>Disney's Mulan Actress Liu Yifei supports police brutality in Hong Kong
Yeah this is going to go over well.
>Disney's Mulan Actress Liu Yifei supports police brutality in Hong Kong
Yeah this is going to go over well.
For the mainland Chinese market, yeah.
>supports police brutality in Hong Kong
How do you know it's not the other way around and she is supporting the demonstrators. that comment can be taken both ways.
Cool, I hope Disney loses a lot of money.
the first sentence in chinese says "I support HK's police"
O well, then.
Considering China is the main marker for this, this will probably make them more.
blah blah blah jackie chan blah blah
Big oof.
>supporting the Chinese government forces
>largest market for this movie will be in China
She's being patriotic and for that the Mouse will make a killing from the Chinese.
Disney doesn't give a shit unless they start losing that sweet China money
>western world slowly realizing that they were the baddies all along and trying (largely failing, but trying) to be better
>new superpower threatens to take the reins and their people are still all fucking about that irrational violent patriotic zeal
why it be like this
What is Eddie Murphy's position
I hate china and shitty mainlanders. It really sucks that HK is going to get consumed, cant badmouth china or else the secret police will disappear you
#BoycottMulan is now trending.
>It really sucks that HK is going to get consumed
It's not going to.
It's going to cause the next China Crisis. If it happens soon enough, Trump will use the reprecussion they will get as a reason for complete economic blocks. It will be completely stupid, but the left will be unable to truly critic his action without openly appearing like supporting China's tyranny.
It will create a big economic fuck up for everyone, but China will crumble under its own weight first.
Meh, China has a right idea, tell everyone else to go fuck themselves and DARE them to do anything.
Westerners only care about money, so China has you fucks by the balls, and you'll sit there and take it because you're greedy.
I mean, does America care?
It’s trending on American twitter so yes.
>muh left vs right
Holy fuck I hate retarded Americans
Bad ask to link to FB post?
Trump has called the protestors in HK "rioters", he doesn't care about this.
I doubt she really gives a shit. Disney just wants to draw in the Chinese market
>Giving a fuck about literal race traitors
Fuck Hong Kong. I hope Winnie Pooh straight up June 4th the entire area.
Why would I support western imperialism trying to pushed their pozzed shit on China?
Remove Hong Kong and that's one less western stronghold in the eastern world.
Yo, Shang Chi, go back to the fucking foxconn factory.
>Complaining about westernization when China has already destroyed its own culture for muh communism.
Fuck off Gweilo, I just don't like Hong Kong
May this movie bomb upon release date. It will be the best birthday present ever!
Not him, but they are xenophobic pieces of shit who are blaming the chicoms for economic problems they themselves (and the rich people in HK) helped foster.
>act out and break the law with your protests
>get hit with clubs and rubber bullets by police who told you several times to disperse
Imagine being dumb enough to hate a literal push for democracy just because you don't like the people doing it
>Being a human insect that is the average mainlander.
Right. They give us all the high tech commercial products our hearts desire, in exchange for bits of paper bearing 2% in a positive inflationary environment, all while the overwhelming majority of the value of said products is whisked out of the country into tax havens by the foreign firms who actually control the returns and just happen to use Chinese labor. And WE are the ones who are getting screwed.
race traitors? fuck the Chinese nationalistic zealots. CCP is utter fuckery, and supporting that treacherous tyranny is utter foolishness.
Imagine disrupting the peace to do it. That brick going through Mr. Cheng's shop window is really what will break China free of their oppressors, right? Aren't you late for a feminist rally in Portland, fuckboy?
Would you prefer revolution? Drag out all the wealthy reptiles into the streets and send them to the guillotines?
Because I would. But almost nobody else does, and if you try to prevent the people from engaging in civil disobedience, there isn't much recourse beyond direct action.
ACTUAL bootlicker detected
>dude just go on a hunger strike against the country that disappeared the fucking head of interpol without giving a single fuck about it
idk why this would surprise you, the market for China is bigger than the market for Hong Kong. Gotta get them social credit score points.
>>western world slowly realizing that they were the baddies all along and trying (largely failing, but trying) to be better
Isn't it weird that guilt of past success is common in literally every late-stage empires?
>Would you prefer revolution?
There's less casualty that way, so yes.
>dude the only way to be proactive is the cause property destruction like a toddler lmao
Oh, so you're just a faggot. Gotcha.
