>Dog good
>Cat evil
>Dog good
>Cat evil
Other urls found in this thread:
As it should be
Do you not understand cats at all?
It’s balanced out by dog dumb cat smart. Still pretty uncreative and tired though.
True in real life too.
She wasn't evil. Her life was being threatened. Most people in her position would probably do what she did.
>Brave, loyal dog willing to risk his life to save his subjects
>Selfish cat wants to trick and get others killed to save their own hide
Still the same sentiment, just longer sentences.
>dogs: are loyal and mans companion for a long time now
cats: eat your corpse when you die, in 7/10 cases
>eat your corpse when you die, in 7/10 cases
So would a dog if they were trapped with nothing but a corpse to eat.
Hell, so would most of anything, including human beings.
The ability to train an animal actually speaks more to their intelligence.
>based on real facts
>Dogs = Evolve to be man's little bitch who will do anything he trains it to for food
>Cat = Evolves changing its vocals to sound more like a baby crying so it can manipulate humans into feeding them with little effort
>butbutbut scenarios
Cats just do it, they don't need to be locked in with your dead body for days.
A dog mourns your death, a cat mourns because it knows the food provider is gone.
in a way, the cat is pretty much just a human animal
Dogs are lovable, cats are assholes. This is a truth as old as civilization.
butthurt catnigger
This was the only show to get cats and dogs right. Dogs are yappy, annoying little critters who just want to chew, shit on, and steal all your stuff while bullying other animals for dominance.
Cats are dumb fucks who chase invisible things, stare at the wall, and would rather sit in a crusty cardboard box than a nice, plush bed you spent $30 on.
This gonna be good. I don’t know what it is about pet owners, but they will throw the fuck down with each other over arguing which animal is better.
Y’know. The completely optional animal they have living in their house that either eats it’s own shit or breaks all your stuff. Gotta defend that thing’s honor.
>cat beta coping so hard he pretends the joke isn't that the animal stereotypes are switched
>implying those stereotypes were based in any form of reality
Calm down, /an/ fag. Ren is based on a picture of a chihuahua John K. saw that stuck with him because of how silly he looked and how cartoonishly large his facial features were and Stimpy is based on cat characters (Inspired by real actors) that Bob Clampett used in some cartoons. It's also why Stimpy has a brightly colored nose.
Fucking duh.
Cats are evil little shits.
it's more about complexes. The typical cat owner and dog owner are two opposite people and the pet issue is played up as a vent to scream at eachother over more deep lying dislikes for the other person.
as someone who's neither,cat people are genuinely insufferable morons or shitheads compared to dog people
Well, cats do have the habit of chopping off the heads of birds to play with.
Funny, dogs do that too except with human babies.
the chad bulldog vs the virgin kitten
Coraline cat pisses on this thread.
>warm-blooded animals good
>cold-blooded animals bad
I will not stand for this anti-reptile propaganda!
Bug, fish and reptile owning weirdos are actually pretty cool.
Fuck off
Yeah I don't really discriminate against animal types and have had all sorts of creatures as pets over the years but cat exclusive people have a much higher chance of being weird as fuck.
Cat was a lackey of the villain, even if threatened into it.
Dogs will absolutely eat your corpse.
>Selfserving without morals good
Ah yes
Cats are garbage selfish animals who are incapable of loving their humans and also carry Toxoplasma Gondii parasites. Cats in real life should lose the status of pet and should be killed all the same as rats and mice for they're all vermin.
they most likely won't unless you just trained them to be savages
>being selfish
Chihuahuas aren't dogs. They Mexican rat foxes missing a piece of their skull.
Actually this is another bullshit lie that cartoons and books and fairy tales always do. Dogs are smarter than cats. Cats are very stupid animals it's just that humans register being uncaring as being intelligent because humans are DUMBER than cats. Humans are so stupid they don't realize that in general cats don't want you to pet them. They get stressed and hate human aroma all over them.
