Why do they keep cancelling stuff so fast?
Why do they keep cancelling stuff so fast?
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They don't understand how that aspect of the world actually works.
this, no market for it.
The numbers are coming in and Star Wars isn’t doing great. They are trying to protect the brand so they can milk it more effeciently.
>Emmy award nominated
>tlj considered a failure to the point where they're blaming the russians
>solo flopped
>galaxy's edge isn't making it's money back
>no hype for episode nine
>rebels cancelled despite the creator planning to go past rotj
>resistance cancelled after it's initial two season pick-up
>toy sales are garbage with mass returns
>bringing back tcw after they cancelled it
How bad is Disney freaking out?
I wish star wars franchise ended years ago, better a classic in the past that the trash it turned into, if were lucky Rise of Skywalker will bomb like Solo did.
Rebels was the only good thing on that list
Solo is literally the best Disney Star Wars film, but no one fucking saw it.
35 years too late for that.
How serious about that are you? Do you really believe that? I assumed it was dogshit but I never bothered to look into it.
No it isn’t. I am almost 100% this is Disney propaganda, because that movie was pointless, dumb, and boring. And you can only ever be two of things at most.
Probably not as much as you think
They can still milk it, they still made the investment back. The only real concern is Galaxy’s Edge affecting the rest of the park
They are probably more spooked their SJW shit wasn’t tolerated
It's super popular, what are you smoking?
I saw it and it sucked ass. It is easily the worst NuWars film.
Doesn't matter. Whether you physically have watched the movie or not, you've already seen it. He gets the falcon, meets chewie, makes the kessel run. You already know what happens.
Not him, but it's a good enough movie. It's not as good as anything in the OT but it's certainly an improvement over everything else we got.
I am absolutely serious. The other user is completely right about it being pointless, but it's genuinely fun and I saw it in theaters twice. It has some cringe wink and nods and there's a scene in the beginning that is absolutely awful but once it gets going and Woody Harrelson shows up it becomes a blast. I especially wasn't expecting them to violently kill off Harrelson's friends halfway through.
How can you say that when The Force Awakens exists? The non-number DisneyWars films are unironically good, the filmmakers actually gave a shit about Star Wars. You're acting like I'm saying their better than the OT or something.
>B-B-But the kids.
>But the loud Minority.
>B-But I said it was good!
>But Disney land.
Fandom Menace wins again fuckers. Epsiode 9 is next. Tell that to your HelloGreedo and StarWarsExplained. You faggots.
Because there are only two options
I said it wasn’t doing great. It’s relatively popular, but considering it was super popular before the ST its a problem for Disney. They paid 4 billion dollars and it’s been over 5 years and they might have recently made that money back. That is a problem for them and they are trying to protect the brand. It’s why they are so loud with the live action remakes and the marvel films, but what new news have you heard about Star Wars?
I am not saying the franchise looks like it’s, but Disney is currently scheduling a doctors appointment to check on it’s health.
Because they have no plan and the franchise is sinking faster like the titanic so nothing is certain until rots or whatever
>make art style absurdly unappealing to the eyes
>shocked when nobody wants to watch it
Do you’re homework toy sales and box offices have been in decline and the hypes the lowest it’s ever been
Because they want to push their new streaming platform and fill it with new shows, not old ones. Also, Resistance is hot garbage and has been since the moment they announced it had anything to do with racing.
Whoops meant for Also the missing word is “dying”.
Racing shows suck.
Little too late for that
>Everything special about Han happened over a week
user, even without the "SJW" shit. It was still a utterly shit trilogy.
I say that in past tense because the third movie is a dumpster fire and everyone even JJ Kennedy and Iger knows it.
SW is dead.
Iger will forever be known as the man who killed the goose that laid the golden egg.
SW was a zombie money maker that the only had to babysit.
Just throw out the occasional cartoon movie or something and a few books.
Fucks sake one JUST ONE bookend movie to show what the universe is like 30 years after Rotj. Just have Lucas the EU writers and the original writers and directors who actually made SW what it was come together and make a new series bible.
After that they only had to just put in the BARE FUCKING MINIMUM of effort.
I never said the movie should exist, but it does and some how Ron Howard managed to make a good film in only nine months
Honestly, I still don't see how Disney thought that Galaxy's Edge would be a runaway success.
I must agree.
Perhaps fine for one season, but after that it becomes rinse and repeat every episode.
>Let's beat the bad guy by racing!
>Maybe we lose a couple times mid season.
>But in the final race we'll definitely win!
The only way to keep viewer interest for multiple seasons is to flesh out your characters more.
Spend less time racing and focus on personal lives and other non high speed montage time suck footage.
That movie was horrible. Thank god I didn’t spend money on tickets and instead I rented it. They should’ve removed all Han Solo elements and just make a space mafia film
This user is correct. Solo is still fucking shit but what this user said is still true.
user, they are Disney and headed by utterly out of touch people who are patting each other on the back.
Kennedy, JJ, and Rian ASSURED THEM that they could get rid of Lucas's characters and change itJUUUUUUUST enough so that Disney owns all of it and JJ and Rian would get a cut of this new SW.
Problem is that they're all hacks, they obviously do not like nor care for the IP and people who are into it can see it, and they are killing off the things that people liked while having not even the slightest clue of what peole like so it's like a blind chainsaw wielding surgeon saying he can do open heart surgery and neuro surgery.
No it fucking wasn't.
What is the best Disney SW movie then?
>Solo is literally the best Disney Star Wars film
Even if that were true it's like saying you're the tallest midget.
No one saw it because the lighting was handled by a middle school production. Seriously, I had to adjust the brightness on my screen multiple times
>Spend less time racing and focus on personal lives and other non high speed montage time suck footage.
The problem is that these prequels can’t go too deep because of the movies. They don’t want to spoil the future movies or do any retcons
As pissed as it made me, I think that RO is the best.
But being the best nu-SW movie is the same as being the shiniest piece of shit.
I'm not talking about the handling of the IP. I'm talking about the goddamn theme park with souvenir prices that are higher than the cost to get into the theme park itself.
Rogue One and that's only because it actually features some WAR.
Disney should have set NuWars some 300-400 years in the future so it doesn’t feel like a gutpunch to the original Trilogy. Couldn’t do Harrison, but you could have gotten Hamill and Fisher in there as Force Ghosts or in a Holocron, shove in some other connections to the OT, and there you go. More room to fuck around with since they don’t have a bigger Death Star 5 minutes after the second was blown up.
Rogue One is so far the best Disney Star Wars followed by Force Awakens only because they pretty much did New Hope all over again
The only bright side to this I can think of is that maybe based Dave can go team up with Favreau and work full time on The Mandalorian since they both conceived the show together.
Even Rebels isn't very good.
user, Force Awakens is an unbelievably bad movie.
NOTHING about it was any good.
