What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
He means he’d hit now but he’s not trying to catch a sentence
same thing that happens here
that he can't do math
He'll pop her cherry for her 18th birthday
>I can't remember the last time I was blindfolded.
>Oh wait... Yes I can.
What did she mean by this?
She remembered the last time she attended a 5-year olds brithday party and played pinata.
Explain for people who aren't Yea Forums here.
Is Johnny/Older Suzy the ultimate high IQ ship?
The party gets crazy
Dante rocks
>Call me in 10 years
What did Maddy by this?
Dumping my Johnny folder because I have so few.
a little girl has a crush on dante
she grows up and calls him to come to her party
he wants nothing to do with it
Okay so this girl calls up Dante who apparently was a character in some DMC anime and repeatedly begs him to come to her 18th birthday party
She comes off way older than 3, Johnny's waiting for her 20s minimum
Imagine Johnny substituting the bland MC from shitty Roncoms, that'd make for some hilarious results
>Training with the childhood friend tomboy
>All the while peeking at that delicious brown tan and not being discreet at all.
Surprised an old man character made by the Japanese would even reject an 18-year old girl.
Sadly, I'm spent.
He's only old in the latest game, but he's always had white hair.
It's fundamentally annoying to me how that displays none of the actual characteristics of anime.
If you haven't noticed, Dante's entire character is like a PG version of an action hero. He doesn't really swear, he doesn't drink nor smoke, and he certainly doesn't seem interested in any women except MAYBE Lady and the demon who looks like his dead mom, but even that's a stretch.
Because his cool boy persona is just him being super depressed most of the time
I can't be with a girl that I knew when she was a kid. It creeps me out.
The only thing I know about DMC is that it's a video game people go nuts for and the weird dance. Only reason I recognize the characters is because when the new game was released, I saw screenshots, memes, and video recommendations show-up non-stop for a month.
because he'd rather fuck his mom than be a pedo
I'm confused, what would be wrong with Johnny dating her?
Well DMCV did extremely well, and from what I hear it's one of the best character action games ever.
it is
the movelist for dante is like 100+ entries long
take a look at this to see what is possible with enough practice
how old is johnny suppose to be?
Half your age plus 7
18 to mid-20-ish?
I always assumed he was 26.
He says in his birthday/Valentine's Day episode that he was twenty-something and now he's twenty-something-else.
Too young. Part of the joke is that he lives with his mom way past the age he should be.
Deepest lore.
nah, maybe if she was in her teens in would be less creepy.
>going the raising your waifu route
based and hikaru genji pilled
what are you talking about? If you are 18 or above and are still living with your parents then you are a joke
You've posted season 4 Dexter, your post is now invalidated, any point you were trying to make is trash now.
Imagine Johnny trying to replace most any anime MC. He gets dropped into the "warrior of destiny" role but keeps screwing it up because he's cocky and wants to show off.
>Legendary Katana of the greatest warrior
>Johnny either breaks it or loses it off a ravine
"Ah dang it..."
>Looks at the bad guys for a moment before just chucking the scabbard at them
I haven't played it, but I'm glad they did it. Except they turned the guy in the back into Morgan Freeman
Yeah no
She will be in 15 years
Going to school and saving up are both justifiable excuses to be living with family.
No she won't. She'll be out of her teens.
Sounds like Gintama.
>Imagine Johnny trying to replace most any anime MC.
That wouldn't work. what does work however, is having Johnny Bravo as a crossover character to... literally any fucking show ever made. He would work in WH40k, he would work in Digimon, he already worked in Scooby Doo, he had a cameo in Panty & Stocking, he'd work in Star vs Forces of Evil, he'd work in Power Rangers, I bet he'd even work in Transformers or Sesame Street or the Banana Splits.
i mean, weird choice, especially since the guys does literally nothing and appears in 2 cutscenes but whatever
play it for fucks sake
it's basically 3 with better designed enemies, literally no bad bosses except maybe one with even more freedom than 4
some more.
>or the Banana Splits.
and uh, I was just trying to rake my brain for the weirdest and most unrelated show I can think of, but apparently it is getting a new movie (and it's a horror one). Fuck me.
But really though, can anyone name a show where Johnny Bravo wouldn't work as a guest star?
Law & Order: SVU
I really dont get the irrational hate on dating younger women?
