Legion Thread

Legion premiered it's final episode this past Monday and I'm still thinking about it. Noah Hawley tested my patience at points but all in all I think it all came together rather nicely in the end. If I had to sum up the series I'd say it was polarizing. It's a show that you either adored or were put off on because of its air of pretension (not prevalent all the time but definitely there). If I had to rank the series it would go: S01 > S03 > S02.

One question I wish peeps could answer for me. What exactly are Amahl Farouk's powers in Legion? It's established that he is a telepath capable of rivaling Charles Xavier when it comes to psychic power. He has also shown a level of control, precision, and creativity when it comes to how he manipulates the astral plane. I'm just curious to whether he possess reality warping powers on his own or whether those demonstrations were limited to his possession of a host body (David/Oliver). Any clarification would be appreciated.


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>Legion Season 1
I've watched a shit ton of television and I can confidently say this was one of the tightest season's of television I've had the pleasure of watching. Every episode felt necessary. Nothing was wasted. Last time I felt that way about a season was True Detective S01.
Honesty I was expecting another standard cape show and instead I got a straight up psychological horror in the most literal sense and than only plays the stories advantage.
Lastly The Shadow King felt like something from a nightmare and all of his scenes left me unnerved (even when he appeared for just a moment). The only issue I have is how much of a disconnect there was between S01 Shadowking and S02 version. I think they did a decent job explaining that we are seing the "Lenny Mask" where it's Shadow King but Lenny "colors" his language to sound like her dialect. He's using her like a puppet to speak his words the way she wants.
This season also managed to make an exposition dump one of my favorite moments of the season.

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I love the show, but talking about it on Yea Forums is a chore cause no one here has read Si Spurriers run, so they bitch about a lot of the things that are lifted from the comics. Like the ending

>Season 2
As much as I love to praise the first season, the followup varies wildly in quality with some episodes I straight up skip on subsequent marathons and others I feel like rewinding over and over because of how engaging some of it is.
On the list of positive the actor that plays Amahl Farouk is in my top three most wonderfully portrayed villains in cape video media. His voice is straight up sex and I'd be willing to listen to him read a book in Farsi despite the fact I don't speak it.
This season also went nuts with telepathic battles in a good way and managed to accomplish so much more than two people just imagining bigger and badder weapons (although they did do that but it was done fairly well).
>One of the negatives is that it probably dragged on for an episode or two. An extra episode makes sense in the context of the story but having it be 11 episodes was probably too much. Also the massive heel turn of a finale caught me off guard and I didn't quite find to be as believable as intended (unless that drastic immediate shift was purposeful to put us in David's shoes).
Lastly David didn't deserve anything that happened to him at the end of this season. He literally trusted in the people he cared for and was discarded afterword with no fucking remorse.

I've ONLY read Spurrier's run and the issue introducing Amahl Farouk and I was 100 percent onboard with the entire show. If you don't mind me asking what did they bitch about? I'm genuinely curious given I feel like most everything the show introduced was pretty tame.

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a lot of the people were bitching about it erasing the whole thing and everyone getting to start fresh

I loved the ending and the show throughout.

The only thing that really grinds my gear are some 3rd-worlders and neets who seem hell-bent on missing the point of the show and character arc in it.

The amount of acid and bitching from people crying that this show is "run by feminazis who promote all those pesky females" in reaction to Syd storyline or Kerry fight scenes was exhausting.

not him, but there was a lot of bitching about people talking and hugging it out.

X-Men Legacy was such an amazing run. It and X-Force(before Marvel NOW) were the last X-Men comic runs I really collected with excitement. The ending was perfect for him.
I haven't finished the show. I'm still working my way through season 2, but I'm having a good time.

>a lot of the people were bitching about it erasing the whole thing and everyone getting to start fresh
What did they think was going to happen? It was all going to be in his head? That would have been the biggest fucking asspull of the century?

>I loved the ending and the show throughout.
My fucking man. And I thought it finally came through in S03 to show just how much of a cunt Syd was. The fact that the time demon appealed to her narcissitic side to play her like a fiddle and the fact she had to experience and ENTIRE OTHER CHILDHOOD to be a decent person shows just how fucked she was from the start.

