What happened to the new Stonetoss thread?
What happened to the new Stonetoss thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some newfag janny on a power trip, probably.
It got deleted because these threads are a thinly veiled excuse to talk politics, and talking politics on Yea Forums is about as civil as talking about the ethics of eating meat with a vegan and a cowboy.
WTF how could stonetoss do this bros...
Hehe, hes right though. Border control means every camp can be closed since they won't be needed.
single-handedly funnier than every real Stonetoss combined
every stonetoss comic ever:
>I'm a conservative, I'm sensible
>I'm a liberal I'm retarded I also think the holocaust is real
>antifa edits
They're not needed now.
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This one got me good.
Then stop talking politics.
Except all the people (legal and illegal) that the state doesn't want here. Those people will be detained by ICE even if Superman but a bubble around the whole country.
Yes, everyone knows the cornerstone of America is in not saying what's on your mind because someone might do the violence because of it.
This angered his father who punished him severly
Shit now I'm actually curious what the original comic said about cyberpunk
>thinking Ben Shapiro is a fake intellectual means you're antifa
Apply yourself.
Jesus antifa niggers are deluded
Why are Stonetoss comics so easy to edit?
When people are faced with an uncomfortable truth, they react with irrational anger. It's the same truth that Stonetoss tells in each of his comics. God bless him.
nothing, really, just "liberal government bad"
Stonetoss hates Ben Shapiro. The only people that make the “stonetoss is a nazi” tagged edits is from antifastonetoss
Read the thread, I'm not the one doing it.
Brilliant. Also acceptable is "I'm a locksmith."
What do you mean, Ben Shapiro is a new and therefore Stonetoss hates him.
Does Stonetoss hate Ben Shapiro because he's an idiot or because he's a Jew
Isn't that the point of the 5th?
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>when you learn the stonetoss author is actually a nigger
Both. Shapiro is the typical subversive neocon Jew Israel firster that everyone hates
Do you want the Matrix? Cause that's how you get a The Matrix
the 5th amendment is about a whole bunch of stuff, but what you're thinking about is the right to not testify against yourself, which isn't exactly what user is saying
You forgot "My gender is attack helicopter."
so by that logic Stonetoss also hates Donald J. Trump, right?
why is this always true? antifa fags can’t make a meme outside of essay format
He does
Wait, am I supposed to be taking Stonetoss at facevalue?
I honestly...thought this was like a Kelly deal where he was ironically shit posting to rile people up.
>that much text
Who are you expecting to read your blog?
Lefties don't get why they have low meme energy.
Do people actually unironically read this
Because they have to go through mental gymnastics and years of emotional manipulation to be indoctrinated into their failed political ideology.
I dunno, treating robots equally and not like slaves seems like exactly the right way to avoid getting a The Matrix
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stonetoss would agree with this comic though kek
He's not a magatard conservative and shapiro is a zionist
>some fag spamming his reddit edits
Shit thread
This one didn't age well considering he brought peace to Korea
>Alright Jojo reference.
>Ruined by the between panel faggotry.
>shit thread
so exactly like every other stonetoss thread
>woah we're such free thinkers, our opinion is shunned, fucking libruls and their policing opinions
this comic is based and i for one support treating all workers with a modicum of respect. unionize everything.
capitalists and the catholic church were what literally pushed for women's suffrage
big tobacco sponsored it as well
Hitler was a legitimately bad artist. No sense of framing.
He has made multiple comics shitting on trump not fulfilling his nativist promises and being an Israel firster. This one mocking the “trust the plan!” retards
I'm already annoyed about the conversations I'll be having with anti-droid rights people.
Sorry that your a teenager with such a low iq you can't read, come back to me when you read at least 150 words per meme
if he brought peace to Korea, why are there still American troops in South Korea
Whoever made this knows most people on the right kind of fucking hate Shapiro, right?
That aside, this just kind of just proves a point, doesn't it? It's agreeing that colleges are churning out mindless leftist ninnies who don't actually know anything about the party they're voting for. Even in trying to discredit something, it enforces another aspect of the argument.
This is deep
You can have dissenting opinions, just stop being such a copy/pasted faggot about it.
Fuck Aaron McGruder, Jesse should have his own show
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does ANYONE like Shapiro?
Conservative rhetoric never changes. "Think for yourself! ...no no no, not like that; just agree with me."
