"Four legs good, two legs bad"
"Four legs good, two legs bad"
What about human penis?...
It has to count as a leg. Start walking with it, then we'll talk.
I never got to discuss this book in high school, so I'll discuss it with you stupids. It was saying that capitalism vs. communism is kind of a cycle and that checks and balances are important, right?
chickens don't walk with their legs you animalist
>four legs good two legs better!
>It was saying that capitalism vs. communism is kind of a cycle and that checks and balances are important, right?
>Book was written by Orwell, a very Stout anti-communist
Hahaha, no, it's a book that slams down hard on Communism, specifically Stalin and his brand of Communism. The movie is a British production, funded by the CIA, which is why it has good quality for a 1950s animated Propoganda film.
Doesn't diminish how important the book or the movie is, but yeah it's not anywhere about "balance" between what Communism vehemently fights against, and what Capitalism fears under it's bed.
Wings are their arms though, look at the skeletal structure.
...so centaurs are fine?
Either I was too much of a brainlet (I mean I am) to notice this "balance" when I saw it, or the whole story was indeed just about shitting on communism.
They go both ways
t. snowball's disruptive agents
I wasn't exaggerating at all, at the bottomline, this is a story that shits on communism. It's written by a man whose hated it since he took part in the Spanish Civil War in the 30s.
No, it was Orwell saying Joseph Stalin and the rest of the Soviets weren't real Socialists/Communists because they resorted to the same tactics the Czars used to control the population rather than making an honest effort to be Marxist, by presenting the Czarist regime as farmers, the Soviets as pigs, and the Russian populace as other kinds of livestock, and using various atrocities against the livestock as symbols of what Stalin did to his own people. I think the chicken rebellion was supposed to represent the Ukraine? Don't quote me on that one.
Go to Yea Forums to discuss anything because you're certain to have die-hard commies insisting Stalin did nothing wrong here.
> It was saying that capitalism vs. communism is kind of a cycle and that checks and balances are important, right?
It's more than that. The Farmer was clearly unfair to the animals, because he was human and thus saw himself above them. We have this relationship right now in our capitalist societies with the upper classes who own everything and the lower classes.
But the point,and here's the sticking point in Orwell's story: Trying to change this power structure just elects a new brand of tyrant as seen in the Soviet Union and Mao's Communist China. One who doesn't actually care about making their citizens happy, as they were always just a means to an end to begin with.
The Farmer's farm, while not ideal, at least forces him to put up the illusion of caring about the populace: because without the animals, he would starve. The pigs don't have this constraint, because they end up secretly dealing with other humans anyway when the farm is starving.
But they were right back where they started at the end of the book? upper class abuses workers, workers revolt, workers promote some of their own to upper class, and the upper class abuse the workers.
But I might understand what you mean about that being Stalin Communism. Is there a word for Orwell's ideal system?
Also yes, I'm aware the farmer represents the Czar, that's not the point.
>Animal Farm (1954) is an animated feature in which Napoleon is apparently overthrown in a second revolution. In 1974, E. Howard Hunt revealed that he had been sent by the CIA's Psychological Warfare department to obtain the film rights from Orwell's widow, and the resulting 1954 animation was funded by the agency.
>But they were right back where they started at the end of the book? upper class abuses workers, workers revolt, workers promote some of their own to upper class, and the upper class abuse the workers.
Reminder: They didn't revolt at the end of the book. That was an addition made by the animated film.
Only on imageboards is this a naughty joke.
Yes, they did that as a final propoganda piece to make it like "BUT WE CAN FIGHT THE COMMIE BASTARDS!".
The original stinger line was the donkey realizing the pigs, all dressed up and such, were never any different from Farmer Jones, or even humans in general. They traded a Czar for a Dictator.
orwell was a critic. he could dish it out, but as far as I know he never pretended to have the right answer.
as for these brainlets, It was about authoritarianism in general. yes, the book was mainly focused on stalinist russia, but he made it clear in interviews that many of the problems in animal farm existed in western society as well.
Indeed, 1984 has a rather dystopian western society propped up partly through using the soviets as a scapegoat for ignoring problems at home.
Was the absence of a second revolt in the oringal story meant to express a sense abject futility.
>Is there a word for Orwell's ideal system?
Real socialism
Eight legs better!
They fly short distances though, making the wing a limb of propulsion, and therefore a leg.
It’s saying communism is a farce
If only Orwell lived to see the Chernobyl clusterfuck
>Lived to see the most horrible Communism can do
>Died before Soviet Russia became a comical farce.
Here, here sp00der, I got something for you...
You're always getting fucked just who is doing the fucking changes from time to time.
Snowball was the true believer but he was overthrown because new ruling class lmao
Also kind of a cop out how the cartoon changed the ending to them overthrowing the pigs
I'm sure the animals wouldn't be so angry if they'd had a good fuck. Everyone is happy after a good fuck.
You know what they say
Bread and circuses and dildos
A cat is fine too.
Orwell went to a foreign country and joined a war as part of a communist militia so he certainly doesn't want a balance. He even wrote a book about it (Homage to Catalonia) which is a great read and gives a lot of context for his fictional writing. Animal Farm is about how much he hates Stalin and how a revolution can get derailed.
He apparently called himself a "tory anarchist" (socially conservative, economically anarchist) but has also said that democratic socialism was a major driving force for him.
>"Four legs good, two legs bad"
>Sheep fags go home
It has nothing to say about Capitalism. All that it was saying was Communism is shit.
Orwell fought in a war to try to make communism a reality.
>illegals good, orange man bad
>Rey collectable
Best part.
Orwell was kind of a fucking retard.