Does the writing get better?
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Lol. I love the worldbulding maps and bits I've seen online, but the writing is really tiresome.
If you mean the start, the whole thing is a prologue that doesn't affect the comic. The writing is good but is not fast paced, if you prefer fast action you won't like it but that doesn't make it bad.
No, I'm talking about the dialogue. The adults are talking like quirky teen artist girls.
Good art, good world, bad story.
Someone just spoil this story for me. I tried reading it but it's so slow
I mean all I can really say is that they're supposed to be a bunch of randos, not a professional outfit
But if you hate the dialogue so much wherever you are then no, you probably won't like it down the road
for a second, i thought there was a superhuman samurai syber squad comic that i wasn't aware of.
people go into denmark looking for books
there you go
What is SSSS?
post-apoc slice of life
very slow, but with brief moments of going hard
Aw, sad.
Post apocalyptic cmic set in Scandinavia and Finland.
Taking you at your most literal, the acronym is the basis of the First Rule
Stand Still Stay Silent
Also the title of the comic
How far in are you?
Only brainless plebs skip the prologue, it builds up beautifully the atmosphere for the comic.
Toisaalta mitäpä voikaan odottaa vitun adhd kahden numeron äo-jenkeiltä ja muilta aivokuolleilta tapauksilta!
I skipped it by accident when I started in earnest and still got all I needed to understand. I get why people do, it’s a lot to go through for people that have only tangential relation to the story at hand
That's a penis
No it fucking doesn't - because it ultimately has nothing to do with the characters, setting, and story we end up following after it concludes. The chapter immediately following the prologue is - establishing all the rules of this new setting, introducing the main characters, and establishing the mission that drives the initial plot.
I love SSSS, but seriously - the prologue is like if Fury Road opened with a 15 minute scene about an office worker and his friends driving to Melbourne just prior to the onset of the water wars... and then the scene just suddenly ends and cuts to Max in the wastelands XX years later
>it builds up beautifully the atmosphere for the comic
not really
No, it doesn't get better. The creator has reached the limit of their talent, and writes (and draws) everyone in that same annoying fashion.
Have you tried Unsounded instead?
Skip the prologue and get to the main characters and story.
>Does the writing get better?
No, it doesn't. It actually gets worse. On top of which, they spend all that time building up the cool mutating virus premise only to spend half the comic in Nordic Wizard Dreamscape Land.
The mage-y shit has been central to things from the start
It gets gradually better once you get a few chapters in. It's not top shelf writing, but it's pretty decent considering English isn't the author's first language
No, it wasn't, and even if it was that doesn't make it good.
>No, it wasn't
The first of the main characters we're introduced to is Lalli, the mage.
There's an entire infodump page on the importance and abilities of mages less than 20 pages into the main story.
There's a sequence of big splash pages centered on Lalli casting a blessing upon them before they board the train.
We're introduced to the dreamscape shit almost immediately after the mission-proper begins when they're going through the tunnel
etc etc etc
Additionally the whole dreamspace thing is introduced fairly soon with the first sightings of Reynir, and when he starts moving between the dreams of Lalli and Onni
Its unfortunate if someone got the impression of things being more "grounded" but I still gotta say that stuff didn't come out of nowhere
No, it stays the same. Whether is was good from the start of "irredeemable trash", is up to you. Can you make up you own mind?
How can anyone be dissatisfied with best girl Sigrun around
The point where the Finns get to Sweden.
I like the 0 hour period in zombie movies, so I still enjoyed the prologue. Although I don't think the series would suffer much without it and maybe would ven benefit from extra mystery. Not to mention, that it might put a lot of people off from reading the comic.
There's still a ways to go, and it's just my own conjecture, but once they actually start their work in Denmark I think you'll like it more
My tastes have always allowed me to be extremely patient with stories and appreciate character interaction
Nah, I'm not too into straight up fantasy.
Yeah, I don't like it one bit, but the world is just too intriguing and the art too good for me to just drop it.
All the people look kind of androgynous in this art style, so I'll be honest, Lalli is kinda cute.
I'll give it a longer trial period.
Have you seen Reynir yet? If not, you seen nothing of confusing gender
Stays the same i’d say, but it’s extremely slow, as in it takes 1,000 pages to tell a story that could be contained in 100.
Which makes part of the charm.
The drawing does make a curve in quality, starting quite averagely, then peaking around page 400-600 then slowly degrading until it stagnates from page 900 to 1100 as it is currently, it’s still better than the early pages and some character like sigrun look much better than even at the drawing quality peak, so do most monsters, but landscapes are IMO less enjoyable now, and lalli isn’t as handsome.