Them doing a piss poor job of mimicing a new hope does not make that dumpster fire good or even tolerable.
The fuck is wrong with you people.
TFA is not good because TLJ was bad.
TFA and TLJ were equally bad.
TFA was bad but TLJ was worse
Agreed. I saw things I recognized and I clapped.
why would they put a bag over a blind man?
Rebels started out slow
It didn't get good til season 2
The Force Awakens is easily the worst, I'd rather watch only non-Luke/Rey/Ben scenes of The Last Jedi three times than watch that again
Why would you shoot a man before throwing him off a plane?
It has its moments, but much like TCW it sometimes makes stupid decisions (the mindnumbingly awful ending and Kanan and Ezra in general), and it inherits some of TCW's shitty ideas too (Ahsoka and Maul). I liked the art direction a lot (Vader in particular looked very cool) but it's an awkward interquel at the end of the day without TCW's budget to make up for it.
Alright lets settle this
New Hope
Rogue One
Phantom Menace
Force Awakens
Last Jedi
Attack of the Clones
no one watches soi wars.
They're finally realising that the ST doesn't sell
>I'd rather watch only non-Luke/Rey/Ben scenes of The Last Jedi three times
Oh, you're a faggot that's why
Didn't watch Solo
>Last Jedi
>Attack of the Clones
You're confusing "popular" with "omnipresent". Star Wars isn't popular any more, but you're seeing it everywhere because Disney is trying to make it popular.
Rupert Murdoch is a Magnificent bastard and made sure that the Horned Rat will Choke and die poisoned after Buying Fox.
Based FOX is saving media
>call a character by his name
>get called a faggot
4 = 5 > 6 > RO > 7 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 8
Never saw Solo
Either that or you have a vagina. That's 100% of the Kylo Ren fanbase
Rouge one was better but i didnt hate solo
Would I still be a faggot if I used "Sheev" instead of "Sidious" or "Anakin" instead of "Vader"?
TESB > ANH > RotJ > TPM > RotS = RO > TLJ > TFA = AotC
I haven't seen Solo and probably never will. Nothing about that movie even sounds appealing. Star Wars should have ended with RotJ.
Sheev was always a dumb name.
Anakin for the Prequel Trilogy, Vader for the OT.
Revenge of the Sith
The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
The Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi
The Last Jedi
Attack of the Clones
The Clone Wars
The Force Awakens
No one ever remembers that The Clone Wars was released theatrically
Sheev is meme name. Anakin is a real character
I thought people talking about the stormtrooper with the spinning the riot mace being the only good thing in the new trilogy was a meme
Then i relazied that it was the only new cool thing Disney ever introduced to the series
>or "Anakin" instead of "Vader"?
Yes, you'd be a faggot for not understanding that Vader is OT and Anakin is PT.
>Solo over ROTJ
>Kylo Ren fanbase
Dear Disney shills, please stop. That guy has and never will be seen as a heart throb by the women. Not ever.
Why in fucks name did they pick that guy? He looks nothing like either hal or leia, has black hair and and he's fuck ugly.
Original Trilogy > Prequels > stand alone movies, Solo & RO > Sequels
The Disney movies suck so much that they make the prequel movies better, they're still not the greatest but when you know all that's left is Sequel shit then the Prequels go from a 6 to a 9
I have watched the OT and Episode 3 multiple times but I will NEVER EVER rewatch a sequel
To be fair, I need to rewatch ROTJ. It's the one Star Wars film I have the least amount of experience with and last time I watched it was the canon blu-ray release. Maybe before the next one I'll bust out my laserdisc player.
Brainlet oppinion
Vade and anakin are the same, they are the same person no mater how one looks and acts
Of course he went Dark Side, his parents were Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford when they were hot, and he looks like he does.
Fucking no one says Anakin when they're talking about Vader, which was what this stupid argument was about you retard.
>Vade and anakin are the same
has anyone considered that this show was meant to be shorter due to the ST just being shorter in general, so this was meant to bridge the gaps between TFA, TLJ and ROTS, and they'll be making something new once the last movie is out
>25 cents has been deposited into your venmo account
Disney spent 4 billion dollars on a money-printing machine and handed it over to a guy who only makes rip-offs, a woman whose only achievement was riding off of Spielberg's movies, and an indie filmmaker who had one film under his belt that eight people saw at a shitty festival.
>Ewan McGregor may be picking up his lightsaber again. The 48-year-old Scottish actor is in talks about reprising his role as the heartfelt but headstrong Jedi master known as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a yet-to-be-titled Disney+ series, Deadline has confirmed.
There's always a market.
>Disney+ series
Fuck this shit
It's frankly amazing how the sequel trilogy has essentially undone literally everything Luke and the others accomplished in the original trilogy, all for the sake of rehashing.
>We defeated the Empire! No, wait, they're back.
>We destroyed the Death Star...again! Nevermind, they build a third one and blew up way more planets than the first two combined.
>I'm going to restore the Jedi! Oh no, they're all dead again.
>The Emperor is dead! *Ominous cackling because "nobody's ever really gone"*
Like seriously, fuck off.
>Bringing back more OT/PT actors out of terror that the new shit isn't liked
Jesus christ, they'll dig up Alec Guinness next, put fucking wires through his bones and play him like a puppet.
Can't believe I exist in a timeline where I actively pray for the death of things that I held dear as a child. This decade has been the worst.
Not fast enough in that case.
Haven’t they done enough?
"Milk it"? No.
There are mega Star Wars fans out there.
Oh no I have an opinion besides frothing hate
reminds me of that bit about how in The Clone Wars series the showrunner had to bend over backwards to have Anakin and Grievous NOT meet at all, even tho Grievous was one of the main antagonists simply because of a Throwaway line from Revenge of the Sith that implied they were meeting for the first time.
Not that badly.
Disney can't profit by catering to a niche market. It goes against their entire business strategy,
They can if that market is huge and spans multiple generations.
They would not still be making Stars Wars films otherwise.
IMO the best way to do a racing show would be using racing as a meter of character development.
For example
>stubborn character can't achieve goals because he refuses to listen to others
>stubborn character learns to be more receptive and achieves goal as a result
A show done in the style of Initial D (focus on driving techniques) would lend itself better to this, since you could use driving techniques and vehicle choice as a reflection of the character
Yeah, but the younger generations aren't as interested in Star Wars as the older generations, the older generations have more spending money and don't like seeing the original trilogy basically thrown under the bus for the new stuff Disney has all the merchandising rights to.
In order to profit off of a niche market you need to adjust for supply and demand. That means charging the smaller audience more. When there is and for a long time has been better content that's cheaper, that niche audience is no longer viable. Disney's marketing has always been about creating the most mass-appealing product ever and yet they managed to fuck it all up by relying on a new audience that doesn't exist and pissing off an older audience. They were open about it too.
"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."
