This is Electro Lass

This is Electro Lass

She's a male construction worker permanently trapped in the form of a busty electricity-powered blonde superhero

Say something nice about her!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dial H for Hero?


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Yep. Don't remember what year tho.

I thought we all agreed never to speak of Shocking Suzy and his horrible ordeal ever again.

I like how the lightning bolt designs on her costume reflect what her powers are. Maybe I'd change the boots and make them taller though?

thigh high?

That could work.

Isn't this the Black Adam costume?

She makes me pp hard and needs to be in more comics

i've never seen adam with that much cleavage, not that I'd mind


Her tits are as big as power girl's.

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Is it really so horrible to be a superhuman blonde bombshell? Who cares if you used to be a guy, you got great tits and superpowers now.

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I want to BE electro lass!

Would they ever get away with this concept today?
I feel like you couldn’t without being accused of wank bait, even if the story was more than that.

She will just be labelled as a transman.

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this remarkably specific scenario is my fetish.

Y'know it's funny as the genderswap is the whole hook of the character but how despondent jo is about it does make it hard to masturbate to.

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i'm a sucker for realism, and despair would be the most real reaction to the situation.

>Is it really so horrible to be a superhuman blonde bombshell? Who cares if you used to be a guy, you got great tits and superpowers now.
Welcome to the wonderful world of dysphoria, user. Being trapped in a body that isn’t your own is maddening. You SAY you’d be ok with it but would you really? So many things you take for granted would be different. I always wonder if anyone who gets off to this concept is a closeted trans person themselves on some level.

What's there to despair about? The story is not happening in a vaccum, some people get turned into dangerous monsters and still handle it better than Jo did.

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The body is just a shell but fuck you I would love to have superpowers. Swamp Thing got over it and he got turned into a fucking plant, there is so much more metaphysical going on here that it's actually preposterous that turning into a chick would be a problem.

>I always wonder if anyone who gets off to this concept is a closeted trans person themselves on some level.

That is the equivalent of saying that people with rape fantasies deep down WANT to be raped. Dodgy logic.

>Swamp Thing got over it and he got turned into a >fucking plant
Oh boy.

The point is user is that you can lead a fully happy life even with such radical changes.
Especially if you got some sweet ass superpowers.

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Why would she wear lipstick? It just seems odd, considering the premise
Also I really, really want lewd fanart

Her costume is way too good to be wasted on a throwaway character like this.

wasn't he raped by his best friend and became a stripper

It kinda looks like something Ms.Marvel used to wear.

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Yeah but it's important to note that there's nothing wrong with being a stripper.

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But with better design and a cohesive theme. Electro lass looks like a cool costume, Carol's just looks like slutty version of Mar-Vell's suit

It's not good at all, wtf are you talking about? Stop thinking with your penis for one second.

My penis knows more about fashion than you ever will.

What could've been a good story-line for him? She-zow? Bokugirl/Ranma? What even kind of villain could fit the bill? A tranny mad that he didn't get to be Electro Lass?

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>What even kind of villain could fit the bill?
A villain that wants to galvanizes Jo's identity as a woman.
The debutante wants to put Jo in a girly box and won't take no for an answer.

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>Electro Lass
>Not black
But we all know that every hero with electric power is black!

I never agreed to this. More Shocking Suzi ALL. THE. TIME!

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A Bowser version would make a narrative fitting villian.
But what about a feminist or lesbian who wants to destroy her for being that lewd and later on that she was a men. Maybe something like "Electro Lass is a better women than you" and than "even a man is a better women than you and replace you know as a biological woman".

Sounds like a shitty strawman of a feminist or lesbian.

user please, that's just her stripper name.

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Kinda, but i thought a femnazi that spooks through some /pol/-heads and through socialmedia.

I wonder if she as a former man knows how men ticks and knows how to fuck.
Or knows how to play with them and can act as a scam-artist?

I love her outfit

Is “Electro lass” her actual nomenclature? That’s my bad and I apologize

Her superhero name is Electro Lass.

Her stripper name is Shocking Suzi.

The H-Dial gives you a name with your identity, it's always been like that.

Straight up the best TG character made in the past 20 years.

You didn't know, that's alright.

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She criminally has NO good fanart

Has there ever been an instance in fiction where a man gets turned into a woman and suffers horrible gender dysphoria instead of just being merely annoyed or immediately going for cock?

No because people pretty read these stories to get off, not for an in-depth nuanced look at being trapped in another body.

Not for me.

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That story was retarded and entirely contrived for maximum forced MISERY.

but electro lass is a top waifu tho

Mantra from Malibu Comics did several body dysphoria problems.

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Thats Shocking Suzie, you can't deceive me.

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They make very clear that he doesn't have a house, or papers to work anymore. So in the end he enede up in the only job that would take an attractive woman that didn't involve becoming a prostitute.

