Which superhero could change his mind about capes?
Which superhero could change his mind about capes?
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Jean Gay
I mean, Jean Gray
No wait, Jean Gay was right the first time
He strikes me as someone with a "Frank Castle" mentality
So no. Nothing anyone says will get him to change his mind
Given Ennis' history on this? Superman.
I think I have a loophole answer.
What if it was someone like Professor X or Purple Man, someone who could legit rewire his mind so he likes supes?
What do you mean
Cap, maybe?
This, I imagine it'd take some really personal experience but Clark would make him rethink his worldview. Or just make him think that no other supe could ever come close and hope that he'd take him down instead of Hughie.
Garth Ennis wrote The Boys. He also wrote a comic called Hitman. Issue #34 of Hitman has Ennis' self-insert protagonist gush about Superman to his face, despite Ennis' history of nearly universally portraying superheroes as deeply flawed.
Hitman could tell him how awesome Superman is.
I can see Frank Castle working with Butcher for a while but once that mega death plan starts he would unload massive bullet's into Butcher's head
Frank is ok with Supers who have actual military experience it seems
i think user means he's similar to frank in that he's completely unwilling to change his mind on stuff, even if he knows it might be right
Probably Superman
None, that's not the point of the character. It's like asking who in Marvel or DC could win against Saitama, no one, because that's not the point of One Punch Man.
Frank and Billy would not get along
But could Saitama convince Butcher?
These guys could
Saitama wouldn't even care about Butcher. He would just think he is a delusional man that attempted to mug him.
Ennis hates Cap because feels his existence flies in the face of the real Allied soldiers who couldn't just batter a 20lb shell aside with a magical shield, plus he has the traditional British intelligentsia's instinctive sneer at American (or indeed British) patriotism.
If he enters either DC/Marvel, the competent heroes and villains would kick his ass.
Greetings Billy, I am The Tick.
Actually I wanna see how Tick does in the Boys. Comic version is tough as hell.
Obviously Black Noir would rape him and then eat him.
That ass is too tight to let any evil in!
Yup. And it'd be heartwarming as fuck.
Spider-man is probably the most honest hero, so, Spider-man
Peter created like 50% of his villains by being a gigantic douchebag and earning himself a grudge for life.
Man, to this day I feel for Gibbon.
What about Hal Jordan?
Saitama has the superpower of being absolutely infuriating to anyone who gives half of a shit about anything. Dunno if it's the apathy, the impotence of not being able to do anything about him (if we go by his series rule of invincibility), or the fact that's he's such a nondescript, hollow person that he doesn't even have proper dirt be be dug up, but he just rubs people with goals the wrong way.
Best Girl
Fuck off mutant lover
There's only one superhero that would make him hesitate.
Legion. And then he'd rape him :*
I'm not sure Butcher would even think of Hal as a superhero. Hal himself thinks he's a cop more than a superhero.
I don’t think anybody.
Imagine if a man painted blue did the worst possible thing to you. If you ever saw a blue person again you would hate them.
This would apply to any minority, gender, religious group. Heck even a breed of animal.
To add onto this.
The tragedy of Butcher is that he can’t move on no matter what. His sole purpose of being has been rewritten the moment his wife was killed. He died that day and everything else has been someone brand new.
It’s kind of tragic.
black noir with a broken thumb WHEN?
Section 8 is just a non-retarded Super Duper.
If Ennis was edgier then Butcher's hell would be to live with Saitama
Hero For Fun. (And Profit)
I dont think I will be so heartless to believe everyone is the same no matter what
Saitama lives in a lame ass apartment
That’d be stupid.
He’s just kinda comfy. It’s home.
The man flies around with an alien ring.
That is kind of superhero-y. He’s literally Green Lamplighter.
Batman. He can't complain about Batman having superpowers that oppresses people because Batman doesn't have superpowers and ensures that he doesn't fatally harm his victims, so the courts can decide their fate. Batman is a better version of him that gets results, even having a similar vigilante origin story, but doesn't let vengeance consume him.
