>ITT: Characters who only their creator seems to understand
Anytime Harley isn't a villain is especially bad.
>ITT: Characters who only their creator seems to understand
Anytime Harley isn't a villain is especially bad.
>opens mouth
Go ahead and fart, m'lady
Well did she?
>Tries to make Harley a sympathetic anti-hero and for whatever reason pit her against Deadpool
>Absolutely no one likes her because of all the terrible things she did and the comics just want us to forget it and act like she wasn't in control of herself the whole time
>Despite all this they still have her act like she used too as if she never really learned anything
I thought this was a superbad thread how long has it been since we had one?
feels like years
harley is just bad in general and should only be used as Jokers second in command
Harley was always dogshit, you just thought otherwise because Dini had her mildly less insufferable and clowns maek da peepee hard, and Joker deserves a better number two.
Like Pagliacci.
Harley was never a villain. She was always a victim of circumstance who in the original show would be a good person when rehabilitated. They have shown this multiple times.
>Harley was never a villain
Bull fucking shit she wasn't. She was an accessory to multiple crimes at the very least. Furthermore, way to completely miss the point of her character. She COULD be a good person, yet time and again chose to do the wrong thing be it for love (Joker) or just fun/friendship (Ivy). Christ she aided Joker in driving Tim insane.
It's bad enough you're an attention desperate tripfag, but now you got to say stupid shit too for cheap (You)s
very unschway post right here
>victim of circumstance
Pretty gleefully delights in fucking people over more than a few times. Poisoning the patent guy in the laughing fish among others.
In the animated series no one died.
> Christ she aided Joker in driving Tim insane.
Open your fucking eyes you stupid asshole, what happened at the end of the movie. Call me an attention-whore all you want but I at least watch and understand what happens in the cartoons we discuss.
>no one died
Because Bats was packing an antidote. She openly and willingly would have sent a guy to his grave otherwise.
Doesn't bat an eye at trying to feed Harvey to sharks in the same ep either. Shit she's more upset over having to eat/be near fish than anything.
No you're a fucking delusional moron. She saw an easy way out because everyone thought she was dead, and shit wasn't fun anymore because Joker was dead. You don't understand jack shit you fucking attention whore.
Stop getting angry over cartoons you guys.
Don't entertain this braindead retard, he tries to excuse any female with a terrible warped character because I guess some people think tits and ass somehow prevent you from being a shit human being. He's also done this with Nui and Lord Dominator, both of whom are indisputably awful people.
This really bugs the shit out of me. She was never supposed to be a sympathetic spousal abuse victim, or smart. She sucksd her professors dick to get a PHD so she could interview a serial killer because she was one of those women who fall in love with serial killers.
And by fall in love I mean she wanted to fuck him. She literally chose to become his side kick. But of course no woman is actually responsible for her actions even the criminals.
Eh I kinda see her as both. She clearly is somewhat sympathetic but at the same time so are Freeze, Two Face and lots of other villains. Her sympathetic qualities do not excuse her awful actions though and she is still supposed to be a villain which is where modern depictions screw up.
so Im guessing almost no one here will watch Harleys cartoon
How many people did she kill in Harley's Holiday? She doesn't want to kill anyone, she just is eccentric in a world full of stiff people.
If that was the case then why does she beat morals into her granddaughters? She doesn't want them to make the same mistakes she did and given she was the right-hand man for the man who they named their gang after and didn't tell them means she put her past behind her and became normal.
I will.
Mostly for Tudyk as Joker though. God I love that man.
That doesn't instantly make you a good person you goddamn moron. Just stop talking you dumb cunt. And way to undermine your own argument by acknowledging Harley was a shitty person.
>she doesn't want to kill anyone
What's there to sympathize with? She wanted serial killer cock and got it. She literally got what she deserved.
>she clearly is somewhat sympathetic but at the same time so are Freeze, Two Face
Wanting crazy dick and getting CLOWN'd for it is way less sympathetic than cancer wife and being an actual schizophrenic on top of getting fucked over by forces wholly beyond your control.