Rebels has like three good episodes total
Only Wacky Races was good, and only because it was a parody where nothing mattered and it had based Snidely Whiplash. Every other animated racing show is overly melodramatic, is nothing but filler because the minute the main character(s) win the big race that actually matters then the show is over. Also unlike based Snidely, the villains in every single fucking animated racing show are unironically serious with their obsession with cheating and other obvious villainy, and are thus cliches right out of the gate.
Plus, unlike real racing, there's no actual excitement in watching the cars race. We only give a shit about two or three of the racers because only two or three racers will be the protagonist, supporting protagonist (optional), and/or villain. Every single other racer is obviously not going to fucking win. And here again is where Wacky Races did the concept right, the same people never won every time. Peter Perfect would 'normally' be the protagonist who is supposed to win, but instead he only wins occasionally and its usually the Arkansas Chugabug or Army Special or whatever. Each episode was 'really' about Whiplash trying to get everyone else to lose, and who actually won didn't matter as much. It was all comedy, no tension. The exact opposite of what any other racing show attempts, which is usually half serious and half dumb kiddy humor.
I learned early on as a child that animated racing shows were terrible, and at the time I never understood why, but by God I've never been fucking wrong. Always a bad decision, don't understand why the big wigs at Mouse and the rest haven't figured out what I vividly understood at age 10.
something about Disneyland just makes Disney go full retard with pricing because they know the people who go to Disneyland have way more money than sense and will drop thousands of dollars a year just to go to the same theme park over and over and over and over
it'd be pretty decent if you could FUCKING SEE ANYTHING
They ain't really doing a good job at it. Basically killed most of the interest for the franchise with the horrible movies.
Force Awakens is ironically the best NuWars film but that's like saying you're the smartest kid on the short bus.
The Star Wars audience has always sucked ass. Marketing anything to them would be like selling cheese to someone who was lactose intolerant.
The older generations introduce the younger generations to it and they get hooked, that's how it happens. Supply and demand is just the surface of it. They also have to account for the capital their putting up, both fiscally and in human capital. A lot of different factors go into price beyond just "do people want it".
I wouldn't really call it a "niche market" either, as Star Wars has reigned supreme for like 5 decades now.
I don't think Naked Gun has the same kind of fire power.
user you are already three years too late to be decrying Disney resurrecting dead actors for Star Wars
V - III - VI - IV - I - II - VII - VIII
>with spinoffs
V - III - VI - IV - I - Rouge One - II - Solo - The Clone Wars - VII - VIII
> Emmy award nominated
Everyone would have been fine with more Star Wars, but not the Star Wars we got that did everything it could to shit on the old movies. If I didn't know any better I'd say they're intentionally trying to drive away their fans. When you've driven away the bulk of your customers and all you've got left is the most insane fanatics under the sun, you've reached niche market. And you better hope they've got money.
Industry awards shows are entirely meaningless outside of like, the Tonys
Did you mean Dick Dastardly?
Snidley a (pretty similar) baddie from Rocky and Bullwinkle
But Whiplash would be a good name for a car based villain.
The people have spoken.
are we only including shows or do movies count too because I will have words with you if so
I fucking hope it's bad, i'm so fucking sick of them turning every aspect of western culture into progressive jew propaganda. at this point i simply view them as pure fucking evil. The little mermaid is not a fucking nigger.
Movies are fine because they're self contained with a story arc that only needs to last 2 hours.
No problem with >Season 4 Episode 6: Uhhh...lets switch cars just because we havn't tried that yet
I'd argue that movies are the ideal format for a racing story.
>Why do they keep cancelling stuff so fast?
Not that big a loss, honestly.
Empire Strikes Back
New Hope
Revenge of the Sith
Force Awakens
Rogue One
Return of the Jedi
Clone Wars the Movie
Holiday Special
Phantom Menace
Last Jedi
>RotJ that low
were you dropped as a child
They saw Universal rolling in cash from their Harry Potter section and thought they couldn't possibly fuck it up.
>The older generations introduce the younger generations to it and they get hooked, that's how it happens.
My dad got me into Star Wars when he showed me the original trilogy.
The last Star Wars related thing I saw was TFA, which was okay, but I have literally 0 interest in any of the other generic shit they've been putting out in recent years.
The worst part about Solo being such a flop is how it was literal wasted potential.
Like if you had told me years before Disney acquired SW that one day we'd have a entire movie just about Han Solo being a dashing rogue and shit I'd have been hyped as shit. But instead we got garbage and there was so little hype for it I had forgotten it existed.
Why would Disney make a kiddyfied show of a movie series that's already intended for KIDS?
Dont forget how terrible it is going on the video game aspect, EA has bungled the franchise badly with the Battlefront loot box thing, not to mention in the few years EA has had the SW license they've outright cancelled more games than they've put out.
you could ask George the same question about...a lot of things
Solo could have been half decent if it focused on ONE thing instead of checking off every single reference Han made about his past.
>TWO Star Wars games have come out since Disney acquired the property
>and now we're getting Uncharted: Star Wars Edition starring the gay kid from Shameless because apparently video games need celebrities to sell now
Everyone kept going on how Rebels looked so much more kiddyfied and shitty compared to Clone Wars, and Disney took that as a challenge.
How the fuck did I forget about EA going to court?
It's entertaining, but as an installment to the overall story it's beyond goofy and more than a little forced.
tlj made billions though.
and half the audience hated it.
only if you round up
But it made over 600 million less than TLJ, shattered the fanbase, killed the hype and helped cripple their toy line since most of the cast where the least marketable heroes ever not to mention solo lost over a 100 million after that
Worldwide it made about $1,332,539,889, they hated it so much they went and saw it a second and third time.
You know is bad when it doesn't even get porn.
Or maybe the half that liked it say it again and the half that didn't like it already paid for it.
>Why do they keep cancelling stuff so fast?
Because it's the norm? It's rare for a show to get more than two seasons. They want instant hits, they don't want to foster a show for five years before it gets popular.
>couldn't even get the free mint of awards
the ceremony hasn't happened yet, you numpty
it's still going to lose since it's in the same category as the Parkland documentary
if it cost more to create the market than to profit from it they wont do it.
see symbiotic titans.
FUCK you're right.
I deliberately wasn't talking about non-western animation or movies. You can do a good racing plot in a movie. Scooby Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf had a good racing plot. It's when everything that happened in the episode has to be resolved in 20 minutes or less that result in racing series being so fucking pointless. Either the entire season is one long race that never ends, or a handful of episodes involve pointless races and the rest are filler that have nothing to do with anything least of all racing.
Anime is a different beast. I have never watched an anime about racing, so I won't say they're automatically bad. It's the west that has the problem with making good racing shows, and nobody else.
you should watch an anime about racing user
Did you miss the timeskip of multiple years just before the war-prisoner scene?