ITT: People trying way too hard.
You are misunderstanding Butcher. Is clear he was born kind of fucked up the same way his father was.
Is just that he tried to repress that part and manage to have a normal life with his family, up until the point where his wife died in which point he went back to be a violent and sadistic asshole. The tragedy only gave him a clear target for his violence.
Wouldn't work.
I don't think a quartet of kids is going to make him change his mind. Remember he threatened MM's daughter? and he is one of the guy who know she is actually twelve, so he wont show mercy even if they are kids.
A very different league. Super Duper are innocent, but stupid, corporate-owned, and basically not good at what they do. Power Pack are not corporate owned, are capable of standing up for themselves against adults that yell at them, and, y'know... save the world with surprising regularity.
Wonder Woman with the lasso of truth, making him confront why he is the way he is.
He might walk away hating capes even more, but he wouldn't walk away without being rocked to his core.
Hey now, while most of Super Duper's members suffered from physical and/or mental disabilities, only two members appeared to be actually retarded: Black Hole and Bobby Badoing. Kid Camo and Ladyfold seemed relatively normal, as did Klanker apart from his Tourette's, and Stool Shadow's cognitive issues were from multiple concussions, not a developmental disorder.
Doesn't matter, he would have killed every super powered individual and the normal people that just had the super power stuff in their veins. If Hughie hadn't stop him. Also he killed his friends in cold blood, he is not the kind of person that can be reasoned with.
Nah, he is well aware of what kind of monster he is.
Believe In Steven
In retrospect, joining a guy who tries to make you laugh by having his dog rape another dog might not have been a good move for Hughie.
I wonder why he continued with his planned afterwards.
To me it's because he only can feel anything by killing people
That and the fact that he dressed like a school shooter.
Flex Mentallo would win him over with positive thinking.
Comblr literally cannot go one thread without something /pol/
The joke is that Steven is a dumb Mary Sue retard.
Goku would kick his ass then they'd become really good friends and then Goku would train him because he'd want to see how strong he can become.
Ennis is a massive Superman fanboy. Honestly though, I think Diana has a better chance. She's good at talking people off the ceiling.
Butcher would hate Batman because he lets his villains live
Ennis did say that he has a soft spot for Wonder Woman and Spider-Man, but that didn't save both characters from getting ridiculed by him.
Superman is the one he will legit respect.
He used Soldier Boy to express his distaste for Cap in the Boys and he had Punisher shittalk Cap when he got to write him in Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe. But it's peculiar that he considers a character who was made by two actual WWII vets (and who also did military comics that he enjoyed reading as a kid) as being an insult to them.
You weren't in no fucking war.
>That depressing as fuck story arc.
Hitman series when
Batman no powers, doesn't trust anyone with super powers, both get off on beating something they hate to a bloody pulp.
>To me it's because he only can feel anything by killing people
I would argue against that because from everything we've seen, he seems to be entirely disassociated when committing acts of violence. When he killed Jack he was at his worst but as MM said, he just kind of decides to do shit and does it easily with no thought to it.
He's just sort of empty inside. While he seems to take some pleasure from being cold and cruel, he seems to be the mentally ill version of psychotic.
He continued on with his plan to wipe out all supes, not because it gave him pleasure but because he decided that was what he was going to do and without Becky to literally draw the human out of him there was nothing to stop him.
He honestly is wouldn’t. His potential would be just as low as the regular humans in Z. Goku ain’t going to bother wasting time attempting to train him to his current level. Especially when he doesn’t have the potential.
Yeah it's such a weird fucking hang-up. Captain America was made by people who went on to serve in WWII, I'm pretty sure he was actually pretty popular with the soldiers during WWII, and in his "Golden Age" run, he was legitimately an enlisted member of the army, and yet Ennis just has this big hang-up with him. I really hope someone asks/has asked what his fucking problem is.
