Rocko's Modern Wife
Rocko's Modern Wife
Frogs gay
Frog a cute
Now that we got that out of the way lets start shipping anthropromorphic characters
>thinking mentally ill people are mentally ill is bigoted
If anything I just give a shit, unlike you
How would Ed take it?
I assume people have already both used YEA ROCKO and ran it into the ground. I've been avoiding the threads after the first day because I said what I thought of the entire special already.
I’m curious, has there ever been a case in real life ever where someone who knew a person before transitioning decided to date them after the fact? Not hating or anything but this situation just seems like it would be way too weird.
The real question is, how would Netflix reboot these niggas?
My first boyfriend started going out with one of our female classmates (without telling me that we were breaking up) after he stopped being a she.
I actually want this to happen because Doug was already completely ridiculous. He'd probably get pounded in the frankenstein pussy by Patty's strapon laced with pepper spray and gets filled with mayonnaise. Then Roger would call him a faggot afterwards. A molestation by Mr. Dink may occur at some point.
Rodger would come out gay. That's why he was such a bully. Or Dirtbike would be trans.
Oh shut up you didn’t even know Ralph existed until he was turned into a tranny
She’s legitimately hot
>Roger would call him a faggot
Rodger was the most based character on the show. Prove me wrong.
What should I do if the frog is turning ME gay?
stop using the internet and rethink your life
I'm mentally ill Ihave autism and developed more mental illness because of that, and I don't understand why so many people who support trans rights consider mental illness a negative shameful thing. There's nothing wrong with being mentally ill except it means you need help, and I thought the entire reason we help trans people transition was because they are mentally ill and need help.
I always found it amusing that Patty Mayonnaise was in Orange is The New Black. I can't unhear her as Patty.
I’m bi (though leaning towards more attracted to females) and I had a crush on a friend when they were a boy, and then they transitioned and turned out to be a girl. I’d still date them but they just aren’t that into me :,(
Patty would be a lesabian or bi.
Is there a penis?
Keep tabs on them. Their lack of options will make them desperate.
oh hey, I drew that
makes for a cute girl
If a mentally ill person thinks jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge will prevent aliens from planting microtransmitters in their teeth, do we oblige them?
Extreme example I know, but indulging the delusions of the mentally ill just isn't sensible and risks doing more harm than good.
How it should have went.
Draw more
The comedic potential alone has sold me on this pairing. Bev had a thing for Rocko didn’t she? That’s going to make shit weird
I was talking about how trans people get butthurt about being called mentally ill not the ethics of trans treatment
Is it had I want More?
Yeah my bad I misunderstood
It’s cute
Rocko should fuck all the Bigheads
>first word of response is a direct attack on the poster
Why are trannies so hateful? Is it because they hate themselves? Is that why they also commit suicide in massive droves?
Why is this hot
Patty would have a side fauxhawk and be dating trans Skeeter
I don’t even get why they got upset either. I personally find all of the jonesposting funny
I like the way you think user
I mean, does just look like a really ugly chick and not a trans woman, so props I guess. Complaining about passing as a woman when you want to pass as a woman is probably THE most first world problem i've ever heard
Oh, Cosmo... you lost at Mario so hard to John Numbers at E3 he literally made you into his bitch.
Is this why Joe Murray set his shows in fucking Wisconsin or Illinois or whatever flyover state it was? So he could pull off the ignorant parents schtick two decades later? Are we gonna get a Camp Lazlo documentary on the effects of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts and their repercussions into adulthood?
Post more fanart
>in Thailand
theres your problem
this is legit sad
I feel sorry for the parents but they probably did a shitty job raising it so my sympathy is small.
Imagine reading something like this and not being able to see the madness of it all. I suppose the Devil is Loud in the heads of those who don't piously follow Christ
So strong they yeet themselves off a bridge if you call them by their biological sex.
Finally watched it today.
Whinds of change part was silly. Most of it was ok.
Hell is deep and wide
I wanna make this a mod except that it always deals damage just to fuck with people
Doesn't Rocko like Melba?
I don't get it.
Dial 8
he never made a move on her and it's been twenty years- odds are she's taken by now
ok, I see.
But just for everyone else's benefit, explain it to everyone else like they're slow and retarded and don't get this at all.
Well it’s pretty easy to tell that rocko threads are officially ruined because of this special. No more discussing about the show, but instead discussing about how much trans people should be gunned down.
better than the wallaby, the cow, and the turtle combined?
irl i feel like guys who actually date trans must be fucking degenerates, and probably should be killed, but im having absolutely no issues with rocko dating rachel, maybe is just because everything in rocko's universe is so fucking surreal and weird that it somehow gives this weird paring an aura of normalness
i don't fucking know my mind doesn't fucking know how to react to this, it just works
Yes. Please explain this to me I still don't get it.
Statistic yourself TRANNY
i probably will man, this shit is messing with my mind i should not be seeing that pairing as something potentially acceptable
does rocko even have a real girl he could be paired with now that he is a massive nostalgia fag that only cares about his favorite cartoon
Nah. Rachel is super rich and successful and Rocko is an unemployed bum. It would never work.
Rocko would try to make Rachel write all of his stupid Fatheads headcanons into the series
Parents disowning their children isn’t a flyover state thing. It probably happens more in blue states where families are more fractured than some backwoods where your entire family unit lives next door.
>Getting surgery in Thailand
Had it coming.
that would be really hard to pull off, cause while Viacom still owns the Nickelodeon seasons, Disney still owns the seasons they made, and might still own the rights to do anything new with the franchise too
yeah I can dig it
Rocko deserves a real vagina not an open wound
Who says Rachel had surgery?