>north korea launching missiles every other day
>north korea literally just said they will never sit down to talk with south korea again
If anything he's making korea worse
it's the most Based thing to do. Reddit libs can't see they've been Owned
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No one should, putting aside all of the things that echo, he's a chicken-hawk.
He rallied for war, but refused to serve in the American army.
I just came across this one just now by chance. Weird!
Does the irony of saying that really escape you? Do you not know the history of /pol/? Do you not take pride in memeing anymore?
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My roommate does and watches him and some fag on youtube called chowder to own the libs
Sure, Clippers lighters are supposed to be refillable, until you try to refill it and it doesn't fuckin work.
>north korea launching missiles every other day
They've been doing that for decades kiddo
>north korea literally just said they will never sit down to talk with south korea again
They've said that twice since Trump was President alone
Oof pal, just oof
He is mid-tier popular with the right, and is basically entry level alt right. People come to Shapiro because he's owning libs but eventually they move on because he's a jew.
This is my favorite so far.
Both unironically correct. That comic have a point?
being anti-capitalist is synonymous with being anti-semetic
shapiro understand this, dennis prager understand this, TPUSA understands this which is why they attack le nazi boogeyman more than they attack the left
> What is South Korea
> Who is Moon Jae-in
Corporationsduringjune jpg
Not as frequently, and there was always a cost for them politically when they did. Trump honestly had the perfect chance to get North Korea to actually change when they fucking collapsed their own nuclear testing site on accident, but instead he made kissy faces at Kim Jong Un. Now we're making concessions to North Korea so they can... keep testing missiles? Eventually Kim Jong Un is going to actually develop real nuclear technology and it's going to change that entire region for the worse.
You could also just not have sentient machines doing dangerous work.
>What is South Korea
>Who is Moon Jae-in
Anyone excited for this recession and seeing all the liberals cry?
Imagine how poorly it would reflect on a nation if they bombed a country over mean tweets. Who's the bigger laughing stock: the guy's who get bombed, or the guys that do the bombing because they can't handle banter?
I'd say that falls under "treating equally and not like slaves"
Sounds like sjw propaganda
Anarchistic Capitalism is an oxymoron!
>country bombs another country for mean tweets
>better laugh at them
don't you mean rjw
Why are you fighting so hard for sentient machine's rights, it's not like you're a sentient machine!
Watermarking edits with reddit links is gay as fuck but it's also making /pol/tards mad so whatever.
I meant you don't need an AI with intelligence comparable to a human to pick fruit in 120F weather or help lay underwater cables or whatever dumb bullshit these future robots are going to do. How much self awareness is needed to perform repetitive manual tasks?
Anarcho-communism is also an oxymoron. Anarchism in general makes no sense.
Ironically enough the faggots making and posting these edits are useful idiots for the corporate class. Burger King made tweets directly signaling you fags to buy their milkshakes and throw them at Tommy Robinson.
This one is actually really good.
Go back to red.dit fag
>retardtoss can't even get the sjw shooter right
It was the one in Akron not Texas
>brevity is the soul of wit
William Shakespeare
Reddit fags leave
Even as a commie I know the Epstein shit isn't about capitalism. In any given system people with power form clubs to try to get away with shit.
No it actually isn’t good at all
You have two options
A) The US is a nation that can secure its borders - detaining and, in most cases, deporting anyone found crossing that border illegally.
B) The US is not a nation that can secure its borders. In which case it does not remain a nation for much longer.
The one is El Paso was a MAGA guy.
stonetoss would literally agree with this comic though
that's the funny part
Go back to pol
As little as possible.
If Epstein only had dirt on poorfags, he'd still be alive to testify against them.
>no u
fuck off faggot
>Hitler was a legitimately bad artist. Now excuse me while I give some more awards to these Cal Arts grads.
Mad that you’re a stooge for big capital?
The Ohio shooter was a member of some socialist gun club who RT'd antifa accounts and shot up some known magapede bar
your point?
Based Black Science Man wouldn't be in any danger, though.
you mean something that was somewhat addressed in
Ah, fair enough.
Didn’t happen
A joke doesn't need an essay to explain why it's funny.
