>There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Queen of England. This is the real world, and you need to wake up.
Is he right Yea Forums?
>There is no Easter Bunny, there is no Tooth Fairy and there is no Queen of England. This is the real world, and you need to wake up.
Is he right Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>and there is no such thing as the Tiananmen Square Massacare
>And there's no such thing as the Armenian genocide
I mean why would the Chinese government lie about it not being true. That would be a wrong thing to do.
>and there is no maximum occupancy in a japanese subway
>Gets tired of the monotony of fighting Megamind and quits
>New villain with a different power set and a more unpredictable personality shows up
>"lol whatever u can be a hero too!"
What was his problem? He finally got what he wanted and he still gives up.
>Santa isn't real and Jesus did not happen
Hey a movie that was able to play guns and roses and still be a good movie is okay in my book
>Jeffrey Epstein wasn't killed to cover up for the other rich pedos.
>After researching
>There was no Jesus and likely no God
>Life feels completely empty and hopeless now
>Wish I just stayed as a Christian
At least you didn't have get your ass tore apart by priest to lose your faith.
Because he didn't want to be the hero everyone relied on, he wanted to be a carefree musician. Being a hero wasn't what he ultimately wanted, and that's what he got tired of.
I actually just finished watching this movie. Megaman a cutie
Yeah, but if the Queen of England were real she'd come to Yea Forums and kick all your asses.
>>There was no Jesus and likely no God
What kind of reddit-tier fedora articles have you been reading? The consensus among scholars is that he did exist, and there's pretty tangible evidence for God as well.
That was a man named Jesus but had nothing to do with the actual Jesus, dude
You're more likely to be abused by a teacher or a doctor than a priest. And the same people who act outraged by decades-old allegations against priests are the same ones enabling gay pedophilia.
>That was a man named Jesus but had nothing to do with the actual Jesus, dude
Says who? Some lefty revisionist?
Awww, how tough could she be?
Are saying that I would deliberately lie on anonymous internet board about being raped by priest to get a little attention?
Bring it on, I got my gun to get the King outta my face , what’s the Queen gonna do? Eat crumpets?
I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
>And there was no Rape of Nanking
What the fuck?
The queen would be dead by now if it weren't for the wealth keeping her alive and the blood of young girls she kidnaps.
I saw that video too.
The swans and the Corgis are obviously the key to her immortality.
In two months he will be correct. The monarch of England will be a king.
Little known fact: British food is so bland because the raw power boosts you gain from eating it overrides the flavor. Don't fuck with Queen Liz during or after tea time.
How powerful was he exactly?
Even death is afraid of approaching ye olde royal swans
Doing something you hate for long enough will burn anyone out. At no point did anyone offer to do anything for Metroman, they just expected him give and whatever he gave was never enough. He didn't hate Megamind, he hated not having a life of his own and there is no reason to think he gave up being a hero for good just because he took a break from it.
>Bother was watching this recently
>Megamind always mispronounces words
>despite trademarking the name Titan, he mispronounces it by saying Tighten
I never would have known this if I didn't see the movie with subtitles.
>and there are no crummy Pokémon creatures
Richard Dawkings has had sex with more little boys on Epstein's island than any priest has.
When I was watching this today, I thought the Tighten was a mistake at first until it kept showing up, and then I understood.
No known weaknesses, and could move faster than light with great ease.
Frankly he's just a lazy cunt and just didn't find any joy in crimefighting period at that point.
And probably could've easily put Tighten in his place. Hell Tighten even immediately surrendered when he thought he first showed up.
and there is no Ben Garrison
>and there is no way wooden doors could hold in gas.
He didn't want to be a hero, he wanted to be a musician. Like Megamind, he was typecast into a role he had no way of fighting.
We clearly see that law enforcement is so strong that Megamind's harmless theatrics are the only thing he has to worry about. Life is so good that Megamind has to accidentally create a super-villain to fight, and that that point it's obvious to Musicman that Megamind wants to be the hero and has the potential to clean up his own mess.