>>never get turned into a sexy chick and forced to be a stripper for the leering public.

why even live?

Dude, you're living some dudes lifes, congrats

Well the main difference is that other heroes get to be part of a group of missfits that understand them or at least get a couple of friends, poor Joe had no one. His girlfriend bailed on him, his best friend raped him. He was left alone with no friends, family or job.


pre-Disney Era

Nowadays MCU producers ban leotard costumes in Marvel comics
Not to offend the dears Alonso and Kevin Feige

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Looks like we finally know who was the author of this.

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So wait, this is basically that whole Billy as Captain Marvel (Carol) thing

>pre-Disney Era
user, Dial H for Hero is a DC brand. OP's pic is a DC character.

>doesn't go hero
>just works at a stripclub and then dies

Can we campaign to put Shocking Suzie in the new Dial H book, at the very least so he can get a happy ending? even a less depressing one that the original would do.

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There is a current run of Dial H for Hero, I think? Any chance Shocking Suzy might somehow be involved in the story line?

I mean, she would still be stuck because it wouldn't be his dialer, but it would still be nice to see him back.

any chance to reach the writers through twitter?

He lost his power when the psycho got to use the dialer next.


it's almost like it's not the 80s and women don't really wear leotards any more.

it is wank bait. a chick with literal god-given superpowers has to work as a stripper? even a reddit thread could come up with better options than that.

its because TRANSFORMED isn't TRANNYFORMED. hes 100% a guy in the mind, wants to get back with his GF and such.

Not really, Joe story is a parade of suffering.
His girlfriend left him
His friend raped him
Some guys tried to kill him
Can't turn back into his real self
Doesn't have any papers so he can't find a job
Ends up working in a Stripclub and even his new powers eventually fade.

Why do you think everyone gets depressed when somebody mention him?

ftm, yes

now lets see all the pics Brie posts of herself in bathing suits and bikinis and all the other shit that is fine when she feels like it

No, Amalgam CM can turn back into Billy, Jo can't
Unless that's what happens after Rogue

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Also, some EL fanart

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What makes this story so infuriating is how everyone one else in the story got some kind of redemption or resolution.
The asshole that lost his job and family for abusing the dial became a better person, the petty thief got redeemed at the end by killing the evil Superman. But Shocking Suzie is the only character that doesn't came back she just becomes a stripper and looses her powers, the end.

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Well, technically, you know he can re-awaken her power if he is pushed to.

>women dressing themselves at home is the exact same as women presented as branded commercial products
this board gets stupider every year


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i feel like fake papers would be easy to get if you have superpowers.

probably the reason this whole story leaves a bad taste in people's mouths, its needlessly sad.

>if you have superpowers.
They faded away. Technically, he can get them back if pushed to the extreme, but he doesn't know that.

still, i think if you say you don't have papers to some local charity and you're a white woman, they'll probably assume you're an escaped beaten wife or something

You mean the publicity photos?

yes, this board does get stupider every year

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Who gives a fuck turboautist
Stop shitting up every thread with this garbage

Some moron posted a Marvel/disney/MCU complain in a DC thread, could we stop, now?

>>jerkoff gets answered to his bullshit
>>UH, who cares anyway.

Think you're conflating it with the strip club scene in the movie

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Is there a focus version?

She has a cool costume. I'd watch some football or something with him/her.

It's an user's commission
They said they would scan it but I've never seen it

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this seemingly clickbait low-brow concept for fanservice has actually managed to make me sad. what a surprisingly depressing situation

Is it just a form or is there a female consciousness in there like Firestorm?

>women don't really wear leotards any more.
Yeah they do, you never see the summer olympics?

>women don't really wear leotards any more.
of course they don't, certainly not in public.

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I can offer some of my own “marginally ok but probably not up to Yea Forums standards” fan art

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Arnt these just a verification that brie is a candle in the wind and virtual sognale for better acting gigs?

Superhero costumes are not meant to be everyday street clothes, they are meant to be flashy and larger than life.

Olympic athletes or professional wrestlers are honestly pretty good equivalents because they involve physicality as well as a need to stand out visually. And in that context, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with leotard type costumes.
People who make redesigns of superheroes in sweatpants and jackets completely miss the point of even having costumes.

Its a body transformation.

Shocking Suzi is prime grade despair-porn
The worst thing that happens to Billy-Carol is having to go to school hungover

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unless those are captain marvel undies, you're still the idiot

exactly, most superhero fashion these days is based on runway or contempary street fashion, like spider gwen's hoodie and crocs

>>unless those are captain marvel undies,

what fucking difference does that make?

If that's you original fanart, then bravo.

Hey thanks I appreciate it

>entirely contrived for maximum forced MISERY.
90% of that series was like that. Whenever there would be a happy moment, something ten times worse would happen right away

That wasn't a fucking friend.