And the real question is why would any person pet a cat? They're filthy animals. They use their bacteria filled tongue to "clean" themselves so when you're petting the fur, you're just infecting yourself with this vermin's bacteria.
Ren is a chihuahua, of course he's insane
Jesus Christ, dude. Calm down.
It's not that cats are smart enough to manipulate but rather that humans are retarded when it comes to animals. And is it any wonder that people consider cats to be the equivalent of a woman? Because men are masochists for pussy and will allow any kind of manipulation by a pussy in the hopes of scoring pussy and I mean human pussy here. But yeah humans are largely very retarded animals. And there's too many extra billions of them in this world. I can't wait until automation starts to force people to not reproduce as much. After all who can afford reproducing when there's no guarantee of a job in the future of automation?
Magnificent physical specimens of raw killing prowess they might be, but smarter they ain't. Cats are somewhere bellow Bears, Dogs, and really smart Birds. A social animal can out-think a solo carnivore any day of the week.
>has to take dog everywhere so badly pretends its a service animal
yeah its the cat owners who suck
Difference is it's been proven dogs will wait a few days. Cats? There's a reason they're called:
"The little tiger that lives in your home."
They don't wait, they see your body as a large meal as soon as you die. In less than a day they will start biting and chewing you up. Also fun fact, cats like to start with the face because of all the soft flesh, especially the lips.
I get liking cats, I like cats myself, but claiming that they're smarter than dogs is pure delusion. Having spent a significant amount of time around both I can confidently say that cats are dumb as hell compared to dogs. They're fluffy, lovable, amusing, and sweet, but dumb as hell.
>dogs will wait days
tell that to everyone who was mauled by dogs and then eaten after
There's a good chance cat people are infected with the Toxoplasma Gondii parasite and that's mentally destroying their brain and altering their personalities.
>A social animal can out-think a solo carnivore any day of the week.
I mean, just because I can solve puzzles isn't gonna help me when I'm face-to-face with an actual strong predator. That shit only matters with Batman rules of, "You have one week to prepare", then yeah, smarts beat brawn. But I also don't know of any other animal that plans in advance except for humans. I know primates and some mammals make tools, but I don't know if they lay down traps.
And big cats make up most of the top-of-the-food-chain lists. What's the top canine out there? A wolf? Isn't a tiger basically god-tier, even able to take on crocodiles?
Cats literally eat your corpse as soon as they notice a temperature change. Like literally within an hour. Dogs wait several days until they're actually starving, unless you were an asshole to them.
>Forty-five minutes later, the man’s mother and neighbors found him dead of a gunshot wound to the mouth, a Walther pistol under his hands and a farewell note on a table. Most of his face and neck were gone—and there were tooth marks around the edges of the wounds. A half-full bowl of dog food sat on the floor.
>Dogs WAIT
>Cats DON'T!
>That's why dogs are better
I don't understand the logic. You're dead, what does it matter if they wait? Does your ghost give a shit? By the time the police arrive, there are still missing chunks of your body, does it really matter how long the animal waited if they both resorted to the same conclusion?
>cat people are genuinely insufferable morons or shitheads compared to dog people
And dog people make everyone else into shitheels.
if this is the worst trait you can come up with then I'm just more sold on hating cat people
>n 1997, a forensic examiner in Berlin reported one of his more unusual cases in the journal Forensic Science International. A 31-year-old man had retired for the evening to the converted garden shed behind his mother’s house, where he lived with his German shepherd. Around 8:15 p.m., neighbors heard a gunshot from the direction of the shed.
Forty-five minutes later, the man’s mother and neighbors found him dead of a gunshot wound to the mouth, a Walther pistol under his hands and a farewell note on a table. Most of his face and neck were gone—and there were tooth marks around the edges of the wounds. A half-full bowl of dog food sat on the floor.
The German shepherd was calm and responded to police commands. On the way to an animal sanctuary, the dog vomited some of its owner’s tissue, including skin with still-recognizable beard hair.
yeah i just love having a yappy dog in the restaurant too while some old woman feeds it table scraps and lets it root around the floor
Does anyone else respect the Great Felines like Cheetahs and Leopards, but despise and loathe the common everyday cat?
this proves cat people are literally soulless
your principles are a joke.
