Make way for the new X-Couple.
Make way for the new X-Couple
Referring to Emma's breasts as the X-Couple seems a little much.
Making Bishop the new Go To mutant for telepaths to screw could be interesting
Has he ever hooked up with Psylocke?
Like most power couples they're fake.
So haven't read any new stuff in a few years, how did they resolve the whole multi-million kills he did hunting Hope?
Probably next on his list.
Besty likes her blonde boys.
He still did it all and doesn't feel sorry about it.
Since she can had a Diamond form, is probable they are natural now. The usual fuckery from comics.
>ywn wipe Silver Lipstick off your cock that Emma has smeared there
>ywn hear her order you to cum inside her to repopulate the mutant race
>ywn have a telepathic affair with her while she is dressed as a slutty version of your wife
>ywn fuck Emma Midair while you genocide an African nation
>ywn eat a steak prepared by Emma, with a sauce flavored by the memory she stole from a prolific cannibal, while she tempts you to destroy the Earth
>ywn Feel her turn diamond while your inside her while she whispers “let’s make the cuckoos watch you filthy pervert”
Why even live bros? Emma is too based for this fallen world
And now she's going to be BLACKED.
It wouldn’t be that far fetched desu. Canonically I mean. Gun to my head, if someone asked me which X-man burned coal at some point in their past it would be her 100 percent.
>Boston townie
get some life experience
>tried to kill both Cable and Hope
>fucked Jean
>now is going to fuck Emma
Does Bishop have something against Cyclops or something?
So have they confirmed that this OG non gay Pyro yet or what?
I mean it's 95% likely him, why are they silent on this shit?
I can’t tell whether you’re ironically or unironically cuckposting and it’s making me upset.
Shitposting is shitposting, unironic or not.
More like shittedposting lol
Don’t do that to my man Bishop, he’s based
That is racist.
Save you, to shitpost, no one would describe Emma Frost as a Boston Townie.
Jesus is jean just the biggest whore or is cyclops just the biggest cuck?
Scott mus really hate Bishop now. Dude fucked/fucks both his woman
Bishop grovels for Chadclop’s sloppy seconds
Get ready for Bishop fucks the Marvel Universe.
I have no idea whether this is true or not, but I hope the writer remembers it's hard to read the mind of Bishop because he can absorb psychic/psionic energy too. Esme had to drug herself with Kick to mind control him, she had to make herself 10 times mroe powerful than normal.
It happens in that Morrison New XMen issue with Sage and Bishop investigating the murder of Emma
There's nothing based about him.
I’m not a nasty mutantfucker so not doing any of that makes me happy
White Queen now BLACKED.
We wuz!
>So haven't read any new stuff in a few years, how did they resolve the whole multi-million kills he did hunting Hope?
Storm lobotomized him and it reverted him back to the old 'good' Bishop
He eventually found out and remembered at least some of it and was unapologetic and brushed it under the carpet.
Mutants aren’t white
Who in their right mind is willing to hookup with Emma? Shit taste.
Guess she became the Black King for a reason.
Who's Cyclops with nowadays?
At the rate the X-Men have all fucked one another, how long until some unholy monster is born from the mutant orgy?
Well she already got FISH'D so it's not like she could sink any lower. If anything I feel sorry for Bishop since he's inevitably gonna get cucked when Emma goes crawling back to Namor yet again.
Is that why Jean now is a single mom?
The Chad Cyclops
>Bitchin’ shades
>Eyes are literally conduits to the punch dimension
>Punch beams are simple yet devastating
>Big Mutant Cock, irresistible to mutie babes
>Even women who hate him want his dick
>Could never truly be cucked despite manlet gigachad’s best efforts
>Is always right
The Virgin Bishop
>shitty dreads
>tried to kill Scott’s kids, failed
>overly large gun, likely compensating for disappointing manhood
>dumb Harry Potter scar
>only given hand-me-down love interests from more interesting X-Men because current year Marvel writers likely have interracial or cuckold fetishes
Uh thanks for not answering my question, /pol/tards and tumblrinas.
That sucks so bad.
I like how they had to recolor these panels solely to dispel the single mom rumors.
>this ungodly Mutant has all the powers of every X-Men to have join the team.
>It's also Omega Level so it has no limit to it's power.
now this is an unholy gift from God himself.
>posting stale b8
Come on faggot, the girl's celery green now. The book's been out for roughly a month.
We all know, but is still fun since they had to recolor the character to dispel the rumors that Jean was left pregnant by Bishop.
It enver happend though! AoXM was literally just Nate's cuck fantasies.
What is it with these threads about something that's alt-universe and not getting refrenced ever again?
Look, i get trying to make Bishop work as a character after all that happened to him that practically made him toxic, but this is a really weird way to go. Having him bang all the female characters that has been with Cyclops feels... i don't even know, but it is a tad creepy.
It still happened and it happened for a reason. It is still happening right this moment, but now with Emma.
It's the same Bishop and Jean, though. They were just transported to a new setting so contrived circumstances could pair them together. That's like saying that Magneto and Rogue doesn't count.
I haven't read comics since hope. How is bishop alive? And why did he bother coming back? And why would Emma take Jean's cast off from an alternative dimension.
It was Nate creating an AU inside of his head and playing with copies of those people. FACT!!! AoXM was just the cuck fantasies of a faggot.
>and playing with copies of those people
They weren't copies, user. The actual, real Jean took Bishop's raw cock in her vag.
NO! It was just Nate's cuck fantasies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nate might have manipulated Jean and Bishop, but it were still the original Jean and Bishop doing the nasty while Nate telepathically watched. I'm sorry, but in this page Jean's kissing Scott while still carrying Bishop's dried up cum on her lips.
There's no way anyone will ever make that canon for you.
Why do you care? Jean has been shit for years now.
Bishop is a mass murderer.
We don't know, try asking one of the creators on Twitter.