>>Brie worried that she'll have to show skin due to the character showing skin.
>>Pic show that Brie doesn't have a problem showing skin when it's good for attention, just when she wants to complain about objectification
>>dope brings up irrelevant point about Marvels underwear for...some reason

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at least post amalgam captain marvel to be vaguely on-topic

I'm not into the super-sexualized part of it but good work even doing EL/SS art

>Moron post screencap about MCU/Disney/marvel in a thread about a DC character and series
>when pointed out, instead f deleting, keep bring topic that wasn't about what he brought forcing thread into shitpost out of nowhere
>new moron post the exact same screencap again, not realising it was exactly that that started that whole off-topic discussion

Do you get erectile pleasure out of being complete idiot? Just wondering?

meanwhile the most popular Japanese super heroine is Cutie Honey, who has Size F tits and loses all clothes when she transforms. Yet she's always rescuing incompetent men and uses her sexuality to empower herself

>>new moron post the exact same screencap again, not realising it was exactly that that started that whole off-topic discussion

I posted again TO SHOW that's what the pics were responding to you retard.

Please god, tell me some retard wrote fanfiction on the terrible plight of electro lass




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Sure, I guess you lack the mental capacities to quote your own posts.

So, just a word to you, courageous caretaker, it's nice and sweet of you to try an put in word the mawing and soundbit user try to dictate you to post here, but in the end, you are not doing anyone any favor and I think it is only worsening his condition. I think it''s best for everyone that you simply turn off his computer. You are too good for this website. Goodspeed.

>>Brie worried that she'll have to show skin due to the character showing skin.
>>Pic show that Brie doesn't have a problem showing skin when it's good for attention, just when she wants to complain about objectification.

Still haven't actually addressed this point. You've addressed everything but this, in fact

post more until he goes away

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She should try to make friends with her fellow strippers.

Fuck off and die you caps posting faggot, I haven't posted here for a decade to be lectured by some reddit transplant throwing a bitchfit like theyre a forum moderator. Eat my dick. Especially when you're making exceptions for what YOU wanna discuss. Theres /aco/ if you wanna jerk off, subhuman.

>Still haven't actually addressed this point.
And never shall we. You posted in the wrong thread to begin with. Go make a new one if you want to talk about it.

Fuck you, captain marvel is not the subject of this thread, I bumped for more Suzi

then why did you answer in the first place? Just want some (you's)

>I will call it reddit
>that will make it go away.
Is that all you have left?

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To point out how much of a moron you are to post Two time the same pic in a completely unrelated thread.

I mean, fuck, you can't even tell apart DC and Marvel. Don't even expect the least modicum amount of respect with that.

Oh I get it, you think im the other guy lol. The weebpost was my first post itt, but since you decided to be an idiot ill be sure to spam the thread when I get home

>you think im the other guy lol.
Not really. Simply calling reddit something you don't like is just scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

so then what were these, because thats what I was responding to?

Well post more of him too

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Off-topic discussions.

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so then they weren't for you so fuck off, thread sheriff

Not TG, but in the vein transformed with a power they didn't ask to, there is also Bulleteer. I'd honestly buy a comic where her and shocking Suzy form a team.

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They weren't for this thread. Nor you.

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Wow look at all the posts. Good thing you cleaned up the thread, Hoss

still an improvement.

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Whores should be killed.


That guy was a retard. He didn't have to become a stripper, just call up the Justice League or somesone and get help with making a new identity.

I don't know why girls like Jo and Alix have such a hard time just enjoying having superpowers.
>oh no I lost my job teaching autistic kids :(
But you know who I do feel sorry for? Sally.

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It is never outright stated, but I wouldn't be surprised if the JL had to deal with frequent people pretending (or believing) to have super-powers to attempt to become part of it.

Comics is lousy with shitty strawpersons of men.

This would be actually funny and get whatever comic company who was ballsy enough to to do it a fuckton of press.
Something that they do fucking anything to get now.

Hell they got that gross used up whore zoe voss who's been used as a way to murder video games.

>>oh no I lost my job teaching autistic kids :(
You have a job that you are passionate about and you can't do it anymorre, no matter what, it sucks.

Sally actually had a rough life, suffering decades of sexual abuse and forced addiction.

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Even when he lost his powers she could have reached out to someone for help. Have J'onn read his mind to see if she's lying or something. I know someone on the league can get a new social security number.

Apply those skills to your new life and help kids in need before they become the next Sally Sonic.

Honestly her best bet would probably be to go to Lois Lane with her story. Who would then tell Clark and then he could tell Batman to make her a new identity.
There are ways out of that situation other than stripping for the rest of your life.

Kind of hard when he only showed up in 4 issues and has such a depressing story that nobody could draw fanart of it.

