Good evening owls,
how about this instead
Good evening owls,
how about this instead
Hello, Storyteller.
Roxy as a magical girl. Sure. Why not.
kick, punch, it's all in the mind
What race is Lighting Lad supposed to be!!?? Also Pink Mohawk is Vi and Jeckie is the pink/purple royal looking one we assumed
HoXPoX still rules
I forgot my other takes
Fuck you, Grunge, you piece of shit.
>that Sailor Moon poster
Huh. Surprised they got away with that.
>this mini
This thing is like 15 years ahead of its time when it comes to the portrayal of the villain. It was a trip reading it in the Current Year climate.
so what's good today?
>What race is Lighting Lad supposed to be!!??
The twins appear to be yet more electric black people. I think. The promo materials can't seem to decide.
I'm not usually one to bitch about racelifting, but it is a might conspicuous that none of the previous black Legionnaires have been shown.
>Also Pink Mohawk is Vi and Jeckie is the pink/purple royal looking one we assumed
They look fucking awful. Sook and Bendis perhaps did them the dirtiest so far. Even Dawny you could argue that at least they're not shying away from her Native-ness.
... Should've been Sneckie.
Adam Warren would be the perfect person for CB to recruit to Marvel right now
Jordan White hosts a Sailor Moon podcast
>it is a might conspicuous that none of the previous black Legionnaires have been shown.
When has Bendis ever promoted existing characters of colour, besides Luke Cage?
Hey OP.
I am cool with this.
You guys have no idea how much harder it used to be to get anime, or as they once called it, 'Japanimation'
I'd read a Warren X-Men book, but Jordan White sucks at his job
I like how White is retweeting reviews of HoX that mention how shitty the X-Men have been ever since he started editing the line
My favorite mango got updated and it's honestly such a rewarding series to read. Shame the updates are ending soon since the scanlator only goes by tank releases but eh.
he won't retweet me
more Gen13 including Adam Warren's best issues!
also Grunge not being the absolute worst for once
I've never read a manga, help a brother out
where to start
in the vein of Gen13, Danger Girls and other badass chicks doing fun stuff category, nothing too serious please
I remember my first attempt to find out more about Japanimation on the internet immediately resulted in me being shown a big honking pair of anime tiddies in three frame pixelated gif form on a hentai sharing message board
That was the first time I ever realized that the world wide web was not actually an unprecedented tool for education like they told us
I am honestly not sure if Grunge is actually saying this or if Roxy is just imagining he is.
The 70s-80s were way worse, but being a 90s kid had its own struggles. You had three options, all of which were not ideal. You had either Toonami, whatever was available at Blockbuster, or that one creepy friend of a friend who you were sure was into some illegal shit.
Fucking kids these days have their Cruncyrolls and Hulus... And hell, anime isn't even that cool obscure thing that people whisper about anymore.
combination of both
I agree about Sneckie but also I think the redesigns have been good
>Bob's Wildly Fattening Ice Cream
Roxy trying to go THICC
I still remember the ads in mid 1990s Vertigo books
(this is a Twister joke)
Again with the Sailor Moon cameos.
Series I'm referring to is Kenrantaru Grande Scene about a girl training to become a professional ballerina. It's super good even if you don't know ballet because the MC is great and it just hit a point that the series has spent most of its time building to. It's basically a sports series with thankfully no real soap opera drama.
But going by what you said The Violence Action would be right up your alley. It's an action comedy about a college girl who moonlights as a hitwoman. Girl is qt as fuck, presented as a world class badass and the action scenes are well done.
>Destiny and Mystique kiss
Is anyone else not impressed by this? Make Raven being Kurt's futa dad canon, and then we'll talk.
Basic Instinct and Showgirls joke
lol, oh man, Showgirls, that was a hell of a thing--the dreaded actual NC-17 rating! Paul Verhoeven is a great troll.
I'd second The Violence Action. Just really good, I'm hoping for an English license soon.
It's amaizing how this page has aged like wine. It's more relevant now than when it was published.
TIL Taco Bell is actually named after it's founder, Glen Bell.
Or in his universe, Glen Hell I guess.
Someone stumbled upon Orc Stain and asked me why it's taking so long for the next issue to come out
It was awful breaking the news to them
oh its in subtitles? I can't hang
any other recs?
is NC-17 still a thing
Needs luposlipaphobia
>oh its in subtitles? I can't hang
What? It's a comic. Just illicitly translated.
The best "cretin transformed into sensitive man" arc was Steve Dallas
>that Strangers in Paradise burn
Y'know, everyone always likes to quote "Man, everybody got and AIDS and shit.", but the thing that always stood out to me as the most outrageously stupid and awful thing is the rape scene. Like yeah, its a rape scene, but she was going to fuck him consensually... Why rape someone who was going to fuck you anyway? What.
Yes I do, user. I didn't buy my first anime until Y2K.
Sorry, got confused, meant translations
only read English and in Spanish
Were the 1990s based?