>not him, but there was a lot of bitching about people talking and hugging it out.
I'm not sure what they would have wanted. Having another big psychic showdown would have been neat but I felt like this was much more appropriate and will settle better on rewatches.

Are you talking about Remender's X-Force? i've only heard good things but haven't had the pleasure of reading.

Soldier Tower is amazing.

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The showrunner, Noah Hawley (also did Fargo), finished writing script for Doom solo movie, and what's surprising, despite everyone thinking it got canned after Disney-Fox deal, he actually speaks a lot more about it since June than he ever did before and some of the Marvel higher-ups (including head of Marvel Television and important people at Marvel Entertainment) are openly speaking about wanting to work with him again (he also apparently would get 4th season of Legion if he asked).
How do you feel about that?

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no 4th season, they'd have to do a lot of asspulls to bring it back. It's best to leave it how it ended.

I think he could do a Doom movie well, he would make the character a villain but a very complex villain

>Are you talking about Remender's X-Force? i've only heard good things but haven't had the pleasure of reading.
Yes! It was awesome. If you get the chance, check it out.

Never read any of the comics, but I liked the series a lot. If anything I'd say the second season did feel a bit meandering but it was also longer. I think the two very character-centric episodes (the different lives of David, and the repeating life of Syd) could've been condensed into something briefer. Not necessarily together, but woven with other episodes.

Final season was pretty good. It had three of the best episodes in the whole series in a row (3, 4 and 5). The ending was odd in that it wasn't really a good ending, but neither a bad or even a bittersweet one. Literally destroying their timeline so a new one can be made in its place. So they both get a chance to do things differently (though different never necessarily means "better"), and David DID destroy the world in a way. So it all wrapped up nicely.

The one thing I'm not entirely sure, though I must admit I jumped into season 3 as it was without rewatching the whole series, is Farouk's evolution. Why is it I can believe David slowlu becoming the villain in two seasons, but Farouk turning good makes me wonder if I missed something? Maybe I did, or am forgetting something. In the first season he seemed a full blown villain, so there's the benefit of doubt that we mostly saw things from David's perspective and of course he's biased and unreliable.

>Shadow King's power
I think you nailed it. His core abilities are telepathy and astral plane manipulation. Past that, it's hard to pin down. The reality warping/telekinesis stuff could be his own power or could it be something "borrowed" from David.
I haven't finished S2 yet so maybe there's a flashback that helps explain things? I know his corpse was doing something funny, but past that, I'm not sure what to think.

I'm not saying it's a good idea to make 4th season (and so is Hawley), but it's just a sign of goodwill between execs and him.

As for Doom, from the interviews, I get the impression that he generally hold onto 3 main ideas:
>It's a Doom movie, not a prelude to F4 series, and Victor is a sole focus.
>He doesn't really want to make villain movie, more like this grey area, where it's up to interpretation.
>He apparently aims at an atmosphere partially inspired by Winter Soldier.

I am cool with all those Doom points.
Doom comes from a history strong in tradition, he believes what he is doing is for the best of humanity and the planet. Of course what he does to get to his goals can be despicable at times. Doom would be the world's greatest hero if only he could admit he was the second best at everything, and hold his ego in check.

I regret watching past the first season. The finale was incredibly unsatisfying and worst of all boring. I don't know what I expected but just having David go back and give everyone a do over, no strings attached, and everyone just getting along wasn't it. That first season was so fucking good, practically perfect. I really wish the show had just ended there.

>everyone just getting along wasn't it.
They didn't really though. They fought against it every step of the way until they were stuck where Baby David was (traveling back in time only "murdered" them all). David on the otherhand massacred his way to victory in a sense. The season is basically David developing a plan and then achieving it in the very end. It was a season about the "villain" winning and for that reason alone I'm onbaord. All that said I can totally understand the many issues people have with the ending. Truly.

>The amount of acid and bitching from people crying that this show is "run by feminazis who promote all those pesky females"
Yeah, but those faggots show up in literally EVERY thread, senpai.

