I'm fucking dying of laughter.
I'm fucking dying of laughter
this is the best Marvel book this week
Shall I just assume that Context won't help?
It's Punisher travelling on the rainbow bridge in a car, wearing a viking helmet, in a car pulled by a giant war goat.
This is Hal-is-the-Highest-man-alive levels of ludicrous.
Absolutely incredible
Now this is perfect image.
Kind of reminds me of that fun Thor run with laser sharks and elf cowboys that came out right before they ruined him for a few years.
As much as I enjoy gritty, (semi) realistic, more down to earth Frank, I also love ridiculously insane comic book bullshit Frank as well.
Is that snarler or grinder?
Duggan is Marvel’s best writer, not any Ewing
That has to be one of Thor's chariot driving goats.
There's enough space in the Marvel landscape for more great writers, user.
Anyone but Cates and Aaron, though.
Punisher is so daddy.
What the fuck is even happening in Kill Krew?
I need to start reading that thing, this looks awesome.
But what happened to Tanngrisnir?
I think one of the goats permadied, pretty sure Jason Aaron might be responsible fo rit.
>a being that Thor would eat and then resurrect each night using his hammer gets a permadeath
Not same user, but last time i saw the goat, it was in Valhalla, can't really remember what happened afterwards.
I guess the bones got fucked up.
You mean that shitty Aaron run where he wanted to write DND the comic?
Still can’t forgive Dugan for what he did to Golden Galactus.
savage avengers is "meh" so far. waiting for it to pick up the pace. conan swinging wolverine was fun though.
I mean, one of them in Norse canon has a lame hind leg from having the marrow sucked from one of its bones after being eaten.
I think his higher ups made him to do it. Its like any other events. Higher ups will give a checklist to do in the event for new books. Or for movie synergy.
Toothgnasher and Grinder
And if that lingers after some punk just snapped open a bone, imagine what would happen if something actually destructive hit it.
Thor probably retired the other one to Valhalla.
I too saw that video
>thinking everyone gets their knowledge from youtube videos(I assume) just because you did
What's even the point of your post?
His parents were killed by the Invisible Man? (To be fair, this could be an actual possibility.)
>I'm fucking dying of laughter.
I bet you like Deadpool too.
A serious character suddenly being drawn by a goat down a rainbow bridge is nothing like a comedy character doing various comedic shit, you autist.
>Not having an encyclopedic knowledge of Norse religious belief acquired through years of studying the Eddas in the original Old Icelandic
baka famalam
>actually calling them Norse instead of Vikings
Oh shit, this guy's legit.
Did Thor ever offer his Goats to the Avengers and then revive them in front of the others when they were done feasting?
>No fun allowed
I bet you think Tom King is legit high-tier literature.
>Thor invites the gang to a BBQ
>Tony makes a joke about not knowing there was going to be a petting zoo, while scratching one goat behind the ear
>"Mirthful as ever, friend Tony, but wait until thou tasteth them!"
>quickly slashes their throats and begins skinning and butchering them in expert fashion, since he's done it literally millions of times
>everyone gets to eat their goatburgers while seeing the grass filled with grass and the skins stretched between some trees further down the yard
>they're delicious