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Think the idea was that over time Amalgam Billy turns female over time due to Amalgam Rogue/Black Alice's power sapping.

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It's not even that depressing. There was a guy in Zatanna that changed into a stripper and he begged her to not to change him back.
You guys are just bitches.

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Carol starts popping out at inopportune times like Futaba-kun

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>This one guy liked being a girl
>So this entirely different guy, should also like being a girl
That's so fucking stupid, it makes me wish I could smack people through the internet.

I can never make sense on the limits of Zatanna's powers, and the writers probably also can't. I mean, if she can pull something like that effortlessly and permanently, then she could fix pretty much everything. Why doesn't she go to an hospital and magic away the disease of every patient? Why doesn't she walk into a nursing home, and gives the elderly new young bodies?

Its not the same, Joe just wanted to get back to normal, the story even has a fakeout where he daydreams about finding the Dial and getting back with his lady.

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Incels should be killed

Having some external factor come and solve your problems doesn't make for compelling storytelling.

But look at all the positives.
>more attractive
>fantastic tits
Just look at themWhen life gives you lemons, make a lemonade.

Gods and fates would end her and her entire bloodline if she steps out of bounds.

Mortals can use their own power or the power of nature perverted like science or super genetics to manipulate

If I were a stripper with electric powers and big tits, my gimmick while doing a show would be to generate arc-lighting between my nipples.

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It wasn't that compelling of a story in the first place.

its because that isn't tranny shit
its a perfect 10/10 FEMALE AS IN WOMAN body.
fuck you all
fuck you

How is randomnly turning a man into a woman for the lulz not stepping out of bounds.

>guy tells you its not worth you doing it
>tells you you have talent and can work anywhere else

did she still have her strength at that point?
i always didn't get that shit of "i have super strength, its useful for this shit" and they won't take them.

Oh, he found a job alright, as a Stripper. Joe life is suffering.

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Don't forget about Mikey.
Jo really is just being a dumb bitch here.

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Make the best out of a bad situation. Even if he doesn't like it he didn't have to be such a moron about it.

Trust me, neither I or my dick will forget about Mikey.

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Being a stripper is fine as long as the club owner isn't a sleazebag.

If he could get a better job he wouldn't be working in construction wouldn't he?

What the hell, lets storytime Joe's parade of suffering. I like to procrastinate anyway.

Some context for the story, there is a dial that transform normal people into super heroes, its been swapping hands through the entire story and now falls in the hands of a construction worker in Gothham, there is also a guy in jail tracking down the dial, but he doesn't do much in this story.

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so a trans man

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And this is why Joe is stuck as Jo: catcalling.

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He could get a better job than being a stripper. He just needs to not be a fucking idiot.
You fucking idiot.

Even if that's the case, a deus ex machina would only make it worse.

To be fair, it was Mike the one who catcalled.

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Still rape culture.

Criminally underused character from Zatanna's supporting cast. I'm not sure if she even still exists.

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So it was on Batman's boat all this time.

And giving up like a bitch doesn't either.

That sounds painful.

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Yo, I got this in digital

H-E-R-O 013 (2004) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz
H-E-R-O 014 (2004) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz
H-E-R-O 012 (2004) (Digital) (Shadowcat-Empire).cbz

Makes sense, Mike is a rapist as we will find out.

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We can all agree those are some grade A titties right?

Cool, while they download lets finish the first issue.

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Giving up would just be killing himself. Instead he's doing what he's gotta, and we get that amusing last page as they kick his love-struck friend out of the club.

Oh, just wait, later on Joe comments exactly where she would be in a boob chart.

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Electro Lass is cute


>Drink Sober

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No he gave up. He could find something else to do. All of you are saying it's this sad depressing ending, but he didn't have to resort to that.

And yes he is the same Robby Reed from the original and new Dial H comics.

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>as they kick out his stalker rapist out of the club

I have an older Electro Lass drawing I could post as well but there’s slight visible nipple. I really enjoy drawing her costume design

cant you spoiler tag it? or upload it on imgur then link it

Back to Joe.
Now this is a good question, where do Superwomen buy their clothes?

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Custom stores. Or online. C'mon people, it's 2019, get with the times.

>doesn't know if it's a super hero or villain
>but knows she has electric powers
>grabs tit

I don't know if that makes him more a chad, or a fucking retard asking to get killed.
Maybe it's both

I kind of like her design in this panel, if that shirt was a jacked it would look good.

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It's not fulfilling work, but it's easy given how much he's making given what he has to do. Financially, he's doing fine, it's just the death of the spirit.
He behaved inappropriately, but his actions were that of someone genuinely in love. He wasn't pumping and dumping his friend.

This comic is from 04

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Diana's clothes is probably expertly tailored by the amazons while Power girl does run a material science company so lab made over the shoulder boulder holders made from Carbon nanotubes.

