Has there ever been a version more based?
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I wouldn't use "based", but he sure as hell was entertaining.
It helps he actually had a character and personality, since up till then Knuckles had been drained of all personality and character in the games.
Is the joke supposed to be that his logic has a truck sized hole in it and we the audience are supposed to be all "that knuckles, always being dumber then a bag of hammers HA HA"?
>up till then Knuckles had been drained of all personality and character in the games.
Knuckles only ever had 2 personalities throughout his existence: cackling keikakku antagonist from Sonic 3, and then he was basically Piccolo for the rest of his history. Then Sonic Boom created this third persona.
What about penders knuckles?
t. White Knight
Sonic Battle Knuckles where he takes Emerl and raises him Piccolo style. Also has to watch his mouth because Emerl starts to repeat rude words back to Amy.
>Knuckles was straight up ready to kill a baby without hesitation because Sonic asked
You will never have a friend this loyal.
The one that got with his distance relative.
Not canon
Aaaaaaaaw riiiight
Feels like 2005 in here
still waiting for season 3
WTF is wrong with those faces in the top right?
>flashbacks to THAT hentai manga
No one talks about that shit aside from Penders
You're forgetting a very important version
Neither is Boom.
Boom was just a cool ass show.
Best Knuckles, best Amy.
Knuckles in name only. Take away his rocks and his island and he's just another gullible idiot
Oh he's based alright
>still waiting for season 3
user, I...
Any day now
shut up
shut up
shut up
i know, right? he gets all the ladies
I think this is my favorite exchange involving knuckles
He straight up cloning his bitches. He's too based.
I love this retarded badger
You know that’s not happening
And honestly, that’s a good thing, with the kind of humor it had I can’t imagine boom staying so good over a long period of time
We have two great seasons, that’s enough for me
True true. That gif really accompanies the statement (dumb tails chasing his own tail).
Be interesting to know of any episode ideas that were discarded in favor of the plots used in season 2
Season 3 looked at the flowers.
It didn't feel anything.
On a slightly related note, Mike Pollock is a treasure.
Only opinion in this thread that matters.
I'd honestly consider it to be almost Spongebob S1 - S3 tier based on the jokes and punchlines alone.
Why is this show so easy to screencap?
The show is already really funny so all you really have to do is put on captions and screenshot it and then boom, instant meme.
Sticks is NOT stupid
is numbness in your left arm bad?
You're right...she is just plain batshit crazy
It means you're about to have a heart attack
Could be a bloodclot, which could lead to a heart attack.
>people weren't convinced Vector was coming to the show.
if it qwas shooting pain its a heart attack.
I don't think Robotnik actually has a degree in anything
Why is Sticks so erotic?
thunderbolt who?
>we'll never see Perci and Staci again
Look at her tiny pea brain struggling to understand what's happening around her.
look at those human limbs, ew
fucking ken penders lol disgusting