Rocko would get pegged even if it were with another girl
she is a frog, maybe she actually did become a girl physically
NO, even if they look cute together these two should not be allowed to be drawn together, for the sake of humanity please no
That’s hot. Rocko seems like the type t b h
The only problem is them not being drawn together enough
Imagine Rocko having to explain to her that he’s fucked her mom
definitely need more of this
Rachel's dick is bigger
honestly it'd be funnier if it turned out Rocko has an absolute monster of a dick
We need more people drawing this
What do you want to see
Hit me harder daddy
Rocko ranting about his Fatheads ideas, while Rachel looks at him smiling. The kind of look that you can tell she's more interested in Rocko's passion than in anything he's actually saying.
Frogs do change gender but only if they can’t find a suitable mate or if they’re exposed to a parasite/pesticide that fucks up their hormones. So Ralph transitioned because they couldn’t find a female mate/wanted to attract a male mate or his father’s Corp work exposed his son to chemicals that turned him trans. Considering that Rocko is the only person who supported Ralph and helped reconnect the Bigheads, I wouldn’t be surprised Ralph turned trans just to fuck/entrap Rocko. Not just because it would cause Mr. Bighead to implode but because Rocko probably knows/cares about him more than anyone sans Ms. Bighead but even then they were even more estranged since Ralph saw her as a traitor for staying/supporting his father.
I’ll see what I can do if this thread is still around later
yeah, because subhumans like you do your best to egg them on by tormenting them. I hope you enjoy hell, because you aren't headed anywhere else, savage
God hates faggots and self mutualiton. He will not judge me for telling you the truth.
You are not a girl and never will be.
You can still be saved. Ask forgiveness.
Jesus died for you. You simply need to repent and accept your role in life.
I will legitimately pray for you.
I wish not for any man to be damned.
Don't let the world taint your soul.
I know Yea Forums has always had a huge population of literal faggots and women, but when did it get so fucking gay and lame?
>Don't let the world taint your soul.
You belong to this world, Christfaggot. You aren't special or above it because you spend your life playing make-believe. One day you'll be in the ground with all the duh generates you've spent your life fuming about, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.
>Tranny telling a Christfag that they spend their life playing make believe
not even that guy but this is hilarious
Trannies were a mistake.
Be in the world but not of it.
Not all of us, brother.
Some of us still fight the good fight.
In fairness Wisconsin, up until recently, was also blue.
One of infinitychan's largest boards was /leftypol/, where obnoxious transgendered communists would hang out.
They started flooding Yea Forums when it shut down.
he hell did he bring a rapier to the restroom for?
>anyone that isn't a Christfag is a tranny
Christfag brain hard at work, common sense thrown out to fit that Jesus cock further down your throat.
To rape
>anyone who makes fun of trannies is a christfag
veritable oof
Oh, my mistake, I don't even know HOW I came to the conclusion was a Christfag.
We aren't the same person
I bet it looks like tossed salad down there
>I hated the right people and tried to get them to kill themselves even though they don't actually affectme at all
>I'm totally a good person
Say it to the devil, subhuman
>All the other nolstagiafags online blame Rocko for any faults they find in NuFatheads.
>I chop off my dick and kill myself, but before i do I try to convince as many vulnerable people to follow in my footsteps as possible, especially children
Trannies are literally evil.
>Implying it shouldn't be a scene of Rocko fucking Rachel from behind as he is in complete awe that he is actually getting laid
>The sweat he breaks into when he realizes Rachel is a man upon feeling his balls slap against Rachel's from behind
>His face when he keeps going anyway
>blame Rocko
>not blame Rachel for being a tranny and being at fault for ruining Fatheads
Hatred infests your heart, and you have the gall to call others evil for a self-inflicted harm that affects you nothing at all. You'll burn, I guarantee it, and you'll have the gall to wonder why
Pretty sure Rocko doesn't want to fuck a horrific wound
That's like saying we should help anorexics starve themselves
Why would he be surprised, he knew her as Ralph (and would have probably fucked him too if it meant a sneak peak of the new season of The Fatheads)
Maybe they meet up in a bar and he thinks it's some unrelated frog
Too op pls nerf
Most people would term the preservation of life as "love", but leave it to a psycho tranny to interpret as the opposite.
There is no, nor has there ever been, a God that preaches complete and utter acceptance and love for others. Every God requires obedience and demands nothing but strict observance of their scripture and commandments.
You have, no doubt through some measure of indoctrination or other such falsehoods spouted by the ignorant (church-going or otherwise), come to the belief that the Christian God loves everyone. He doesn't. His love is not unconditional, no deity's is.
If his God tells him to hate homosexuals and other such societal deviants, then by God he'll hate them.
I hope we can reach 100% tranny suicide rate
have sex
>have sex
Ah the almighty Tranny rebuttal
>have sex
That's literally a tranny response.
Really? You don't think there's nothing that can separate us from the love of god?
Oh sorry, nothing in creation.
>muh tranny bogyeman
seething incels
It’s a cloaca how could he tell the difference?
Is there an edit yet of Rachel in her room with princess points and ed standing at the doorway with a tray of nuggies?
I’m a bit sad people ignore evidence of pollution just because Alex Jones pointer it out
I don't really understand your question.
If a God has mandated that the practice of homosexuality is inherently sinful, then a worshiper of this God cannot be considered "wrong" in the eyes of their religion for finding homosexuals vile.
He cannot be separated from the love of his God because he is following his God's commandments, the reviling of heretics and the like.
If God says homosexuality is a sin, then it must be a sin. Those are the rules, the commandments of what a worshiper perceives to be a divine being, and those mandates must be followed in the context in which they were written.
