Just hit her on the face, I don't see the problem here.
That guy is a shitty psychic, that was Bush's baby.
Read the filename
It's like the baby armor panel except I wouldn't actually feel guilty about killing the baby because the media is fucking obsessed with Obama like he's some sort of fucking meme.
What the fuck?
Why is her one nipple on the bottom of her tit?
Because Bomb Queen is a terrible fucking comic, that's why.
It's in the left sticking out and right is in the middle, the strap barely covering the areola
Obama is a war criminal. Yeet her and the baby.
Yes i know, thus why i asked why her one nipple is on the bottom of her tit.
Nigga i implore you to think in three dimensional space for a second and consider that we are looking up yonder at this bitch.
Well, I just learned I had a fetish for pregnant giantesses. Wasn’t expecting to find that out today.
Writer was Yea Forumsmrade
Thats the stupidest fucking thing I've ever read, and I'm on Yea Forums almost every day.
It’s trying to be realistic. Real women don’t have perfectly symmetrically placed nipples.
Clump of cells
One of the Bomb Queen series.
They're all edgelord shit without any redeeming factors. Think Garth Ennis without the subtlety.
Because the author shares my fetish towards pregnant women.
The only "good" thing from Bomb Queen was the Hack/Slash crossover (which is the only way I found out about Bomb Queen in the first place)
Bad boob job.
Real women typically dont have downs syndrome nipples either.
I liked the girl with the reality editing powers.
Too bad she died.
implying obama wouldn't thank me for gettig rid of that mistake.
I'm gonna guess that Barry didn't put it in her so fuck it if he don't want it.
Not all of them.