Will Our Cartoon President get a season 3?
Will Our Cartoon President get a season 3?
>republicans bad
>democrats good
I have no problem with political satire, but this ruins it. Same if it were the other way around.
You had 8 straight years of Obama getting mercilessly, ruthlessly shat on by every single comedian in the industry and brutally torn apart by every news media outlet.
You can take 4 years of Drumpf jokes, snowflake.
Who is the man who will get rolled over by the bus supposed to be
>democrats good
I never saw any piece of media shat on Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer so well
u fukken wot m8
Not even a Yank, but I recall Obama was basically Jesus. Still is to some.
I believe it's Stephen Miller. A guy who's big on border security, which is probably why the OP pic has the Dems crashing through a barrier to run him over.
Which 8 years were those
Not a fan of Trump, myself, but I honestly hated the whole concept of this show. Who the fuck wanted MORE political "humor" in their life?
The ORANGE MAN BAD flood of "comedy" isn't about being funny or clever, just hammering the message into your head that ORANGE MAN BAD. That's all.
I do like how this shows the Democrat train as having gone off the rails, though.
Although Harris should be holding on for dear life while O' Rourke is thrown loose, and a beat-up Pelosi should be attempting to wrest the controls from Ocasio-Cortez.
Lying revisionist.
The last president to get what on hard by comedians was busy.
Don't pretend you were old enough during the Obama administration to know the general consensus.
If you provide evidence then I'll believe it.
Not even a trump supporter, I liked the bush jokes because a lot were actually satire and funny. The trump jokes are always shite.
>The British comedians are utter shite at satire now as well because they've fallen for the typical orange man is bad jokes.
Wow that's some serious gaslighting.
If Obama was given even an ounce of the shit Trump's gotten he'd be in jail for politicizing the IRS to illegally attain information on conservative campaign doaners back in 2012.
>4 years
Adjust your expectations some.
What in the fuck are you talking about? Hardly anyone gave Obama shit in the media. They even blame Trump nowadays for shit that Obama did/started.
This is the new narrative: If you mention how insanely overwhelming and often nonsensical the Trump jokes and criticisms and hate are, you get met with "Obama had it just as bad!" He didn't, everyone who lived through those 8 years (so most people, it wasn't long ago) KNOWS that he didn't, but the narrative being pushed as history says otherwise. Give it a decade of being taught as the "truth" and it'll eventually sink in.
Probably for the benefit of Zoomers who were alive but not politically engaged.
I'll admit, I only watched a couple episodes, but don't they mock everybody in Washington on this show?
That didn't happen. It was only later in his term did any actual criticism come out. There was always republican belly aching but somehow they were more civilized than dems today.
>They even blame Trump nowadays for shit that Obama did/started.
Oh right your cute little "Obama started the zero tolerance child separation policy" lie.
Obama actually lowered illegal immigration without ruining families as a rule.
>lowered illegal immigration without ruining families as a rule.
That 2012 image of a child in a cage says otherwisre
Why does every single figure in this image look like it's in a different art style? It's like they asked a bunch of different artists for their interpretation of a "political cartoon" style and couldn't decide.
I know Trump fans hate to hear it but Obama was pretty careful to not give them much material to work with. He didn't exactly tweet endless dumb shit, he's not a literal 80s business man character, didn't put his family in powerful positions, foreign trophy wife including funny accent. I mean c'mon you know if a black man had as many kids as Trump and ex wives and made pussy jokes Chris Rock would've had some bits on it. The funniest anyone could make fun of him was that he was a boringly calm man that must be holding in a lot of repressed anger considering how much the birther movement got and the weird petty small things fox focused on.
They sure do!
>Obama was pretty careful to not give them much material to work with
Nah, it was the "if you make fun of a black man, you'll be branded a racist" fear that kept everyone in line.
>and the weird petty small things fox focused on
Right, remind me about all the stupid tweets Obama incessantly made.
Obama's detention centers weren't exactly pulling Trump numbers but weirdly as much as Fox news talked about Obama they didn't really run w that story for some reason. I know there were protests over Obama's detention centers and a lot of Mexican/Chicano/whatever organizations we're against him for that but figured he'd be better than Republicans. It's just no one gave a fuck about Mexicans in 2012 and he passed the dreamer act so he got a pass.
Nice b8 m8
It's kinda weird no on realizes the tweets are meant to get the news to discuss topics they usually never do.
Pol too though?
I mean c'mon even pol never could make good anti-obama jokes. I know they rarely make good jokes at all but at least I get a sensible chuckle out of even some of their pro Trump jokes. Just anti or pro the dudes just easy to make jokes over cause he acts like a cartoon character. He's like this ridiculous man. He'll say on and on he's not racist and make some crazy racist statement and idk shits funny you don't even need comedians.