A character said that, a character you were supposed to consider shallow and pendantic. If Will really thought brevity is the soul of wit he wouldn't have written all that shit.
didn't trump literally call out le 'white supremacists' and say they should be put on watchlists and said nothing about the dayton antifa shooter?
this is next level delusional
didn't the Ohio shooter also kill his sister
pretty sure cyberpunk was created by a guy that visited china and found it so sickening he felt the need to write about it but changed the setting to the future so as to look racist. communist saw it was popular and infected it afterwards
I want "SELL YOUR HOUSE TO WHO BEN FUCKING AQUAMAN?!" for my 'incoming text' tone.
And that they should hand out the death penalty after "swift due process" for anything categorized as a hate crime.
Also, he blamed video games for violence.
>posts an illustration by someone who clearly doesn't understand shadows and lighting
Go back to pol
Still nothing to do with capitalism. Money is just the means of power in this system, removing money doesn't remove power.
technical skill and artistic talent are not the same thing
I guess the Left really can't meme.
No he said anTifa needs to be put on watch lists and we're the bigger threat
No because it’s trying to distance antifa/commie larpers. Faggot commies, not neolibs, are the ones that Burger King was tweeting to. Antifa socialists are stooges for the neolibs who are doing everything they want
And then he 'both sides' it again, like, the day after.
have an edit of one realy shitty parody draw of stonetoss, original is alot more fucking wordy so I cut it down and kept the message. I dont know wether I should add PornHub to his eyes to the last pannle or loss.
was anybody actually taught this at all or is this just a weird projection of a reality that doesn't exist?
I'm a zoomer and I was taught that the settlers were maniacs bent on genocide with (intentional) smallpox blankets etc
You need to leave
Can anyone recommend butane for Clipper lighters? I'm using the super cheap shit. I think that's the problem. At least I hope it is. Cause I've got a really rad red one with a Dia de los Muertos thing on it and I don't wanna throw it away.
He told the DHS not to look into white supremacists because they might target his base
Quit lying you dumb commie bitch
addie should have tried architecture instead.
I swear I typed were don't know how that apostrophe got there
I mean, Will had that character say that phrase to ironically prove it, since that character is both long-winded and an idiot.
The left literally cannot tell the difference between Ben Shapiro and a nazi. No wonder antifa tries to shut down his talks.
SoCal here, graduated 12th grade in 02 and none of my teachers emphasized crimes committed by European settlers. And that's in 'fruits and nuts' California, so I genuinely doubt that many other people from my generation actually learned history. Though, things have hopefully changed over the last 17 (fuck me) years.
dude trump specifically signals against white nationalism and doesn't give a single shit about le peepee poopoo antifa which is why they get let off all the time
in the very same sentence as the 'both sides' speech in 2017 he specifically called out pro-white 'extremists' needing to be denounced
It shows evidence of talent and at least some technical skill, albeit unrefined and in need of further study and practice... which is what you'd go to an art school for.
Sometimes illiteracy is poetic.
Based. No one who is pro-white should have any respect for Shapiro
He didn't just tell DHS not to look into white supremacists, he also defunded the FBI's departments devoted to white supremacist tracking.
>no source
as per the standard
Most children are taught the basics of Thanksgiving and little else about colonist/native relations, and a lot of states excise the native genocide part from American history. Maybe a passing mention of the Trail of Tears and plague blankets if you're lucky.
Why does the left have to steal our conspiracies and claim it as their own?
>use force to prevent non-union workers from entering their workplace
This is a heartbreaker
That sounds like something you made up for replies.
sure, but lots of people get rejected from art school and don't go on to decide the Jews are to blame
All it's really saying is that students aren't that good at arguing against someone whose rhetorical strategy is entirely bad faith. Maybe students should be better at that, I don't know.
Because the further left you go the harder it is to make simplistic fallacies, even in meme format
lmao people are getting visits from the feds for shitposting on RIPchans pol
imagine being this deluded about le supreeeemacist tm boogeyman
There was no genocide Squanto
How does every single reddit antifa edit manage to be worse than the original?
Hearty kek
>tfw to intelligent for humor
Yeah okay
you do realize native/settler relations were actually very good until the manifest destiny erawhere they ran into far more violent plains indians right?
>dude trump specifically signals against white nationalism
The El Paso shooter's manifesto sounds like it was written by trump
Plebbit, pleb
I'm still pretty damn sure I can solo 30-50 hogs with a brass knuckles. If Dark Souls has taught me anything it's that you can kill anything with enough rolling.
