Why didn't they make Scar queer like in the original film ? It was part of this charisma
Why didn't they make Scar queer like in the original film ? It was part of this charisma
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Scar's male. He can't be a queen.
Because he was voice by a black man and black men are notorious homophobes
Sorry, did you see any of those characters having any sort of personality at all?
Scar was never queer. Why are people trying to run with that?
Apparently having a personality is being queer now. If so, I'd take queer scar over the soulless remake scar.
iirc it started out when LGBT people were rambling about old cartoon villains being “queer coded” or some shit like that.
You mean 'cock sucker' ?
Why was his name Scar? Was he born with that scar?
He got it from a cobra bite, Mufasa thought it was funny and started calling him Scar
Scar thought it wasn’t funny and starting plotting to murder Mufasa
You don't have to be gay to be queer
>Scar was never queer
such a chad
Why is Scar such a cuck
They didn’t make him black or gay. Waste of Scar.
Did they seriously not melanize him? there are plenty of real lions with black manes. jesus. they cant even get that one thing right. he barely even has a scar
at least the face shape is right
They wanted to make it more realistically believable he and Mufasa are brothers.
They actually have the largest percentage of homosexuals in America.
The Lion Guard makes Scar backstory look like a joke.
>Oh yeah there was an evil lion who told me to go follow him one day
>His evil cobra pal then bit my face and gave me my scar
>so I then kicked them out and for some reason forgot to treat the venom that got it because of the bite
>told Mufasa who laughed and then nicknamed Scar as a joke
What the hell were they thinking?
To avoid this
Scar wasn't gay, he just wasn't a stupid jock like Mufasa.
Because he was slightly effeminate, a common trait in distinguished or aristocratic villains up until recently, sometimes meant to imply butsecks, sometimes not.
Meanwhile scar was under the influence of a neurotoxic venom agent. After having saved the pridelands from a mutiny I'm sure he was beyond help after getting mocked by the one person he told
I think they wanted the threat of Kion's corruption to seem plausible, but they had to come up with an external reason for it since Kion's such a goody two shoes.
They didn't want to go full magic scar so they went snake bite poisoning the mind.
How the fuck can you get a long scar like that from a snake bite?
They leave two puncture holes and that's it
They're only 12% of all LGBT in America. Whites make up 58% of the community
Sause - williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu
maybe it bit him repeatedly in a straight line
very carefully
>Scar was never queer. Why are people trying to run with that?
I couldn't tell you
Wh*toids BTFO
Disney is going to go all in on making all of their male het hero's super queers.
Seen the "guy" they were going to get to play the prince in the little mermaid and the polesmoker they were going to get to play gaston?
Neither of those characters is gay user. You're doing exactly what LGBTBBQfags do when they say Scar is gay. Plenty of effeminate people are straight.
>Kovu gets his evil looking scar by defying Zira after Andy Dick lion dies
>whole song number about how it makes him like Scar and he's exiled by the only lions who could take him now
>emotional low point for Kovu with powerful resonance on how the scar marks him as being just as evil as Scar, being unable to fight fate, etc
>Scar gets his scar from being bit by a fucking snake
What I dislike most about them is they have built a phylosophy based on stereotypes.
They think that if you aren't the most crude charicature of a straight man, then you belong to some of the new countless genders they have created.
Like, I am not a straight man because I like wine and classical music instead of beer and sports.
Faggots were given an inch and now they want to take the whole hand. They've gone beyond "I want to be accepted" and they now try to argue that everyone and everything is gay.
Little did anyone know that Scar wasn’t evil just clinically insane because the snake venom went directly into his brain
Apparently scars are magical that could only be inflicted by snakes bites and turn you evil.
Look it was all spelled out scientifically, the scar isn’t magic, it’s just the snake bite was right in the face, the poison goes straight to the brain from there and starts causing brain damage
Scar had a son in the sequel.
He wasn't gay.
Maybe he made zira put on a fake mane
Learn what pet capita is
He wasn't gay he was just british and camp.
>because I like wine and classical music instead of beer and sports.
user, i had bad new for you... You are in the closet.
So the Lions eat the other animals. That's always bugged me.
The snake doesn't bite, it scrapes and licks obviously