ITT: Why religious zealotry is a terrifying and horrible presence in the world.
I think it’s just RP like the guy in the Mr. Rogers thread
It's sadly too hard to tell anymore.
I know a guy on facebook who is just a hateful incel and he uses his Christianity to justify every little horrible thing he does.
My cousin is married to a pastor's daughter, and she and her father pretty much walk around talking about how non-christians aren't even human and calling for the eradication of non-white people unless they are christian.
Does this really work bros?
Since frogs get most of their air through their skin, he can go down all night
Sounds good. People should be paid for their service.
Why would you willingly get surgery in a third world country?
What you consider vile and abhorrent today was the norm a hundred years ago.
What you consider brave and just today will be seen as unwholesome and unsightly in a hundred years in turn.
There is no such thing as human rights. The only right you have is the right to die, and not even the how or when either in most circumstances.
We deserve a better class of shitposters than this fucking leaf
They sound based.
"But look at how much money I saved!"
I'm kinda conflicted between this pairing being nice and wanting Rocko to be gay desu
I'm not seeing a conflict here.
>Divine command theory
T. Biologist
nigga you was always a jizz swallowing faggot
I never watched Rocko's modern life but holy shit, I don't understand how this is what dominated the conversation when it is such a bizzare fucking nightmare to watch.
Was that nipple superhero in the original show?
since when does Yea Forums hate trannies in general? I thought you just couldn't stand SJWs who demonize other good people to make themselves feel better.
Ralph is just a normal person trying his best to live his life to the fullest, I don't see anything objectionable about that.
YOU hate trannies, user.
I actually think shes cute and woud fug her if the dick is still there
So in this cartoon was an incredibly muscular man whose nipples would stretch out of his chest and make mouth noses and people are losing their minds that this show had a transgender.
> The absolute irony of using pics of Ruffalo and Downey Jr to call someone else a library
Based npc
>Look up this guy.
>Expect somebody who is just transitioning and people here are mocking them for being a fragile snowflake.
>Find an article on their genuine descent into madness where a fucking asshole tries to paint it as a portrait of a transgender individual facing the world
>When they unironically said "When I'm not ‘online’ I feel like it's not even real, in a way,” she said. “I'm just like, wired in.”
The article was from May of 2018. Someone please tell either somebody sane stepped in or that they're not dead.
Well they're not dead but are now posting sub 200 speed run videos which might as well be death.
No, part of his powerset was his Nipples of the Future. They'd stick to your eyeballs and show you your future.
>"normal people"
>No, part of his powerset was his Nipples of the Future.
didnt grow up with the show.
special was cute, Rachel for new waifu. Her sauce is dry and sassy. Mama like
I like Judy, but they were both cool enough to get their own theme music.
Mr. DInk too. All the GOAT characters had their own intro music.
Neither you /pol/niggers did. So stfu and let us have a proper discussion. A lot of threads already died for this fucking trannies vs nazies autism off. We don’t need this stupid shit from both of you anymore.
So the solution then is to be a tranny but keep the dick
No, the solution is to 40% yourself.
Isn't Thailand known for its specialization in gender reassignment surgery? The poster in the image said their doctor was especially renown. Despite all of this, how could destroying your penis and turning it into a fake vagina that comes with all these downsides and provides a lifestyle that is very far from what it is actually like to live with a real vagina be defended or even encouraged?
Yep. The same show that has really really big man is the same show that’s causing autists to argue if trans people are bad or good to society.
I just saw it and I thought it was amazing. Imagine falling this hard for the easiest bait fucking newfags
More normal than you
That was like one Discord group on r9gay, get over it already lol
You would have to find a mental asylum to find anyone who might be crazier than a tranny; and you're sure to find plenty of trannies there as well.
This statistic keeps gettin thrown around and I'm amazed that the environment that these people grow up in is never considered. It'd be like a prison warden expressing alarm over the average suicide rate for prisoners serving a life sentence or longer, yeah no shit they wanna kill themselves, they're in a horrible, hostile, unfriendly envrionment where they don't have the ability to express themselves.
So imagine not even bein transgender, but growin up where people threaten you, demean you, or kick you outta the house and you're tryin to survive, only to be exploited by predators. There's that constant physical threat for somethin you have no control over. People don't choose to be transgender because they know of the incredible potential for consequences, if they could, of course they'd choose to be who they were born as, less complicated. But it's not that simple, and we should know better than to accept these oversimplified answers provided by people that put them forward in bad faith.
m8, they have a higher suicide rate than jews in Nazi Germany.
It's not everyone else's fault trannies are fucking insane.
Because orthodox Judaism sees suicide as a sin, and prisoners had their families to think about it. The chance they could see their children or spouses again gave many that thread of hope that helped them survive through shit most people wouldn't dare to do. The Jews have a long, long history of resilience as well, and they attribute that to their unshakeable faith in divine intervention. From most anecdotes that transgender people give, they couldn't even borrow from the strength of their family, because they'd get kicked out or rejected. Until recent decades many felt completely alone, and most probably couldn't find any strength in religion because I'm pretty sure those texts couldn't fathom the idea of someone bein able to transition or want to be the opposite gender. So there's a considerable difference there.
Everyone shut up and post Rocko and Rachel holding hands
Can any drawfag draw this with Rocko and Rachel?
>or his father’s Corp work exposed his son to chemicals that turned him trans.
This. Stop the hate. Stop the suicide. Stop the suffering. Trans rights.
>Are we gonna get a Camp Lazlo documentary on the effects of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts and their repercussions into adulthood?
