So to educate you filthy movie casuals before next year, here is a version of the Eternals backstory that show how they relate to the larger Marvel Universe.
Keep it up op
And that's it for this storytime. The story does technically continue but it's exclusively focused on the Inhumans.
So Thanos basically came from bad stock
Ralph macchio? Any relation to the karate kid?
Why do the Titan Eternals live so long if they were not in the kronos accident?
Why the fuck is anyone reading Eternals comics not written and drawn by Kirby? Ignore thread.
Because after Alars leaves Earth () he reached the colony Uranos established on Titan (). He found a single survivor named Sui-San. They fell in love and became the Adam and Eve for all Titan Eternals.
That explains some things. And he may have been a product of inbreeding
Ideally the Eternals were set to be their own continuity universe but Marvel pushed to integrate them into the 616 proper. My question is how different really are the Eternals and Inhumans?
>starship "hovers some 50 feet from the ground"
>Celestials "each twice a thousand feet in height"
The math and physic to that is a bit tricky.
They weren’t shoehorned in as a replacement for Mutants by an idiot.
Celestials fucked with early humans to create the eternals, humans (who would eventually also become mutants due to celestial tampering) and also deviants (basically niggers)
the eternals are supposed to be basically gods, have your typical strong superhero movesets plus telepathy, force fields, etc... not really important
the celestials also fucked with early Skrulls creating Eternal Skrulls (only one left) normal skrulls (they don't matter), deviant skrulls (became the main race we know), and someone else who doesn't matter
Deviant Skrulls decided to stop being niggers and would fuck with early Kree giving them advanced tech, Kree decided to rebel against the deviants for not being niggers anymore.
Kree decided to fuck with humans so they can create a race of warriors who can infiltrate other alien planets as spies
to recap
Celestials --> Eternals
Celestials --> Skrulls --> Kree --> Inhumans
eternals get their powers from space gods
inhumans get their powers from having dormant alien dna that gets released when they smoke magic crystal
>Ideally the Eternals were set to be their own continuity universe but Marvel pushed to integrate them into the 616 proper
SHIELD is in like issue 3 my user
Eternals=Celestials-made artificial gods
Inhumans=Kree-made artificial mutants
Another thing to note is the intent. The Inhumans were made by kree for two reaons. #1 to fight their wars. #2 The kree had been cut off from evolution so they hoped to get back in the game by recreating the experiments done on them. The Eternals were made so they can protect humans long enough for humans to beat the horde on behalf of the celestials and keep what ever else the celestials have planned going.
I was reading the Kirby Museum that in Kirby's margins the Inhumans were made for trade.
The new History of the marvel universe left out Celestials creating the X-gene
they just keep trying to push this Starbrand thing don't they
>So to educate you filthy movie casuals before next year
being elitist about capeshit in any form is very unbecoming user
>Uranus is Supreme
That's just Aaron, ruining the New Universe with his dumb bullshit. You can tell it's shoehorned because it just doesn't fit within all the stuff Waid researched.
Ive never read any Eternals stuff until this thread. So are they still around on Earth in the current books? Just minding their own business in their big secret city Olypmus? How have they not populated the entire planet in the however million years its been since they were created and granted immortality?
>So are they still around on Earth in the current books?
No, Aaron the hack killed them all off-screen for no good reason. Until then yeah, they were just chilling, albeit in comic limbo. Last time they were seen was in All-New Invaders a few years ago.
>How have they not populated the entire planet in the however million years its been since they were created and granted immortality?
Because that's not how population growth works. Longevity has been proven to be a primary cause for population plateauing.
>kree and skrull have existed for a gorillion years with technology and advanced societies and everything, and they are still just a bunch of dumb space assholes
What was the first issue that said the Celestrials created the x-gene?
why were OP's stories published in What If?
It's right here: Except it's not directly said, merely implied.
Gruenwald wanted to expand on these ideas and to synergize the Eternals into 616, but didn't know of a better way to do it aside from backup stories. They're still very canon because later on the Eternals help the Inhumans move from their island to the Himalayas, in what's known as Attilan I (before the Moon base).
yeah, i've read most of eternals i think
kirby's original series, thor, avengers, later series
but didn't even know about these
I wonder how Disney is going to handle the Deviants.
It just comes across as so unwoke
They're just monsters living in undersea caverns. Stop trying to force politics into everything.
Why not post good Eternal moments instead of just the history lesson the MCU will certainly ignore?
Yeah it’s kind of buried in the What If series but it was a time where there were great stories in the most randomist of Marvel titles.
> but it was a time where there were great stories in the most randomist of Marvel titles.
Other examples?
It left out a lot of things
So where did Zeus even come from? Where did any of the gods come from? Are they all just aliens from other worlds?