I mean just because I was one of the people who helped her mom deliver her safely 19 years ago doesnt mean she cant be my fiance
Damn, I thought I'd found a kindred spirit until reading your last bit.
It's bitter roasties, if she's 18 then go for it.
Not him but I'm all for it. Truthfully though, it can get pretty boring. Yeah she's young but also immature as fuck but thinks she can lecture you on life. I'm 30, my last gf was 22. Was alright but it got annoying at times.
I can’t wait so long Johnny! Fuck me now!
Based Suz-- wait
These two are pretty cute. Too bad they made Suzy kind of a bitch in seasons 2 + 3. Only thing stopping those seasons from being 10/10.
Don't you have to be 21 and married before you're allowed to lose your virginity in the US?
This! Just because I held my future wife as a baby doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to marry me. In fact, she was even talking about having babies and wants to get married in ten years when she’s legal instead of at my age like I suggested
It’s what I plan to do with my little wifey
Ten more years then I’m gonna hit it.
In America everyone loses their virginity by 18 in high school parties
Anyone who hasnt lost their cherry by the end of high school will be shunned by the society
>using the Savino redesigns
Fucking plebian
The prequel novel stated he did genuinely feel bad for disappointing her but he had no time or the mood for a party (ironically enough)
Gilgamesh was shitty.
That's pretty good.
I think 3 will always be the peak of the series. But I'm biased, I hate Nero and I hate how they keep trying to pass him off as Dante's replacement.
If you want more than one kid you have to date younger. Just how it is.
Nah man you’re looking at it all wrong.
It’s like, her perspective is different from yours and it’s always good to have a different perspective.
Damn she dummy thicc
Like two kids when she already had thicc hips thicc
Like damn look at that pawg ass thicc
Then you must not be the world-famous Academy Award winning movie star Leonardo DiCaprio
Senpai, a third of all males in their twenties are still virgins.
I want to see more adult Suzy
10 years is a lot of time for someone the same age as her who isn't going to get a statutory rape charge to get there first
What? My dad met my mom at 27 and had three kids. She's 65 now.
By that logic it's legal for a 20 year old to date a 17 year old?
This is probably the most likely Future
Imagine Johnny meeting Dandy
The potential
In civilized countries? Yes.
>be teenage boy
>go to hot chick's party, she's legal now but still won't fuck anyone but alright I'll take the challenge
>she lives in this weird-ass mansion, lots of cleaning stuff scattered around
>still, pretty fun party, all the regular bros and hoes showed up
>halfway through the night there's some rumbling noise
>look outside and a van erupts from the yard
>bunch of literally whos come flooding out with swords and shit
>some 40-year-old boomer kicks the door open and chucks like twenty boxes of pizza on the table from across the room
>guy that doesn't look much older than the rest of us walks in and waves at us awkwardly
>blonde woman carries in a fucking jukebox with like one arm
>other chick with glasses is yelling and cursing not to drop the damn thing
>lady with a fucking rocket launcher walks in and gives bedroom eyes to what feels like the whole room
>another 40-year-old boomer that looks like he never left his twenties walks over and just fucking stares at me
>I go to take a drink and he starts autistically rambling about having power and his motivation or whatever the fuck
>birthday girl is all over the first boomer, he looks like he really doesn't wanna be here
>20-year-old is drawing all the girls' eyes but screams something about "KIRYEH" or some shit
>revs his fucking sword, no lie, and rides it out the front door
>both boomers hang around the blonde chick looking even more uncomfortable than before
>even the hot lady with the rocket launcher is getting piss drunk it looks like
>boomer throws pizza slice at the other guy and screams "WOOHOHOO"
>guy slices the thing out of mid-air and screams "NOW I'M MOTIVATED"
>both of them turn into fucking bat demons and fly through the roof
>the rest of them are just acting like this is normal
>chick with glasses walks over and starts talking about how hard it was to make a robot arm that drills but still has a good grip
>I can't tell if she's coming on to me
>mfw I just wanted to smash
In most of the US age of consent is 16
Needs more muscle
That sounds cool i may actually play it because of that
>I can’t tell if she’s coming on to me
With that cut? Please. Shoulda been taking notes from the 20 year old.
A lot of states, age of consent is 17 and there is such a thing as Romeo and Juliet laws.
Kinda gives me older Johnny Cage vibes in that pic...
Why do people periodically make threads about this one quote?
Remember when he dated a furry?