>I sleep in the NUUUUUDE
>Lumpus pouring salt on Slinkman
>Lumpus keeping Heffer locked in a closet
>Edward's abuse by his older brothers
>the girl scouts all being deformed or missing an eye or a limb
Yeah the show had some fucked up moments
I'm already into chicks with extras so I suppose I am already bi or something
I don't see the bulge
This thread fucking sucks jesus christ
Just watched this morning, surprised it didn't look like shit. Otherwise, I enjoyed it.
>All the Christcucks in this thread
God’s not real and religion, especially Christianity are backwards, bigoted ideologies that should be outlawed. The bible contradicts itself too much to have real stories in it. They’re fictional stories that morons take as word of God when it’s like thinking Harry Potter is real
>Tips fedora.
Who gives a shit if Rocko ends up dabbing on Ed
Damn dude you really got them with that five year old meme. You're so hip and with the times. Pepe wojack! lmao.
Any Rachel lewds yet?
>comparing your family being shitty to you to being incarcerated, worked to death, tortured and starved in a fucking war camp
The reasons trannies commit suicide so often is that they hedge all their bets on their operation. The root of trannydom comes from deep self loathing, and a misguided belief that the grass is greener on the other side and all you need to do is hop over that fence and everything will be magically better and you won't hate and despise yourself.
But then they do hop over it and.......... they still hate themselves. And now they're also saddled with the pain and misery of being post-op.
This but unironically
Why is this shit everywhere, who cares?
Genderfluidity is not real and SJWs, especially transexuality are backwards, bigoted ideologies that should be outlawed.
yeah the trannies really sucked the purity out of this show
I agree. We need to air children shows 24/7 to air nothing but suicide instructions, methods of sexual miconduct, and footage of brutal terrorist decapitations.
Because fuck children lol XD amirite?
This, imagine leaving a kid alone with a tranny.
Screaming to imply sarcasm doesnt make it not true
Sheltering kids from things they are bound to encounter in the real world screws them over later in life.
t. user who grew up in an extreme religious community that didn’t even know swear words until he was forced to move and thrown into public high school
Pulling up unrelated anecdotes doesn't either :P
At least pick an attractive one.
Good idea. All kids should have a violent rape scene played in front of them as soon as they are able to process it.
Seriously, stop making absolute statements. You just ask for dumb responses in turn.
It is an interesting question, but again one of the show's claim to fame was pushing buttons, being a satire and all. If seeing Ralphette is enough to trigger feelings in some kid then they were going to turn out like that anyways.
Transitioning isn't harmful though, it's just unusual. Should all unusual behaviors be banned? Should we prevent people from eating lutefisk because it's objectively horrible? No comes the answer, because subjectively it can help a specific persons health and happiness. You insufferable disingenuous village idiot.
>kids are going to see gangrape when they walk down the street
Maybe if they live in Mexico. You are the one who did not read what I wrote correctly. Trannies are walking around all over the US now and children are bound to see them. If parents wish to teach their children the transgender ideology is wrong than that’s on them but trying to hide the fact they exist from children will fuck them over when they encounter them in the wild.
You have no idea what it’s like to grow up sheltered from nearly everything then be thrown into all of it as a teenager. Sheltering your child instead of preparing them for what they will encounter fucks them over and if you believe in that philosophy I hope you do not have children.
I’m actually wondering if they have Neo-Nazis in Rocko’s Modern Life, just like in Fritz the Cat.
You completely ignored the difference between having your whole family to support you and having no one to support you
Most mtf trannies dont even get the surgery, the most common trans surgery is top surgery to remove breasts
Or maybe they should learn to love themselves as who they are instead of thinking chopping off their gentials does anything to improve their mental health.
To be honest most ugly trannies don’t actually get the surgery. That’s why you see so many posts talking about “girldick” and crying that lesbians don’t like “girldick”.
Is anyone stop to think that taking the character who's entire story was just "I hate my parents, and now im insane" , and making them trans was kind of insulting? Or did someone on the show just say "Ralph works on cartoons just like me. We have so much in common, lol."
the surgery to remove genitals isnt as common as you are making it out to be
The best thing about Trannies is their inability to breed. If the culture war can be pitted against them and have it widely be accepted that transexuality is the undesirable mental disorder that it is, eventually it will take hold and they'll genocide themselves without the rest of us having to literally do anything.
Just like trannies aren't as common as they're made out to be. An irrelevant, minor demographic of nutters looking to make a lot of noise and drive more people to death with them.
A deathcult, if you will.
user, trans people arent a race that can just disappear if it doesn't breed
Its almost like it's a modern demographic that'd be perfect for a cartoon based around modern life to tackle
>inability to breed
You truly are clueless about the trans community. It’s actually a problem that a lot of trannies are 40+ men who already have a wife and two kids that become a tranny as some sort of midlife crisis.
you don't know what that word means, do you
do you?
You don't die from being trans, starving yourself is a different matter. It's irrelevant how disgusting you think dilation is because it isn't life-threatening.
Reminder to shut up and post Rocko and Rachel filing taxes together
>but growin up where people threaten you, demean you, or kick you outta the house and you're tryin to survive, only to be exploited by predators
i hope youre referring to the LGBT community with all that
>Are we gonna get a Camp Lazlo documentary on the effects of sexual abuse in the Boy Scouts and their repercussions into adulthood?
no because gays are perfect angels who are never predators and never hurt anyone
That's obscene
el oh el
I hope the next Rocko Movie will be about this.
>A wedding of Rocko and Sheila.
>mind immediately jumps to Cuckholding
Well, gee Doug. That sure was a great preppin' you gave me. Time to show Patty why they call me Skeeter!