>what do I care if the companion I kept around doesn't give two shits about me and would eat me as soon as possible
you can train a cat. It's just people don't want to learn how.
Hey, man, I never said who would win in a fight. That's why, to quote Apocalypse Now, you never get out of the boat. We left the jungle for a reason and killed all the lions in Europe for a reason.
That said solo cats will most definitely flee when a pack is moving in to steal their kill. Get your numbers coordinated and size doesn't matter. Packs changed the whole survival game. Herds are too ephemeral and hives are too delicate.
Yes, they're lazy and prefer to keep to themselves. That's really about it.
what about the black footed cat?
Yeah, what do I care if my pet eats me when I'm dead? I'm fucking dead, nothing matters to me anymore because I'm dead.
except dogs dont wait so your point is moot
Me persoally I don't mind that.
But this practically never happens but even if, it's still a meak example of how shitty dog people can be.
Shhhhhh you'll upset the catfags
>But this practically never happens but even if, it's still a meak example of how shitty dog people can be.
typical dogfag
>humans are DUMBER than cats
Physically impossible. Unless cats have greater neural density than humans, their brains are still a tiny fraction of the size of human brains.
You can argue all day about which is better, but at the end of the day, everyone arguing in this thread is an insecure shell of a man who projects their self-worth onto an animal that you aren’t even required to own.
Both cats and dogs will eat your corpse. Heck, in many cases it has been shown that dogs will start chowing down on a fallen owner long before cats do. It is not about lack of training or respect. It's about not having a dead body around. No living thing wants a big old corpse stinking up the place and spreading deadly diseases. What's a dog or cat going to do? They can't just pick it up and throw it out the door. All they can do is eat it.
they really do
your one article case doesn't prove it otherwise.
the world is real and keeps spinning without you. Only pretend-nihilistic morons can see above the rim of their own lives. Also to keep a companion that doesnt respect you one inch is a sign of a soft spine tbqh
There aren't any pit bulls in cartoons so of course they are good.
I'm neither
I just had the experience that catpeople are much more unpleasent
Welcome to Yea Forums. It's all projection here.
Are you implying some cats don't travel in packs?
Dog People are emotionally stunted and fucking wont shut up about their dog and will actually shit talk other animals. I don't see Cat people do that. they only get confrontational.when Dog fuckers talk shit.
>your one article case doesn't prove it otherwise.
oh fuck sooorry wheres all your evidence other than how much of a goodboy your dog is
A dog will mourn
A cat won't , and thats the difference that makes cats snack on you earlier on average
That's a harem, it's different
>Dog is totally stoked whenever I'm in in her sight, doesn't matter if it's just been half an hour since she last saw me
>Cat is an aloof bitch most of the time, yet starts bawling her lungs out whenever I leave the house. Only does it for me, too.
Cats are just tsundere
Weren't the evil dogs from that one episode of courage , pitbulls?
Fuck this post pics of good bois
LMAO it's a dog-gone catfight in this thread! Hot dog what a purr-fect shitstorm, haha! Now that the cat's out of the bag, I hope you realize that you're all barking up the wrong tree, kek!
>cats snack on you earlier on average
that's not true though, pets also always start on the face because it's already exposed too both cats and dogs
>A dog will mourn A cat won't
personal bias with no facts
>all this talk about what will eat you when you’re dead
>you’re dead
>who the fuck cares
If and when I die alone and I’m the only thing around for my dog to eat I’d rather him eat me until someone figured it out than be sad. What are you guys worried about, that your corpse won’t look good.
I just think pets aren't anything special in general
if you've ever wondered what /an/ is like this is it
>any pet related thread shows up
I don't remember pets being such a controversial topic even a few years ago.
What does this have to do with Yea Forums anyway? That animated cat isn't going to give you your toxo boogeyman through your screen.