He meant he wants her to look like this
Is this an edit of another show?
she was attracted to johnny, which is why she stuck around him. i guess they decided that wouldnt fly too well if they kept it up so they changed her to just be a bossy little sister instead of a thirsty loli
No, it's from Season 4 when Suzy was telling a story to pass the time and it was basically The Frog Prince but with Suzy as the princess and Johnny as the frog.
CN never seemed to have a problem with kid crushes in their cartoons before. Foster's Home had Mac's crush on Frankie pretty prominent.
different genders have different standards. Little boy crushes are okay because there's less rape subtext
she looks like she fucks dogs
It was just the new showrunner being a stick-in-the-mud. Van Partible, the guy who created it, was brought back for the last season which is why things went back to the way they were.
Is there a better example of soul vs soulless?
Lion King.
no way...
True patricians want to do both.
Possibly at the same time.
The fact that they have the same voice doesn't help either.
But childhood friends is GOAT relationship
It's 16 here, as it is in a TON of states. Suzy would be legal in 9 years.
While Johnny's age is never stated, his birthday is, but the time period the show takes place in is unknown. If it was contemporary he would be 22 when the show started, and 29 when it ended (and she'd be 2 years short of legal in a shit ton of states). But if it was set in any time period other than exactly the year it aired, who fucking knows.
i know, why do you think they keep shipping in immigrants? we aren't replacing ourselves.
That's not the reason. It's because of bleeding heart idiots that think we should be sympathetic and take in anyone, then find excuses other than the impoverished idiots as to why the crime rate only goes up. Start looking at places like Oslo.
huh, mae whitman voiced susie
She wants to marry him so he'd be up for it when she's legal.
Apparently US, Japan, and Korea and going with.
Shame, Japan mimicked/preserved a lot of America's older culture even if it's totally different in other ways. I guess the old west may die due to a liberal mindset and lack of procreation.
Man johnny looks SMASHED
you just know
>Suzy flexing and posing like Johnny
someone needs to draw an older Suzy with a Julia Vins type of physique
>There are people in this thread right now who think the ship is about Johnny grooming Suzy when it's, in fact, the reverse
I'd say it's a little of column A, a little of column B
suzy grew up ugly
didnt you watch that time skip episode?
Post pics.
Left side is from Tingland episodes. Right side is a fairy tale Suzy was telling in season 4 that would probably be close to how she might look older minus the style of the eyes.
Left looks like she'd be in her 40s.
Johnny Bravo was an elderly man in that episode, so she might be.
Just meant Johnny and Dexter's dad. Should've been more specific about that.
I have a MIGHTY NEED to see adult Suzy meeting Johnny again after so many years
>meeting Johnny again
Unless Suzy leaves the city, she'll be able to meet Johnny whenever she wants. Johnny ain't leaving his Mama's house.
She obviously either moves or goes away for school.
The episode is a Titantic parody where she approaches Johnny as an old man and he tells her a story of a cruise ship he was on where he met a girl and the ship sunk. They don't interact that much.
Childhood friends is one thing, hooking up with someone that was a child you knew when you were a teen or young adult is just weird.
Face on the right looks like a Disney princess.
Because twinks and young girls are retarded as fuck, it's like fucking your child
All women are fucking retarded. Fucking a woman at any age doesn't make much of a difference.
It really is roasties. Women think they can screw around as much as they want, then when they're old and used-up they get to settle for a beta provider. The better quality beta providers know that they don't have to because it's more acceptable for a man to date someone far younger than them than the other way around. Roasties think they can ride the cock carousel then settle for a beta, so a beta should have to settle for them despite the beta males not getting to have the same fun when they were young. It's long since been socially acceptable for older men to date younger women, and this is the only social advantage men really have over women in life anymore, so they're doing their best to stigmatize it. Women basically want a surrogate father figure, men basically just want a hot young wife in a stable relationship, and if you can find that in someone half your age, you should go for it as long as it's legal.
have sex
truly, honestly. Not that I believe anyone
would have you
Sorry roastie. My long-term happiness is more important than your petty insults.
Is not like having sex is a life changing experience. Being loved and loving someone is. If an incel fucked a whore (because only a whore would fuck one) is not going to change how they are.
Oh user, you are not happy and you never will be
What I find funniest about this is that it's literally pic related.