>what he has to do
Again, he doesn't have to do that. He could find something else. If it's really as soul crushing as you say it is he would find something else. But he's an idiot.

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>genuinely in love
The fuck is wrong with you?

like any normal huge busted woman, a place that does custom fitted clothes. its like no one even understands this and im a MAN.

Well, if he was smart enough to get a better job, he wouldn't be working in construction in the first place. Take into account he doesn't have papers either so only jobs that pay in cash and don't ask question.

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Would you guys read an electro lass comic without the TS hook?

Intelligence has nothing to do with construction. Some people just like physical work like that. And as multiple people already said there are ways to get papers, especially considering what universe he lives in.

This is the brutal reality of bodyswapping, you couldn't just sign up as a new citizen so easily, wouldn't be able to open a bank account, or rent/own any property either

Probably not no.

Why even ask for his help? What is he gonna do?

You know I can't be certain but I think this guy likes boobs

You know the real reason Zatanna keeps Mikey around, because she has a tg fetish.

Maybe in a world where weird shit like this doesn't happen everyday.

People start new lives all the time.
You ever seen coneheads? Just go to the black market.

The hook is the only thing that makes this more interesting than a generic lightning powered chick.

No I haven't, what are coneheads?

Closer to a D I think.

But would that something else pay as well as stripping? It'd be some other low-wage work just as unfulfilling.
People in love can do bad things out of that love.

But what if she was a stripper with all her hopes and dreams are dead?

Next Issue.

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A movie starring Dan Aykroyd about Aliens living the american dream.

Coneheads is a comedy movie about space aliens living like illegal aliens in 80s America, I don't think it should be used in a serious conversation on how to get a new identity.

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Yes. Idk where you got the idea that strippers make decent money. It's wildly inconsistent how much they make a night as well.

He could easily get the league to make him a new identity then just go find something else to do.

Holy fuck Mike raped her?

The implication at the end is that he is definitely making a lot of money with the kind of body he has.

DC should make their own version of Damage control, with the difference that is a company in charge of helping people after comicbooks happens.

>You say you traveled forward in time from the 40s? well better find you a place to stay and see if you have any surviving family.
>You got transformed into an electric Pamela Anderson, well lets check out your identity to so you can use your bank account and social security number again.

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It's still an inconsistent way to make money, there are periods where the best strippers don't make much money because nobody is coming in.

But the main issue is that all of you are saying it's a depressing ending. But there are definitely ways out of this situation if she really doesn't want to strip for the rest of her life.

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I'd figure some weird shit like this happens often enough that he could get help. I mean, if a bunch of things who were disfigured fighting Batman can form a team, Joe can probably find somebody who can at least rebend his gender.

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This is from like 2017 but she has so little fan art

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Catcalling is 100% good and there's even biological reasons for it.

In all seriousness only ignorant, uneducated people have problems with it.

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Like how?

Have you not been following this conversation? Two posts ago I already gave an example.

Joe is quite strong as Electro Lass, but it seem to be tied to his emotions, may the reason why he lost his powers at the end is because he is depressed.

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Must suck knowing you don't have any real friends.

He's a real friend with boundary issues.

This is an interesting conversation in how to survive if you get magically transformed into someone else. How do you get a back account, social security number and papers.

Imagine if you where to be transformed into a super powered Mexican, how would you survive? with no papers or identity.

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>real friend
It's straight up revealed later on he drugged her.

Friends don't rape each other.

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I can't believe Mike Stoklasa did this.

If I live in the DCU I'm finding a Lois Lane or Linda Park type. Someone who could get me in touch with the League.

Or if I still have my powers just do a bunch of crimes in Metropolis because Superman is a nice guy and would at least give me a chance to explain myself. And then just work my way from there.

It's not even remotely difficult for his situation. It's just handled stupidly.

This world has fucking SUPERMAN, remember? You literally just go visit him and explain it and everything is taken care of for you.

There's no malice in it. Straight and gay alike can take advantage of a drunk friend they're into, but that doesn't mean they don't like them.

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Who know what happens when he's blackout.

The DC Universe would be a boring place if Superman solved everyone's problem.

I want to breed Jo

Shut up idiot. It's more productive than what he actually ended up doing, i.e nothing at all.

>Do a bunch of petty crimes
>Get the Metropolis P.D. on your ass
>Sent to a women's prison for metahumans
>End up getting gangbanged by a bunch of muscular supervillains while Livewire points and laugh every night
This is kinda the worst fetish to have. So much potential. So little content

Ha, that's literally the plot of the first arc of this book

>End up getting gangbanged by a bunch of muscular supervillains while Livewire points and laugh every night
God I wish that was me

>There's no malice in it. Straight and gay alike can take advantage of a drunk friend they're into, but that doesn't mean they don't like them.
user I don't think that explanation would work with your friend or in a court of law.