No, that was Rogue One. Solo was still better than any Sequel Trilogy film though.
right, the timeskip where nothing of import happened
Sjws are not a market. Just a black hole of tweets and poor uneducated people
(no, gender studies are not education)
>solo lost over a 100 million after that
More than that if you count them remaking the entire film
>Not putting ESB above Star wars, it was unarguably better.
>Not putting Rogue One, TFA, ROTS, Clone Wars, Attack of the Clones, Ewoks: Battle for Endor and Solo above TLJ in that order.
Your list contains glaring flaws
TLJ was shit but TFA is the entire reason the Sequel Trilogy is bland, unoriginal shit. It killed off the New Republic and Luke's Jedi Order, turned the OT heroes into pathetic failures and setup the rehashed Empire vs Rebels conflict for the ST.
in the store I work at, we still have a TLJ Rose action figure in the clearance bin. the brand is diluted.
Everything is education.
They usually aren’t the ones creating a market.
Unless you mean establishing something that has no ties to anything completely out of thin air?
I’m not sure what you mean
I don’t think it’s generic, but I can see why you would have no interest in it
They made all their money back in the first year
There's the problem.
I doubt Disney dropped 4 billion dollars just to stop at "making it back"
Oversaturation is more of a net gain than anything else.
Maybe it’s perception.
Dave is literally executive producer on that show.
Articles that claim that because Force Awakens made 2.06 billion at the box office, that means Disney got 2.06 billion.
These articles usually hope you don't know how the box office works.
that's old news.
This is the current ratio.
>Dave is literally executive producer on that show.
Yeah, who until now had obligations for other projects. Now he can devote himself full time to Mando once TCW wraps up.
Wonder if Disney will let the final TCW season cut loose like was originally intended or will be be heavily neutered as per Disney standard
>Matt McGloin
My sides
because it sucks
Lmao user good one
They bought the star wars license to print money, not for fan charity. They'll try all recipe until one actually works, and they won't care if that winning shot is about babies in a space daycare, or Bratz with Xwings.
I've been meaning to watch Redline for years, but I've just never had the time. I'll watch it eventually.
make the time
>we're going to defeat the empire!
>b-but the empire doesnt lose til episode 6
>we didn't defeat the empire yet, but n-
You fucking make the time to watch Redline.
I barely have time for the things that I'm paid to do.
that just means you deserve a vacation. Solely and specifically to watch Redline.
The new trilogy really fucked them over. If they were smarter they would've vetoed having TLJ take place the same day or two as TFA and had a number of years pass in between.
i love how Disney spinning it! off we didn't end teh show ..we just want make 2 sseason
Serious question, how do you measure hype? And I mean in a way that isn't as vague as, "Dude, no one's talking about it," though that itself is fine if there's some tangible way to quantify it.
furfag detected
Why don't they look towards making a KOTOR animated series?
Oban Star Racers was a good series man.
Bioware tainted the property with SWTOR
Why? It wouldn't be the KOTOR you played. It'd be almost completely different. Sure, they might pull a George and integrate a few elements from your KOTOR, but the'd never adapt it. They'd do their own thing. Like, nothing of what's happened in post-RoTJ content is anything like post-RoTJ EU. So why would you expect pre-TPM content to be anything like pre-TPM EU?
Internet search stats and views for related media usually serve as indicators.
It’s funny how Swtor is probably one of the few things keeping BioWare afloat after their recent failures, its still making money and being somewhat successful.
no it isn't, it's pretty much in maintenance mode. They're riding off maybe a few hundred whales at this point, down to two American servers and three European servers that probably have 20 people between them.
Nobody saw it because it was so dark it was mistaken for an audio book.
Because they are kidding him.
IV > V > VI > RO > III > I > Solo > II > VII > VIII
It’s literally getting another expansion next month, I wouldn’t say that is maintenance mode.
a hilariously low effort expansion, they're re-using fucking Corellia for the final only new Flashpoint
They need to study dilation more, because it's not working.
>emmy award nomination
How much did they scrape the bottom for this to get nominated?
>dat ratio
Felt like they had a different movie and then retooled it with as many star wars references as possible.
Pretty mediocre. Actually downright bad if you have seen TCW and know how much better Rebels could have been.
Take that back queermo
>not 500 Miles on loop forever
the other nominees in the Outstanding Children's Program category:
>Carmen Sandiego
>A Series of Unfortunate Events
>Song of Parkland (HINT THIS IS GOING TO WIN)
>When You Wish Upon A Pickle: A Sesame Street Special
Beat me to it. Oban was sick.
>>no hype for episode nine
I never had a movie let me down like that so much that I dont even care to see how it finishes. Atleast episode II to III had the promise of vader, I cant force myself to like any of the sequel trilogy characters.
>>toy sales are garbage with mass returns
I thought that was just a meme by youtube "alt right incel nerds" until the I actually read it on linkden,
Didn't the TV production studios get sold to Iger as well? Aside from serving sports and news, the NuFox network now seems kinda useless.
>I dont even care to see how it finishes
I'm extremely invested in sales numbers. If Episode IX bombs, 2019 might end up being my favorite year on Earth.
Oban Star Racers was more Star Wars than Resistance
is this that shitty fake anime version with no shadows?
westacucks were pushing this garbage on Yea Forums. they really arent reliable. the reality of sjw-ra must be like this.
Are you kidding? I mean, I'm not an expert on modern kids cartoons, but that can't be the best options can it?
it's not solely cartoons, you'll notice. It seems like it's basically a throwaway category, below even animation, which is handled differently from regular awards.
Also this is the fucking Emmys, they give awards to reality TV.
It actually both should've been and could've been a lot more. But the main market, which is Chinese, was repulsed by it. It did worse than both Force Awakens and Rogue One.
>recognizable American actors that fit a more traditional "Hollywood" appearance
So they wanted folks with some well-established, "old guard" (re: self made from continuous fame off the big screens, not the increasinly common "up-and-coming Netflix star" standard nowadays) charisma around them - like Tom Cruise, I presume.
I was never the biggest starwars fan to begin with. So even when "it shit on the old movies" it didnt bother me. What bothered me and other casual fans I know is simply the shitty writing. There is no character worth caring about. Whether it bombs or somehow makes it big, I just dont care at all. I guess the bright side to seeing it bomb is to show future directors on how not to make a movie or treat its fans
Whatever the fuck they wanted, it wasn't the Last Jedi and for once I am in complete agreement with chinks.
I dont know why people are disagreeing with you. Solo is the only one of the Disney Wars movies that has watchable parts. The early scenes and closing are better than anything else Disney has made. The spice planet section is unwatchable but that's better than all the other Disney movies where the entire movie is that way.
I'd love to see Episode 9 bomb too, but after both the live action Aladdin and Lion King remakes ended up making bank I gave up any hope on the general audience having any sort of good taste.
because it's literally a badly made film on an objective technical level. A movie where you can't see what the fuck is happening half the time because the lighting is garbage is an OBJECTIVELY bad movie.