I feel like comedians writing jokes against him fail cause it's like trying to tell jokes about a funny movie. Like I can just watch the movie alone and laugh I don't need someone to explain the joke it kills it.
It wasn't a picture of a zero tolerance child separation policy, was it. And that was 2012. Obama made further improvements to the immigration system that lowered illegal immigration since then. Improvements that Trump threw in the trash for no real fucking reason.
Nah, it was because making fun of Obama was pointless. If you liked him, there wasn't much to make fun of. If you hated him, you were never going to get a reaction out of him, because he was too chill, he knows how to laugh at himself. Meanwhile people talk about Trump's hands because they know that it will upset him to the point where he would send someone a picture of his hands every year since the 80s with "See? My hands are normal" scrawled in permanent marker like some schizophrenic serial killer.
Not a fan of this show, but here's the article of a season three possibility:
I remember them overanalyzing how he kinda half assed a salute for weeks. Or God I remember he didn't wear like a flagpin once so they screamed he was unamerican. Like goddamn imagine how much fox would cream itself of Obama did half the shit Trump does. Like I agree both sides glorifying their main man is stupid but seems the Republicans are just salty they're dude is obviously pretty stupid and a PR nightmare that makes him easy to fuck with and hard to work with but Obama was a PR dream that played it squeaky clean and had a chill personality. Like next next election most Republicans that are forced to kiss his ring now are likely gonna have to disavow liking him and they know this but they're stuck with him. A man can say he voted for Obama decades from now but didn't agree with his policies and most people will get how that can happen. But same man saying that about Trump and his kids are gonna look at this weird crazy acting man and ask how tf he convinced you of anything.
I don't know, maybe? It's not like it's going to be any less obscure if they green light another season.
Nice bait. Here's a (You) for your troubles.
Jeffy BOY!
user how could you forget about the
Also they shat on him for golfing and leisurly exercising and constantly on his wife for dressing to fancy and going on expensive trips but damn imagine how insane they'd go over how Trump lives?
Oh right for some reason no one criticizes how he spends personal money cause it's come off petty compared to talking shit about policy.
I think what pissed me off on the Trump v Obama shit is yeah Trump's policy that gets criticized by Dem pundits isn't that far off from Obama's policy so it comes off hypocritical. But fuck dude at least they're attacking policy. Repub pundits went after the stupidest shit on Obama when they should've focused on policy but then since so much of his policy agreed w centrist republicans they just didn't. Like fuck I remember Obama being for enforcing current gun laws, NOT taking them away, and couldn't get support by NRA but it was like fuck dudes he's literally saying what you want to do. Fucking idiots on pol I remember saying he was lying agreeing w them just to really take them away. And even on immigration and war he didn't do shit different than a republican would've.
This whole party shit is just so fucking dumb when both Hilary and Trump had damn near similar tax plans, foreign policy plans and all that shit written down on their websites but we vote based on stupid shit like who's attitude and jokes we like that year. But it gets dumber when you got folks saying they'll never agree w Trump even if Trump we're to end the camps tomorrow and legalize all illegal immigrants and weed and expand medicare I swear there'd be republicans acting like that's really what they wanted all along and Dems suddenly saying weed is homophobic.
Come on now, I do agree Obama was given light punches by everyone on the centre to left. But Republicans treated Obama with just as much contempt as Democrats do with Trump.
hope it ends with assassination
The average republican didn't call for his impeachment. For fuck sakes the dems have been legitimately been calling for impeachment for years now. Even the toughest criticism of Obama by the right never got nearly as fucking insane as what the left has done for the last 3 years.
>The average republican didn't call for his impeachment
Yeah, they just accused him of being a Kenyan plant.
>The average republican didn't call for his impeachment.
Yeah they did. There were votes on it they just never came close enough to be news worthy but like I do remember watch cspan and seeing that shit and laughing at the low numbers and folks on pol delusionally hoping for it. I think Dems just have a slightly better shot at it. From day 1 republicans were signing agreements that theyll never pass anything he puts forward no matter what. Even in the end they never passed his last nominee that was his to assign and they had no legitimate reason to not confirm and wouldn't even debate why.
And I swear to God next president is probably gonna be Democrat and this whole shit is gonna repeat where republicans aggressively hate him and refuse to work and that's why we're in this shit hole where most of the time we could probably fucking agree on policy and actually pass some laws with fucking teeth that would change shit for the better but God forbid one side let the other side have a fucking win.
Nigga Obama was fucking beloved during his entire tenure, even when he did stupid shit like with the drones.
He won a fucking Nobel Peace Prize for being black and nobody batted a fucking eye.
I don't want to read the entire thread but is user really trying to pretend that Fox News somehow represents the general media consensus?