*honk honk*
So when will they get hitch?
what is this a reference to?
moderate anorexia is beautiful fatass
put down the fucking fork
A lot Bourgeoisie couples think it's necessary and important to announce your baby's gender at a party.
there was a person that transitioned and did a gender reveal as an adult, so probably that
Is this the result of stoicism?
>i just realized i like trans people
user, you're so close to some self-reflection. please, please consider-- maybe trans people aren't so bad? if you like rachel, maybe you'd like other trans people.
he's accusing you of being a tranny
the bald ginger nazi father who is too pussy to confront his transgender daughter so he pulls a constipated face cause hes a fat loser
Your piety is a thin shroud of arrogant self-worship. God wouldn't spit on you: he would just weep at the person you've become.
why doesn't it surprise me Yea Forums has daddy issues
go back to /TTTT/ faggot
I didn't know I wanted this
Imagine hearing Carlos’ and Joe’s realistic moans on their wedding night.
Too be fair. Doug was always a cuck but not literally.
Ugly YT attention ho.
>maybe trans people are so bad
Wish it were so. By all intents I have nothing against transgender people in theory but spending enough time in LGBT communities I’ve come to realize that most of them are sociopaths.
There's a wojak picture equivalent
and /pol/ isnt?
>LGBT communities
browsing tumblr doesnt make you an expert on lgbt communities
I am an actual transman that has been on T for five years. I have been in many transgender forums online and irl support groups. The LGBT community is full of sociopaths, perverts, and narcissists. Sometimes I wish it would burn down with myself included for how bad it is.
They would be in a polyamorous relationship with each other
Or Doug would be happily married to Connie who put the weight back on
Based trans bro
>I have been in many transgender forums online and irl support groups.
My suggestion is, avoid those. I know it sounds counter productive but those are typically started by individuals who are mixing their sexuality with political activism and general mental instability.
I mean you sound like a deranged idiot yourself or someone baiting considering the last bit of that sentence, but just from living in a place with a shitload of LGBT people, the difference between the sane ones and the crazy ones is as simple as if they are going to college. Which is a sad damnation of high education but I never thought Trump derangement syndrome was real until I met this fucking loony who was going to school. Meanwhile two wageslaves I met are not having constant mental breakdowns.
yanks dont count. you people are a lost cause anyway
Where can i download this?
I'm 100% sure anons last sentence is a joke, I say the same thing about the black community
And, 7 hours later, not one reply.
probably because your post was shit
Thailand is considered a specialist because of how cheap and quickly you can get it done there.
I think the actual best results come from doctors in the UK but they have several year long waiting lists or something.
Fuck it.
It's not impossible for even the most manly looking dude to pass as an average woman. It's just that most people crying online are lazy as fuck.
>because of how cheap and quickly you can get it done there.
>Genital surgery
>'make' Doug a cuck
Everytime they mine it the words *BIGOT* show up in text.
The special was actually pretty boring.
be nice to my froggy wife.
>This thread
Whelp, Rocko threads are ruined. Can the /pol/tards stay on Yea Forums?
im pretty sure kim is a tranny.
I gave up on the LGBT scene when I got kicked out of my college's campus for owning a firearm. Combine that with how generally mad they get when you dare to be even slightly right of center, and I am glad that I don't mingle too much with them.
They even turned on my ex-boyfriend (Who was a really flamboyant trap) when he said the little kid drag queen stuff gave off diddler vibes.
i used to be an angry /pol/ poster
now im on estrogen im really chill and happy
You went from one pathetic incel cult to another.
but she sounds happier now
>It's confirmed they don't even remotely pass
i ended up with my first boyfriend
i made a better girl than boy
Holy shit would you like a diet cope instead jesus fucking christ lmao
>Is anyone stop to think that taking the character who's entire story was just "I hate my parents, and now im insane" , and making them trans was kind of insulting?
If anything they should have called more attention to it, could have been funny.
Redpilled but cringe
References this video.
Don't give Netflix ideas.
Cope, will kill himself after his cult friends stop giving positive reinforcement.
You're a prison gay AGP and cringily roleplaying something you'll never be, even avoiding capitilizing your i since you think that's how women type online.
if you have a trans child. its your genetics that caused that
cry more daddy
>even avoiding capitilizing your i since you think that's how women type online.
kek what?
Mad thad showed me prison gays can be chads so I'm good.
You alright Trans Broskie
Man this Deli really is Wacky, I can’t find the Sausage anywhere?
dude, i used to be a /pol/ack
i know all the lines.
im a mentally ill man in a dress, but fuck it makes me happy :3
Look between the buns
Nobody does self-righteous self-centered hypocrisy like transgendered people.
who knew being castrated was so calming, eunuch
>Trans person: Exists
Why do the weakest always talk about strength? The truly strong rarely boast about it.
Jealous Bev peeking in on Rocko and Rachel flirting on the bed. Her grip on the doorframe is so strong from her anger it is con caving. Rachel notices and gets a bit more risque intentionally
god may not be real but I rather everybody be a christian then tranny. bigotry is an inherent part of human nature with or with out god or faith. your secularist bullshit would only work if the rest of becomes rational and logical an thery is nothing rational or logical about chopping your dick off. in that sense trannys and thery supporters like your self are no better then the christcucks you claim to hate. at lest the christ cucks arent completely gay and have cool robes and at least have teaching out side of gay materialistic hedonism which which is what tannys bullshit mostly is
People go to Mexico and Asia for cheap dental work and minor surgery. But this...
It's ok. Within 20 years God will be out of the picture and we'll have nothing to hide our horridness behind. Just us, and our own awfulness screaming into the void of an empty, uncaring universe.