If anything, the folks in Hong Kong aren't taking it far enough. I have very serious doubts that anything short of full blown revolution will provoke a real response from Beijing. And even then, that response is likely to be martial law. Hell, there's speculation that martial law is already over the horizon as it is.
Fucking chinks, in all seriousness they’re really about to go tiananmen square on HK just as a show of force
You're high as a motherfucker if you think there would be fewer casualties in a revolutionary scenario versus public spaces being occupied and people's shit getting broke.
With China's fucked up gender demographics, a civil war, or war in general, is favorable to having millions of men unable to find wives because there aren't enough women in the country.
When those "successes" are built upon exploitation and brutality, guilt is appropriate. That said, guilt isn't what I'm seeing, which is good because guilt is rarely productive. What I'm seeing is recognition and a desire for atonement.
It'd be funny it were true.
I don't think it is.
This is me talking out of my ass, but I figure it's easy to get drunk on success when you're fresh to it. Becoming a fresh superpower, entering the middle class must be a trip, especially if you've been a dirt farmer with no prospects beyond surviving and working into old age for most of your life.
When you've had that stability for a good while it probably gets a lot easier to look back on how your people got to that point and wonder if you were in the right.
I mean, that's one way to go about it I suppose.
Would be ideal if their back asswards attitudes towards such things could be reformed though.
Wouldn’t China just send in the tanks and cut the international? They are more than willing to shed blood
China barely got away with it in the 90s. If they went at it with hong kong, a modern, liberal city state with strong ties to the western world- people would go absolutely apeshit. I think a lot of people in the west have been sick of China's shit for awhile, they'd want blood.
>a wannabe dictator supports the actions of a dictatorial government
>people would go absolutely apeshit. I think a lot of people in the west have been sick of China's shit for awhile, they'd want blood.
And they wouldn't be able to do shit because the west relies on China more than the reverse.
>There's less casualty that way, so yes.
are all Chinamen as dumb as you
Realistically Mulan would've done the same. She's just being true to character.
she has too support china, or else she gets trown in jail or a re-education camp
It's not about democracy. What's driving these these protests and the anger is the insane cost of living/real estate prices in HK that has put living in the city beyond that of the recent younger generations. They are blaming the PRC for these problems when the problems were decades in the making and the result of terrible policies before the handover that were meant to maintain the low tax environment (that has benefited the corporations and super-rich) via sales of public land (to generate government revenue). This has created the terrible incentive on both the part of the government and "the haves" to maintain these insane real estate prices at the expense of the people (such as the construction of low cost housing which would drive down prices but would harm the current stakeholders).
Didn't think we had bootlickers on Yea Forums.
just look at /pol/
idk about that, potato trump and MIGAposting is at an all time high
I don't understand you Trumpcucks, why would you willingly support the fucking Chinese communist party on anything? Even your shit god is having a trade spat with them right now, over more or less legit reasons and you can't but keep sucking Xi's tiny cock.
It's more of an interdependence. They're an export-driven economy which currently has ambitions of transitioning to a more import-dependent, service-based economy. In either case, China cannot afford to be ostracized by the rest of the developed world. They have been attempting to form their own markets elsewhere, largely due to the rather unequal arrangements described here , but Africa and the Middle East would be poor substitutes for the US and EU at this juncture, safe to say.
Reminder that there is only one real China
Because I'm an accelerationist and want to laugh at people fucking each other up over this dumb shit.
China has more monetary power that it did in the 90s, If the western world wanted to do something about all the violation of humans rights they would have done it by this point.
>B-but, Chinese aren't white!? How could they be imperialist!?!?
this means literally nothing. there's no way you would know this means she supports the government and not the protesters. it is a shame what's going on in Hong Kong
Literally nobody who knows what they're talking about would ever say this.
Not to go full commie, but capitalism is the reason
see or learn to read nu-Mandarin.
She's just doing this for the social credit score points
Spergs on twitter can "boycott" the movie all they want, Disney won't do shit. Especially since in the eyes of the bugmen this is favorable so if anything what they lose in western viewership they'll make up with chinese. It's a win-win for the mouse.
The problem is literally nobody knows what they're talking about
Jesus christ, what a PR nightmare.
It's too late. People should have been boycotting The Lion King. They didn't and now animation as medium is ruined FOREVER.
Billion incoming.....Sigh