Because they’re each as long a school shooters manifesto
>being anti-capitalist is synonymous with being anti-semetic
Wait, how?
No. He actually thinks he's being smart.
My god these edits are atrocious.
doesnt the vast majority of pollution and carbon emission come from africa, india, and china?
being a 'genocidal nazi' toward nonwhites would actually benefit the environment from that perspective
greentext news site i don't like
Wanting to have white majorities isn’t “Nazi”. The American soldiers who beat the Nazis wanted that.
>colleges are churning out mindless ninnies who don't actually know anything
couldn't have said it better myself
That hogs meme exploded in popularity so quickly I honestly wonder if it was rigged in some way.
Doesn't really prove it, since the vast majority of his characters are long-winded regardless of their intelligence.
On that note I recently rewatched Last Action Hero, the Hamlet scene is pure gold.
>To be or not to be?
>Not to be. *lights cigar*
I like stonetoss edits when they are funny instead of just flipping the same flawed logic around for the other political side
Trump has let more illegals seep into the country than obama. Trump is worse than obama in terms of immigration.
Talk =/= Actions
Here's the edit you've all been waiting for. Just take a step back and admire it.
I guess they should've just rolled over and let the white man have their way instead of resisting an invasion
*Redits. Never missa worldplay opportunity.
The El Paso shooter specifically said his views predate Trump, and Trump called for more immigrants then every before while slobbering on nigger and spic cock every rally.
because as we all know, every single American soldier in World War 2 was white.
The funniest part is when StoneToss fans get offended at the edits.
>95% of americans from 1965 and earlier were nazi terrorist far right supporters because of their views on race
>American WW2 GIs were nazis because of their views on race
You think white people should do that
>How does every single reddit antifa edit manage to be worse than the original?
Because although not all Stonetoss jokes are funny, pretty much every single antifa edit fails to make any sort of joke whatsoever.
Hitler wasn't a cartoonist. I don't shit talk a house painter only for Picasso to be mentioned.
underrated joke
it's just the latest meme being pushed by Israel to make the far left look racist
>not Starktoss is a Lannister
If Dark Souls has taught me anything it's that I would be out of stamina after 8 punches.
You're alright, nigga
Sure, in the same way people get upset at Dobson.
The United States at the time was 90% white, units were segregated, and blacks were almost universally limited to non-combatant support roles. On top of the the IQ standards of entry into the US military skewed against blacks being allowed to serve. Yes, the overwhelming majority of the US military, and especially the soldiers who fought Nazis were white.
That sure is a boring, flat, lifeless, drab, uninventive and totally unremarkable painting of a building. He could've painted the sort of shit that hangs over the beds in Motel 6s.
the nonwhite soldiers were relegated to secondary duties such as medics and cooks a lot of the time.
Also the tensions between white soldiers and blacks were extremely high within the army and there were riots over integrating them with the rest of the soldiers.
You wrong right?
Wait did trump really blame video games? This is 6d chess right he can't be that stupid can he. What is his answer to every other country without mass shooting every week where there is still video games
>Twitter memes
>my joke is long so its funny
Okay trannie
being a genocidal nazi towards everyone would benefit the environment, but the minute you say you don't want to have kids, conservatards start yelling about the white race being replaced
In elementary, I learned both sides were initially distrustful but after the settlers began to drop like flies, the opportunity for peace and negotiation came to be.
The El Paso shooter is only 21 years old. Even if his views predated Trump, there's no way Trump screaming about hispanics invading the US for years didn't help encourage this dude.
If he was even talking in good faith about his views predating Trump and not just trying to separate himself from Daddy Magaman.
They could either side with the white man or take the risk of being brutally scalped, raped, and brutalized by the various other tribes which wanted their land
how so
So the US hasn’t gone from 90% white to 60%?
>the 30-50 hogs meme isn't the best in a long time
>Little mention
Were you in the special classes or something because that's a big chunk of history covered in High School
fucking solid kek
He blamed them in a statement made in the wake of El Paso, but he's been on about it for at least this long.
>More immigrants than ever before! >Hispanic low unemployment!
