Just curious, not trying to make a big deal out it, but what do you think the most raunchiest/possible offensive joke they ever did was?
Probably something Coach Z did.
The Cheat dating Marzipan behind Homestar's back always kinda weirded me.
Just curious, not trying to make a big deal out it, but what do you think the most raunchiest/possible offensive joke they ever did was?
Probably something Coach Z did.
The Cheat dating Marzipan behind Homestar's back always kinda weirded me.
Other urls found in this thread:
Coach Z has all the deleted lines
>I'm a white guy with a knife!
>If yer tryin' ta fade me then ya must smoke crack!
also that time he had a banana hammock on, and then took it off. I mean.. took it ORF
Coach Z pouring Listerine into the punch
Cool Ones was an interesting thing they did the was kinda edgey by safe too
Onions Sauce as well
Fucking filters, can't even talk about Homestar anymore
I mean if we're counting "things you can't have on american cartoons" we'd be here all day
I just love how the bros chaps manage to stay perfectly balanced on the edge of edge. Like when that guy wrote in asking Strobro to teach his kids how to be nice
and like, he tears into the guy, but it stays tasteful. It makes fun of cutesy, sanitized edu-tainment, but it's still something the guy could legitimately show his kids, if he actually has them, and not have them feel like they're being mocked because their dad said something dumb that was PROBABLY a joke
on the other hand ONION BUUUUBS
also shoyu actually does have a bit of alcohol i think
SO AND SO: Don't you remember health class? You'll microwave the baby!!
WHAT'S HER FACE: This is Diet Brown, not PCP.
That's a perfect example actually. It's actually a pretty severe subject, but it's one literally everyone has heard of, and obviously we ended up fine, so it's okay for a cartoon to talk about it
If only executives understood that.
That jokes becomes softer yet better when there's an in--in-universe-universe rapper named Peacy P
>where is tomkins
>where is coleslaw
>here i am
Senor Cardage is just creepy not actually malicious
It's definitely a contender for most offensive, though
>Coach Z, might I ask why you're specifically grabbing up all the great for baby items?
>Eeh I'd prefer that ya didn't
I turned this into a running joke at my house.
>Free Country USA PD gets a call about a shady daycare run by a known creep
>they bust in, bracing themselves for unspeakably disgusting sights
>he's just singing songs to the kids with his Family Might/Could
Which episode was this from?
Unlicensed licensing?
Probably the Cheat Commandos bit where they say "I might as well go home and get teen pregnant."
And maybe the joke about Strong Bad having a "secret second family" where he's a sleazy, mostly absentee dad.
>cut to Strong Bad berating his kids
>"I'm not afraid to smack--!"
>abrupt cut back to Strong Bad at his computer
>"Ahem. You gotta be firm."
Thankee. It's just "Licensed"
what do you think the mom is like?
Probably just the cheat
Don't Make Daddy PO'd was a pretty dark joke for them