Then we will be judged.
reminder that Alex Jones watches trans porn
Those parents who take their kids to "storytime with a drag queen" are just asking for trouble.
where the fuck do you people find these supposed crazed out trans people? because every trans person i've known irl has at least been tolerable, if not cool outright. like none of them have ever had a schizoid freakout on me; the extent of their """trans rage""" has been politely asking people to use the right pronouns, and maybe telling them off if they're being an intentional asshole about it.
yes, i know there are crazy people on the internet, but i think me too often take them to be representative of the whole, when the reality is just not that simple.
>inb4 suicide rate
i've met very few trans people who are naturally suicidal after they've transitioned. most of that suicidal idealization comes from external forces-- isolation, abandonment, stigmatization.
Because a lot of the anons on here have never actually met a trans person irl and just base it off of a few crazies they saw on the internet (Who are in the minority) and off of /pol/ conspiracies.
More of this
Less of this
Go get a job, Rocko.
It would be full on racial politics, the different skin colors would easily lead into that.
nothing says she didn't keep the dick
Infestations from /pol/ and discord SJWs. They congregate links on "culture war fronts" and scatter to other boards to protect their agendas.
Where are you bitch it's been more than a day.
Doug is delusioned
Skeeter is just a retard
His crush Patty is gay and aiming at his sister instead (Melvin)
Roger is an awkward guy who tries to befried Doug but comes over way to aggressive
Aren't some frogs able to spontaneously change gender?
But why?
I think I've only met one or two in my life, and they made little impression. Their "allies", however, have shown themselves to be arrogant, self-righteous, emotionally unstable, judgemental hypocrites.
If you work in animation in Los Angeles, you'll meet them IRL, and their numerous flaws will become quickly apparent.
>TFW I wish I was prison gay instead of gay because cute females lower their standards while gays do not.
It's not fair.
>It's this over and over
only in response to chemicals in their water
>Sink a boat full of sea mammals in the middle of the ocean
Wouldn't they do just fine?
Imagine being green lex luthor
childhood is thinking Rog is a jerk
adulthood is realizing Funnie deserved all the shit he got
yeah that's the good stuff
Dude, she still does. She was shoving her chest in Rocko's face in the special. Though, I think the Bigheads have always been swingers. Plenty of stuff throughout the series to confirm that.
You mean how WILL he take it? Rocko totally wants to fuck that frog.
that's motherfuckin cute as h*ck
Every tranny I've met has been a literal chore simply to be around.
For some reason, trannies all have this idea of "how women should act" that are based on the absolute worst, obnoxious SJW feminist cunts ever.
It comes off like some sort of gender minstral show, except they're being 100% serious.
>It comes off like some sort of gender minstral show
Kind of, yeah. I don't mind trans people if they stop trying so hard to act a certain way.
i thought you were dead
Their whole Twitter is just a trans version of that one guy obsessed with baby bump ribbons(?) and putting charater heads on cat bodies.
Just radiates a level of sadness that you almost pitty the fuck.
Do it.
They forgot to mention it has a 40% chance of actually dropping the ore you mined
I justed visited his twitter and holy shit
I think at least half of all trans people are misdiagnosed autistic people after seeing this, deviant art and speedrunners. Its really sad.
I haven't seen the movie yet, whats the rundown on Rachel? Is it as bad as I think it is?
Only if I'm taking some of you guys out with me bud
>Spend ages trying to get the trans ores
>Most of the time it just vanishes
>After days of searching finally get enough to craft at least a sword
>10+ attack naturally
>Decide to go on a slaughter fest to test my new weapon
>Go into the nether
>Find the nearest horde of pigmen
>Shit breaks instantly after first hit
>Remember all tools and armor made of this shit breaks 43% of the time
>Am immediately fucked by the horde of pigmen
>loose all my items
Fucking trans ore.
It really isn't that bad, but it is relevant to the plot. The plot's about accepting change or some shit. I thought it felt natural for both the show and the character and would only feel forced if you get triggered easily
Unless the very sight of a tranny sends you into a frothing rage it's really not as bad as it's made out to be on here. They never once use the word trans, transphobe, transition, or bigot. Rachel does not jump down Rocko's throat for calling her Ralph before he knows about the new name. Ed briefly disowns Rachel, but it's more about him being overwhelmed by too much change in his life than it is about actually hating trannies so he isn't just some strawman to make a point. The only thing that was a little jarring was Heffer and Filburt's overexcited reactions to Ralph coming out as Rachel, but they spend the whole special being thrilled about everything new in the 21st century so it's not that big of a deal.
Ralph transitioned into a Jew?
Just and ugly tranny. like most of them.
>I dare you to tell chris-chan he's hot.
Being a tranny is just the cherry on top of Chris-chan's issues lol
i didn't think it fit the character at all. i dont think the idolization from all of twitter is earned, but i guess that's just what happens to open lgbt characters.
>I dare you to go out with him and have sex.
Do it or else you're a bigot.
it kinda fits, "I couldn't make a good cartoon and my dad disowned me, guess I'll become a tranny"
I double dog dare you.
The entire special could've been done without it and pretty much nothing would change.
Because they're not "women trapped in men's bodies", theyre just psychos obsessed with the -idea- of being a woman... and their idea of what a woman is happens to always be fucking terrible.
Normal people don't go out of their way to "try to be their gender".
I dared you first. I'm immune to your double, triple & quadruple, hell I'll go as far as infinite dare. But you NEVER back down from the first dare.
Now do it or else society will shun you.
>botched up surgeries
>Tits look all fucking wonky and warped.
>trannies refuse to get psychological help
I wish trannies in the public media would be honest like.
