Since I storytimed the last issue, better do this one as well.
Collapser #2 Storytime
Somehow a plastic sword can destroy the Stonehenge.
For a guy who just got his powers, he sure destroy a lot of shit.
You clearly haven't studied the way of the blade.
So I'm guessing this isn't set on Prime Earth.
So weird how this book is out of continuity while every other Young Animals book aren’t.
No but just like Mother Panic they’ll find a way to incorporate it.
Mother Panic was pretty connected just being set in Gotham. I'm thinking this is a story that doesn't deal with any green lanterns or Justice league.
I don’t if these are illusions or what.
So people just get out of mental institutions like that in the US? I would imagine someone who do that here would be locked up for a long time
Cool, I've liked this so far and am buying it.
Yeah, I love the art.
That’s it folks. And no, I’m not gonna post that stupid Bendis’s Legion shilling DC has been doing lately.
Turns out him working at the retirement home was intentional?
I want more of this just based off his design.
This is cannon to the main DCU right?
I've seen nothing to suggest it is, it's pretty much a Vertigo book in all but name.
And there's only two Ns in Canon, for fuck's sake.