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Well your are tackling the problem from the perspective of a person who know all this stuff. Think it as someone who only know this super heroes by watching the new. What makes you think Superman, the guy that can fly and lift heavy stuff knows any way to help you?

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>muscular supervillains
What like Rampage or something? There aren't any guys at a women's prison.

The point is that there are multitudes of options for Jo. Hell, just be a supervillain and rob banks. Worst case scenario is you fight a superhero who you can explain your sobstory to.

It's like you can't read
>drugged her
He put something in the drink, it wasn't just beer.

>What makes you think Superman, the guy that can fly and lift heavy stuff knows any way to help you?
C'mon dude...

Yeah, slow death of the spirit. He lost his gf, his job, everything about his old self, he has nothing to live for but basic survival in the place where the story leaves him.
Well yeah, what he did certainly wasn't right or legal.


AGP (autogynephiliac), not trutrans.


You guys got the opportunity of writing AN ENTIRE ARC where a canon DC character/s get genderbended.


The only rule is that it's not an alternative AU, the character must be transformed in canon

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I'd like more stories where heroes help people in those situations out

Or with a bomb in your head, Because a fat lady from Washington wants you for her cover operation.

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I would genderswap Hal and Guy.


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Incredible thirst can result in bad judgement calls.

There's plenty to live for, being a woman isn't the end of the world. But he doesn't even try.

Hasn't Guy already gone through a genderbend before?

Now we're talking.

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Depression's like that.

Could you imagine a sequel to this story where Jo not only doesn't change back, but his situation gets increasingly worse to the point where she gets raped in prison?

That already happened in both cases.

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Superman is known for being the nicest guy on Earth. The public loves him for that. He would be everyone's go-to guy if they needed help, because it's very likely he would try to help if he could.
There's also Flash who is beloved by the public for similar reasons.

Oh yeah, back in his Warrior phase.

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At least he didn't became a black girl with electrical powers, Being a woman is hard enough.

He kind of looks like Joe's wife.

You posting the rest of the comic chief?

Tim Drake and I genuinely think it would improve the entire character.
>we get a legitimate Girl Robin
>can scissor with Steph
>can finally get impregnated with Kon's seed

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Only this storyarc, you can read the rest at

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Vic Sage. I don't even know if it would bother him that much desu but it sounds like it'd be really funny.

Thanks user, you're the real hero

>his situation gets increasingly worse to the point where she gets raped in prison?
What is this a hentai?

Done and Done. And yes, Hal was the Spectre on to of becoming a woman.

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Nice ass! Why dontcha come shitpost on my lap?

>I don't know what I'm gonna do
Just be a superhero you dumb biiitch.

Got a better image?

This was a real thing? What issue was this? I thought that one artist just made that up.

>Use hero device
>Suddenly you end up to be Mike Stoklasa
Did we ever get a manual on how this device works and powers and look?

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Superman, it's been done more than once but not recently.

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Judd Winick's first Batman arc.

Batman 626

>This time, we'll be ready!
Fucking dumbasses.

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I can guess what will happen to the wife.

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Mike should just kill himself.

Nothing more despicable than a bro rape apologist.

This story would've been better if it wasn't just some sardonic riff on guys that catcall

This is the best I could find, maybe some Halfag has a better picture.

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For Marvels Janet Van Dyne tailors them.

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Its just karma plot.
But you are right that its very strawmen-y. If he lived with her together, he knows not to order from victoria secret. it would have been better if he counters " i mean not to have to try it on in the shop" or from start would say "i thought we order it, like victorias secret" - She: "They only have lingery, you know its not comfortable as all-day wear"

Sorry for the wait, I had technical issues.

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>I'm a guy
Those boobs and ass says otherwise.

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Attached: H-E-R-O 014-004.jpg (1988x3056, 1.39M) Mike /ourguy/?

I'd be he(r) bro and we'd play games and watch movies

Tomboys are the ultimate straight man choice...

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Just jump

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This isn't even a confirmation of daterape, he's making an assumption, possibly to avoid any feeling of responsibility himself.

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This series literally was moment of misery porn after moment of misery porn

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What were you expecting to happen?

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Martha Kent made a few of Supergirl's. But she doesn't have an ample enough chest to need anything special accommodations

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Amy's kind of a cunt to abandon Joe like that.

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She just didn't have the nerve to survive all that hero business.

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Welp, that the end of the story, Happy ending after all... hope you liked it.

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God damn it Pfiefer, you cruel shit

C'mon Storyteller. We're adults. We can take it.

Well now that the storytime is definitely 100% over we can post images again
What is it about Earth-2 that made her so stacked?

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Fine, fine, lets reality hits us like a hammer.

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Sorry about that, I was joking, just 4 more pages to go.