I thought it fit fine. The character was seeking happiness, and found it. I suppose that could have went a number of ways, but it's the modern life and all... Heffer's crossdressing brother might have been a better candidate for a trans story, if it weren't for the Conglom-O parts of the plot.
That's not a rapier that's a fencing foil, dumb ass.
i feel so bad for those parents. what did they do to deserve that?
>ywn beat a man down so hard, you essentially feminize him for life
The suicide rate has nothing to do with bullying, you dense motherfucker. Today, in 2019, with tranny acceptance at an all time high the suicide rate has gone up, not down.
I thought it was for post-op trannies. You know. People who made massive and costly decisions they can't come back from.
Imagine hearing that scream
This thread is fucking surreal. Imagine bringing back CatDog twenty years later to have Winslow turn trans tsundere and dating them.
Infinitychan got shut down, so a bunch of /leftypol/ trannies have been shitting up Yea Forums.
>Imagine bringing back CatDog twenty years later to have Winslow turn trans tsundere and dating them.
>Written by: >Shadman
Make the mod have a way to turn off the dmg in a config file but only if you learn all of its pronouns
hey man
you know you're wrong but you are convincing yourself of the wrong thing on purpose
I don't gotta know why, but you should stop
Reminder to shut up and post Rocko and Rachel eating freezy pops
why are they so cute together
I'd never actually seen this goblin interact with anyone until I saw EmptyHero's discussion with him. There's something legitimately off about him. It was really sad.
I'm just glad she's happy now
I'm right and you know it.
Thanks user.
Is that you Shadman?
So why is no one helping him.
This isn't gender dysphoria. It's legitimate mental illness. They need help.
I forgot!
Didn't get a chance to color it
That’s adorable user.
The Tranny Pepe
You mean bought new clothes and women's makeup
It's only gay if the balls touch, and frogs don't have any. Wallabys have their sac above the dick.
Why's everyone posting rule 63 green lex luthor?
It's his daughter
I don't know Cosmo. I'd help if I could, but he's in his own little bubble. He lives in Commiefornia and admitted he doesn't go outside. He just lives in the cyberspace. No real friends, other than the occasional fuckbuddy.
He'll dye sad and alone, probably of suicide. Just another statistic, really.
Thanks! I’m glad you like it.
With the many meme variants out, I see this becoming a thing. I noticed a lot of Mr. Bighead edits too.
>Yfw Rocko's Modern Life inspires the next generation of pepe edits
>Occasional fuckbuddy
You're making me hate myself even more.
What is the final solution to the tranny problem?
They take too long to kill themselves.
Has anyone drawn Rachel as a janny?
Feels good man
Any drawfags?
40% should be 100%
rocko was always left wing shit or do we not remember the clown Episode. Also remember frogs change gender so who cares
We've been over this a million times. Read the thread
Unironically curing autism
>Also remember frogs change gender so who cares
I honestly wish it played off like that, with Ed no selling the transition. "Oh. Who cares! I was a woman for 10 years in the 80s while Bev was the man. We're frogs. It happens. Now are you gonna make the cartoon or not?!"
Usually these people won't admit they need help, get lost in internet hugboxes and think the only help they need is transitioning and hormones. People generally can't say they need more help around woke people because it'd be transphobic somehow.
Guess which character is overt attempt at convincing children to ruin their lives
Me too. Rachel just showed up after 20 years and told everyone she was happy but we didn't see how hard it was for her. Bigheads reaction was realistic but they made it seem like the only issue is other people. It's so lame
I forgot how Tumblr Yea Forums was, and still is.
People really like to throw the God card around only when it suits them. You probably eat pork and shrimp on the regular, but we won't be seeing you talking about that any time soon.
So does American Netflix have the original series available? Sitting up here in chilly mexico with only the special available wondering why they'd revive a show that's been dead for 20 years and not give new viewers the option to experience the original show first.
>He thinks we don't remember Wacky Delly
>wah wah wahhhh think of the children wah wah hurrrrr drag queen pageants for kids bad but i never said anything about all the regular pageants that were run by pedophiles because i didnt care until trannies were involved ahhh MORAL PANIC
god just
stay on facebook you astroturfing fucking faggot
All of them for making kids furries and Yea Forumsposters and adults who watch cartoons all day.
>Lol just stop caring they resurrected a 90's cartoon so they could push more propaganda
Normalizing mental illness isn't a public good.
>Fights projection with projection
>Wah posting
No no no, I'd like one with effort please.
if you can access VRV they have it
Holy shit I haven't seen Rocko in years and Ralph's voice really caught me off guard with how deep it is. Like it's the deepest voice I've ever fucking heard!
>It's a mental illness
According to who? You? Some random dumbass who believes in 40% memes that you took from a hastily read and misunderstood study about Swedish trannies from the 80s?
>Ralph fucking hated Rocko and his retard friends for liking a cartoon
>suddenly starts salivating for wallaby dick just because he got a fancy new frankenvagina
very obvious he still a weiner if he has that deep voice
If it's not a mental illness why do they need a sex change and surgery to be mentally healthy and happy?
What's wrong with mentally ill people?
Colored it today.
>If it's not a mental illness why do they need a sex change and surgery to be mentally healthy and happy?
We've all explained this to you a hundred times and you keep ignoring and forgetting it because you don't actually care. You're just here to astroturf your political views while crying crocodile tears about drag queen pageants.
Clearly you're simply more intelligent and enlightened than nearly every qualified mental health professional in the world.
GLAAD was working with Joe Murray to make sure no actual science got into the show.
OP of the original pic here, that's wonderful, thank you
>(((((((mental health))))))
>in original series
>bigheads son is fucking crazy
>completely mentally unstable person
>new movie
>hes turned into a tranny
Makes sense.
absolutely precious
Why are you so cheerful about the suffering and suicide of people who have never harmed you or even interacted with you?