>Yeah, I don't like it one bit
Then stop reading this instant. Also, leave and never make "discussion" threads about the think you clearly think is trash.
>Anything from Scandinavia
>Hating best girl
That looks like a troll.
>Yea Forumsmblr has finally come around to hating SSSS
Guess I can finally write this shithole off as a lost cause.
I haven't touched it because it looks like tumblrshit.
You should be crowing like a retard over the fact that there's absolutely zero brown people
I'm not /pol/. I want to check this out but so far it looks unpromising.
>one of the best looking webcomics, known for that alone
>looks unpromising
I understand why people could be hesitant about the pace of the webcomic
As long as they give it a try before judging it doesn't bother me at all if someone decides they aren't into the thing
First, it's the faces, then, as the OP mentions, it's the writing. Everything else seems great.
The thing is, comics are a combination of art AND writing. If I want excellent art I can go look just about anywhere online, but if the story in this sucks, it's a bad comic, the end, and its looks can't save it.
Also, the art in SSSS isn't all that great compared to something like Lackadaisy. Which is both beautiful to behold and charming to read, even if its release schedule is as constipated as my meth-head cousin.
I suggest increasing your own pace, and reading it faster. I binged the first few chapters, and found no problems with anything.
>tfw i thought sigrun was a guy until i saw her chest
I still wonder how the fuck I missed that.
Lackadaisy or SSSS? I'm not OP, but I agree with them that SSSS is terribly written. If it wasn't free, people wouldn't waste their time on it.
Definitely this.
Given how hes been posting thus far, I'm 99% certain the guy youre responding to is baiting you. He's probably been doing so for a while, in fact. Especially when he tried to compare SSSS to fucking Lackadaisy.
>you can't discuss aspects you don't like of things you find interesting
What the fuck is the point of a discussion board then?
No. You leave, leave to your discord server or subreddit where you can mindlessly gush about something with other fanboys without actually saying anything.
Different people have different opinions, and this is only one thread on one day. Very small sample size to claim that "suddenly Yea Forums hates SSSS"
I still miss her
Literally everyone knows that once one thread says "I HATE X THING SO FUCKING MUCH REEEEEEE", it'll spread to the rest of Yea Forums like a fucking plague and be regurgitated without end by all of the autists who infest this garbage fire of a board.
See? Nothing happened.
Honestly, Rango kinda sucks.
I liked the idea, but honestly haven't seen it yet. What don't you like about it?
I think user was making a joke in response to
Guess I'm retarded then.
well this is like the only SSSS thread to get more than ten posts in months so I'll ask about current events
Does Ensi want Lalli to bring Onni her rifle so he can kill her and pass her and Hilja's souls on? That's what I'm predicting, somehow Onni will either not get the chance or he'll not have the guts to do it and Ensi becomes a kade haunting the family
>Only active SSSS thread in months
I liked right after the last adventure ended, we had multiple threads hit bump limit in the same week. I'm waiting for another binge though, so afraid I can't answer your question.
Looked this comic up and the art is really hard to parse. So scribbly and the characters all look the same.
But it's free so whatever. It's like bitching about the taste of tap water, I guess.
Of course not. It was written by a white supremacist.
Her panelling is nice but it's really impressive how she's drawn so many comic pages and still is so shit-awful at faces. Like, maintaining that kind of awfulness takes serious, serious effort and dedication.
I feel like she's a good designer but a bad illustrator. Kind of the the inverse of the Ava's Demon woman who draws nicely but can't lay out a comic to save her life. Minna should be designing pharmaceutical websites.
The author using the comic as a PR campaign for the Nordic countries is actually one of the things I really like about the comic.
Perhaps she considers it her "style"?
Obviously it's her style, and since it's so poor at communicating, it's a shit style. Woman needs to slow down, tighten up the artwork, and learn how to design characters.
As far as it being a Nordic PR piece I feel it would work better at that if the aforementioned style was more Nordic, or at least European. The unskilled weeb artwork is kind of funny. It's like a skinhead putting out Mein Kampf as a really bad rap album.
It was so central that her previous story was all about wizard dreamscape land. You were just too stupid to catch on.
>It's like a skinhead putting out Mein Kampf as a really bad rap album
MC Bond, was it?
Lalli and Emil are gay, right?