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why user....You really could have ended there and i would have believed you

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more milk, sunlight and MILK

Interesting how Joe still doesn't want to do lap dances even if he need the money.

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He aint gay

Honestly, Mike is one of the reasons this is so depressing.

And thats is the end, for real this time.

And with Mike being kick out of the club only one question arise. What kind of stripclub has the money to pay a giant billboard to advertise a single stripper?

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Really he probably could've made tons as a 'lesbian' escort.
But author has despair fetish.

T-theres a follow up right? Where Joe meets wonderwoman and she helps him out r-right?

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Back in my youth I'd see billboards for local strip clubs on trips into the city. They wouldn't advertise a single girl, but Suzi is this club's biggest draw so of course they would.


>suzi dies off panel

That's how good of a stripper jo is.

In the new Dial-H everyone is getting powers, lets pretend that event causes him to get back to normal off screen.

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We could ask for a better ending in the drawthread.

Amy gets the dial, becomes a muscle man and then comes back for joe. apologizing and they hug and cry and find a new life together.

>Joe & Billy team up after Billy uses his superform to check out Joe's stripclub

I like how you think.

There's a million blue collar labor jobs that pay under the table and hire lesbians, I sell beer to these people every day. Jo had options, and stripping isnt even that bad depending on location.


It's because she was a retard, literally were hundreds of different avenues she could have taken and went for the dumbest one

Joe literally thought women only shop at Victoria's Secret it makes sense he's retarded enough to see stripping as his only option.

She doesn't actually appear in the montage of dead dial users, so there's a chance that they just forgot she existed

He lost his powers.
Got raped by his best friend.
Has no identity or way to prove who he is.
Only work he would qualify for is going to expire as soon as he starts showing wrinkles.
In the world of DC (and real life in general) blondes with tits are dime a dozen. So unless he wants to enter hardcore porn his life is pretty much just going to be debasing himself.

Nah, it was officially confirmed by the writer.

no social security number

there really isn't that much she could do.

The reason why Joe is so tragic is that being a super villain doesn't occur to him at all. He really is a good person but got fucked over in 2 days

you guys are thinking realistically in a world full of demons wizards and superhumans

In this verse where people literally come back from the dead, giving up and becoming a stripper is the most pants on head retarded choice you could make

Idk why but I just really want more of this fetish in non porn comics like I'm hungry for stories like these where a character has completely lost their identity and has to hold onto the parts of themselves they can keep while the parts they cant are stripped away from them

>…"Ladies Free"?! Holy moley!

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I am writing a comic like this.
It should be out next year.

On a scale from 1 to Shocking Suzie, how big would Billy be?

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She appeared on the cover of the final issue, but wasn't mentioned after the three-issue story.

Suzi/Jo is alive somewhere, waiting for the right story and/or writer.

What's it called?

Working title was C-NT, but I have changed it a few times.
It's a mix between SHAZAM! and Captain Marvel, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Silver Age Green Lantern, plus quite a few anime. (And in case you ask, I started writing this long before the Billy/Carol threads started.)

Good luck in your project user.

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is marvel's lewdity tied to billy's innocence? if so then fucking norma stitz level

Please explain how fake papers are gotten with super powers. You might as well say you can get them if you pack enough UZIs and nades.

Only unrealistic thing about the story in its given setting is that he doesn't think to visit a super scientist for help. But given that he is supposed to be a blue collar worker who had all his friends abandon him, it makes sense he wouldn't think about that shit.

>it makes sense he wouldn't think about that shit.
No it doesn't you elitist prick. Just because you're a blue collar worker doesn't make you an oblivious idiot.

Immigrants do just fine.

It could have been worse, She could have become a black woman and be double screwed.

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>Only work he would qualify for is going to expire as soon as he starts showing wrinkles.
That is bullshit. Jo could have went back to construction or be a waitress or anything really.

user, someone was kind enough to storytime the comic. Your ignorance has no excuse at this point. Furthermore it wasn't a knock to his IQ or class.

Prior to the dail, the story is setting up that things were going good for him and he for the most part kept his nose out of the super world. He may have read the papers of superman doing X or JL stopping Y, but its pretty fucking clear from the story he minds his own business and kicks it back with his girl and friend.

Come the dail and the other shit, its pretty clear he isn't going to think what nerds would first.

Hopefully its just your penis thinking and not the fact you need every fucking nuance of a story spelled out for you. Flip side, its still open ended so maybe he does get the idea one day to visit STAR labs or something.

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smaller boobs, bigger butt.

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Lets think on a real life metaphor, imagine you get some weird decease that normal Hospitals can't handle. Can you name a on the top of your head a lab that can cure you? Would they even accept you if you walked on them asking for help?

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No identification papers means hes pretty much fucking his way into those jobs and at the mercy of whoever hires him. But maybe I'm being too much of a downer thinking that people will happily exploit a down on her luck 10/10 with no way to prove who they are, what country they belong to, and in desperate need for money.