Damn predatory lolis
Oh? Would you build a time machine and groom and fuck your mom when she was ten?
he's antisocial and doesn't like large gatherings, he'll do something nice when they're alone
That's better than the usual 26 year old loser dating a 17 year old, so yes.
They probably did that because that is possibly the most boring design I have seen today.
The /r9k/ ITT is strong...
It means he's normal and not a pedo.
yikes, you need a timeout and some fresh air
This is a good one.
Stay mad
why do you think there are so many shootings
imagine wanting to hang out with high schoolers at age 26
It sure as hell should be legal
He was definitely interested in Lady in DMC3, he went for a kiss, but she rejected him.
Based Boomer Johnny smashing teen puss.
It is everywhere in Europe and most of the USA, dude.
there's a pic that explains it on paheal
yeah i can imagine it, because im fucking a 14yo. she is amazing and lets me do anything i want.
meanwhile i could also have sex with my 29yo female friend, but why would i do that. so stay mad virgin
>Showing of the ingredients
>Showing of the finished meal
>Dark outside, dog is present
>Daylight outside, dog is mysteriously gone
Well, gang, looks like we got a vampire on our hands.
>Except they turned the guy in the back into Morgan Freeman
Garret Morris you fucking pleb. Not every old black man is Morgan Freeman.
>Johny with a gut
This is completely wrong. Yet it's completely realistic.
Don't forget the 28 loser dating the 15 yrs old girl.
>All the people in this thread claiming they're dating underaged girls
>"well, at least its not a dude"
damn, that raimi nailed that episode
>Later ends up being a dude
americans really hate their children dont they
This hurts me
I really like how the dads head and upper arm are just drawn in one line besides the ear, thats kewl
Moving out is a trap of debt slavery masquerading as financial independence.
I remember how depressed /ck/ got when Francis died. Now his voice speaks from beyond the grave and it’s really weird
I love her apron.
Please don't be dead. Please let the dog be sleeping somewhere outside. Please just let the photo be a gimmick for when her dog doesn't want to come on stage.
white girls fucks dooooogs
Too soon
I don't know who this person is, so I really thought this was a joke about asians eating cats and dogs.
because you say so
Oh. I guess I was wrong...
Now draw her calling Johnny up at this age.
dante can expect to be pounced by patty the moment he returns to the human world
dante does drink though
dmc4 and the anime both show him drinking.
hell dante was depressed until he met nero in 4 and he became even happier in 5 when vergil got back
Johnny was too good for this world.
it would never fly with today's sjws crying about everything
didn't Johnny constantly get dunked on and get his ass kicked for being such a horndog? I mean, he's literally a joke character that's meant to be utterly absurd.
yet he still managed to score at times.
and he was not a virgin as the volcano spit him back out.
These are the same people who didn't that the joke in Seninfeld was that the characters where shitty people.
They think that showing a character being a shitty person as a joke, is the same as agreeing with that character.
You're talking about a clown world where places like Evergreen trapped liberal teachers inside the school building shouting "You're a bunch of racists" because the teachers were against the idea of a "Whites should stay home to make brown people feel say" day.
Can't trust em'
Mitsuboshi Colors
The dialogue is fake, unfortunately. The show is cute but there's basically no fanservice in it
Oh my goodness, SQUIDWARD!
Great pasta. Always a fun read.
>that post
>being on reddit
>not having been downvoted to oblivion
I'm calling shenanigans.
Yea ForumsYea Forums was fun
Good times:
sup elena, knew i could count on you in a johnny thread
He was practically her dad for a bit. This isn't Usagi Drop
>Kissless virgin
>Still the most powerful being
He wants to wear her like a fleshlight.
Don't remind me about usagi drop user....
Why can't those japs just have a show about having a child and not wanting to fuck it?
Jesus fucking christ
There's literally nothing wrong with dating girls who are 1 year, or 3 years, or 5 years, or 7 years, or 9 years, or 11 years, or 13 years, or 15 years, or 17 years, or 19 years, or 21 years younger than you.
He ate the stem.
Children luring an adult into their creepy van is the kind of reverse role humor I love, too bad the only shows that do it have really shitty animation like South Park. It's kind of nice to see characters with actual fucking dimension move around, even if the movement is limited and on 3's.
>didn't Johnny constantly get dunked on and get his ass kicked for being such a horndog?
