i don't know if this is the kind of thread you have every other day, because i've never come here before, so if it is i apologise.
i don't read comics that much, at least compared to the people on this board probably do. used to dabble a bit back in the day, read a bit of Sandman and Fables (which I really liked) and some DC/Marvel here and there (Agent of Asgard, TDKR, Arkham Asylum and god-butcher Thor among other things), but that's about it. recently I read Identity Crisis, despite having only the vaguest knowledge of the other Crisis storylines and for some reason I was blown away by it. so i thought i'd try reading some of the other stuff deemed important or essential to comics as a whole. any recommendations? i honestly don't care which characters it involves, though if hard-pressed i'd say that i would be interested in Strange, Thor&Loki from Marvel and Batman, Superman and Flash from DC. also anything with really good art out there? i liked the art in god-butcher Thor, so you can take that as reference point for my taste. i understand this is a very broad and vague question i'm asking, so any kind of feedback is appreciated.
DC >Superman Red Son >Superman Birthright >All Star Superman >Superman Secret Origin >Whatever happened to the Man of Steel? >For the man who has everything >Superman Earth 1 >The Dark Knight Returns >The Long Halloween >Arkham Asylum >Johns' GL >Sinestro Corps >Blackest Night >Crisis On Infinite Earths >Infinite Crisis >Final Crisis >Kirby's Fourth World >Ostrander's Suicide Squad >Peter David's Aquaman >Azzarelo's Wonder Woman >Multiversity >Morrison's Doom Patrol >We3 >Hellblazer
Marvel >Ultimate Spiderman >Age of Apocalypse
Aaron Williams
Not OP but, Is Ultimate Spiderman really that good? I've read Ultimate F4 and X-Men but the Ultimate Universe didn't wow me that much
Blake Kelly
The big 2 are for faggots Get a better hobby
Juan Harris
they're the most easily recognisable, popular and has produced the most, so i figured i'd start with them. that good enogh for you? if you have don't have anything to contribute, get lost
John Cox
>>Blackest Night >>Crisis On Infinite Earths >>Infinite Crisis >>Final Crisis how do i get into these kinds of big storylines without having read a ton of related comics and preludes before?
Grayson Johnson
>Blackest Night Geoff Johns Green Lantern. It'll lead you directly into Blackest Night. >Crisis on Infinite & Infinite Crisis Honestly, for these, you're fine as long as you just read the trade. >Final Crisis Read Grant Morrisons Batman run & Seven Soldiers of Victory if you want the full thing.
You also need to understand that these are event stories & they're usually done for absolute fucking mongoloids. You can just read any of them on their own.
Joshua Thomas
I would also add >Moore's Swamp Thing >Ennis's Preacher >Bendis' Daredevil >Miller's Daredevil
It is if you don't want to read 50 years worth of Spider-man comics
Gavin Morris
So are you interested in comics because you like the medium and want more good stories utilizing the medium, or because you like superhero properties and want more of those?
Also, what kinds of genres and themes are you into?
Jaxson Watson
Oof, hard question. Definitely bit of both, the art if it's good is definitely a huge draw and stories are important, but I'd prefer more of the latter for now, don't think I want to read comics about regular life at this point. No specific preference for genres I suppose. Detective-themed might be interesting, like i've mentioned, I really liked Identity Crisis. Themes are even harder to articulate, I suppose I like the circular/history repeats itself theme. Only one that comes to mind. Also general eerie, gothic or dark themes I suppose, I seem to enjoy DC stuff more anyway. Like I said, I know I'm posting a very broad question and I'm sorry I can't make it much more specific, just recommend me something and let's see if it sticks or not.
Noah Perry
I'm not going to recommend a list of 50 comics because you won't read any of them. Here's a nice, short, sweet sampler. >DC The New Frontier Batman Year One Superman for All Seasons >Marvel Marvels Daredevil: Born Again Spider-Man: Blue
Jonathan Fisher
thanks guys
Connor Bell
Feel free to use google in the future. There's an impossible amount of resources and curated lists of "best ever". "best batman comics ever" "best marvel comics ever" "best indie comics ever." Stuff like this will help you a lot more than Yea Forums ever can. I'm not trying to sound like an asshole by saying "google it", it's just the best resource humanity has ever had.
Also a word of warning: Yea Forums is going to say a LOT of stuff is shit and that you shouldn't read it. This is terrible advice. Read EVERYTHING. Decide what YOU like and don't allow the hivemind to bully you in any direction.
For Blackest Night you only need to read GL Rebirth, Johns' GL, Sinestro Corps and Rage of the Red Lanterns. It's really not that much and it's a fun ride.
COIE, IC and FC on the other hand, are kinda hard to read if you don't have previous knowledge of the lore, especially COIE which is a massive story. I read them without reading many comics and I still enjoyed them. COIE was mindblowing to me.
>Moore's Swamp Thing >Kingdom Come >Justice >Superman Peace On Earth >Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) >Justice League: Earth 2 >Current Justice League Dark is quite nice >Injustice Years 1, 2 and 3 >Injustice vs The Masters Of The Universe >Batman and the TMNT >JL vs Masters Of The Universe
Robert Sanders
man how the fuck are you gonna post Batgirl and all that Tynion on a list with actual classics? for fuck's sake man, this guy has zero comic experience, do you want to chase him away?
Nathaniel Perry
>they're the most easily recognisable, popular and has produced the most That doesn't mean they're any good, retard. Get lost and get a better hobby.
Daniel Rodriguez
Obviously google's always an option and there's reddit, but i figured why not ask the board dedicated to it, who'd know better. thought you guys might have charts like /sci/, Yea Forums or Yea Forums do
Logan Taylor
>why not ask the board dedicated to it, who'd know better That's the thing, NOBODY here knows better because Yea Forums is just like Yea Forums, everyone here HATES the mediums and wishes they would just collapse into eternal oblivion.
Nolan Russell
Do not be concerned about "storylines" and "continuity" comics will always contradict each other and make no sense between them. Just pick up stiff that gets your attention, focus on following creators and not characters and PLEASE check out some non capeshit comics