The actual Captain America or the actual Superman. Remember, in his universe, superheroes are dreamed up by the arms industry as weaponized mascots.
But there's nothing inherently funny about Steve Rogers or Clark Kent. They're absolutely genuine in everything they do.
Cap is a pretty lame soldier. According to the retcon, he never once fired a gun during WWII and had Bucky and others do the dirty work for him.
It also gets to me that for someone so into military history and so into wanking the military and marines that he never enlisted, I guess it was too much for him.
The cape who hates capes as much as he does
I think Butcher was especially riled up there due to
1.His plan about to go into motion and he didn't need the aggravation
2.The shit with her mom did
3.His mask slipping and revealing the monster he actually is.
Better question. Which superhero could change her mind about capes?
>Man, to this day I feel for Gibbon.
fill me in on gibbon
I don't think DC would ever let it happen. At least not without neutering it heavily. I doubt they'd let it take place in Gotham City, nothing involving the Bat-family (and definitely not letting Green Lantern get ass raped).
People divorced from the horrors of war tend to be the ones that romanticize it the most and example is Tom Clancy he worked in the military on a desk job, but his stories are about the soldiers in the field killing people, meanwhile Tolkien fought in the front lines of WW2 and wrote about fantasy escapism.
Only true answer.
Dubs confirm
Best answer
What kind of material would the Boys find to blackmail the Avengers? We all know they do some debauchery
Hulk invaded the planet once, people still see him as a hero in 616.
Flex is a real treasure and a true friend
Butcher would drug Jean with chemicals that negated her powers and basically do to her what Kingpin did to the wife of black man who raped him.
Basically have Jean gangraped to death by crackheads and homeless people and record it and send it to one or all of her white knight defenders.
He'd have better luck with Emma, who lived through the genocide of Genosha and could conceivably (and without using her powers) shame Butcher into realizing how having super-powers is a curse and that his butt-hurt over his wife being raped is insignificant to being at ground zero of a genocide, unable to stop it because you are clutching the corpse of one of your students (the only one you could grab to try and save, but couldn't) and was buried alive as your body (in a desperate act of spontaneous evolutionary adaptation, turned itsef into diamond from the stress and flames of having a building fall on you, stripping you of your telepathy in the process; not that the telepathy would have saved the millions being killed around you since the creatures doing the dirty work of men like the Butcher, were robots and as such, immune to telepathy.
Are you Ennis or Millar?
yeah, being kids has no effect on butcher whatsoever
Did ralphie end up hating him or did had a soft spot for him
It's Ennis.
isn't Miller the whores guy? Millar was the rape guy. Ennis i forgot
Shit you're right I read that wrong.
Good Boys.
The Boys is set on a universe where almost every single supe is a massive piece of garbage and butcher empirically knows this.
If he got transported to either DC or Marvel unvierses which are borderline Noblebright in comparison he would relentlessly try to get dirt on every single cape just to find out that almost all of them are goody two-shoes.
So either he experiences a massive breakdown stemming from dissonance or he changes his mind
>grasping at straws this fucking hard
The joke is that every single "villain" in that garbage show gets talked down and becomes friends with everyone regardless of all the fucked up shit they did before.
Stop being retarded
As a designer, Edna should have had a massive hard-on for capes.
Functionally they are almost counterproductive unless you're Batman, but aesthetically they are fucking great
>but aesthetically they are fucking great
Alright, see, that's why you're not a designer.
>setting up convoluted unnecessary shit
>involving gangrape
he would just bash her head in with his crowbar and go out to grab a bite with terror while whistling
I don’t really read X-Men doesn’t she have the Phoenix Force?
yeah, the part about drugs that neutralized her powers is spot on. the convoluted shit I was refering is the kingpin stuff that came after
>Drugs negating a cosmic force
Yeah right, he gets burned like Beast in this short
What would happen if Billy met Stain?
Stain would probably join or killed butcher or both
Superman, he's the best
And so Huey did.