The thing about it is that there's 1/3rd of it that either make or break the movie for you. Ron Horward did indeed make a good movie... inside of entire Solo experience. People mostly expected it to be an origin story and those are easily the worst parts (like Han getting his gun from Woody Harrelson or how he got his fucking name, no one wanted to learn that, it added absolutely nothing). But if you close your eyes on those "origin" aspects of the movie, there's a good movie inside of it. But you have to ignore 1/3rd of a movie.
But all of the other movies are bad too, and it's better to have technical flaws yet be interesting than it is to be technically sound but boring.
the problem with that is Solo isn't interesting most of the time either.
and you can't see another 1/3rd of the movie, so you're left with the last 1/3rd of the movie where everything notable about Han Solo happened in a week.
Yeah but there's a few parts where it is, which again, is better than all the other ones. All the space mafia stuff is richer than anything the other movies have to offer.
great, cool, it's still a shit movie, being slightly better than the other shit movies doesn't make it a good movie
except all the space mafia stuff is reduced to YET ANOTHER "member this"
Solo looks awful, what are you smoking?
Rebels peaked at season 2, it was shit both before and after.
I'm glad StarWars is failing.
I'm not but I prefer it to it continuing as is.
I was sad that it seemed like I was in minority of people who despised Force Awakens, I actually deemed myself jaded. I called everything that is happening to Star Wars now so I am glad people are waking up to it, but I am still sad that we are in worse position than when George Lucas was doing his prequels shit.
I don't like NuWars either and I'm one of the guys that wanted a rough adaptation of the Solo children story arc, but Jesus fuck half of the anons in this thread act like they let outrage farming youtubers like World Class Bulshitters, Geeks + Gamers and ComicsArtsProSecrets do their thinking for them.
Fuck them and post delicious Jaina Solos.
>lol shill sjw cuck beta.
Can't the movies suck because they suck? What's with the neckbeards pushing their political agendas? They're just like the SJWs.
Because that's literally the envionrment Kennedy created.
I just ignore her entirely. Maybe my indifference is due to me not being American.
Well, I am Russian, and they literally tried using "Russian bots" as a scapegoat, so fuck them.
Yeah that was a dick move and I'm Polish. I guess I'm not actively wishing for the death of the franchise because I have interests outside Star Wars. I can just invest in those until things get better.
That's what I'm doing with Gundam now since the Build Series infuriates me to no end with how much it's shilled.
Gundam is good, they are planning to screen the NT movie in Russia fully dubbed and I laughed my ass off watching the trailer because it namedrops "Neo Zeon" and "Newtype" as if it's not gibberish to any average Russian and literally not the worst point to try to force Gundam here. I will watch it literally only because I hope they bring in some gunpla.
But that's besides the point, you argument is kind of like picking a favorite kid, when some people can't and other people obviously do. Just because you are less passionate about a certain franchise doesn't mean that other people are only passionate about it because it's their favorite. Hell, I can get my fix of escapism from numerous franchises I follow, Star Wars hasn't been in top 10 list of good shit since George Lucas made Clone Wars not canon, but I still care especially considering how much wasted potential I've been seeing FOR YEARS.
Speaking of China...
>tfw we were this close to cutting off Disney's Chinese lifeline because of one like on a tweet
In terms of UC they're doing great with Hathaway's Flash coming up and the whole UC Next 100 plan. I just wish for more AU content outside the shitty mobile app.
I see your point and you're not wrong. I just don't really agree with all the hate. I think if it's shit now, it will correct itself eventually so no point trying to ruin it for everyone else. But I admit, the franchise as it is is hollow and unimaginative now.
Oddly enough the complaints about the movies shafting the legacy characters is valid, but the new EU is doing the opposite and it's just as bad. Empire vs Rebellion has been wanked too much in my opinion.
Are people really that stupid to not realize that Episode 9 is near and this season is a tie-in to that? It's nearing it's end. So this series is ending too after TROS release
Plus why cancel a series when it's going to be released before TROS? Why people here truly believe it's cancelled when there's nothing to do after the Sequel Trilogy ends?
You all should stop being so salty
Because Star Wars rumors and clickbait attract angry fans like sharks to blood. I agree with you since there's literally no TROS material for them to work with and timeline wise, ending makes sense.
>and half the audience hated it.
Less than half
But a very loud half that goes after it like a crazed ex girlfriend.
There's basically no way Episode IX will make less than a billion. I'm more interested in how the weekly drop off will go.Will it have a massive opening and leap off a cliff like TLJ, or will it have a modest opening due to lack of hype and last a long time through word of mouth?
I want Star Wars to remain healthy ONLY because this guy delivers. In Filoni we trust.
>I thought that was just a meme by youtube "alt right incel nerds" until the I actually read it on linkden,
Of all sad words of tongue and pen, thed saddest are these;
"/pol/ was right again"
I think it's because only collectors and cosplayers buy toys. Kids don't give a fuck and about anything that's not an iPad.
>*destroys your childhood*
Heh, nothing personal incels
You know that we can actually track where Tweets originate from, right?
Twilight of the apprentice was kino.
Maul's vs Obiwan was nice for the 30s it lasted.
Thrawn was ok.
The rest had some good points but really felt like Filioni was fighting against the mandate of the show the whole time. (Ie to be a fun jedi show for little kids)
Is it the most-disliked video from Disney's youtube channel?
I liked the ending of season 3
This is how things should look after you suffered a major defeat, unlike TLJ where you have the surviving 5% celebrating
Do you guys find anything redeeming at all in the sequel trilogy? I like the how TLJ introduces the idea of a moral grey area but hate that it goes right back to good v evil at the end. Same with Kylo, he had more dimensions added, he had goals, only to be turned back to an autist.
You're all a bunch of faggots.
Master list is as follows:
RO (hate to put this so high, but sadly it's less cringe than...)
1 (amazing music but shit film)
3 (shit film with terrible dialogue)
FA (shit film but well shot. Ruins all future Disney Wars films)
2 (worst dialogue of all films)
Power gap
Power gap
Clone Wars (animated garbage film lol)
TLJ (absolute garbage tier)
I'm phone posting atm so can't get too in depth.
But I liked how the lightsaber snow fight was shot in TFA despite how stupid it was.
That's about it?
Yeah, I like it as well. It was emotional, heavy and the sabers look like they had weight behind them almost too much. But it was visually spectacular, I just wish they did more saber duels, because its one of the few things they do well despite the many errors in the throne room scene.
Rebels was awful.
V = IV > III > VI >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I > II >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> R1 > Solo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TLJ > TFA
Why was it so hard for big brain Disney / Lucasfilm to do a transition from the OT to the ST?
Why did they fuck up Star Wars so much while ignoring the EU?