Because some dudes are fucked in the head
The 90s were x-treme
Speaking as a 90s kid, no. No they were not.
this is all so enjoyably weeby
X-Tremely fun ironically unlike Claremont's X-treme X-men
Japs would like this more than Teen Titans or Justice League
stayin' up late to watch Headbanger's Ball on MTV
It's in English. Just go on mangadex.
When he created them. Hence miles, riri, teen lantern and that one girl from that DC book.
Okay, I call bullshit on this one. There ain't no genius muscle girl Barbie.
>Math is hard, let's get pumped!
... I hate myself for that.
I'm going to have sushi tonight, thanks for givin me a good idea OP
goddamm that line
This is just reminding me of GRRM on LJ posting about football instead of writing his damn books
The magical girl tropes here are all Sailor Moon because 90s. But I wonder if this had come out later, which of the big name mahou shoujo franchises Warren would be using as the baseline. Pretty Cure, Lyrical Nanoha, Madoka Magica...
I've only heard of Sailor Moon so idk about that
how did they not get sued
Stayed just enough under the radar?
no one reading this would tattle
>Tuxedo Camel
This is why I don't do drugs. Comics give me all the high I need.
>only heard of Sailor Moon
user, don't be a pleb.
Good Half Grunge is not a part of actual Grunge. i guarantee he's never thought anything like that.
No, the 90s were sweet and or kickass.
Speaking of this type of crossover no one ever seemed to care about Dirty Pair showing up in Excalibur
Dirty Pair is one of those things that was influential but didn't seem to have enough circulating staying power
They tried. You can see cait's nips if you squint for a sec
I like Bullying Evil Barbie Dream Caitlyn.
they did what?
its my fetish
I am alex today
the Warrant fan is all too realistic
I don't get this. The whole series has been very clear across multiple writers that Roxy would be better off telling Grunge to go fuck himself, but she doesn't. Is it supposed to be funny? Cause it's not. It's REALLY not.
>W-well, he's a big improvement on my last few boyfriends, y'know!
I dare not even attempt to speculate.
Creating them doesn't count, that's clearly him trying for creator royalties.
he has a good heart
... Wow, Roxy. That's just sad.
Not really.
Its the Cheezy Doodles that did it, isn't it?
A Dream of Spring is going to end up as complete as Edwin Drood.
What are you reading /thread/?
I'm working through some early Heavy Metal (usually great art, no so great storytelling), and reading Three Moments of an Explosion
100% it wouod be PreCure.
It's a staple character dynamic going back to like the early 50's.
Girl has a clueless (but harmless) meathead boyfriend she leads around by the ear and is always arguing with, and no one knows what she sees in him.
I can remember it was in Grease and West Side Story. Probably in Archie but I don't know the names of the characters. It's in a lot of generic high school shows from the 80's and 90's, that's for sure.
just anthologies, Dark Horse Presents, Cheval Noir, Heavy Metal, Negative Burn and stuff like that
It's okay to admit if you're too young for ANY of this to make any sense, but I'm losing it here
This is goddamn incredible.
Oh, his is from back when Roxy constantly forgot she had gravity powers.
Actually reading all of Countdown just to see what went on with Donna through the whole story, Amazons Attack got me curious
It's also okay to admit that you hate yourself
I don't recognize most pop culture references
I feel like I either got a sample of this or some other comic with a very similar art style for Free Comic Book Day one year.
>tits so heavy they collapse gravitationally
This is a fetish. Not mine, but someone's.
anyone see Shazam has been delayed three months? has anyone seen Geoff alive?
uhhh, now THAT is some underboob
he's literally not working at the company anymore
Seriously how the fuck does that happen, how busy can you possibly be that you can't turn in 20 pages worth of script a MONTH
But you also made me think maybe Geoff is drinking himself to death because of Bendis Legion like I feel like doing
Well, yeah, Warren does like the punchgirls. But Nanoha has more to work with in terms of references. You can do both magical girl AND mecha tropes.
>Spice Girls
Oh fuck off.
Isn't he spending all his time shooting Stargirl?
I think that DCuniverse and all of its shows was his baby and its dying or dead already
thanks for reading, concluding issue TUESDAY assuming I survive the coming work apocalypse
give me this poster
Stargirl isn't happening. It wasn't mentioned at all during SDCC, even at the DCUniverse Streaming panels
Good luck OP.
thanks OP, this continues to be way too fun, makes me jealous I didn't read this when I was 12
Like I said, this series is more on point now than it was when it was published. Yesterday's parody is today's reality.
Thanks for posting as always, Storyteller.
This is... certainly something. Something that has put me in the mood for magical girl anime, goddamn.
Good luck with work.
Spice Girls were popular with teenage girls and in America anything that's popular with teenage girls is treated as anathema by everyone else
If this is from when they got back to La Jolla, her last boyfriend was a DOCTOR.
Tuxedo Camel is really one of the single greatest jokes I've ever seen in a cape comic.
Thanks for running OP. See you next week.
I'd say the Spice Girls were garbage but I'm into Japanese idol groups so maybe I don't have the right. That said I'd listen to Future Diver a thousand times over ever hearing Wannabe again but Dempagumi Inc. rules so whatever.