Any readers of the original that actually liked this? Sure, they changed a lot of the best moments but the stuff they added was pretty great too. Homelander was genuinely terrifying. It's like what Snyder unintentionally tried to do with Superman except fully aware.
The Boys
>main twist already ruined
I hope we will get something better instead then
I don't know, they'll probably still go with him being Vought's back-up plan for Homelander otherwise the character wouldn't be in the show. Black Noir just silently menacing everyone was great and that Japanese tea ceremony scene had me in stitches.
Still that senator plane scene and bunch others already ruined mental breakdown thing
BN didn't have to frame him at all in the series.
Homelander might have been more well-adjusted in the past, it could be the same as it is in the comics except the Black Noir ruse cruise is father along in the timeline.
thought it was great and different enough to the comics where both are worthwhile experiences.
can anyone who watched Preacher attest to its quality?
Yeah, they might go with that.
I hope they will show us Noirplane
Nigger Red Letter Media is pretty popular we can yell when you're parroting them word for word with that Synder shit
>you can't share opinion with people I don't like, only my approved opinions count or you're just parroting
Oh fuck off, more than one person can think the same thing. Homelander is literally the Man of Murder memes except played 100% straight.
Preacher is mediocre to okay during its first season and finale onwards it just wholly shits the bed
I was honestly worried with The Boys because of the bad taste Preacher left in my mouth but I was pleasantly surprised
ah, so no reason to watch it over the comic then, eh?
Nay, the comic is just so far above the series that it's not even funny
thanks for the tip. i won't bother then, too many other things I could watch instead.
I tried to watch it but I didn't really like the changes. In the Boys a lot of the changes were made to try and make it more contemporary rather than a time when 9/11 was still fresh on people's minds. They also tried to humanize a lot of the deplorable characters and make them genuinely more sympathetic. Preacher had some nice scenes here and there but for the most part it was a lot more sloppy and there wasn't as much new I liked.
He's going to be the Female's long lost brother.
Not to mention the Boys in general was really rough around the edges, there was a lot of room for refinement and you could tell that is the direction the adaption tried to take.
Holy fuck, that would actually be a nice twist.
I was a big fan of the comics; I bought every individual issue of the comics, including the various mini-series, as they came out.
I honestly feel like a lot of what the comics did right, the TV show is doing better. The thing is, the comic tried - and mostly succeeded - in being two or three different things, one of which was goofy, daft comedic parody. Where it was good, the comedy was really good.
The comic also tries to convey some pretty serious messages about the banality of evil and corporate greed and the exploitation of everyone the system touches, and the goofiness often gets in the way of THAT theme.
I think the TV producers made the wise choice to look at the best things about the comics and focus on just doing those really well, and frankly I really think that it's worked well. We've never seen an "evil Superman" as chilling as this depiction of The Homelander. He's a man with the morality of an American insurance company and the power of a god, and I think stripping away most of the loony-toons nonsense from the comics sells that better.
The Male (of the species)
What, they will make him Obelix like origin?
Anyone got a mega?
I like it. But so far a terrible adaptation. Butcher and Hughey's relationship is kinda dogshit. They felt more like brothers. Hell the whole group really felt like a family, and the Show just makes them people who just happen to work together. I feel like whoever did this wanted to do his own thing with the characters and damn the story. I don't think it's written bad or uninteresting, just not what I wanted.
Also TV show Deep's weird about gills is gross a fuck.
Antony Starr as Homelander basically carries the show.
Im sure there are some but I vehemently believe them to be massive fucing faggots.
>look at the best things about the comics and focus on just doing those really well,
Kill yourself.
Yeah I liked it so much so that I went and read the original, I like them both but there's no way that the comic would translate directly to the live adaption so I can understand why they changed things.
Homelander kept this thing going for sure, with the additional help of Stillwell. I wish he hadn't killed her. She was an enjoyable character, and always at the verge of doing something really cool and dark, but for some reason they never really went there. Elisabeth Shue's perfomance was excellent, especially in the end at her house with Homelander and Butcher.
I would prefer not to.
I like it well enough. It's better than I thought it would be.
I have some complaints as far as it being an adaption goes, all of which basically just boils down to the show not being comic book-y enough. As stupid as it sounds, I kinda miss the supes being less morally ambiguous and just straight up horrible people. It's probably the only adaption where I kinda miss the edgy shit as well. I also miss The Deep's costume.