Yes, but he got laid pretty often inbetween those. The show only focused on the times when he got dunked, because it was funny. Fucking pilot episode already confirms he is not a virgin, plus later he gets it on with Velma from Scooby Doo, even manages to knock James Bond Rule 63 off her feet with ONE KISS.
>Kinda gives me older Johnny Cage vibes in that pic...
Well, they are both very pretty.
She meant she was the kind of girl that Johnny's Mama warned him about.
What is they're an even number of years younger than you are?
Now THIS is something I can get behind.
Yeah only wagecucks live on their own, unlike us cool free millenials
you didn't have to post this
Imagining any harem anime scene with the protagonist replaced by Johnny instantly makes it more entertaining.
>cliche scene where the guy accidentally ends up in a compromising position with someone, only to have the other girls walk in on them and misinterpret what's happening. The girls storm off angrily in different directions, Johnny not knowing which one to chase after, blurting out "Wait, don't go! There's plenty of Johnny to go around!" Bonus points if that someone was Carl.
I should have known harem anime is shit mostly because the MC are shitty.
This is great.
Just passing by and saw some retard actually using a reddit screencap to support his argument, so I thought I'd laugh at him.
My parents married when he was 44 and she was 27. I'm the youngest of 3 and my dad is 51 years older than me. Never lose hope fellas.
That's the same age difference as if I married a 13 year old. Nice.
That would be the appropriate response, yes.
>tfw I went to Evergreen and this sounds like a totally plausible thing that would happen
What a weird fucking college
>this sounds like a totally plausible thing that would happen
It was all over the news and it's the reason why Evergreen's student attendance has dropped to being in the mid-hundreds and might close down because parents don't want to send their kids to a college they thought was wasting their time with SJW bullshit.
>I go to take a drink and he starts autistically rambling about having power and his motivation or whatever the fuck
Firing a gun in a holster.
I'm double that age and own 2 apartments but I live with my parents because they need care
If you're taking care of your parents, they live with you, not the other way around.
>increasing the population
>then bitching about "global warming"
neo-libs deserve both gulag and rope
>be 29 year old boomer
>seeing a 16 year old taco queen
I just checked, it indeed had been downvoted to oblivion and TV deleted it out of shame
Statiotory raped and deadpilled
When I was 17 my girlfriend was a twelve year old with abnormally large boobs
I wish I could get away with that sort of thing these days
Based and redpilled. Both Johnny and this post
What's his stand?
>whiteknights having a kneejerk reaction to this post
really makes you think
this is sad
On the contrary, it's hilarious.
Posting a rare Johnny.
i remember when people used to make fun of Japanese idol culture, and somehow now the West has become Japanese idol culture
Other way around. Usagi Drop was written by a woman who wanted a father to fuck.
Johnny Bravo could definitionally slip into Jojo and not be noticed, he has the body, the quirky personality and even the poses, all he needs is a stand or hamon desu.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Johnny scores a lot but the vast majority of the time he gets his shit pushed it.
The chad Bravo never gives up.
>He gets dropped into the "warrior of destiny" role but keeps screwing it up because he's cocky and wants to show off.
So basically every other shonen MC?
If you are 39, there is no problem with dating 21 year younger than you.
>[Johnny Bravo flexing noise]
Dare I share that Johnny Bravo MEGA?
based Johnny
Its funny because she's asian.
Motherfucker, the difference too fucking big - you could be her/his dad/mom!
How come we're at this point where everyone is pushing for stuff like gays and "You gotta date trans people or you're transphobic", but a 50-year old dating a 23-year old is viewed as an abomination?
As long as they're both consenting individuals, I fail to see anything wrong with that. Sure, there's a higher than average chance the younger party is a gold digger, but people are into all kinds of unusual things.
this movie relationship always creeped me out mainly because she would've still been a highschooler in vampire years.
I must’ve had a bad memory because I always thought Suzy was Johnny’s little sister
This ship always reminds me of the german guy in /fit/ who is grooming a little redhead girl
I don't know why but that seems like a very German thing to do
I wonder if he studied under Fritzl-sensei.
So he's a wizard?
She's 7.
Nah, my mom is one year older than my dad, and they had two kids
Johnny's smart in this case, waiting until she's legally able to drink before going for it.
Lucky for you, I see both things as abominations. But I'd rather date a 20+ year old woman as a 45+ boomer than to date a mutilated man just so I won't be seen as a bigot.
My mom is like 5 years older than my dad and they have 6 kids.
yeah and look where you ended up