Emil is flaming
Neither option has probably crossed Lalli's mind yet
Kysynpähän vaan
Hedging between that and Ensi manning up and falling on her knife, just passing the rifle on as a memento
As fujoshi bait yes, but not canon yet
>Obviously it's her style, and since it's so poor at communicating, it's a shit style.
Please show us osme of your own artwork, user.
Cool visuals but I forget which character is which
Good for binging every month or so
Maybe at first but I'm surprised someone can go through all 1000+ pages and not have it down yet
>reynir will never prance into your dream realm
I'm a big dummy who can only remember Spanish names so it's mostly my fault
Comfy post-apocalyptic D&D with bits of extreme horror.
Did anyone else initially incorrectly guess the sex of most of the main characters?
I don't know. I dropped it after they murdered a dog.
If there are no Schutzstaffel or Straight Shota then why should I bother to read it?
No. But you're going to want to play a campaign in their world even more.
No, it's always going to be a fairly slow paced atmospheric comic about a bunch of random folk fucking around demon infest Scandinavia, the pace does kind pick up when they encounter the Sea Beast but other than that it's basically the same.
That being said, I really like the atmosphere of the comic and am really glad we're finally moving away from the city/town and going back into the wilderness, and the Finnish wilderness that's supposed to be an utter hell too.
One of the most blatant misrepresentations of events I’ve ever seen, and that’s speaking with 4chins as a baseline
Fucked up if true
Dog had super rabies and it was a mercy kill with a bit gruesome magic burial for the dogs soul to have peace after.
Don’t forget the dead kittens...
Even if it’s for a good reason, I can’t look at it.
Yeah and it was bloody horrific, I only kept reading a year later when my friend told me that was the absolute worst it ever shows
Why was the infected dog in Reynir's dreamworld? It seems like most of the various spirits are confined to the "ocean"
It was supposed to be, but it wasn't horrific in a cruel way which the post implied. The dog got better treatment than any other infected they encountered, but it was shown in a sad graphic way.
Food why did you close the door?
trying to fuck a turbofinn is a daunting prospect
This isn't new issues of Über.
thank Jumala
Imagine the smell. Brehs...
I fucking hope lalli is at least, he’s way too hot to be straight
He was sleeping under a bed unnoticed and woke up to Tuuri was getting her fat ass pounded on it. The experience traumatized him and he hasn't so much as had an erection ever since
>Look it in the eye
>Game over
man, just fucking nuke Finland if they've got shit like this running around in the woods
Then let's nuke Greece and their gorgons along side it.
At least gorgon’s power isn’t transmissible, there this can spread to other people and it seems rather insidious
>want to buy the books
>shipping from yankee land to yurop costs about the same as the books themselves
Ouch, my wallet. Still gonna get them.
they never actually follow that rule in the comic at all
I mean the principle is there, making a lot of noise when infected are around will usually just draw in more
If a troll or beast hasn't noticed you yet the general idea seems to be to focus on keeping it that way
prologue had the best artwork desu
>from yankee land to yurop
You just made me check, I was certain that they'd be shipping from Finland/Sweden or at least within the EU. It feels weird to pay international shipping from the US when trying to support a fellow Scandi.
In the comic they're almost always in a dead zone, not a cleansed area that the rules were made for. It's the difference between hunkering in place if there's cops shooting, versus getting the fuck out of the country if there's soldiers shooting.
Both of the Finns have their genders reversed and Lalli is making me question my sexuality.
Writing =/= pace/story
Oh damn it just clicked that this kind of shit is why Onni immediately covers his eyes and tells Reynir to look away when they meet the Pastor
Anyone who reads SSSS and talks like the OP is an absolut brainlet and not invited to my birthday party.
>D*nmark still exists
It's trash
Search "duck and cover", a famous rule for an atom bomb alert.
Dumb ass.
This image is a decent representation of the comic at large.
You're wrong and retarded the prologue creates a nice mood for danger lurking
>If it wasn't free, people wouldn't waste their time on it.
She supports herself solely through twitch art streams and crowd funding, so people are clearly interested in paying
Get the impression Lalli and the scouts might do it to let a beast or giant pass. Feel one coming, stand in a safe spot and just let it wander on before continuing on your own merry way.
I get what you mean, but IMO the prologue overstays its welcome just a little bit. It introduces so many characters in a short amount of time, and gives off the impression that you're supposed to remember all of them, which might seem quite daunting, especially to non-scandinavian readers who may not be that familiar scandinavian names.
