Do you sometimes feel bad for watching cartoons as an adult?
I'm getting older and it feels more and more wrong with each passing year.
Do you sometimes feel bad for watching cartoons as an adult?
Nah. Why would I?
Don't you want something more intellectually stimulating than children's TV?
I’m good.
They're aimed at children.
This what I'm getting at, I feel like I'm hadicapping myself here but I just really like animation, you know?
I tried watching an anime the other day, something I used to love to do, but recently the dialog all sounds so... odd? Like instead of just doing the thing on the screen they're saying everything they're doing out loud at the same time and it feels so fake.
I know what you mean, OP, I was watching Amphibia the other day and while it was kinda funny I felt like I was wasting my time a bit, especially as I have a few films downloaded that I haven't got around to watching yet
So? I can do whatever I want.
I grew out of the childish fear of childish things a decade ago.
I have many hobbies. I assure you that I do not want for intellectual stimulation.
>be kid me
>watch teen cartoon characters do cool pranks in school, throw parties while parents are out of town and ask girls to prom night
>can’t relate because I’m too young
>be me now
>watch the same things
>still can’t relate because I’ve never had any of that in my life
Nah, I feel worse about visiting this hell-hole of a site everyday.
I feel bad for wasting my life as an adult and cartoons help me to ignore the emptiness inside.
I also felt this while watching amphibia
Not at all
i’ve found that i haven’t a been enjoying shows that are aimed at children, but i can still enjoy adult cartoons without shame.
I'm Black and attractive so no.
That's what happens when adults spend their time with media aimed at kids
what else am I going to watch when I smoke a big bowl of weed? How am I suppose to enjoy my captain crunch? where will I get new fap material from?
It's the opposite for me, honestly.
I've learned to stop giving a fuck as years go by.
No, I actually feel bad that I don’t watch even MORE cartoons. I waste too much time browsing Yea Forums instead of doing that.
Entertainment is entertainment. None of it accomplishes anything and very little of it is actually intellectually stimulating. The west has a stigma of cartoons being for children, but if you watch live-action shows most of that is just as stupid if not more so, but has the illusion of being better because it's not a cartoon. Your real concern is your job not being mentally stimulating enough. If you were exercising your mind with something that mattered it wouldn't bother you how stupid most forms of entertainment are. Instead of wasting a lot of your free time with unproductive entertainment, you could be learning a useful skill that could get you a more fulfilling job. Most people won't do that unless they have a good motivating force, so you end up in a state where you feel like you should be doing something better, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is.
Dunno how you're defining "bad" here but depending on what the show is or my mood or whatever, it can feel kinda autistic. Like I'm not going to tell everyone IRL exactly what I've watched. But that said:
It's not like cartoons are the only thing I watch either.
If anything sometimes just watching TV, like in general, gives me the sense I'm wasting my time. Not because I'm not enjoying it but because it can feel like there are more important things I should be doing at this moment.
>intellectually stimulating
You're not an adult, most people just watch cute things be cute because they're already mentally fatigued from work/stress.
No, not really. I like animation, western or eastern, and am selective about what I do watch, but I don't feel bad about it. It's not like it's all I ever watch either.
Honestly, some of it is fairly helpful to me too, as comfort entertainment. When life gets way too real, I go back and watch some Scooby Doo, calms me down, and lets me forget about shit for awhile.
I think as long as you're not getting obsessed, or being autistic about it, it's fine.
As compared to other shows on tv?
I'll just watch cartoons and science videos on youtube to "stimulate" my mind
I feel bad that I still like to fap to shows from a decade ago.
Same. I can't relate to anything involving romance or girls either.
>intellectually stimulating
Like what?
There's so many things I've bought or downloaded that I've been meaning to watch, but this fucking place keeps sucking me in.
Also to everyone ITT:
You have a laptop. Browse Yea Forums (or do shit) and watch at the same time.
Like what? Keeping up with the Kardashians? Big Bang Theory?
>All cartoons r4kidz
>They don’t have jokes and themes you can evaluate
Do you tell people who like paintings to not do so?
But you can watch media for adults AND cartoons.
I am here and have long since stopped giving a shit.
It's not like most movies are glorified cartoons these days anyway.
Not at all. If people want to judge me and call me things like a "manchild" for watching cartoons, that's their problem. Fuck 'em, I say.
Why? With each passing year you should feel more and more free to do whatever the hell you want.
You know, it;s kinda funny. As soon as I hit adulthood I found NO ONE who would give me shit for enjoying childish things, even if I brought it up.
I think the whole "grow up" ideal is just a childhood thing, because we're repressed in certain ways that makes us want to give it all up and over with.
“Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”