Replace a few words in that monologue, and you've got something that could've been wheeling in Brad Pitt's mind at the time.
I wasn't raise with any religious stuff growing up and I didn't even have an opinion on it until like 7th grade. Sometimes I wish I could jive with the whole Christianity thing cause believing in an afterlife seems dope, but I just don't see myself buying into it.
It's pretty hard to find an afterlife belief that really sounds great, to be honest.
Give it a shot, user! What's the harm in doing so?
why didn't he just help? like one last time?
There is more than enough material evidence for the divinity of Christ. The shroud of Turin has been verified as authentic, then there are Eucharistic miracles like That and pure materialism is increasingly untenable and is totally unable to explain consciousness.
his ramble about incels was so fucking cringie.
>The shroud of Turin has been verified as authentic
By non-Christians? You keep posting very explicitly Christian websites without seemingly realizing it.
There was a prophet named Jesus. Everyone from historians to the Jewish and Muslims agree on this. The Bible does narrate some events that really did happen.
However, everything about "miracles" and "God talking to X" and "God made the universe" is completely unfounded and there is no evidence to any of it.
I don't understand the complaint. If you proved the divinity of Christ wouldn't it logically follow that you become a Christian? All of the studies were done by secular universities and labs if that's what you're asking.
>flying to a TED Conference
Don't be retarded user.
>However, everything about "miracles" and "God talking to X" and "God made the universe" is completely unfounded and there is no evidence to any of it.
I just posted evidence of miracles it in this thread.
A majority of scholars also believe believe in the post resurrection appearances, but have no natural explanation for it.
>here's pretty tangible evidence for God as well.
So you believe in magic?
A lot happened on that plain.
I believe in that which is tangible. How else would you account for a communion wafer turing into living cardiac tissue apart from divine action?
Weird how none of the "studies" or "evidence" are ever found by third parties. And by "weird" I mean that those "studies" are as fake as the crying Virgin Mary statues.
If that happened, yes it would be divine intervention. But it didn't happen.
They're all by third parties, user. None of them are down by the church, but by independent labs. By definition, that is what third party means.
It clearly did happen if the lab did a study and reported on the results.
Yes, and all the "third party" studies founded by Marlboro Inc. That didn't find any link between tobacco and respiratory issues are also real.
>Low effort shitposting thread turns into Christianfags using faulty "research" to justify their mental disability
What an odd change of pace.
In the case of the Buenos Aires miracle, the examining forensics experts did not know it was originally a host.
Tip harder, faggot.
I've seen the thumbnail for that vid.
I'm guessing he isnt the type of guy to go
"subversive masterpiece.....for a kids movie"
Any links on, say, pubmed?
did she win?
when's the pool party?
Truly fascinating.
Like studying an ape in it's natural habitat.
>no proof that it was actually found in 1996
>no proof that it didn't decompose in 3 years
>autopsy reveals the heart was under stress, as if the original host was beaten on the chest before being cut open
>the writer bends himself over to deny that possibility and explain it as a miracle
Wew lad. Using a "miracle" as an alibi for torture and murder. Stay classy, Vatican.
I can prove to you that tobacco is good for your health. Just visit marlboro.com.
>I don't understand the complaint.
I am asking for unbiased research with full transparency, not clickbait articles from Christian websites.
What evidence do you have that they switched samples? Or that the Vatican had someone killed for the sake of faking a test? Heart tissue doesn't live longer than a few minutes outside the body.
>Christian website
Here are the original text results from a book I have on the subject.
cannot be thought that officials in the Church had authorized the torture and death of a male with AB blood type (the same as on the Shroud of Turin and the Facecloth of Oviedo), opened his chest while he was still alive (after torturing him), and removed the tissue from his beating heart.
Because some fedoras in Argentina already accused them and the cops didn't think it was credible.
I don't have evidence that they switched samples, so I'm not claiming they swtiched samples. Likewise there is no evidence that the sample was found in 1996, didn't decompose for three years or that it came from a waffer; so you shouldn't claim any of it.