Construction would be interesting. He would have to develop a thick skin while working his ass off to make management positions and show that he still knows his stuff. Shit story is practically SJW bait all over it.

>Can you name a on the top of your head a lab that can cure you?
Mayo clinic but also why wouldn't I even try? I'm not even gonna try?

I still like billow boobs Billy better, but I can see what you mean.

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>No identification papers
That's what the black market is for. Normal everyday people do this all the time.

>Billy charges up Jo with his lightning & gets him on a superteam

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Is the chick in the calendar suppose to be Darna?

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I need all the luck I can get.
And I promise that when it comes out, you'll realize that is seems like something a Yea Forumsmmrad would publish, but (hopefully) in a good way.

Still stacked, just not at Joe's level, so he can be the jaded mentor
>Your lightning bolt's not even bare, kid!

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>Billy lighting short circuit both
>Joe turns into a little kid
>Billy becomes a Captain Suzie.

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Tony Stark. Currently, he's a digital resurrection of the original, and it would be fun exploring his sense of "Self" by having Pymtron return them to a Janet-Extremis body. Particularly since he's currently dating her.

Wait, did Zatanna transformed two different dudes into the same girl? because they look pretty similar. Does Zatanna has a secret crush in Black Canary and subconsciously transform her boyfriends into bimbo version of Dinah?

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>completely oblivious Billy getting bills stuffed in his thigh highs
This seems like a good place to ask but is all the Shazam-flavor stuff in the new Dial H series new? Like the old wizard and the secret hideout?

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>Guy tries to slap Billy on the ass
>Is Electrocuted instinctually from Billy's shock

Fair enough. Feels like becoming a decently-attractive woman would open up a lot more opportunities besides stripping

>Innocent Billy not aware to guys advances and jaded Joe protecting her of all the horny guys. I could read this
Who would want to go to a stripclub where all the girls are electrically charged?

>This seems like a good place to ask but is all the Shazam-flavor stuff in the new Dial H series new? Like the old wizard and the secret hideout?
Not really, the New 52 version had a place similar to the base of the Operator but it was used differently from the new book.

built in insurance that they LOOK and DONT TOUCH

Which issue?


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>I'm not complaining, I'm just saying

Well I made a thing.

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The Specter run from 2003. Hal transformed into a bunch of version of himself, including various chicks and other weird creatures.

That's actually Black Canary herself.


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Are these words even in any common use, these days?

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you aren't from the United Kingdom

what issue is this?

I hail from North Somalia, formerly known as Sweden.

Super comics are generally from the US, however, and I haven't heard many people use lad or lass there.

Haven't kept up with DC for a long ass time but surely the last few universe reboots now mean that Joe is just Joe now?

>bf gets turned into a woman with superpowers and desperately needs help
>abandon them immediately
Fucking hell Amy.

Smetimes you cant handle reality!

>>abandon them immediately
You have a strange notion of how time work. Either that or you don't know the meaning of the word.

So is anybody going to write or draw a sequel to this where Joe gets a happy ending? You're all telling me that you can create Golden Girl but can't give our man Joe here a better ending?

It wouldn't be canon.

In a world where Bendis gets to do whatever he wants to whatever character he wants, rewriting decades of continuity to make characters gay and leading to confusion about whether characters are or are not black, does the word canon really have any meaning anymore?

It means published by DC, for Electric Lass

One can hope, he is still living with his girlfriend and hopefully realized how much of a scumbag Mike is.
But Joe is made for suffering, so the universe probably rebooted his story to make it extra sad.

And accidentally saying the word when she's getting fucked. No one wants to see Captain America or Iron Man or who have you balls deep in a teenage boy.

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Ok, this has potential, what kind of new adventures would Billy and Joe have? Is Billy trying to help him get back into his own body?

Also here is an interesting question. What would happen if Billy used the H-Dial and then said Shazam!?
Would he become a Shazam version of the hero he became or just normal Shazam? And what if it was his hero persona the one who used the dial, would Billy turn into a kid version of the dial hero?

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No female character is still allowed to be drawn like this nowadays :(
Why did liberals habe to ruin comics so much?

but that's false.
OP's pic is not female.

>Why did liberals habe to ruin comics so much?
It's not the liberals.

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Considering she went from literally wearing lingerie to your pic, I'll say the point still stand.

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Vicky sure did get some very VERY slutty superheroines out of the dial.

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No himbos, though?

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That’s a fun look and most likely less depressing than Joe’s adventure.

There was an old lady who used the device to become hot, but you only see and old picture of her hero form, looked pretty stacked though.

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Is Vicky the lady that rats out Robby to the police? Because she was kind of a bitch in that story.

Are you asking for bimbos or complaining about bimbos?

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