I don't make the rules, the other user said the bit about the magic drugs
if there's no such thing, then obviously bucther wouldn't go face to face with her without some way to negate her godlike stuff
>or killed butcher
Are you trying to say he’ll kill Butcher or be killed by Butcher?
You can't change a villain's mind about heroes.
Butcher was a supervillain in a world where all the heroes were either completely fake or downright evil. You saw how he didn't stop even when he got his revenge and brought down the evil corporation? How he killed his own friends just because they had super powers?
Villains will *always* hate heroes, because no matter what, they get in the way.
Stain is the kind of person Mallory would conscript for the Boys, I don't see Butcher having much problem with him.
Stain might be a bit of an idealist for him. He believes in heroes like All Might, he just has a problem with fake ones.
>No qt forgetful goth superhero gf
Both at the same time.
Stain is a true believer in the concept of superheroes. Butcher would have no patience for him.
I'm really surprised Ennis never did a dark parody of Stardust the Super Wizard and just played him completely straight.
Doesnt matter since Stain would just kill Butcher for being a massive fraud.
Butcher has never claimed to be a superhero.
It feels hard to see Cap as an insult.to WW2 combat veterans when he was created by a WW2 combat veteran
superman, hell, any kryptonian, I mean the health and safety issues that they have do not apply to them
He can't drug Jean if he can't stop sucking dick
An anti-hero is still a fraud. Stain also had no problem killing other criminals and had done so in the past and present.
He'd repeatedly get outplayed by every hero because they're not some dumbshit assholes pretending to be Superhero's
He'd be the joke punisher character that eventually gets killed by punisher
He's just CIA Punisher with low super strength and toughness. Why wouldn't he do just as well as the regular Punisher? If that guy can be wanked to kill an entire universe then Billy should be able to pull it off.
The problem with Butcher is that 99% of the capes in his universe are wankers. Hell a good 30-40% of them are also sociopaths/monsters, maybe more. We saw exactly two capes who were not bad in some way, Hughie's girl and the girl in charge of the retarded capes, and the latter didn't actually have any powers. I don't count the retards because they didn't seem like they had the mental capacity for evil.
Living in that universe and seeing what he's seen, why would you ever trust capes? Even if one of them sounded genuine and nice he'd probably chalk it up to them having some bullshit mind powers that are making him think he's a nice guy.
Damn dude that's fucking smart.
I don't give a fuck how in the mood you are, or what fisherman town you come from there's no way you can't notice someone on their period. The smell alone would tip you off.
Guy is pretty great.
The heroes of the boys must be of low powerlevels, because if butcher is a normal guy, no way he could take someone with real power.
He'd probably just migrate over to killing villains and low level thugs at that point.
He’s not normal, he’s boosted by Compound V. Won’t make you bulletproof but definitely puts above most people.
Ennis is a bit of a hypocrite, and a Brit to boot. He's instinctively spurred to criticize people of things he recognizes as traits he's guilty of having.
The ever lovin' Blue Eyed Thing
Wolverine. Not because he's a good person (since he's not), but because he comes from a similar mindset and has Hughies of his own in Kitty, Jubilee and Peter.
Because the joke would be that Butcher has an intense hatred over Superhero’s and would use whatever he had to kill them all but he reasoning would be unsounded as hell and that would end up putting him on Fury’s list
I’d imagine they would employ him at first to keep an eye until it became apparent he’d just try and kill everyone
At least a few people would have a problem with that and deal with him personally
>Kill an entire universe
Isn’t that not canon anyway
He is the most heroic Marvel guy I know.
Not to mention the taste
Unless Butcher gets his attention like Garou did.
How come she didn't design them in a way that they would be removed easily if it felt a certain type of force.
Goku isn't a super hero though. He's just really strong from a warrior race of aliens.
I would love for a martial artist like Garou to show up in DC. Not because he would lose, but because he would shit all over Batman, proving Batman is not worthy of the title of master.