The consensus is not that Jesus of Nazareth existed, and in fact no physical evidence if his existence has ever been found including a grave or a home. The only evidence if Jesus' existence is in texts written long after his supposed death.
The shroud of turin was found to be a fake decades ago.
There is nothing special about consciousness that "defeats" macro determinism
>Likewise there is no evidence that the sample was found in 1996,
Eyewitness testimony from multiple parties.
>hey a Megamind thread! I loved that mov—
Historians and other religions beg to differ. Jesus of Nazareth did exist. Whether or not he was the Messiah, came back from the death and performed miracles is what's being contested.
this guys videos are always either 'X is a subversive masterpiece' or 'X is painfully average'
>The consensus is not that Jesus of Nazareth existed,
Even Bart Ehrman concedes that he existed, user.
A lie. Nobody love Megamind. It's bad even by Dreamworks standards.
Again: the consensus is not "jesus of nazareth was real." There are only historical accounts of his existence and no physical evidence. No family home, no place in the tombs, nothing but his name in ancient "historical" texts. The same texts that corroborate other ancient lies we've only recently corrected, like the idea of jews as a captive slave class in Egypt
>eyewitnesses supposedly witnessed a miracle
>instead of taking photos, a sample and/or publicly announcing their finding they decide to throw it away in a drawer somewhere for three years
This is highly implausible.
But Megamind is one of the better DreamWorks movies user.
Nah it was funny and had a unique plot, especially for the time it was released. Maybe not flawless but I enjoyed it nonetheless
Got a belly laugh out of me.
Thanks user.
Miracle investigation is a very slow process, as is any forensic investigation. You're also deliberately ignoring the fact that it was photographed and documented for the first several weeks before being archived for later testing.
Eyewitness accounts are worthless
There's no evidence anything in the account of the BA eucharistic miracle ever happened
>no physical evidence
The Ossuary of James
>Eyewitness accounts are worthless
Not in court. The sample was extensively documented and labelled. There's no reasonable reason to believe it was lost.
Why are atheists always flippant retards?
>t. Shark Tale fan
>not in court
Yes in court. Eyewitness accounts are worse than dog shit and mean nothing without physical evidence.
>the sample was documented and labelled there's no reason to assume it was lost
If it ever even existed in the first place, a piece of never-decomposing flesh is pretty powerful evidence to keep locked away for no reason. You'd have to be some kind of gullible to believe someone saying "just trust me you don't need to see for yourself"
I wish everyone was taught critical thinking skills and not just Jews. You all get fooled so easily.
I never said I was an atheist but "tangible evidence" is truly the peak of believing in fairy tales.
I mostly just don't get the point in "one true faith" religions.
Considering your posts I'm gonna go on an assumption that you're Christian, so out of curiosity what's your response to my go to question.
What if you weren't a Christian? What if for example you were brought up a Buddhist?
Would you even care about Jesus at all? Answer truthfully if you're able to.
>a piece of never-decomposing flesh is pretty powerful evidence to keep locked away for no reason.
There are plenty of reasons. Locking it away keeps it from being lost or stolen.
>I wish everyone was taught critical thinking skills and not just Jews
Now I see what's going on, Rabbi.
>You all get fooled so easily.
Says the guy making Vatican murder conspiracies.
>"tangible evidence" is truly the peak of believing in fairy tales.
user, do you know what tangible means?
Just completely ignoring the question entirely to instead misunderstand a different part of the post. Well done.
Gonna answer the question though?
>there are plenty of reasons not to definitively prove god's existence to the entire world or let it be properly documented by third parties and modern technology, the proof might get lost or stolen!
How can you drink this kool-aid it doesn't even have any sugar in it.
Put a thought in your head, boy-o.
>why are athiests always mean and flippant with me
>tries to convince people god exists by linking fucking "reasontobelieve.com" and talking about the eucharistic miracle instead of actual philosophical arguments
Gee, it's a fucking mystery.
Your question was a complete non-sequitur.
Nigger, I gave you the original lab results.
They documented the sample in the first few weeks and then had it analyzed in a lab when the opportunity presented itself. What's the problem?