Every single consevative pundit on tv lost their absolute shit for years over that award and liberals would criticize his war policy and use of drones and bring up the Peace prize as a joke. In fact I think most citizens here the peace prize and remember it as a joke award now.
Well isn't it #1 in ratings so it's the most watched. CNN and MSNBC below but those three combined are the majority of tv news media folks watch. The internet is another thing if you wanna argue over that but I think we're talking tv media.
I think Obama had a nice voice
Colbert brought Trump on himself by rallying the sheep in his audience to vote against Bernie, the only person with a viable chance of beating Trump
>Every single consevative pundit on tv lost their absolute shit for years over that award
You say that like there were many.
>and liberals would criticize his war policy and use of drones
Which is completely fair, he does deserve criticism for doing dumb things.
Honestly, drones aside, a vast majority of Obama portrayals in fiction during his candidacy were positive, and the most biting thing you'd generally see was a jab at drones.
It was absolutely nothing like the Trump hate train that we have now.
>inb4 trumpsupporter
I hope to god the Dems bring in a good candidate with actual charisma this year.
I fucking love the way I vote
I'm a liberal Dem and I hate that this show even exists.
Even just seeing a new episode on my cartoon site makes me cringe.
>You had 8 straight years of Obama getting mercilessly, ruthlessly shat on by every single comedian in the industry and brutally torn apart by every news media outlet.
I didn't even know this show got a second season. I was offered to be a board artist on this show way early on but I just happened to get another job offer making a couple of weeks prior to that e-mail. I'm really glad I did, because God, does this show look like a visual bore for any of the artists who have to work on it.
I imagine after a certain point, the board artists must be just copying and pasting their drawings with different expressions since there's no real point in doing new drawings.
Well, at least you have South Park.
I’d sooner get my teeth pulled out than subject myself to political “comedy” doubly so if it’s partisan US politics bullshit. It’s all fucking awful both on the right and the left. Politics are fucking boring even with a reality tv host as pres. Nobody actually finds political jokes funny, people just watch to see a dumbed down straw man of their enemies get owned by their side.
Though I’d rather have a cartoon that takes some effort on the animator’s part to make than the unholy abomination to comedy and creativity that is late night talk shows.
Hey man you an animator or boarder?
Wow, reasonable people criticize the racist implications of Obama getting a Peace Prize just for being black. Aren’t they just the worst.
Colbert is a dog who won’t ever bite his masters hand, just look at how he wrote off the Epstein “suicide” as a conspiracy.
>We learn this from Jim Downey, the longtime “Saturday Night Live” specialist in political japery.
>If I had to describe Obama as a comedy project, I would say, "Degree of difficulty, 10 point 10." It's like being a rock climber looking up at a thousand-foot-high face of solid obsidian, polished and oiled. There's not a single thing to grab onto - certainly not a flaw or hook that you can caricature.
>Obama was doing a cameo in the cold open. Lorne told me he would show my sketch to Obama. "If Obama thinks it's OK, they won't be able to argue it." I thought it was a brilliant idea, except why would Obama ever give this thing his blessing? What if word got out? "Hey, everybody, that guy over there said it was cool. The one running for president of the country." But I loved Lorne for caring this much and being willing to go that far to get this thing on TV. Obama said, "It's funny, but no, I don't think so."
>The last couple seasons of the show were the only two in the show's history where we were totally like every other comedy show: basically, an arm of the Hollywood Democratic establishment. Jon Stewart was more nuanced. We just stopped doing anything which could even be misinterpreted as a criticism of Obama.
Colbert also had Tulsi on his show but calls her a "crazy Russian plant" in his Trump cartoon
They hired some pretty good animators on this show, even a few from Cuphead. Completely wasted talent.
No, he didn't. You can't even criticize Obama's use of drones, in foreign lands and without Congressional approval, without people coming up in arms about it.
You wasted a lot of time typing, I ain’t listening to anything from such a shitty writing team.
>he doesn't know about the copy+paste function
All presidents get satires, you bong. Big-eared, dry, college boy, empty-talking Obama was no exception. He was "basically Jesus" for about 2 years and that was pretty much just the campaign trail. After that he was just so boring and measured in mannerism that normal people just tuned him out, but the career political satirists still went after all his wartime hypocrisies and failed idealism. People just didn't pay attention to such things until it became an actual circus.
>Things that didn't happen
Weird. From looking at the art I definitely assumed this was pro-republican.
I'll agree that Obama did a lot to keep his public image tidy but there was also a concerted effort by a lot of the news networks to keep negative press to a minimum. Only Fox News said anything negative about him but they had the opposite problem of constantly shitting on him. Now with Trump we have the polar opposite where everyone but Fox News is constantly shitting on him.