threads.
I unironically enjoyed all the echidna stuff as a kid and again when I reread it 8 or so years ago. I mean yeah Penders lifted stuff from Star Trek, and fuck him and everything he stands for, but I actually liked some of the extended echidna cast and lore.
I felt it deviated too far from the video games more than Sonic did. Sonic's adventures involved him fighting robots and Robotnik himself, but every Knuckles comic ive read constantly introduced some new Knuckles clone and lore to a point where i stopped caring.
also i was always put off by Penders' ugly art.
>tfw want the ride to start back up again but know all too well that the current mods will kill the threads
It amuses me that Knuckles of all characters was given this gigantic convoluted family when the sole entire fucking point of his character is that he's supposed to be the last of his kind
Athair was fine, even Enerjak was okay, but when they decided to bring back an entire echidna civilization so Penders could have his OCs that everything went off the rails.
So if this thing was killed would that have saved the timeline?
Or kill the first Echidna?
>So if this thing was killed would that have saved the timeline?
If by "save the timeline" you mean "kill Sonic" then yes
>also i was always put off by Penders' ugly art.
It was pretty bad, but at least he didn't pencil that often.
No.Penders' echidna shit was all awful. In retrospect, the only stuff I ever liked from Archie Sonic was the very early issues where it didn't take itself seriously.
The Echidna stuff was just Ken Penders inserting unnecessary romance & forced drama into a fucking children's comic. It was needlessly convoluted and didn't need to be there. Archie Sonic got a lot better once Ian Flynn joined and killed off most of the Knuckles recolours imo.
I did somewhat appreciate the worldbuilding in the early issues when it still seemed like the show was in the SatAM settings with Knothole & Robotropolis, but after that it just got really confusing.
>In retrospect, the only stuff I ever liked from Archie Sonic was the very early issues where it didn't take itself seriously.
I collected it from the original mini to around issue 60 when I was growing up
I remember by the time it got to issue 40 it started jumping the shark with super serial events like Mecha Madness and eventually "killing" Sally at 50. I cancelled my sub not long after.
Funny enough, that's about where I stopped reading too. I might have lasted a little bit longer than you.
At the time Sonic Team had no real backstory the Echidnas until Sonic Adventure. Unfortunately it clashed with Penders' depiction creating problems.
It was shit but the Echidna Girls were legitimately cute tho
I liked Julie-Su honestly.
I mean, can you really say she's any worse than Amy Rose?
Seeing a bunch of Knuckles clones with hair styles (but no hair) and dumb glasses or dye really just.. Man. It's just the best, huh.
Sadly she was no match for Rouge
So like Sega can never revisit the Echidna lore even in the video games because of Penders? Or can they just not touch anything after Adventure?
>southern belle rabbit and southern dandy rabbit conspire with overlanders
Another chunk of archie sonic we will never get fleshed out or seen again.
In all fairness to that user, it's a very large series with lots of side series, and without a pass it's a ton of captcha's to solve. Which get tougher the more you solve because fuck you. Just storytiming a short series is a pain without a pass.
>southern belle rabbit and southern dandy rabbit conspire with overlanders
Those were Bunnie's parents. The encyclopedia confirmed it.
Captcha is becoming a real pain. Also it's becoming more ineffective
I like how she's looking at the human woman with pure hatred. "Bitch has bigger boobs than me!"
I liked Julie-Su and I liked how she was incorporated into team Chaotix, which helped flesh out that team and gave them an excuse to keep fighting. And I liked how Chaotix was linked with Knuckles’ lore.
I guess that’s why Tikal didn’t appear in Archie intill the soft-reboot.
>What did they mean by pic related?
I want a Sonic platformer RPG. Not that crap that Chronicles. I mean one in the vein of Popful Mail and the Wonder Boy sequels
The Knuckles comic was just not good.
>Too many "Knuckles but with ___"
From the days of genesis it was known that Knuckles was the last of his kind. By the end of it's run, the world was littered with enchiladas.
>It was unfocused
There are reasons for the decline in quality of the Sonic comics at the time. Knuckle's spinoff being at least one. They had to focus on two comics simultaneously, but that wasn't enough. They also wanted to dive deeper into the lore of the world and introduce tons of new characters. It became a convoluted mess.
>It was mostly boring
Out of all of the Echidna they added, I can only remember the names of about 7. I thought the whole point of the spinoff was to give other characters time in the spotlight, but it was ultimately only about Enchiladas. It got to the point where I only read it to get it over with which is never good.
>It strays too far from the main canon
SatAM was a darker take on the games with many added elements. Archie bases the comic off this alternate telling. Then they spinoff from that with a whole mess of Echidna stuff thrown in the mix, which just to remind you ONLY 1 ECHIDNA EXISTS IN THE MAIN CANON. It got to the point where the creator attempted to sue for the rights to the characters and start his own comic, and we all know how that turned out.
>The comic attempts to explain things like Knackle's freakish knuckles being why he was named Chuckles.
>We got a few good/decent characters out of it.
>It must have been a sign that the writing staff should be changed 'cause that's what eventually happened.
>Crazy stuff that's so bad it's good. (Green Nipples dying then being resurrected, Knuckles and Julie-su going into heat complete with Locke give him "The Talk", etc...)
It would have been better if he happened to find a small group of survivors and his responsibilities as guardian conflicted with the need to protect the last of his race from going extinct. With a Heavier focus on the Chaotix.
Well... Bioware did.
Tikal was in Archie since the Adventure arc.
>Did you like all the Echidna stuff from it?
>Did it make the Sonic world feel alive and unique from just being a video game
Nope, especially since I've consumed the media it was plagiarising.
>or did it detract and feel convoluted?
Nope. It was shit, but it was also easy to ignore.
That said, I'd rather that dumpster fire than the current snoozefest.
And it's because of BioWare that Penders ruined everything in the first place.
Good take. Athair, Dimitri, Lien-Da, Gala-Na (no seriously) and Remmington would have been enough. An old relative who helps Knuckles and annoys him but rarely says shit about their past, two badguys displaced from time, a mysterious neutral party who leads a secret society, and some bloke who knows about as much as Knuckles. A good little spread for some intrigue and character drama, but few enough that we can say Knuckles is the sole protector of Angel Island and (one of) the very last echidna.