> the proof might get lost or stolen!
That's a legitimate concern, you mongrel faggot.
Technically speaking, there is no longer a Queen of England as the title is now the Queen of the United Kingdom.
And two years later, DreamWorks made a movie which had the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.
No, you showed me a bunch of random pictures claiming that a wafer turned into tissue in 1996, then was held for three years with no word because ???, then was tested once (and just trust us bruv the results said it was real) and never seen again.
The claim that it's a piece of flesh that does not decay by itself is all that's needed to throw everyone for a loop, but it's not shown at every possible instance? Why? The reason is obvious: it's fucking fake.
If you can't read between the lines here you're kind of a moron.
Think about it logically for a second.
If you were born to a different family with different beliefs you would believe different things and thus you would never get into heaven because instead you'd believe you were going to be reincarnated or whatever.
So why believe in Jesus at all if your chance at believing in him was pure random chance?
If you believe you're better than others for being born a christian that makes you a bad person undeserving of heaven anyway.
>guys, guys, I have absolute 100% proof that god is real
>Ok let's see it
>NO! It might get stolen or something! Here, look at these pictures taken over two decades ago, some of which are three years apart
>see? Blood. It's a piece of Jesus's heart that can't decay.
>It can't decay? So it still looks like this? Can I see it?
>just believe kthx
I got no idea what this is
But the character looks like it could be from Rock it Rolph 3, Bootleg edition
Rise of the guardians deserved more love
>literally no sources
>if you want the evidence buy my books and DVD lel
Bruh, the miracle relics got examed all the time. The Proof of God first is the Aquinas 5 points, which date back to Medieval, and still use today, That's not some relics. And if you need where "Miracle" did really prove something. the new Miracle was discovered in Paraguay and it's not even decade old photo. 2nd The lady of Fatima was seen by large groups of people ,including atheist journalist in Portugal 3rd You looks retard for being atheist in the year of our lord 2019
>arguments from first cause, degree, final cause, contingency, and unmoved mover
>proof of God's existence
You learn the fatal flaws in each of these arguments in your first day in philo 101.
>there was an undeniable miracle in paraguay!
Nigga put some rose oil in a container.
>Lady of Fatima
You mean the group of children who made up a bunch of shit, led a bunch of adults to see the angel but "only the kids could see it" and eventually the prophecies given failed to occur? Yeah, great fucking proof.
No sources
>Why is there no proof!
>lol all the pictures don't count!
What do you faggots want? They don't show off specific evidence constantly at court cases either. It was documented and tested, but it doesn't count because it didn't all happen in the same week?
>everyone is suddenly obsessed with Megamind
This shit is so weird.
If you've got proof god exists go collect your million dollars and unite all the world's religions right now.
They'd just come up with petty reasons to ignore the evidence like you keep doing.
>Nigga put some rose oil in a container.
Rose oil doesn't turn in to heart tissue, nigger.
>and eventually the prophecies given failed to occur?
Except for the ones that occurred and had thousands of witnesses.
>written by the same nigga that wrote the book
>only third party is a physician who looked at a slide that was given to him in 2004, 8 years after the sample supposedly originated and 5 years after "testing" supposedly took place
>physician was not shown the actual piece of flesh or shown the sample being taken, he was simply given a slide and asked what it was
Fucking pathetic.
>There are pictures of blood in a container!
Fuck off.
>It was documented (by a christian documentarian who wants money for it) and tested (by a christian documentarian who wants money for it) under clandestine circumstances instead of being touted as the greatest medical discovery of all time (flesh that doesn't decompose), isn't that good enough despite the actual piece of flesh not having been seen since 1996!?
You know what would be proof? Not random pictures that you're telling me are proof. Not a man who stands to profit giving random pathologists a pre-made slide 8-12 years after the fact.
Give the flesh itself to scientists and let them hold onto it and test the same sample repeatedly over time to prove it doesn't decay. Put it on a fucking livestream and show that it doesn't decay.