I don't like some of the casting. And the unnecessary gender and race bending. Partly because we'll never get my favorite scene from the comics. Some of the actresses should've really put on some muscle mass and gone down a bit in bodyfat for their supe roles.
On a more general note, the acting usually ranges from ok to good. Better than what I've seen from the CW shows. The cinematography isn't exactly that exciting, but it's okay. The filters they use here and there are fucking horrid though. See OP's pic as an example. If there's one comic book show that would benefit from a plain color palette, it's probably this one. It's kinda off-putting how inconsistent they are with the colors are as well.
Oops, plain visuals, not color palettes.
Only good thing about show are actors and Homelander character.
Plot is better than in the comic, but still sucks.
Hope they'll do better is season 2.
I like it. In general the characters are more nuanced and interesting, and some of the Ennis shit you pretty much have to take out. Hughie in the show fucking sucks but I also wasn't a huge fan of Hughie in the comic either, so nothing of value was really lost. Female is much more interesting in the show, so is Frenchie by a little. I like that MM actually has a family and that whole bit where he was trying to improve the disenfranchised youth or whatever. Supe characters are generally superior with more depth, especially Homelander.
I think it actually worked well - in the comics Homelander is more petulant and maniacal, while the TV Homelander really comes across as psychotic and dark, it flows better and makes it more natural, as opposed to the somewhat cartoony nature of some characters in the comic.
Stillwell's death in this case just solidifies Homelander's pathology and explains it more in terms of his poor upbringing, while comic Homelander is more hedonistic and "cartoony".
As far as adaptations go, I am tempted to say that the series could end up being better than source material.
As far as adaptations
I think MM, Butcher, and Frenchie all feel like brothers in the show. Hughie has a shit relationship with Butcher partly because Hughie is just a shit character.
Garth Ennis seems to know a little too much about bestiality. See Dogg Knot and that panel of a woman fucking a dog in Herogasm.
I kind of want a "filler" episode where they take down some supe unrelated to the main plot. Or a training episode. Hughie needs more time with the Boys.
Outside of how huge's girlfriend dies I think I enjoy the series more. I think the original did that scene way better.
A filler episode would be bullshit but they should have killed more supes in general and shown the Boys problem-solving together more. I have no fucking idea why they didn't kill A-Train when they got him, that was fucking retarded and the plot in that regard goes off the rails right at that moment. Season could have also used a couple extra episodes.
Ennis is a pointlessly edgy mofo, he's one of those dudes who's work I enjoy but I know I'd probably dislike him if I met him in real life
I prefer A-Train running through her, its way more brutal and really highlights how disconnected he is when he doesn't give a fuck, and it also ties in to the Compound V subplot and Kimiko
I liked it when he ran a super villain into her and still caused her to be crushed to death at a fucking public park with other people around because it highlighted the disconnect of the job and how much they get away.
>I have no fucking idea why they didn't kill A-Train when they got him
They killed Translucent, did they not? A-Train was also looking like he would whoop them all and it was likely that it would happen if not for the circumstances.
I think the scaling down of the power levels in the series works to make it more grounded in reality, for example the fact that the Homelander is the only one that can fly makes him stand out more and speaks more to his unique status even among the Supes.
Yeah I guess what I really want is a little breathing room. The boys didn't get much downtime to bond. Them dealing with another supe could have helped
Who's gonna kill Terror?
>A-Train was also looking like he would whoop them all and it was likely that it would happen if not for the circumstances.
What? His leg was broken and he was on the floor. Hughie taunts him and then the scene cuts. Its never addressed again until all of a sudden we see him on crutches, with no explanation of what the fuck happened in between. Honestly when the scene cut I just assumed he was dead, it was the most logical thing that Kimiko ends him right there.
Yeah but that is actual true collateral damage related to the job witnessed by everyone whereas in the show its A-Train doing some shit he's not supposed to do and he twists events when he reports it later, further demonstrating the corruption that just comes to him naturally.
Yeah I agree. They should've had a scene where they interrogate and kill A-Train honestly.
some things they changed are for the better, some things they change are for the shitter
>a man with the morality of an American insurance company and the power of a god
That actually is a great way of putting it.
No one liked the boys. The comic was dogshit ennis wanking. We get it, ennis was abused as a child and raped by his uncle and hates everything now. Wow, cursing and edgelords. So original. All with art by a retarded 12 year old. 10/10 must read.