You absolutely know that would never happen. He'd go into DC, beat up a bunch of other martial artists, then finally make his way to Batman only to have all his strikes parried. Then after the inevitable "What the-?! How could you anticipate all my moves!" moment, Batman would reveal some bullshit about having preptime or that training isn't everything or that he was trained BY THE STREETS or whatever "lesson of the day" the Batman writers pull out of a hat that day.
Tolkein’s work is full of war and glorifies things like honor and Noble leadership in warfare
>Lunella Lafayette, canon most intelligent person in Marvel, loves Thing like an Uncle and considers him the smartest person she knows
>Yes, that includes Reed and Cho
Based Ben
Bruce ain't the best martial artists in DC though. That would be Richard Dragon and I-Ching. Granted they are both dead. Richard Dragon being killed by a common drug lord and had his name stolen. I-Ching currently inside Kenan as a stand.
The Orcs were literally created to show everything Tolkien thought was bad about modern warfare.
I would love for Val to one day take off the kiddy gloves and humble Batman. The same way Flash showed Superman that he was never using his true speed during their races.
Since he’s yet another hypermasculine wish-fulfillment of Ennis’, my guess is the real-life genuine Superman since Ennis only ever writes him with absolute respect.
Ennis grew up in North Ireland during the Troubles though he isn’t Irish himself. As someone who’s got a relative who did the same thing, I can tell you that a lot of people from that decade are kind of obsessed with projecting this very tough, extremely masculine image that is so stereotypical it’s almost homophobic without even trying to be. No idea why, it must be a cultural thing.
Interestingly, a lot of his works usually end up with characters realizing that this sort of self-image and tough-guy attitude is actually rather immature and that growing up out of it is what makes you a better person (Preacher, Hughie, etc), but apparently that’s the only sort of mental place he can write stories in even if he personally understands that it’s not really a healthy mindset in real life.
Also I’m guessing he never enlisted so he just kinda overcompensates, like those armchair general nerds.
Superman would be too close to Homelander for him too take seriously.
Spider-Man would probably be a better choice because I think he would see him as a human,a detestteble human but still human
muh homophobia
Considering the worst the DC guys ever did was mindrape some evil fuckers into forgetting about their loved ones, Butcher would have one hell of a dark night of the soul realizing that he's objectively 12 times worse than the superheroes.
Not ACTUALLY homophobic.
Just kind of comes off as trying way too hard to be the 1980’s action film masculine ideal to the point of being cartoony, which often includes some vaguely homophobic behaviors even though the only close friendships and relationships they ever seem capable of having are with men. It’s very weird.
I once told said relative that if he just dialed it down to a 6 or a 7 instead of pushing the dial at a 10 all the time he’d be much more tolerable and have a lot fewer ex-wives since otherwise he’s a decent person.
He would have field day with marvel heroes. Or get killed by namor.
>namor see butcher.
>immediately breaks his neck.
The Illuminati, yeah but a lot of Marvel heroes are pretty decent dudes.
Butcher would react like the Marvel heroes did when they saw DC Earth. He’d assume it has to be a trick, that it’s all just a show, that Superman has a closet full of dead rape victims in the fortress of solitude, that there’s no way they could possibly be that good and that loved.
Homophobia doesn’t exist fag
Assuming he’s not won over by the DC side being good people, he’ll honestly have an easier time dealing with DC than Marvel. Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman will try to talk to him. Tony, Namor, and Sentry will just kill him.
Marvel heroes did when they saw DC Earth. He’d assume it has to be a trick, that it’s all just a show, >that Superman has a closet full of dead rape victims in the fortress of solitude, that there’s no way they could possibly be that good and that loved.
But...Marvel has Cap and Thor, is the idea of people actually liking superheroes that divorced from Earth-616?
>But...Marvel has Cap and Thor
Ahhh, seeing MCU babies learn about comics is cute.
So from the sound of it The Boys is just Ennis masturbating over his hate boner for Capes while indulging in his Sandler-tier "humor".