>Rose oil doesn't turn in to heart tissue, nigger.
The Paraguay miracle was communion turning into rose petals and rose oil you fucking non-reading faggot
>the prophecies did come true!
Ahh yes, of course they did. Russia started WWII because they were ungodly, just like the prophecy said, and the pope was murdered in 1981 during a great persecution of Christians. Both of those things happened.
This is a really good Megamind thread
Well first off, he wasn't killed. You can bet your ass he just got swapped out, given a new identity, and is chilling in South America somewhere.
Just because there is no Jesus in no way implies that there is no God. You know you can believe in God without believing in Jesus, right?
>nothing but his name in ancient texts
U mean the Roman censuses?
Guys stop this is a cartoon board
>That didn't find any link between tobacco and respiratory issues
That is 100% true and correct, but that's because ethical regulations prevent causational research into the link between smoking and respiratory issues. All research is correlational in nature, and thus cannot prove a link between the two.
Cats out the bag and the Dunning-Kruger tards need to show everyone how smart they are. They'll get tired of it eventually.
What does "semi-nude" even mean? Doesn't that just mean wearing a swimsuit like in most pool parties?
Because his entire origin story is bullshit. We have zero (Non-biblical) evidence of a Roman Empire wide census ever having taken place. And you can bet that it would have been the talk of the century, every fucker would have written about it. It would be the largest singe administrative task ever undertaken in the whole of history.
Also, why would you have to return to your place of birth if it's a census? Wouldn't that make the results completely useless? Also I like how they have cropped out the part where they meet fucking dragons on the way there. It's bullshit of the highest caliber and if they lied about the start, why the fuck would you believe anything else written about it? It's just a bunch of preexisting myths and legends compressed into one being, they even changed his fucking birthday to co-opt preexisting "pagan" holidays.
Princess Diana talked shit. See how that worked out.
i bashed the incel! can i has sex now?
or only half of the swimsuit
You prefer your lolis to be topless or without the bottom?
Because otherwise Megamind wouldn't have the chance to save the city and be a superhero.
>capeshit for kids
it is subversive nowadays
>muh trans boogeyman
>muh absurd drag queen pedophile bullshit
>muh gay propaganda
Please go back to your children Vlad they miss their father, the troll farms will be there in the morning.
>Enter Megamind thread
>Want to see some Megamind discussion/shitposting
>It's actually a religious debate
Wtf, I come to Yea Forums to get away from /x/
bad bait
>and there is no thing as climate change
>certain historical facts may or may nor correspond to described in the Bible (apocrypha is a whole another can of worms, btw).
Like clockwork
and what about the next supervillain? Another "one last time"? And the next one? And the one after that?
Metroman didn't care about "with great power comes great responsibility", he wanted freedom.
Imagine if tomorrow comes the government to your house and says "Bro, you have some special dna, we need you to do some tedious boring task for the rest of your live to save the world. I mean, we could do it ourselves, but it would be much easier to just force you to do it"
would you like that?
>Oh boy, this looks like a fun thread
>Is derailed by fedora tipper who then attracted christfags and more fedora tippers
I just wanted to have a laugh, is that too much to ask for on Yea Forums?
At first I thought the OP pic was a shoop with Ralph in it at first, too.
HA, too true
...and now I'm sad
>Imagine if tomorrow comes the government to your house and says "Bro, you have some special dna, we need you to do some tedious boring task for the rest of your live to save the world. I mean, we could do it ourselves, but it would be much easier to just force you to do it"
I thought he was just your average ordinary everyday superhero
Truly a boring year
I liked Ochiru Hitozuma better anyway.
>I thought he was just your average ordinary everyday superhero
He's Superman but without the weakness to rocks or magic or whatever other bullshit they pull out to make fights with him almost interesting.
He is literally 100% indestructible, he's won every fight he's ever been in and intentionally tanked a orbital solar cannon without feeling a thing.
He's also possibly the only superhero in the world, we never hear about other heroes or villains. I think Metroman and Megamind are the only two supers on Earth, they just so happened to land around the exact same city.