This is what Trump screams about
He had the white house make a video of a bunch of clips from violent video games then showed it to a bunch of video game publishers in the white house
Hitler's anti-semitism had little to do with being rejected from art school (though the scenario of an orphaned, effectively homeless young man struggling to find training and recognition of his talent being constantly mocked and rejected by academics probably did little to endear him to such people later in life). His anti-semitism, like that of most German patriots of that era, emerged largely out of the feelings of betrayal they had after WWI - seeing powerful jewish and communist groups as responsible for pushing Germany into an armistice and what many felt were unacceptable compromises in the Treaty of Versailles.
trump blamed nazis and video games and advocated for anti-gun red flag laws and death sentences for hate crimes.
why not
It's a forced meme
Why stop there you hypocritical faggot? Why not find it skeptical he cared about Spics at all? Surely he was just lying about that.
Theme song of this thread: youtube.com
the ohio shooter openly supported warren
your point?
do you want to live in a world where it's the purge but it's every day.
Gonna ignore the Jewish led communist revolution in Germany post WWI? Or their role in making Berlin a hedonistic shithole?
They wanted specifically a WASP/Germanic majority, though. They hated Italians and the Irish. So if you're either of those ethnicities you have to go back, too.
india is up there but far and away not the majority. china and US make up nearly half by themselves, but the rest can't hold a candle.
When you have networks like NPR running back to back stories about "why not having kids is the best thing ever" and "why we need to import tens of millions of third world migrants to replace our stagnating population" it's more than a little creepy.
>caring about such base things in times like these when we get good and pure things
>shifting the goalposts this hard
It's just idiots pretending to find something strange more absurd than it really is so they can be part of something fleeting. Like most mainstream memes.
>You can have dissenting opinions, just stop being such a copy/pasted faggot about it.
pot meet kettle
Damn. we live in a world where the next mass shooter being a member of your political party or not is like the new extreme sport. like snowboarding. Crazy
>hedonistic shithole
Do you know where you are?
not having kids would be fine if it wasn't for immigration lobbyists saying we "NEED to bring in migrants to replace our aging population and workforce"
japan's low birthrate isn't a problem because they aren't replacing their own population at the same time.
Why aren't we encouraging antinatalism in africa?
If he was lying about that he wouldn't have gunned down a bunch of hispanics, now would he?
Did the dayton shooter write a manifesto about wanting his student loan debt forgiven?
I fucking loathe you retarded revisionists. First you act like something WWII GIs thought was Nazism, then you’re called out on that, and you skip to the next bullshit myth. Every racially discriminatory law in US history counted those groups as white. Fuck off with this meme. WASPs and Italians could legally marry when interracial marriage was banned.
Didn't some religious Dem try this shit ages ago calling video games 'violent pornography' and calling for censorship?
>some fag on youtube called chowder
Aww man that killed me
Most people aren't rabid anti-semites during an age of propaganda, upheaval, exploitation and despair in the lower classes, though.
>some known magapede bar
[citation needed]
Africa emits so little they don't even factor. It goes China>>US>>India>Yurop in absolute, with of course higher scores for us westerners when considering per capita.
hey wow, a pareto distribution
>there's anything wrong with ethical hedonism
>"Why isn't the US government encouraging policies in non-US countries?"
Are you fucking serious right now?
>now would he?
More than plausible since people kill spics everyday. Either accept that he wasn’t lying about what you find inconvenient politically or be skeptical of it all
>This other shooter supported warren and tweeted left-wing talking points and the media isn't talking about it?
Death Grips man. Fuckin Death Grips
The NSDAP hasn’t existed in a long time
Just because they were listed as "white" didn't mean they weren't discriminated against and treated as outsiders by the already existing majority. Racial discrimination isn't just government policies.
Real life pretty patties would unironically be a massive success
He did like drawing Gisnep characters
NitW video is coming out soon guys! Hbomb even said so on Twitter! Hbomb wouldn't lie again!
There’s no such thing as ethical hedonism
Making fun of libertarians feels like punching down nowadays, but then again, fuck those guys.
Take your stupid fairy tales elsewhere faggot. You have zero sourcing to back up your stupid claims made to deflect from my original point. Now say it. Say “wanting a white majority is not the same as Nazism” you fucking faggot.
Warren spent like 8% of the debates talking about student loan debt and 60% talking about open borders and ICE shit and signaling about muh racism
He wasn't talking about the US, retard he was talking about international pressure which is currently encouraging unsustainable population growth in the 3rd world
they literally had negative reviews on yelp from being racist and having a lot of cops hang out there
I don't get what you're trying to argue here. Should all political motives for shootings just be disregarded or do you just want your side's opinion to be represented in the mainstream instead (assuming conservative outlets like Fox aren't already covering it)? Because I'm gonna guess it's the latter.