I loved his Punisher MAX, but he really needs to stop writing capes if he hates them so much.
T.b.h Ain't no one in the Illuminati expect maybe Xavier is putting up with his bullshit. They let the nice guy marvel heroes like Spider-Man meet him first then if he doesn't reposed well to them and starts pulling his shit from The Boys comic, They will put him down fast asf.
>is the idea of people actually liking superheroes that divorced from Earth-616?
After Civil War 1 that's a 100% yes. While there are some normal people in Marvel who like Superheroes but overall in universe Marvel heroes ain't very well liked.
maby tony stark or green lantern
they are good people and kinda funny
Hal is pretty likable.
He's really not.
>t. Kuro
Like Jean can control the space around her, how's this dude getting close to her if she doesn't want it? How does the Professor not pick up that his student's in dire peril and send a hit squad to turn him into a greasy smear?
Ennis Wank I guess?
He's a DC superhero in a cast of Marvel superheroes.
>Considering the worst the DC guys ever did was mindrape some evil fuckers into forgetting about their loved ones
What? Captain Atom literally killed 2 universes when he went insane. Flash literally killed the multiverse because of a tamper tantrum.
Flash did not intend to kill anybody, he made a human mistake.
Flashpoint was retconned into Dr. Manhattan.
>The drunk driver never intended to kill anybody. He just made a human mistake.
So you are saying that Barry is Doctor Manhattan's partner in crime when they raped the multiverse?
Do you not get how the law works at all? Punishment is different when the intent is different. Why we have differences between Manslaughter and Murder.
Neither the drunk driver nor Barry intended to kill anyone with their actions. But their own stupidity lead to them killing someone. Only difference is that Barry's action is significantly worse than the drunk driver's action and it had multiversal consequences.
Barry knowingly went back in time with the hope of preventing Eobard from killing his mother. An action that he should had known would have significant consequences on the universe. Especially when this isn't Barry's first attempt at time travel and the fact that is basic DC time travel rule 101. Barry's actions lead to a bunch of people being erased or rewritten from existence. Barry does not deserve a pass for what he did. Anything that happened is a result of Barry's stupidity and he is at fault for all of it.
Getting beaten up by a super martial artist doesn't mean you're suddenly not worthy of being called a master.
Black Hole seemed more like autism than retarded to me.
Bobby Badoing seemed like Prader–Willi syndrome.
Heh... 'willi'
SS is a perfect cinnamon roll
I really hope they do this scene in the comics, it's just too hilarious not to.
>Which superhero could change his mind about capes?
A superhero.
I love how user wrote this interesting post about how Ennis' childhood bin Ireland influenced how he writes characters and the only thing you have to say about it is that he mentioned homophobia off handedly.
So who would win in a fight? Who takes the crown for the best super hero killer?
Stain obviously, Butcher’s not exactly the muscle of his group, plus Stain is way too fast. If he gets even a little blood, it’s over.
>Stain is way too fast.
What was the fastest thing that Butcher has done in the comics? Did he ever dodge any of Homelander's blows?
>If he gets even a little blood, it’s over.
Let's say that Butcher's blood is type O, which is around 2 minutes of paralyzation, could Butcher stall Stain by talking to him about random things until the quirk wears off on him? Or is he not much of a smooth talker?
Butcher ain't fast, he's just strong and tough. Even then, it's nothing against the really strong supes (Homelander, Black Noir, possibly some G-men). when he goes to fight homelander he goes under the impression it'll be suicide by supe and the army will have to finish the job.
His strength lies in blackmail, investigating, secretly keeping the creator of Compound V alive to create a method to kill every single person with even a hint of V in them, not straight up fights.
Cause the cape would just come off the instant they started flying through the air
>Butcher ain't fast, he's just strong and tough.
Dang. I was at least hoping that a fight between Stain and Butcher would have been cool. Well, how strong and durable is Butcher? Does he ever inject himself with Compound V in the comics?