What I meant when I said that was specifically the Shadow King, Xavier, and David deciding to just talk it out and letting bygones be bygones which I thought was completely fucking retarded. It didn't need to be a big psychic battle but just talking out your problems with the ancient godlike being who committed countless acts of evil over the years and was continuing to kill and fuck with people just a few episodes ago, because he suddenly had a very poorly written change of heart is stupid. The entire show can be seen as the conflict between David and Farouk and the resolution to that was fucking lame. Not even against them forgiving each other and moving on but the way it was done was so unsatisfying and contrived. They spent 3 seasons trying to kill each other but they resolved it here in a single episode.

>Season 3
This season started off on a super weird note (the pig still really weirds me out because that was how David thought best to manufacture the drug...or maybe that's how its really made) and the fact it decided to introduce time travel immediately put me off. Also the entire ridiculous/hippie atmosphere of the first couple episodes also left me confused wondering what the hell was going on. Eventually it all clicked into place and I found the atmosphere pleasantly unique.
Thankfully despite my initial reservations regarding time travel as a concept, the season went out of its way to explicitly describe the mechanism of how time travel works and the ramifications of fucking with time as a whole and for all of that I was thankful.
Farouk was used too sparingly and some of his character moments later on felt a bit jarring although I later came onbaord.
Syd and the crew were all cunts and the fact the season kept trying to state David was the villain I thought was comically laughable. He was justified in literally everything he did. He literally fucked off at the end of Season 2. He was gone. And then they had to murder him twice before he went full murder machine.
David fought tooth and nail to get where he did and ultimately he succeeded in the end and made the world a better place. Can’t think of a bigger fuck you to Division 3 and the gang.
Every episode with Charles was straight up kino. Charles Lloyd felt more like a younger Patrick Stewart than James McAvoy and I love the latter.

David going full god mode is a sight to behold. Him fucking up the Time Meanies was especially a treat.

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I think I may have formed a head canon answer. At the start of season 2, after Farouk separated from David he finally understood what it was like to be truly away from him. David said to Lenny in S02 that he didn't know what it was like to really be alone until Farouk was gone and I feel like that cuts both ways. Faced with this severe absence, Farouk realized that he had a fondness for David and honestly wished to see him self actualized into something he could call a peer (similar to Charles). Everything occurring in S02 is the Shadow King trying to mold David through fear and manipulation to shed his humanity and walk among the gods. As Farouk said, "Shed your mask. You could be beautiful." Ultimately Farouk failed and after getting his ass handed to him his next best thought was to turn D3 against David but this only revealed to him he was somewhat successful in his endevour and David stepped up from the kiddie table.

Shadow King stuck to the sidleines until he came to know that D3 had "killed" David twice and he only managed to succeed becuase of a Time Traveler. At this point I think Farouk concocted a plan for him to "save" David and he manipulated events throughout the season to allow for David to eventually travel back in time. Farouk even managed to travel to the right location and engineered a confrontation where David would take on the younger version while he talked to Charles to explain what he had been feeling for the past thirty years. I know this is an insane theory but I can see Farouk developing this plan once he realized Switch was a factor and then he maneuvered D3 into play to allow for David's eventual trip. Asinine theory I know but I like it.

I wanted to see more past Shadow King. He was a fucking devil and I love it. Imprisoning dozens of people inside the minds of children is diabolical.

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A series that dwindled across all dimensions the longer it continued. Don’t make a bigger deal out of it than necessary. The show was nothing special. Just another piece of Yea Forums faux intellectual schlock.

>Going to such lengths to defend the final season.
Want to know how I know you’re gay?

Because I like it when you suck my dick?

i miss it already

Fuck, now I want to rewatch season 1.

>"Lenny Mask"

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Does the show ever address the hypocrisy of the cast? The lady who raped a guy with her powers treats david like a rapist because he undid obvious brainwashing by farouk, the main cast joins him and slaughter a hippy group, no one seems to care. The season just kept pushing the idea that theyre the goodguys and it felt poorly written

The more I think about the ending the more I appreciate it more. I was a little disapointed that there was no big climactic battle but considering the show that would have never happened with Legion. Everyone just sort of left on cordial terms, determining to improve their lives and accepting everything that happened. Sure, it's a bit difficult to just up and forgive everything Farouk has done so far but in the context of the show it sort of works.

I really like the interpetation, it certainly helps to reconcile why Shadow King seemed to have completely different motivations from season 1 to 2.