Will this ever be reopened for registration?
Will this ever be reopened for registration?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm pretty sure every booru has closed registrations now.
It's because they all got flooded with hundreds of bots spamming comments, fucking up tags, and uploading shit images.
It’s gone?
Fuck that place I tried uploading content and was permabanned
Still there, it's just the registration is closed. Which sucks, because I have a bunch of old unposted pics on my HD I've been needing to upload, but I can't.
>mfw I spammed the booru
feels good
I bet you're also the jackass who got mod powers a few years ago and deleted all of the Hope Corgi pics.
post them here, someone could upload them for you, unless they are nsfw
If he does post them in this thread then he'd better also post ALL the tags each image would have.
Tagging shit on boorus is a massive time sink.
You just can't register anymore
What can be a sign from some sites that they intend to shut down
>not saving everything you liked already
Post them here, or on plus4chan if they are NSFW or /coc/ related.
Registration on the Yea Forums, /d/, BQ and other boorus has been closed for months ever since that massive bot spam.
I assume this was a blanket fix down by the booru staff to prevent rampant bot spam and the only way to undo it for for the individual booru admins to either change something in the booru settings or contact booru staff.
hoarding is not my style.
i appreciate the moment
it won't reopen cause the guys who run it are total asses
Does anyone have a downloadable archive for the pics in the boorus? Can you get shit like, download everything off of one tag into a zip?
Wasn't registration originally closed because some dickweed got pissy about the drawthreads and started deleting hundreds of images in retaliation?
I'm pretty sure there were, among other things, a lot of Callie images (Caturday was one of the things that triggered them) deleted during that spree which were never restored along with a bunch of other stuff that was but was deleted anyway because "there was no way to prove it came from Yea Forums." Seems like there was a lot of stuff from the old Adventure Time drawthreads that fell under that.
No, that was when everyone got editing powers revoked, registration was still possible up to about 2 months ago.
And most of the AT drawthread stuff never made it onto the booru in the first place despite a huge archive of threads being available. It's just too much work sifting through all of that.
Registration was still enabled around a year ago, but new accounts can't upload or edit tags so it was already pointed.
It closed because SUfags kept spamming dozens of duplicate images of their show during one of /sug/'s organized raids.
Im the admin of many boorus one of them being Star Vs booru, we have being having spammer issues in the whole booru.org network though our registration is open since a while ago
It was probably stupid porn shit that's currently ruining Yea Forums
It was Snake and Mouse from Fish Hooks fan art
One of the major problems with the Yea Forums booru is the uploaders and admins don't really communicate with each other anymore, so it's up to each one to figure things out, and toes are often tread over uploads, with things occasionally deleted without a reason given. There are no real answers to anything.
Good luck asking anything on the forum too, it gets deleted.
was it originally made in this board
>It was probably stupid porn shit that's currently ruining Yea Forums
And tha's how I can tell you are a newfag. Stupid porn shit is what always made Yea Forums great. fucking Palcomix made a free comic for us back in the day.
That looks like shit. No wonder they banned you.
that's fucking hilarious.
is there a pic like this with every single waifu-of-the-week hitting on Yea Forumsnrad? I swear I've seen like a dozen of them.
>Cumbrain revisionist history
Yea Forums used to be a top 5 board in terms of traffic too. I wonder why everyone left.
>drags his fucking Yea Forumsermin meme up as an argument
>Yea Forumsmblr not laughted at by everyone and the reason why nobody cares about it
the absolute state of this board
Probably shouldn't poke the incel too hard, he might go shoot up a Walmart or an ICE office.
Yea Forums has gotten much stricter over past ~5 years or so, cracking down on Yea Forums-related content and drawthreads , in the meantime allowing shit like threads discussing MCU actresses to run wild. No wonder people have been leaving this board.
Because this decade has been worse to comics than the 90s, and with the live action movies getting all the cash and focus, it is questionable if we'll even have another decade for things to become better.
holy shit this. Ten years ago, pretty much every thread was a drawthread, someone posted a good idea and 5 minutes later it was drawn. I remember the original Chaptor and Yea Forumslette threads, they were glorious.
having everything in General threads was a horrible, horrible idea.
Oh really? I contribute to another booru and have been noticing a lot of porn bot spam for the last week or so. Sporadically in the past few months too. No comments or tag editing that I've noticed though. Hopefully booru admins can figure it all out.
Don't forget when a drawfag actually tries to contribute anons tell him to go fuck off
That's because you spent the middle of the decade pushing garbage OC like breastquest and coco. Also you guys keep giving faggots like ColdFushion attention.
Get a clue
Are the admins of the Yea Forumsllection active? Tell them to email [email protected] and ask for them to reenable registration. Or if the admins are all AWOL, ask one of the mods to email the booru.org staff for a promotion.
There's 4 or 5 and they do upload, but most uploaders don't really interact. My assumption is they might see this thread, though.
>cumbrain isn't filtered
how to spot a tumblr embassy board
Ugh. Fine. Just couldn't let me dump and run like everyone else, could you?
Power_Girl DC
batman superman dc parody
optimus_prime transformers
doctor_doom marvel squirrel_girl coelasquid
spider-man domino deadpool black_cat marvel
By the way, if anyone can chime in with mentioning the artist who made these if I don't already have them listed, that would be great.
empowered elissa_megan_powers superman kal-el dc image crossover
squirrel_girl marvel crossover radioactive_man the_simpsons
us_agent marvel
joker batman bruce_wayne dc
storm thor x-men avengers marvel
tony_stark pepper_pots iron_man marvel
pepper_pots rescue iron_man marvel geers
knuckles dr._robotnik sonic_the_hedgehog sega parody
Nearly everything in the channel-tan booru was randomly hidden and reuploaded after the shitshow guy trying to run everything dipped because of how hard that 2 month hiatus failed
doctor_manhattan nite_owl silk_spectre rorschach ozymandias watchmen dc power_rangers parody
rorschach watchmen dc parody
iron_man tony_stark war_machine james_rhodes marvel
rorschach doctor_manhattan watchmen dc
ozymandias bubastis watchmen dc parody calvin_and_hobbes
storm thor x-men avengers marvel
ghost_rider marvel kamen_rider parody
cyclops marvel parody flyclops
Think I'm going to bow out for now, as it is starting to get a bit excessive. Going to leave off with a classic I can't believe has never been posted to the booru.
If this thread is still around and I find any other forgotten goodies, I'll post those too.
The edgy tryhard invasion from plebbit is real. I wish that site would die already