Here's a simple way they could have killed off the old cast while doing the characters justice:
Movie 1:
The New Republic, which has grown corrupt after decades of peace, insists on annexing territory further and further into the Mid Rim, a neutral territory contested by both the reconstituted Galactic Empire and the New Republic.
Not wishing to suffer another war, Senator Organa pushes for peace talks and reconciliation with Empress Sloane, but other factions within the NR will hear none of it and want a war to happen. She's martyred and her death is set up by the NR to look like it was an Imperial attack.
The NR demands the Jedi, under Luke, rejoin to defend the New Republic, but Luke is having none of it, sniffing out the conspiracy a mile away. His apprentice, Ben, meanwhile is gungho for war, which the NR conspirators recognize and hope to manipulate. Luke and Han die preventing a war between the New Republic and Galactic Empire, and Ben "Kylo" Solo realizes he's been played and now vows to lead the New Jedi Order vigilantly, subverting the expectations of him being Anakin 2.0.
Movie introduces House Fel and Jaina Solo, imperial loyalists and different pov from the Republic.
There. You killed off all of the OT characters, did them justice, and moved the focus to the new ST era characters.
How fucking hard was that for Lucasfilm and KK to pull off?
such is the fate of Disney Wars
no matter how bad things will go those kind of people only have one curse of action: double down
unironically is one of the most decent Disneywars movies but it had the TLJ burden on it
Nice historical revisionism. The Star Wars audience has never been a problem until now. They lapped up every shitty game, book, comic, toy, and cartoon before Disneywars.
Outstanding Writing for a Fantasy Series?
It’s obvious what happened. Disney tried to have it’s cake and eat it too. They wanted to reboot the franchise, but keep the earlier fans. They wanted to avoid the PT mistakes, without understanding what it did right and wrong. They wanted to make money, but didn’t want to spend time developing a plan. They wanted to treat Star Wars like it was something some small property that they could easily make their own.
Basically corporate suits are going to corporate suit. He strategy they used for Marvel films paid off, so hey let’s shove this IP into that strategy.
>shit show gets cancelled
>Disney shill fakes tears
DarkSydePhil looks much better these days
take a shower, maybe it's just you
>This decade has been the worst.
This; games, comics, movies... this decade is killing the "geek culture"
my biggest problem with the whole thing
everything they did in og trilogy undone so they could have the good guy be the underdog again and all the other shit you listed
shit really killed my interest in star wars for a while
it will turn like the other disneywars products, I think you have too much faith
>I think you have too much faith
Why? In Dave my faith has always been rewarded. The man has consistently put out nothing but good Star Wars content. He's quite literally our best hope for the franchise.
IT DID with Episode 3! The Prequel Trilogy and the Original Trilogy was fine as it is.
Except Hey Arnold Jungle Movie happened, and it was as good as you can get.
Dave cannot erase the sequels out of existence, in this case it doesn't matter how good he is.
Plus, the ending of Rebels shits up the OT, all because he could not kill off his waifu. The only thing he can do now is finish Clone Wars. After that, I will stop caring completely.
it's weird to see he and Rei paired even on 2 pack dolls when the guy... let's say he is not an Adonis... everything in the dineywars saga is so terribly mismanaged, even the old characters suck in this new trilogy
>Dave cannot erase the sequels out of existence
He doesn't need to. I've had no difficulty ignoring them.
>Plus, the ending of Rebels shits up the OT, all because he could not kill off his waifu
It literally doesn't. Despite surviving, Ahsoka clearly had no interference with the OT. It changed absolutely nothing for those events.
Star Wars became shit since Jar Jar Binks.
>Original Trilogy > Prequels > stand alone movies, Solo & RO > Sequels
Pretty much this, the prequels at least brought us tons of lore and cool stuff
>Luke, you are the last jedi, the last hope (Leia had 0 training, she cannot do shit at the time)
>Luke, there is a highly trained jedi out there, who could totally help the rebellion, but she cannot help you because she was supposed to be dead but one of the Gods literally used time travel to keep her alive
Sure, does not change the stakes at all.
They fucked themselves by trying to replicate the marvel success by pumping out a film a year along side the fact that they didn't even try to appeal to a new generation of kids but instead pandered to older millennial who were already fans.
>Prequels > Original trilogy > Nu-wars
>i didn't watch it and will admit to it
>still going to talk shit anyway
There's tons of geek shit that's good or gotten better or is on the way to getting better, it just seems worse because big stuff like star wars got assfucked
That's a controversial opinion. Here's mine:
OT and PT are a single whole. And fuck Disney Wars.
I live in America and use a VPN, good luck
>Power gap
Is this a comic or something?
Different user, but you forgot when we are living. In this day and age you can look up what's in the latest SW movie, withOUT watching it, and depending on which sites you go to, that information will be factual. In the [current year] you don't need to watch every single movie to know what to expect.
I think it's funny how Disney fucked Star Wars so bad that people are exonerating the once near-universally loathed prequels.
>Luke, there is a highly trained jedi out there
Not a Jedi.
>who could totally help the rebellion
Yoda gave no shits about the rebellion.
>but she cannot help you because she was supposed to be dead but one of the Gods literally used time travel to keep her alive
Ahsoka probably has her own path, same as Ezra who's objectively much more skilled and and better trained then Luke ever was during the entirety of the OT.
Besides, it wouldn't have mattered how how much they could've taught him. Luke didn't win by might, he won by sentiment. He was the only person who could make Anakin discard the Dark Side and fulfill the prophecy.
>I think it's funny how Disney fucked Star Wars so bad that people are exonerating the once near-universally loathed prequels.
The Prequels were never universally loathed. Most people liked them. Just because a handful of butthurt Gen-Xers were very vocal with their opinions doesn't mean everyone hated it.
There's an argument for Solo being the best Disney film, but not by a lot, it probably has the best action, but in terms of scripting it might worse than TLJ. It definitely deserved to bomb the way it did, but one could make the claim it was marginally better.
It's inferior to the Prequels too, even Attack of the Clones.
Fuck to the yes! MAGA!
It really is the right thing to do, they'd be way better off with a new series or even no series.
Don't forget not realizing why marvel worked and it was having a major franchise runner planning things out in some way, which with star wars it was just throw caution to the wind and make things with no plan. This is especially an issue since the star wars fandom is full of lorefags.
Yea, canceling this is pure damage control.
Yea, doesn't help that the animation is potato quality.
It's not a good film, it's mediocre at best.
where do you think we are?
this looks worse than iron man armored adventures
Yea, it's Rogue One, worst thing about that movie is how boring it is, but it has a couple cool scenes with Vader.
That's Cade Skywalker in a nutshell, those are good comics which push the universe forward without abandoning its history.
It was ok, average, about 7/10. A lot of filler episodes, but some great moments too.
TFA has an inferior script, way more plot holes, but spiritually, TLJ is worse.
That's pretty embarrassing.