Actually like it better than the comics. It manages to preserve the corruption inherent to the comics' world while avoiding most of the edgy schlock that pervades Ennis's work.
Also, Homelander is sooooo much better. He's smart and cunning while still mentally fucked up, and it plays so much better than the imbecilic crybaby of the comics.
honestly really liking Noir in this. He's a great comic relief character yet still managed to be pretty menacing in the fight with the female
He better finger Hughie at least
Did they do this scene
Anybody got a scan of the original death scene?
Are they gonna do Tek Knight in season 2?
Payback are confirmed also stormfront is a woman now
i love preacher. but i would skip season 1. the first season is basically a prequel.
Nope, but the show is far from over. Wouldn't be surprised if we get something like this in Season 2, with how Homelander's been developing.
Honestly prefer this to the comic on most points.
The setting literally crumbles apart in the comics once you see how easily the supes die in the comics and how incompetent and twisted they all seem to be; vought would be done before the night was through in modern times if the shit that went down happened in the series. I'm glad the supes are shown as more competent and the Boys as being weaker, just makes things a little more believeable to me
I read the original comic when it came out and never cared much for it, how uncommon is that here
He was mentioned by one of the people in that superhero support group so maybe. I doubt they'll go the tumor route unfortunately.
I don't blame you, Ennis isn't for everyone and the Boys is a sloppy book. Still, there's a lot of great moments in there if you're willing to sift through the more lowbrow stuff.
I definitely like it better than the Umbrella Academy since that dragged out the story from the comics while the Boys mostly cut and condensed. I also love the idea of supervillain terrorists being created to make the superheroes more popular, it adds a bit of contemporary commentary that also works thematically.
I don't mind many of the changes as much as I mind how contrived and "typically tv" the dramatic pacing of the season is. The complete undoing of the end of episode 7 within the first five minutes of 8 realllly irritated me. Characters seemed motivated by the script instead of their own motivations at times. It's insulting to think that they spent a season "building the team" because of some misguided attempt to make them more relatable or something? They did it with Preacher too and I have to wonder how cynical the decision making process actually is sometimes. It's like they know they only have four or five good ideas and they don't want to waste them all on the first season.
>Look, I'm already late to a child sacrifice and next week I'm shooting a propoganda film for the chinese government. This outline of two major story beats for each character is all you're getting
That's where comic adaptations always "fail" imo. None of them replicate the density of information. It's always a Diet or Lite version.
despite good acting, butcher's character is completely butchered. he's just an angry cuck that justs make half baked plans as he goes and the final twist ends his motivations.
hughie is shit too, his personality all over the place.
homelander is unanimously the GOAT and the actor is stealing the show
frenchie and female are good. MM is meh. also there's no more reason for his nickname
I was surprised just how loose the adaption was. What they did to the bit with Homelander leaving everyone to die on the plane was pretty cool though. Completely different feeling to the comic.
The bit with Hayley Joel and Tara Reid great.
I think it works to make Butcher more antagonistic rather than completely justified in dogmatic hatred of supes. He's a lot more outwardly self-destructive and it's telling he became consumed by a crusade of revenge without unanimous proof that his wife was actually dead. That's not to say he's a cuck, it might have been that Becca was still raped by Homelander despite what he says and considering how he is in the show it's no stretch to see why she might want to fake her death because of the abject terror of being at the mercy of a psychopath with Superman powers. Of course this all depends on what happens in season 2 but I really like the ambiguity they went with and if they follow the themes and tone of the show presented so far that's the likely direction it will ultimately end up going.
I'm reading the comic and watching the show at the same time since I've never done something like that before and wanted too.
I like both for different reasons.
Hughie's casting was wrong.
He doesn't even look like Hughie
I think the joke is that Simon Pegg looks like comic Hughie.
He was pretty much just Simon Pegg and he was too old so I don't mind they decided to go in a different direction. At the very least you saw Pegg say jings.
>they'll probably still go with him being Vought's back-up plan for Homelander otherwise the character wouldn't be in the show
It's also why they hired an actor the same build as Starr
I like the punisher max series and the Preacher has moments I dislike, but still found enjoyable. I read the Boys during the edgiest period and dropped it for a bit and did eventually finish it and I still didn't like it as a whole despite some of the good moments
I will miss the original end with Stillwell's breakdown. That was worse than death for the bastard.
the show is better than the comics.
>But so far a terrible adaptation.
retarded opinion