Disney is in another dark age and that’s a damn shame considering how many great animated films WDAS put out earlier this decade. Really hope something changes soon
Disney Dark Age
It wont, it also fucked your content, 2/3 of all animated series and all top 10 most sold comics of the month are from Japan now.
That's why Monopoly is avoided, it fuck everything, enjoy Asia taking over the rest as well because they are starting to invest on 3d movies in the last couple of years and are improving fast.
>2/3 of all animated series and all top 10 most sold comics of the month are from Japan now
>no sources
I feel like the 2020's is going to be a down time for disney as whole. Star Wars is failing, there's no overall hook for the mcu now, and their animation studios have lost key creative voices in the past 2 years. Soon they'll even run out of their popular films to remake.
They bought Fox, they can still use all their properties like Avatar and Planet of the Apes.
Avatar is shit and was really all hype and pretty visuals. A reason to go to the theatres.
Planet of the Apes has forever been complete and utter shit.
Calm down OP. Disney’s Wreck it Ralph 3: Imageboard Invasion will save the whole company.
Franchises don't fall apart this fast, even if the fuck up constantly it will take at least one decade to make the public turn against them. Star Wars for example is still holding on even though their image is an all time low.
Of the top10 highest grossing films this year, the Top 6 spots belong to Disney productions.
They're doing just fine.
Give it time, they will hopefully burn the good will of shit eating normies. No empire can last forever. I just want Disney Animation to somehow make something to score brownie points with California just like how Sony is doing with their censorship. Anyway I want an animated film so extremely leftist that even a shit eating normie blinks twice and rejects it.
user, TFA was so hated and did so poorly with the actual fans and fanbase...
That the actual money, the actual proof of SW being healthy, the merch sales, tanked.
The sales of the toys were so bad that disney singlehandedly killed Toys R Us.
Star Wars is a laughing stock now.
They took a series that made billions with not even the BARE MINIMUM of investment every fucking year and turned it into a multibillion dollar money pit.
>Completely ignores user's actual post and just goes on a moronic tirade about an unrelated .gif
Nice post faggot, wouldn't expect anything less than someone who starts their post with "As a Kingdom Hearts fan"
This. To quote Space Balls:
"Merchandising! We're the real money of the movie is made."
Disney Star Wars merchandise is NOT selling. Now if only Disney Princess Brand merchandise stops selling in general. It would be divine. I swear the key to killing Disney is somehow made Disney Princess Brand Merchandise flop. Make women turn on Disney and they die.
>no original animated films on the horizon ever since Gigantic was canceled for being blatant fetish bait
Shit's fucked
Not a good sign when a near-monopoly enters a dark age
>Singlehandedly killed Toys R Us
That's false. They could have sold every Star Wars toy on the shelf and TRU still would have been fucked.
Dragon Empire is coming next year
The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones were worse than The Last Jedi and your justified hatred of Hillary doesn't change that.
Oh look, another /pol/tqrd thread
Literally who?
>their animation studios have lost key creative voices in the past 2 years
Tell me more please?
Don't you realized they will just keep buying whatever franchise turn popular to maintain their position? US anti-monopoly laws are falling apart allowing Disney to buy anything leading the spotlight.
That's not the reason it was canceled. And still I ask you one important question to the whole lot of you. What good is an original film if the concept looks bad or maybe the concept is not bad, but the execution is shit?
I for one don't give a flying fuck about Pixar's Onward movie starring S o y Boy Holland and Not Jack Black. A movie whose concept is fantasy creatures living mundane lives completely bored with modern technology like the internet? This trash immediately looks bad. Another thing going against the movie if you ask me besides the atrocious concept that makes it dull for the audience is the art style. These are ugly looking characters. I don't like looking at ugly characters.
The only animated film I'm looking forward to is the incoming CGI Lupin movie. Why? Well the art style isn't ugly for starters. The next thing? The characters are action themed. You got action set pieces, GUNS, fights, etc. This looks thrilling. Another film I'm looking forward to even if I'm not the biggest fan is Dragon Quest's theatrical movie because I like the sense of fantasy adventure being shown in there. Western Animation Studios are shit on the other hand and Disney is King of Shit Mountain.
>US anti-monopoly laws are falling apart
Can confirm, the game store I work at is selling all kinds of different variants of it.
It needs to break away from the current mindset infecting the film industry. As long as it keeps catering to present-day trends and desires that prioritize diversity over proper story-telling, it will continue down the downward spiral.
Pixar hasn't been good since Toy Story 3 and it's time we all woke up to that.
They already are.
Women hate their particular brand of female character now. Frozen 2 first trailer was ignored and I can't think of a single woman in the geekverse or normie woman who enjoys their female empowerment characters.
Look at the clusterfuck that is TFA.
No. Star Wars was good money and kept people coming back to the stores. It's billions of dollars every year.
It was even an amazon drop off point/place for peopole to go pick up stuff from amazon.
No, TPM and AotC were bad. But they are watchably bad.
TLJ is agressively unpleasent and has a complete hatred of the sourcematerial. The source material that is the only reason for me to even WATCH the godamned movie in the first place.
Star Wars will be fine. Papa Palpatine will fix it.
Pixar was never particularly good user.
The released Cars 2 and Brave and the Incredibles is horrible despite how much ass kissing the loser geeks give it.
It's not a Dark Age. The Dark Age almost killed Disney. This is a Gilded Age. Everything is printing money and they're going to flood the market until it stops. THEN we'll have another Dark Age.
Pixar was pretty ambitious before Disney
Do you think Lasseter ever made a female employee peg him while he belted out "You've got a friend in me" under her?
They just need to quit with the goddamn sequels to the movies they made only 7-8 years ago.
They were doing great at the beginning of the decade with all the new original content. But after 2016 decided on a sequel only platform for their features.
They are in this because of themselves. Overall Disney today is a mockery of what Walt created. At this point he rolled in his grave so hard and fast that he drilled through the planet's core, launched himself into space straight into the sun.
>dark age
No, that implies that it will some day end. This is forever.
Oscar bait is an ambition I guess.
Making good movies that everyone can enjoy and not just the...enlightened few..is a better one in my opinion.
The only way it'll change is if someone assassinates Iger and no one has the scruples to do it.
Pray that some women hating incel heroes himself with iger
They won't be running out of film to remake until like 2030
Disney's been in an unwavering Dark Age ever since those direct-to-VHS sequels.
have sex incel
He'll "have an accident" while at home in a few months if..no when the latest fuck up of a SW movie tanks, the MCU collapses, and frozen is laughed out/FROZEN out fo the theatres for not even subtly lesbian gaslighting.
>Male tears is what they used to call semen back in the old days
>many women who looked up the male tears thing online found this out
>scream that they drink male tears as a joke to themselves/admission of being a talented cocksucker who wants to swallow a load.