Are people actually getting mad at the critique given to the comic ITT? Why? Criticism has been very mild and constructive so far. Believe me, I also enjoy SSSS, but it naturally has its flaws. After all Minna is young and still somewhat inexperienced which shows in her work. Imagine how great SSSS would be if some of the kinks were ironed out.
Take for example the 90 year gap between the outbreak and present day. For me, it really strains the suspencion of disbelief to almost breaking point that in mere 90 years all of humanity forgot modern technology. The people in the prologue didn't pass anything about the old world to their decendants? I think this is the part of the story Minna, as an amateur writer just didn't think too much about, or that she really wanted to include that family tree she'd created for the characters that only spans a few generations. Personally I think it would have been best to have the time gap be few hundred years at least, or leave it ambiguous.
Don't think he knows how to keep them out? Get the impression most Icelandic mages have no idea that the spiritworld exists let alone how to travel through it - they're all just happy making pretty ideograms of ancient Norse runes and nailing them everywhere to keep the bad shit away.
Reynir has been getting a very hardcore/compressed edumacation in practical Finnish magic though, esp. given what he's seen Lalli and Onni do.
Love how they're all just so comfortable travelling around in the unsafe zones.
>"This is cake compared to the infected cities in Denmark."
Love all these one-off pix Minna's done where the cat is constantly warning them of nearby trolls.
Subverted your expectations, huh?
It's not so much that they've forgotten all technology but big time cut out on what's not absolutely necessary. They clearly have many weapons still understood, along with machines of various sorts, even if prohibitively expensive. They were even able to innovate designs with the Sveagen saw-trains.
You need to keep in mind that many of today's amenities we take for granted require layers upon layers of infrastructure, supply chains, resources, and given that Old World cities as a general rule are lost, along with the stuff they had, you have to work to keep your society supplied with what resources you can jerry rig back together. Like much of Iceland's population centers being abandoned due to famine despite no big time Rash outbreaks on the island, leading to ruralization. If high tech automation is a bust, things become more labor intensive, but there just aren't enough people to do these things because they're already preoccupied with feeding themselves and defending against the infected. Even Mora, arguably the most technologically advanced city in the nordic region, only fairly recently built up the necessary shit to have telephones for individual houses
For the vast majority of the known world, anything that doesn't contribute directly towards keeping your people from starving or being overrun by trolls is a can to kick down the road
/tg/ is working on one right now
Good taste, Katyusha. Now go beat Miho again.
Ching chong
Kung Fu
But they did, they hid in a trashcan to escape that giant that killed all those beast yelling about food.
The shit they've been shown to have forgotten is stuff like golf, which is obviously not something you'd worry about passing down to your kids when you're busy just getting paper to write down all the essential knowledge that now needs to be passed down mostly orally, because you don't have enough paper to give everyone books on the subjects. That, and shit that happened right before the end when everything was too hectic to really get shared with the world.
Do keep in mind that all it took was one or two generations for the Plains Indians culture to be completely changed when formerly Spanish horses trickled their way up the continent, changing their entire Creation Myth to include horses because now they could ride alongside Buffalo instead of having to make them stampede off cliffs, and all the other vast changes it entailed to their way of life. By the time European settlers showed up they'd say they had horses ever since the world was created, while two or maybe three generations before that they had an entirely different creation myth without horses. With how so many people simply look things up on Wikipedia these days it's not so far fetched that we'd lose so much knowledge once we lost internet access and then the big libraries in city centres becoming no go areas due to infection.
They still know how to make guns, trains, modern ships, tanks, fully equipped laps capable of sealed containment and decontamination, long range communications, etc...
Overall they're actually doing pretty good considering the vast majority of the population disappeared within a few decades and the whole of humanity (that they know of) was pushed to the very edges of the continent, abandoning thousands of towns and cities and all the knowledge within, only regaining a little ground via railways within about four generations. Also keep in mind technology is regionally relevant, a country like Iceland that pretty much didn't face any Troll infestation is pretty close to the standards of a modern city, while Mora is on a slightly lower technological level but still up to 20th century levels. The country that straight up regressed to pre-industrial standards was Finland, and that's only because Finland was absolutely fucking raped by the infestation and 90% of the population still alive is immune because anyone without an immunity just died, while the most unaffected regions of the world (like Iceland) still have a ton of people without immunity simply because the plague didn't take as bad as a death toll over there.
It's actually very well thought out when you sit down to consider it.
How is this comic? It seems fascinating and the world sounds like it has a lot of potential. However it also looks tumblr tier. Is it worth reading at all?