>Does he ever inject himself with Compound V in the comics?
All the Boys were injected with V, with the exception of the Female, who got into a bucket of experimental V, and Mother's Milk, who was born with it in his system due to industrial pollution. The CIA has a bunch of highly pure V on hand that gives a straight strength and toughness boost at an incredible cost ($19 billion a pop). Its needed, as even the shittier supes can have powers that fuck normals over completely.
In the show, I'd guess Butcher is better at not punching above his weight due to no V, but we've seen that's explicitly not the case. He really needs to get his shit together next season.
love it when they pull out that classic Iron Man armor
>All the Boys were injected with V
Ok. So how much more powerful does Butcher become through the injection?
mixing it up with a member of an intergalactic police force should give him pause
I mean, most supes from mainstream continuities. They are actually unrealistically and unwaveringly righteous
Strong enough to crumple a handgun like tinfoil.
I wonder will they add that scene where the suit is trying to bribe Butcher after his wife is killed, and Butcher asks him what he would do if he could never see his wife again. The suit replies like "What?", and Butcher lunges for him, gouging out his eyes.
Show Butcher seems way faggier but I can dream.
Amazon has both The Tick and The Boys, if they haven´t cancelled the Tick they could have done a Crossover
>$19 billion a pop
>gets mixed with cocaine by the kilo
100%. No questions asked...
Mister Machine is the answer
Guy would take off his ring and beat the shit out of him until he cried uncle
The Boys is the worst kind of satire in that it satirizes its targets by making the parodies totally unlike the characters they're based on.
Anything looks stupid when they're nothing but monsters and incompetents.
Yes, and Tolkien himself regrets making them an entire evil race, since he is a man that believes not everyone is truly evil or truly good. Unfortunately, he wasnt able to change how orcs were before he died.
>won't be that long before it makes no difference anyway
That "spinoff" was so good. It has some good Punisher vibes in it.
They said they weren’t gonna do the Compound V powers in the show, instead focus on more them using dirty tricks to outwit their foes then ever directly engaging them in fights.
Show Butcher is basically a man driven by the loss of his wife, whilst in the comics it’s fairly outright stated that the loss of his wife was merely the excuse he needed to exercise the already-overactive violent part of his nature over and over without end.
In the comics he did in fact love his wife, but she merely put a capstone on an already violent life and restrained his worse impulses. After she’s gone once given training by Mallory there’s nothing left in him but violence.
>apolitical and secular Northern Irish Brit who grew up right in the middle of the Troubles
>enlisting in the modern military
You don't know shite about what happened there, do you? Ennis likes his WW2 stories but fucking hell if modern military operations, the shit that the paramilitary terrorists in NI and all the seedy shite there is as far from it as you can ever get.
Goku would t waste his time on him
Poor Show Butcher. Got cucked unironically.
Butch would despise Stark
I dunno, maybe if someone like Cap existed and he had these weird and strange tales fighting wacky Nazis, his heroics would overshadow Pvt. John Doe who knocked out a German tank and saved his squad or Cpl. Fuckface who died of tropical diseases in the Pacific. People Ennis holds more dear than capes
>"No they aren't"
Happened to me once. Badly drunk, and so was she. She started screaming as soon as I lifted my head and she saw Red Beard smiling from between her legs.
This is explained. The impure stuff that you see in Highland Laddie costs significantly less but only gives temporary enhancements and is potentially unstable. The stuff the CIA has is the real deal and is a permanent boost to physical capabilities. It being so expensive to synthesize is the only reason why Vought hasn't made more heroes on the same power level as the [original] 7.
How would Manchester Black do in The Boys?
Ennis is the endless bong cursing and murder guy
I'd say Garou would probably be a more interesting match up since he also hates supes for more or less the same reasons as butcher
Isn’t he pretty much just like Stain in that he also believes in the ideal of a hero?
It's explicitly stated somewhere in the comics. IIRC it's something like 20 times stronger than an average human but I could be wrong.
