ITT: Things that aged poorly.
ITT: Things that aged poorly
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when they win and make it legal he'll be considered a trend-setter and a hero.
This is the world we are headed towards thanks to them.
Don't Worry, Jim'll fix it
God damn it Superman, you literally have soul vision!
That time Barbie met Harvey Weinstein and Lindsay Lohan.
You think he didn't know? He knew. Superman knows everything, hears everything, sees everything. A fish can't fart in the ocean without Superman knowing about it. It almost makes you wonder why there's any unnecessary suffering at all in the world, but don't wonder too hard or your apartment or workplace might become.. collateral damage in the next big superhero brawl. That's right, not even your thoughts are secure. Did you know they've got an alien up on that giant gun orbiting overhead? Did you know he can read your mind? Did you know he can shapeshift? He could be any one, any where, flipping through the pages of your brain with the same perverse glee as a 12 year old who found Dad's nudie mags, but who cares about that. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear, right? Let's get back to Superman. Where is he when you need him most? Sure, he's always there right on time when the governor's yacht crashes into a reef on its way to some private Caribbean getaway, ready to pose for the front page of the Daily Planet, but where is he when your average citizen is bleeding out after being stabbed in a carjacking? Where is he when children are being sexually exploited? Whence cometh evil, Superman? Is the Justice League for all, or merely for some?
Ok Lex
I don't get it.
Hal Jordan is a pedo
how do you figure she keeps getting those jobs?
Get off of Yea Forums, Lex.
First off, she was legal on her home planet.
Secondly, there's no age of consent in Space.
Thirdly, Hal has other problems than a hunger for jailbait.
Well, she does have a stack of degrees for a laundry list of fields.
This be pasta?
Giving superman the whole package of ridiculous super senses was a mistake.
That flash costume looks really evil.
KFC Flash comics were unironically fun but also felt pure comic-booky in the best way possible and I cannot figure out why.
Did Neil Degrasse Tyson jack off to cheese pizza too?
You know what I soul like to see? A story about superman taken to the logical extreme,
He is impossibly fast, impossibly strong, has physics-defying senses and is all-good. For all intents and purposes. He could become an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient god.
I want him to one day decide that he COULD save everybody.
You jump off a cliff? Instantly moved to the bottom safely.
You start developing cancer? Eradicated with a precise eye beam as soon as it becomes dangerous.
You're old? Dying tissue burned away, rest of your body stimulated with precise massage and thermotherapy to regenerate.
Hungry? Food brought into your hand in the blink of an eye.
An all-saving force of nature suddenly ensures that no harm can come to anybody. People know that there is a living person behind it, but he's impossible to contact.
Cult of suicidal whackos constantly trying to kill themselves in ever increasingly elaborate ways in order to attract his attention long enough to learn about him, none ever succeed
Try to shoot yourself (or anybody, for that matter) and he stops the bullet before it even leaves the barrel.
He stops the mechanism from detonating the gunpowder. Or, if you're firing it at somebody, he may stop it immediately after leaving the gun, as to not harm the shooter either
I’m saving this
he reroutes the bullet in midair to help hunters get enough food to feed their families
he didn't get to where he is any other way
You mean the illuminati-esque pedophile ring?
Redpill me on who Superman’s friend he is shaking hands with is?
Jared, the spokesmen for Subway who turned out to be a pedo, it was an ad-comic for subway.
Jared, Subway spokesman, former fatass, hero to millions, convicted pedophile
Well that’s one hell of a life, Jesus. Is prison doing him any entertaining wonders?
Imagine that you built a career around gobbling down "foot-longs" and then you get sent to federal prison for the most unforgivable offense imaginable.