Your first impression is correct. It's scary and tumblr. You should run far away and never post in these threads again, and certainly not give the comic a look to form your own impression
read it and find out. long prologue so either bear with it to get extra flavor, or skip to the first proper chapter
Is there anything more brainlet than asking other people what to feel about a free webcomic you can check out a hundred pages of in an hour to get the feel of it?
>How is this comic
Mostly just an atmospheric and comfy adventure in post apocalyptic Scandinavia that only occasionally pulls out the straight up body horror and eldritch abominations, fairly slow paced. Not a bad thing in my eyes, but don't go into it expecting Nordic S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>However it also looks tumblr tier
Not a single minority and zero canon homosexuality, when Minna was questioned about the lack of diversity her answer was pretty much just "lol, who cares?"
Where to read this comic?
Jesus Christ nigga
Onni best husbando
Sounds good, I'll check it out. I like the setting and the eldritch horror sounds cool too. Thanks anons.
Wow. WOW. If the fanbase is this childish then I definitely won't. You've just lost a reader.
you seem like the type of person to tell retail workers "I'm never shopping here again" as if they give a shit
>>but don't go into it expecting Nordic S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
I would read that.
Spurdo is pure
dont listen to the trannies and faggots, give the story a chance and ignore the aids ridden portion of the fanbase
Please sir, as the manager let me deeply apologize on the behalf of my staff. Would you please consider reading the comic if you were given a voucher for a free issue?
Why are you talking like that?
Literal nazism
stay mad nerd
There's a very low budget Finnish-made Stalker movie: Vyohyke
Fucking sweet!
Thanks user
>he wouldn't read something because he's afraid to enjoy "bad things"
Hilarious, do you check over your shoulder if someone is judging your choice of porn too?
Pripyat already is, and has been for some time.
Sauce on that Indian story?
>Hates fishing
sorry, but that's a no
Grandma was cute.
>when Minna was questioned about the lack of diversity her answer was pretty much just "lol, who cares?"
Which is always refreshing as fuck to hear. There's so much stuff now that's having 'diversity for diversty's sake' shoved into it to the point where you've got black people portraying english monarchs or internet warriors complaining about the lack of hispanic representation in a game set in 15th century Bohemia.
Wonder what the story was with her and Ukko Pekka (I think that was his name)
I think I heard it was just a one night stand situation
I feel bad for everyone we’ve seen so far. Knowing they were doomed before the flashback even started did not help
The story has characters from Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden all with different languages and cultures. That sounds pretty diverse to me.
Multiple European and one asian culture is pretty diverse for the setting.
hey dont bully fingolia
She was seduced by the corpse of the former finnish president Pehr Evin "Ukko-Pekka" Svinhufvud.
Reminder Nana told him not to look her in the eyes a few pages ago. Lalli knew she was infected by this point I'd imagine.
I think I read it in a book about creation myths like a decade ago, so it'd be pretty hard to hunt down the exact source, and actually looking for it on the internet doesn't exactly give 100% trustworthy sources, when it doesn't just give you links about how horses showed up on the continent. I found this legend reported on two different sites, though:
The Comanches were most probably the first tribe to adapt to horses, and if horses are a part of their myths about how the Buffalo came to roam the land then they clearly thought the horses came before the Buffalo, rather than it just being the reason why they could start killing Buffalo with arrows instead of chasing them off cliffs.
>buzzword tier
Buzzword users should get gassed.
Is tumblr the buzzword or is tier the buzzword?
Either way you sound like a faggot.
I mean if we want to be pedantic, she could definitely add a few non ethnically north european character while still making sense, while the region that survived in scandinavia were rural ones, and so likely very white, the survival rate in Iceland was much higher. At the time of the flu, 6% of Iceland wasn’t Icelandic. If we assume an even survival rate across The Island then there should be about 11,000 non Icelandic there, including 5,000 or so poles. And surely there would be many English, american, germans there, and likely small numbers of non ethnically european people
Why can't you fags handle someone critisizing or poking fun at this webcomic? This thread is so catty it would fit right in /cgl/.
Wow way to buzzword right there m8
have sex
consider suicide
that really crackles my jiminies
I'm finnish, I already do
please dont hurt yourself finfriend, you are a rare breed of people
it was just bantz no offense intended
I am with friends, just bantering between games, my dude.
At the point where we're at, more than a generation later, it's not like you'd recognise a Pole or Brit in Iceland. With how shit went down they wouldn't have maintained their mother language because it'd be useless, and even if there wasn't for the immunity breeding they'd still have intermarried at this point. The only type you'd actually catch is poc, and then you'd have people on here reeeeing about sjws because there was a black background character in the Iceland arc and now it's ruined.