No he's actually a retard
The stuff in the cocaine is impure residue, I don't think any of the real deal gets in there. Think of it like the difference between getting a pound of pure uranium and a pound of irradiated waste water used to cool that uranium. There's obviously a lot of the latter to go around and it's not particularly valuable, just dangerous.
"I used ta think the supes was a bunch of right assholes, but this one's just a little pussy"
Oh Edna LOVES them aesthetically. She also saw several of her customers and maybe friends die because of them.
You could fix capes by just making it short and easy to take off like Batgirl cape.
the thing about that Battle of the Bulge sequence is its very easy to show GI's being noble in the European theatre; try setting it in the Pacific which was basically a race war, with extreme brutality on both sides - Marines prising gold teeth out of dead japs, no prisoners etc. Ennis would chicken out of showing how it really was, yet this series to its credit, showed some of it
I think the damage has been done. Even if you could make the cape work she's probably got some trauma about it. It's just gone wrong too many times for comfort.
I'm glad i'm not the only one that adored Stool Shadow.
fanart when.
One with an easily detachable cape. Which isn't attached at the neck.
What is Ladyfold's problem with her period? Something about it getting bigger? Period sausage?
She’d literally go undo all his complaints about superheroes as he’s telling her about them by yanking the dead from their time and depositing them behind him.
I think that's a better concept for the Boys.
The Martian Manhunter cape?
Alot of the supes in The Boys are really just nothing more than just fakes who've had literal super drugs injected in them.
Now if he was to meet someone actually legitimate like let's say Thor and experienced the entirety of Endgame in Person there's a slight chance he might have a new perspective.
This. Butcher only does convoluted shit for Wee Hughie. He insta kills the Sups whenever possible.
I dont know if it works well without it. I mean its good that they dont get super powers outside of durability and strength maybe a bit of speed, but I liked that it put them on par with alot of the sups physically outside of the cream of the crop. And like the comic says stops them from getting their head taken off.
The boys stuff isnt just pure they had to have that scientist voughtwhatever refine it in his cabin for them. So that why it costs out the ass.
He thinks heroes make humans worse. As in because heroes are out there solving things humans forget about those problems and get back to their petty common ever day evils. He wants to become a monster so terrifying that it makes the humans be their best selves just to survive.
Essentially the Keanu Reeves Constantly movie. Remember Gabriel? Thats the motivation.
I haven't finished the comics, but it seems that he has a hate boner against supes, no matter who. See .
His great-great-great grandson.
Now i want see Saitama kick Ennis ass in random way.
>They said they weren’t gonna do the Compound V powers in the show, instead focus on more them using dirty tricks to outwit their foes then ever directly engaging them in fights.
I'm kinda mixed on that. While I do like the idea of The Boys using dirty tricks to fight beings leagues above them, I don't necessary like the idea of them being less directly engaged in fights compared to the comic. If I were running the show, I would have at least shown them using tricks, tech, and improvisation in the 2nd season, and then maybe later have them inject Compound V into their bloodstream when the stakes and dangers increase.
All Might
Who would win in a fight? All-Might or Homelander?
All Might, Homelander can’t even save a plane.
Not Crablante?
Unironically Empowered, seeing how Thugboy was basically the same as him prior to meeting her.
>Anything looks stupid when they're nothing but monsters and incompetents
I'll admit I loved The Boys and its even better ancestor Marshal Law (the art in that thing is fucking totally unparalleled), but I just like to pretend they're taking place on slightly more intelligent variations of Earth 3.
Considering Garth Ennis own views on capes
Unironically Superman himself, it'd take a long long time but there's a chance
Damn shame.
It's because he can't stop himself now that he's planned it and hopes someone like his brother or his wife will stop him
All might blitzes.
Love that Butcher wanted to kill all capes when he himself was a low-level cape.
I wish Sea King got shown more
All Might, but both would get their shit wrecked by a proper flying brick like Supes, Shazam, Hyperion or the Sentry.