I don't like stonetoss or antifa.
Even if you accept that he hated mexicans before Trump, you'd be retarded to think Trump didn't foster that hate and encourage him enough to go out of his way to do something about it.
Guarantee he's going to try the same shit Cesar Sayoc did and say he got drunk on the Trump koolaid when it comes court time.
>rampant child prostitution
>ethical hedonism
He was a respectable soldier first and a nazi second, but everyone in part 2 was an asshole you really shouldn't be rooting for anyone, except maybe smokey that guy was alright
Why are all these SJW edits so bad
There you go, you belligerent fucking inbred. 60 young men aged 18-24 brutally murdered for being Irish-Catholic. Actually read up on history before you start being a bitch online, please.
>everyone hates me
>it must be them who is retarded
Nope. Trump fostered zero hate. He’s a negligible neocon who panders to minorities every chance he gets and makes his 99% white crowds cum in their pants over minority employment rates. I wish he was the boogeyman you fags keep saying he is.
Literally Anita-tier.
Bitcoin is currently worth over $10,000.
Without some kind of hierarchical power structure, you can’t force people to all live the same way. Some people will naturally try to barter with each other, even if no government is printing money. Others will create commune-like groups and share resources. That’s not one extreme or the other, because you can’t enforce either extreme. And that’s not even getting into how weak an anarchist society with no military hierarchy would be at dealing with raiders who want to form their own power structure to benefit them. They could easily become the new “state”, and be worse than the one that was dismantled.
Nope. Not a source for your claim and not relevant to my original claim. Stop deflecting and say it.
actually conservative outlets like fox were just mirroring trump who said that white nationalists should be put on watch lists and hate crimes should get the death penalty
No major media outlet even talked about the identity of the dayton shooter
The media blackout about the dayton shooter is knowingly dishonest and manipulative considering they said nothing besides he was a "white male"
How did trump foster hate if in every trump rally all trump talks about is "WHOOAH GUYS WE HAVE RECORD LOW HISPANIC UNEMPLOYMENT! COME AS MUCH AS YOU WANT AS LONG AS IT'S THA LEGAL WAY! tm"
I really hope everyone forgets about the Boondock Saints in the next ten years. Can't believe the next generation of college freshman bros has discovered it too. Fucking hell.
Didn’t happen. That study has piss poor methodology.
I am tired of idiots thinking their rorschace and shooting up random places instead of rampaging through the actual areas the bad guys are at
But a euro spy wouldn't know anything about true justice
Because they're all made by reddit antifa trannies.
There's some funny edits, but those are made by /pol/, like the Dobson one.
What the fuck is even your plan then if you think literally everyone in politics who's not advocating ethnic cleansing and white ethnostates is a Jewish puppet?
Because the administration's policies don't reflect his propaganda.
He sent the army to the border like two weeks to the midterm elections because his campaign strategy was to say caravan armies were coming to invade us
Graduated high school in 09. that was the impression in elementary school, but then things started getting mentioned in middle school, then it became part of the lesson in high school
the administration's policies of being even WEAKER on immigration than obama? Of letting record numbers of legal and illegal immigrants enter the country?
Sure sounds white supremacist to me oh gee
Why are all Christian video games bad
because theyre not games. Theyre jesus lead ups
The recession that's making liberals smugly go "I told you so" sure I guess. It's going to be red states who continue to suffer the brunt of the damage. Just like the farmers who are screwed because china decided to blackball them.
>ask for a source for my claim
>I post one
There's no point in arguing with people like you.
>most people on the right kind of fucking hate shaprio, right
What are you talking about? It's been stonewalling most of the legal avenues for citizenship.
Fuck AnCaps
There really isn't. They only ever ask for sources so they can laugh and dismiss them out of hand.
And they did nothing, that did nothing
How about actually build a wall, actually deport immigrants, actually enforce the border, actually propose immigration reductions when you control Congress, actually do anything that would do these things? Don’t compromise and reopen the government for your enemies. Don’t whine about black unemployment rates and #JEXIT acting like dems are antisemites because Omar criticized AIPAC