Disney is as much about removing the competition as making product.
No matter how badly they messed up Star Wars, they removed the possibility of Lucas building a rival to the MCU.
No tears were shed at Disney.
i like rouge one better
Ashoka and Maul are cool (both of their existences are somewhat contrived, but they're great characters), but they do go a bit too far towards the end of the series, she should have died in her duel with Vader.
Twilight of the Apprentice was the series' high-point, Ezra and Kanan were both boring before. Kanan being blinded adds an extra layer to his character (which was previously a pretty cliche Jedi/Smuggler) and Ezra's descent into the Dark Side forces the audience to take him more seriously.
If they had followed Ezra opening the Sith Holocron to its natural conclusion (Ezra at least being seriously tempted by the dark side) it would have explored Maul's dynamic with Ezra further. Things could have gotten really interesting, compounded with Sabine's development in Season 3, there was a lot of potential here.
This, Attack of the Clones goes over TFA and TLJ in any remotely respectable ordering, you're still a little faggot bitch if you put the anthology movies ahead of it, but it's understandable.
lap 22 when?
Go back to Tumblr now.
His name isn't Ben, that was the name of Luke's son, you faggot.
The animated movie was better than AOTC and any of the Nu Wars.
>that was the name of Luke's son
Luke doesn't have a son. Kylo's name is Ben Solo.
You're right, and that's the problem
I would call Solo watchable but it completely lacks the adventure and the heart that made Star Wars popular, it comes across as a collection of familiar imagery arranged in no particular order
>the absolute state of Rebels apologists
It feels like Star Wars is in complete free fall right now, especially with Galaxy's Edge being a complete flop. Is it the first time Disney completely fucked up such a big IP?
Yea, Prequels have issues, the main problem is Anakin's character isn't developed properly, but Finn makes Anakin's motivations for betraying seem profound by comparison, he actually had a couple remotely justifiable reasons.
Just rewatch the scenes with Luke and Vader, absolute classic.
Because they've completely mismanaged the Star Wars brand
That's a fair point, it was Luke who cut through that particular line of bullshit.
It's a trilogy, it's as long as the other trilogies. If it was successful, they wouldn't cancel it after two seasons, but yes, the possibility of a new cartoon is there.
Rogue One. Even though it's mediocre as hell
If they make anything good, I'll stream it for free, as should all good anons.
Rogue One. It had good battle scenes.
Yea, that was pretty stupid, if they were going to do this, they should have also had Anakin and Dooku fight a lot less, because it messes up the line about Anakin's powers having doubled.
They're in damage control, but they haven't given up on their agenda yet, we have to keep up the pressure.
i actually really like rey and finn a lot, it's not their fault the writing is bad
you can literally blame JJ Abrams for everything, because it was his writing workshops that built up the pure lame duck that was TFA.
I feel like the ST is suffering the same bullshit the PT when they were initially being released. It took years of "EU" and "canon" cartoons/novels to flesh out the PT era.
Give the ST time to flesh out beyond the movies.
>killed off the old cast
I always like the idea that TFA should of started with Han Solo's funeral
Yea, but the races were bullshit, they rarely let a villain place first, and when they did, he or she was almost always disqualified for "cheating", even though everyone in the races, good guys and bad guys included, resorted to all sorts of underhanded tricks to win.
Nonsense, the PT had bones. Everyone was making interesting fiction just out of the movies in themselves.
The only interesting fiction I've read about the ST is how Kylo's life was as a boy.
Who gives a shit, it's star wars. It'll come back in 20 years like nothing happened.
You're all faggots
I think it's actually been on purpose at different levels of management, but at a certain point they do have to take a step back or they'll be accused of as much.
You're the type of faggot that says that you shouldn't complain about comics because someone down the line is going to undo whatever bullshit the current writer is doing.
Go fuck yourself.
Fuck you, Star Wars was uniquely creative and revolutionary for good reason, people liked it because it was good then, they hate it because it's bad now.
The problem is literally everything before that has to be watched first
I disagree. The people behind the sequel trilogy believed they had the nerd demographic in the pocket anyway, so they tried to appeal to other demographics.
The prophecy was that Anakin would bring balance to the Force. He was born at a time when the Sith were nearly extinct and the Jedi, although few in the galactic scale, outnumbered the Sith many times and were influencial. Causing the downfall of the Order and severely diminishing the number of Jedi did bring balance.
Rogue One put me to sleep, you are a teenager whose so impressed by pew pew pew that you ignore how fucking dull the characters
What does that even mean
You’re the one lying to yourself if you think literally a word of that is true.
The Star Wars audience sucks, not the content. As is the case with most, if not all fans
>The Star Wars audience sucks, not the content
Can't hear you over the sound of all the mouse dick that you're sucking.
Youtube, admittedly the rest of it is a bit boring to rewatch, weakest installment of the trilogy.
Except no they’re not.
Nah, the PT was bad, but it’s defenders pointed the salvageable parts. The defenders of the ST mostly just shit on the OT and PT.
No, they hate it because they’re supreme faggots who just want to whine and bitch about everything despite how wrong they are
As compared to you? The dipshtt shoving a dildo up his ass with all the recycled bullshit from the internet instead of any of his own opinions.
Go fuck yourself faggot
They totally are, every move for the past 14 months has been reactionary towards Solo bombing.
The irony of this post.
It's great that someone's always there to play Devil's Advocate for us so things don't get dull, like the people who pretend to be women in prison.
Yeah, I didn't watch the movies and formed my own opinions based on how bad they were. Or any of the comics and books that have come out since the EU got scrapped.
I'm just following the trend of hating on SW to get those interenet points on an anonymous imageboard about children's cartoons.
That rat Pablo and the rest of the idiots at Lucasfilm are responsible.
Weird how they were "trying to appeal to millennial fans", but for me (a millennial fan who actually liked Star Wars I) the new films didn't appeal to me at all. It's almost like they were trying to appeal to somebody else...
Like I've seen all the new movies, but it's sort of shameful for me and I've never recommended them to anyone else.
Word of mouth is a big deal and while you might get uber fans in theater seats opening week, if they judge you poorly then they won't talk their friends and family into seeing the movie, and they certainly won't pay to see the movie twice or even more times.
Disney screwed up and made movies that are more about pandering and spectacle than actually being good movies. Like whatever the last one was called, "Oh yeah let's subvert expectations" is not a valid substitute for relatable characters who make informed, sympathetic decisions.
The races were bullshit because that was the joke.
Random corporate flailing because everything new disney has produced has got terribly mixed reactions. This uncertainty frightens executives
No, they just wouldn't dare let a villain win the race because they thought the Network or FCC would take issue.
The toys went to clearance really fast. I don't think they were selling at all, most kids didn't even know who the characters were and they didn't really match the aesthetic of existing Star Wars stuff.