The story effectively changes genre once the team enters the Silent World. Keep in mind that it's still a slow burn. Get to the end of the first raid for the books, or Reynir's full introduction (Chapter 5/6, also pic related). If you don't enjoy it by then, drop it safely.
Minna suggested that once a new printing run happens part of it might be shipping from Europe, though no details yet.
I assume the printing run would also include a reprint of A Redtail's Dream? I certainly hope so, I'd snack all of them if they didn't have to fly across the world.
the island already lost one hundred thousand people, it could easily be an "assimilate or die" scenario, and why would the average tourist preserve the language when that language is functionally extinct everywhere else after two months
What must I do to get a print of Redtail in its original suomi? I want to read it as the gods intended, dammit!
Print out every page on an A4, stapler them and take it for outhouse reading as the mökki gods intended.
>low res
Are you high?
>mökki shitter reading
>not lowres
Are YOU high?
Finally, another info page
Saimaa is probably the worst place to set up considering it has the only freshwater mammals in Finland.
I want Sigrún to sit on my face
It was funny seeing places in some pages that I have actually been in real life/were my childhood homes
There is a depressing number of lost islands.
Imagine the islands lost because someone looked in the wrong pair of eyes.
I imagine such losses to mind controlling trolls are exceptionally rare, else quarantine would involve psyche tests. Most major beaches are likely due to mistakes in quarantine.
Nigga das old
I guess it’s not ALL bad
The dead islands are eventually cleansed and kept posted with sentries so that they can be recolonized one day
Even with clusterfucks wiping out whole settlements, the Finnish population is stable and even growing a little
I haven't read it in awhile.
>Faroese is still alive
Minna did mention in one of her streams that there likely were a ton of Estonians who fled to Finland when the plague broke out, but at this point they'd be basically indistinguishable from the Finns
Swedes > Icelanders > Norwegians > Danes >>> trolls >>> finns
It's pronounced benis
It is unhealthy to hate yourself.
Duck and cover's really not a bad idea, as long as the bomb's not right over you.
Even in areas where you can survive a blast, it'll still break the windows and knock you down. So, as soon as you see that bright light, duck and cover, bros.
You duck and cover to put the maximum amount of mass between you and the detonation, to minimize radiation exposure.
>not just another type of Swede
You need to brush up on your Scandi shitposting.
Spoken like a true arrogant swede who yearns back for the days of your glory
Accept it you bitchy homos internet loves finland and thinks swedes are losers
Teenagers, japanese and world's 12 year olds agree: Finland is cool
>However it also looks tumblr tier.
holy fuck what
the art looks like a fucking painting, and it updates 4 pages a WEEK. If that was what you consider tumblr tier, then webcomics wouldn't exist by now.
Still waiting on a SSSS clone.
In the Balkans
>tfw had something similar in the making in central europe.
I bless Yea Forums for letting me know this comic exist so i could drop mine in time before i put too much time and resources
I agree with and . If anything, they have too much technology and afford too much luxury. Like that Danish military base, the absurdly impractical chainsaw train railway in Sweden or ow they use a massive cruise ship to transport other ships over the sea for some reason. I'm mostly alright with it for the cool factor, but still.
In a way it is. If you look at the characters' faces and, as previously mentioned, the writing, it seems like something straight out of tumblr at times. The dialogue can be reminiscent of those faux anime Western cartoons, with jokes popping up in inappropriate contexts that make it seem like the character might as well turn into a chibi caricature or someone starting to act like a cat person, because the author finds that cute or funny.
Despite all of that, if you're into post apocalyptic stuff like Metro 2033, this will be right up your alley. Putting up with some of the downsides isn't hard when the setting and the art are so amazing.
Wouldn't consider that a problem.
>tfw Scandi but never once saunad in the winter
I don't even like snowball fights any more because it's too cold on my hands. I don't get how teenage me walked through winter in ripped jeans and a t-shirt/unbuttoned shirt combo, and threw snowballs for an hour without any gloves.
Just dropping by to post the RPG that was inspired by this comic
>comparing Scandinavian pinnacle of humanity to the dregs of humanity
I don't remember Swedes conquering China and killing all the Arabs.
Did you even read the comic?
Do you still have unfinished stuff we could see? Sounds interesting
I'm going to run this some day.
You could still try it as long as you put your own spin on it.