>thinks their opinion suddenly matters because it's in meme form
>thinks """"""her""""""" opinion ever matters
because /pol/ is just /r9k/ with a political twist. reactionary people who spend their whole lives complaining
Because they try to convince vulnerable people, especially children, to follow in their self-destructive life decisions before 40%ing.
>/trannypol/ refugee
>because /pol/ is just /r9k/ with a political twist
/pol/ is just Yea Forums with paid shills you fucking newfag
im ex/pol/
so im immune to your arguments
Nice try /trannypol/ commie.
Why would someone who cares deeply about children choose to grandstand on a website that's had incidents involving child pornography and several other perversions?
stay mad clownworld
Because trannies are even worse than other kinds of child molesters.
I never understand what "help" you /pol/tards even want for trannys and those susceptible to becoming trannys if transitioning is so evil. A medical pro who demands they accept their genitals and societies expectations of them based on those genitals and throw them into a straitjackets in asylums so they can't go commit suicide thus "fixing" the statistics?
Youre just dumping the entire tacklebox straight into the water.
Not gender, sex
Humans are just delusional
>I never understand what "help" you /pol/tards even want for trannys
Stop projecting /pol/let, I want you to off yourself as soon as possible.
No clue what you're talking about. Just asking a question.
So you actually don't mind all the suicides no matter if the person was listed as normal or LGBT affilated?
You're pulling up statistics but that doesn't mean you've interpreted them correctly. Nobody cares about your broscience
I don't pull up the statistics. /pol/tards do. I'm asking for those who pull them up to shit on trannys, but say they should get "real" help, what is that help?
It actually doesn't matter if those statistics are fucked from the start since they'd use any excuse to cling to them much like the black crime statistics.
Just put them on anti-psychotics.
Whatever their actual problem is, there is a 0% chance that it's "I'm actually a woman that was magically teleported into a man's body."
Shut up and post Rocko and Rachel laughing together
im sure your armchair opinions really carry a lot of weight in the medical community
That wasn't an opinion.
Then what? Just keep pumping them with tranqs for the rest of their life? Watch them get fat until they die of one of the side-effects of long term anti-psychotic use, or fake being cured so they can go kill themselves instead of living such a shit life?
>Just keep pumping them with tranqs for the rest of their life?
No, you keep pumping them full of anti-psychotics so that they stop being psychotic, and are able to function in human society.
prove it then
Antipsychotics aren't a cure that automatically makes a functioning human for society. They help in the process, but they need to go along with some form of therapy if the goal is reintroduction to society.
Which again I ask what is that? Some guy with a Ph.D telling them to accept their genitals and societies expectations of them based on their genitals and suppress those problematic thoughts or else they continue being locked up?
Magic isn't real, therefore whatever is wrong with them cannot, by definition, be "magically transported into the wrong body."
>calls itself Narcissa after transitioning
>not Wanda
Missed opportunity.
I legit can't even begin to imagine how disappointed the parents must be. One thing having your son be a furry, but to also come out wearing a dress and claiming to be 'trans'.
Just sad.
You can't "magically transported into the wrong body", but you can be born with or develop internal or external traits associated with the the opposite gender. There was a guy who spent his life until his 30s as a seemingly normal man with reoccurring medical issues until a doctor told him he had a uterus. Turned out he was born intersex with both genitals and his parents had his vagina sewn up because they wanted a boy.
No clue where that guy went from there. Though I think he was married with children so he's probably attempting to keep up the normalcy.
yeah I thought you were a brainlet. Imagine seething this hard over a children's cartoon.
your genetics. your upbringing, your fault. cry more daddy
Super cute!
>Whatever their actual problem is, there is a 0% chance that it's "I'm actually a woman that was magically teleported into a man's body."
The problem is they have a brain that is physically more more like a woman's in a man's body. There's no magic involved, just neuroscience.
No, it isn't, any more than men are born with "women livers" or "women lungs".
im a repressed tranny
its totally possible to contain this mental illness and live a normal non-degenerate life
the only meds i take is antidepressants, so my emotions remain controlled and i accept my life as a man.
we need less acceptance, not less.
otherwise you undermine the commitment of people like me
>brain that is physically more more like a woman's in a man's body
This isn't true at all
Trannies don't act like women they act like bad parodies of them
>No, it isn't
It is.
>Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to findings to be presented in Barcelona, at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. These findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people.
Again, no magic needed. Just woman-like brain in a male body, or man-like brain in a female body. Of course that forces you to acknowledge that male brains and female brains exist and are different, so if you're a "gender critical" terf, you won't like this result. But the evidence is there anyway.
No, it's true in a very literal sense
>Dr Bakker says, "Although more research is needed, we now have evidence that sexual differentiation of the brain differs in young people with GD, as they show functional brain characteristics that are typical of their desired gender."
Does the new Invader Zim movie have any trans character in it as well?
>Trannies don't act like women they act like bad parodies of them
Fucking this.
Patty would become Jackie from SVTFOE
Even worse it has a same-sex relationship Johnen, why?
So,I was never a fan of RML. I've never heard of this special until now.
What is this trans shit everyone is talking about?
How did they got away with it in a kids ' show?
Define "get away with it". They put it in, and now a bunch of people are making a big fuss abut it, both in support and against it.
most children aren't as emotionally fragile as little alt-right /pol/flakes
Rocko and Rachel sending out Christmas postcards
Rocko will beforgotten by 2020
It'll revert back to however known it was prior to the special.
Why do you people even care about the frog son being trans?
Did you not understand the theme of the episode?