Everything I liked about TFA was just potential ideas it alluded to, which were all cut loose with TLJ. Now the setting literally doesn't have rebels to fight their empire, and the actual big bad responsible for the empire coming back is dead. The hero already beat the left over villain and she's only getting stronger. There's just nothing left to do. The next movie has to invent new shit to even keep momentum.
Rebels AND Resistance were awful, and TCW had wildly varying quality
Star Wars is impossible to discuss *anywhere* on the internet. You're badgered down by this list,
>If you don't like ALL Star Wars movies, you're not a TRUE fan!
>If you like any of the Disney movies, you're not a TRUE fan!
>If you like more than the OT, you're not a TRUE fan!
>If you like more than ANH, you're not a TRUE fan!
No matter what stance you take, the rest are going to harass you to the ends of the Earth for not being part of their faction. It's pathetic. It's visible on Normiebook, as well as any other website that might have regular Star Wars discussion.
I was one of the anons that started up /swg/ on /tg/, but I abandoned that trash heap last year because it became virtually impossible to hold a discussion on lore or tabletop because of screeching autists. Haven't had a regular discussion on Star Wars since, outside of my TTRPG campaign. It's impossible.
>a general turns into ass cancer
whoa, who could have seen this coming
I like Poe, appreciate that Rey isn't a legacy character, and think she and Kylo Ren improved in TLJ (which is really the only positive thing I have to say about that movie in particular). The new Star Destroyers are also neat.
But that's about it. I don't think TFA is a horrible film, but it was incredibly safe, but TLJ was an inherently messy film that tries to "subvert expectations" in ways that doesn't make sense; it tries to be a deconstruction, but fails to realize that a deconstruction needs to build something new from what was broken down.
I also dislike how the ST makes the entirety of RotJ's ending meaningless. The old EU had continuations of the Empire and dark side acolytes, but it was made fairly clear that none of them were as big a threat as the Sith and the Empire proper, and the whole time the New Republic was steadily growing while they were shrinking. The Jedi Order was restored, eschewing the flaws of its predecessor, the Empire even ended up as an ally with the New Republic and joining with it. Sure, there was a major crisis with the Yuuzhan Vong, but it was a new thing that, although mishandled, had some really nice ideas.
>TFA ends with a completely unrprepaired Rey besting Kylo, injured or not
>Ends with Snoke mentioning he has to complete Kylo's training
>In TLJ Rey goes to learn shit from Luke, has a little self discovery sequence and shows off more ridiculous force feats and fighting prowess
>Meanwhile, Kylo apparently does no training and kills the only guy who can probably help him get stronger
What was Rian thinking? Kylo clearly wouldn't be a match for Rey at this point but he left him as the only villain who can fight her.
>Sure, there was a major crisis with the Yuuzhan Vong, but it was a new thing that, although mishandled, had some really nice ideas.
A new outside threat acting upon the closed system of Star Wars is exactly what the sequel trilogy needed.
Rian was thinking "who cares about the future of the franchise, aren't you SURPRISED I took all those dangling plot threads and dumped them down the trash compactor?"
The Empire Strikes Back
A New Hope
The Force Awakens
The Last Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Rogue One
Revenge of the Sith
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo could be good characters if you boot everyone responsible for the story in TFA and TLJ and got better writers to do an overhaul.
There are a few nicely shot scenes. But that's about it. The ST films as a whole aren't worth watching at all.
I heard they will finish the two remaining episodes
Redline was boring after the Yellowline race in the beginning.
>how do we top two lightsabers
>T H R E E lightsabers!
the signs that SWTOR was doomed were there all along
KOTOR 2 stands so far above the others that the others aren't even visible.
>T H R E E lightsabers!
Would this mean Kylo Ren is automatically wielding 3 and pic related wields 4?
Pong Krell was neat. Malgus dool weelding a regular lightsaber and a double-bladed lightsaber was dumb.
Square Enix should make a Star Wars game.
because they keep greenlighting garbage duh
>who used the double bladed lightsaber as a normal one
What did he mean by this?
Blu Ra... I mean, season two when?
To each their own but I found the whole thing enjoyable. Yellowline opening was God-tier though and I can't deny that blowing your load like that at the beginning makes it a bit jarring when you slow down for backstory and characterization int he middle.
they brought the hype back up for the final race, at least
When you believe your own incel brigading tactics lul
ST doesn't have any room for spinoffs to breathe and everything about the new New Republic's rise and fall just inspires frustration.
7-8 takes place in a single week and apparently 9 is only a year later. Add in "Mystery Box" secrecy and there isn't any way to really develop the lead characters over an extended period of time, except for Poe with his comic book, but even that had to spend like two years spinning its wheels searching for Max von Sydow because you can't have him do anything important between the two movies.
Honestly if the robot didn't speak it'd be way better. Gawd that thing was annoying.
you can't claim this shit when we're 20-ish movies deep into the MCU and it shows no signs of slowing down
the movies were just bad. Can't you fucking admit that? Or do you not actually watch movies?
Even the CEO admitted that they did too much too fast.
>it shows no signs of slowing down
Good. I want to see the MCU turned into feminazi fare.
>anything else you need?
>equal rights
>pause for laughter
I thought the robot was making fun desu
you heard wrong.
show is done, it's shit, but it's done.
This is the future they chose.
Is this legit from the game or an edit?
It's obviously an edit. The Galaxy's Edge park underperforming is relatively recent news and the Japanese probably couldn't do a pun like "Ampcot Center" with even the admittedly cute "Volt D.C." one being a little too broad to breach the language barrier. Edison's pretty in character though.
Kotor 2 was a deconstruction done right.
Kreia was one of the best characters in Star Wars
>the Japanese probably couldn't do a pun like "Ampcot Center"
localization often involves changing Japanese jokes and puns that don't translate into English well into English puns that work better.
>progressive jew propaganda
Trumpkin the king of the conservatives and Israel are best bros.
Well, the news is literally TOO SOON and the makers of that game don't do gag screenshots. Instead they've got an official parody strip.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
>Excellent post.
>Star Wars begins as a revolutionary smash hit
>becomes a series of acclaimed blockbusters
>creator goes senile, makes three more movies that are terrible and nearly destroy all goodwill for the franchise
>years and years later sells it to Disney
>Disney reboots it and succeeds, people love Star Wars again, all they have to do is not fuck it up
>TLJ comes out
>tanks the entire franchise like no one thought possible
>somehow did more damage in one movie than the prequels did in three
They can have Obi Wan dance with Jabba's slaves, and Vader get told to check his privilege by a sassy black woman and I won't care. I'm numb to it all. TLJ was that garbage, I can't stand SW anymore after what Disney did with it.
It’s great that you can’t think of yourself as that kind of faggot
not a an American so irreverent. retard.
pt at least had a great setting for extra/side story plus a lot of good games came from it while st is much more lackluster even including mobile garbage