>Batman truly believes that Harley can be reformed and hopes for it
>but knows she'll keep going back to her old ways as long as Joker is around
>and yet he still won't just do what needs to be done and rape Joker
Again the compound in the animated series does not kill. It only leaves them paralyzed with a grin. Remember when joker was going to blow up Gotham and Harley realized people would die and freed the Batman, oh right you don't because that doesn't help your argument.
I didn't say she was a shitty person I said she got away from the jerk who made her do things she didn't want to.
>who made her do things she didn't want to.
You sir are a certified goddamn dumbass. No one made Harley do a damn thing
Harley's changed over the years. Around the 2010s-ish, we kinda realized "hey isn't it kinda fucked up Harley is in an abusive relationship what if she wasn't would she be a good guy?" Now she's got pigtails instead of a harlequin hat and is a hero-ish?
>What is manipulation
Harley wasn't ready to be in front of a psychopath like the Joker. He used her and broke her mind.
Oh so we've also established that you don't know what the legal classification of "insanity" is either. Good to know. Harley is perfectly capable of know right from wrong, and making her own decisions. She chose to follow The Joker because she deluded herself that there was love.
Here's a protip; quit while you're ahead, and don't get your definition of crazy from fucking Batman. Do us all a favor, and fuck off.
We are arguing over a fucking cartoon for god's sake. Take the stick out your ass and stop trying to apply real world rules into this.
>S-S-Stop using logical arguments!!!!
Retard. Go tweet some shipping fanart or something, faggot
I’m one of the few people who likes hero Harley, but I think we can all agree gassy Harley is best Harley.
you cant be more wrong than that
>Not liking gassy Harley
I have may have shit taste, but that’s only because I enjoy Harley’s fat juicy ass farting into my mouth. What’s your excuse?
>What’s your excuse?
I... I dont enjoy it? I feel like your playing some 4d chess here
Similiar note, while it wasnt bad, it really seems only hastings can accurately write gwenpool.
So what you’re saying is you don’t have an excuse for having shitty opinions. Get dunked on.
>>ITT: Characters who only their creator seems to understand
After Batman and Harley Quinn, I think you give Timm too much credit.
Dini created Harley. Timm just designed her.
>fart super bad
This is the greatest Yea Forums meme of all time and nothing will ever surpass it.
Harley wasnt qualified to be a PHD period. She sucked her professors dick. She should not have been around any patient for anything.
Do not slander my wife, faggot.
In the show she was actually smart.
Give a single example
Bearing in mind, it will be contrasted with the fact that she got duped into thinking her murderous, pychopathic patient was in love with her.
Being in an abusive relationship and being stupid are two completely different things. Anyone can be emotionally manipulated. Die in a shallow grave.
She caught the Batman.
Honestly even Dini's initial concept of the character, though good for what it's worth, was pretty thin & only really worked in small doses.
As soon as people insisted on giving this supporting character more spotlight than she should've had, it only made sense her character would become pretty grating.
As far as non-Dini versions of the character go, I was OK with the way they reinterpreted her in The Batman. They had a lot of really dumb ideas on that show, but looking back on it, their Harley was alright. Seeing a more overtly psychotic and sadistic Harley is refreshing compared to the versions where people try to make her a silly cute girl who's just misguided.
Plot-device smart and PhD smart are not the same.
meme magic allowed Harley to fart in that movie
According to Mad Love, she screwed her prof for good grades.
only stupid people can be emotionally manipulated
She could be clever at times, but she constantly made terrible decisions.
Well have fun being mentally fucked by your s/o, dipshit.
Hannibal Buress?????
>She was never supposed to be a sympathetic spousal abuse victim
She absoloutely was. Episodes like Mad Love make it very clear.
She was just also a bad person who was complicit in multiple violent crimes.
>Sympathetic=/=Morally Good.
Which I think most modern takes forget.
This. It doesn't work because half of the fucked up shit Deadpool ends up doing is from him being a victim of circumstances and his own horrible luck or him being legitimately out of his mind. Anyone who tries to make Harley sympathetic acts like muh abuse makes you insane enough to blow up a bus of school children of your own volition.