>they only get confrontational.when Dog fuckers talk shit
and thats exactly one of "those" aspects of cat people. Cat people are betas and hate anyone who's loud or assertive, so they'll project that hate onto the dogcat debate and play out their burried insecureties and false superiority complexes.
Every time they meet a person that says anything near "I like dogs" they will interprete that as extreme praise and just try their best to seem better in comparison, while everyone else just doesn't give two shits. For them someone liking dogs is personal.
>hurrbdurrb stoopid loud dogs and stoopid dog owners, my cat is just way smarter and more cultured, definitly not projecting here btw
Arguing about things and being a mad bitter asshole is now super epic for the win, all of my fellow teens are doing it so I want to be a mad bitter asshole too
People are more retarded and butthurt now. See the post literally right below you where a guy talks about other people’s insecurities in the most insecure way?
>I don't remember pets being such a controversial topic even a few years ago.
Haven't you heard? It's CURRENT YEAR! Everything is controversial, everyone must choose a side. US VS. THEM! US VS. THEM! US VS. THEM!
>Neighbours have dogs
>Walk in front of their house
>Retards start barking continuously for a whole minute
>I don't remember pets being such a controversial topic even a few years ago.
you MUST be new
Remember how fucking stupid company wars were? Like how people got hyped up about Coke or Pepsi when they're just carbonated sugar water and not even an important issue worth getting mad about?
Imagine that but taken to every single possible thing where at least two sides exist. That's just how things are right now. Fighting over nothing to feel superior to other people that fight over nothing.
everybody needs to chill the fuck out
dog and cat people are each extremely obnoxious assholes who like to project onto this debate. You don't see that with other pet owners for a reason.
dog people are controlish, stubborn/ignorant, somewhat less smart than catfags and have often deep believes which they project
cat people are the bitter beta kind of type, lazy, elitist/condescending and project deeper insecureties on the debate
surprisingly though it seems to be more like, cat people hate dogs more than dog people whie dog people hate cat people far more than cats
Why are cat people and dog people even a thing? Nobody is stopping you from liking or owning both. They're both great pets.
>Wanna talk some shit?
Call now
me doing push ups
This here. Who the fuck could hate dogs or cats? I have a dog, and I don’t know if I’d want to own a cat but they’re cute enough and pretty pleasant.
I’m convinced this is just a dick measuring contest for people who are way too insecure about themselves.
Would you stop anthropomorphic dogs and cats, they're fucking animals and they should be treated like animals
Why is it always German Shepherds in these stories? I have a German Shepherd, and this does not reassure me.
This thread reminds me of this one book I used to have, it examined the different stories based on cats from around the world and the similarities and differences that cultures viewed cats with.
It was pretty interesting.
What is your definition of neutral?
I got both and fish
>Why are cat people and dog people even a thing?
because it's not a description for people who own one or the other, it's a way people describe themselves who don't just have pets but make their pets a part of their identity in a weird way, so when someone says "dogs are smelly" it's not just a statement they take it as a personal attack. people who are insecure do this with loads of things ex: video games, sports teams, clothing brands, being fans of celebrities
say sike right now
cover yourself in spicy chilli powder before you die
if everything in the train cars is a hard light projection, how did The Cat collect anything from other cars?
Are dogs Xbox and cats PlayStation, or is it the other way around.
Are hamsters Nintendo then?
>I’m convinced this is just a dick measuring contest for people who are way too insecure about themselves.
sharp analysis man.
But some people genuinely hate dogs or cats. One is loud, fast, social and energetic. The other is withdrawn, very defensive, "boring" and not a player.
And each have their own little disgusting quirks, like spitting everywhere or bringing dead animals home
I had a friend who hated cats with a passion. God forbid you show her a cute picture of a kitten or she would throw a massive temper tantrum.
She loved dogs and was constantly complaining about not having money to buy a pup. She would also literally cry over neglected dogs and dog meat trade but she had no remorse when she killed her hamster. Ironically enough she refused to adopt dogs for some reason.
It's fucking baffling people like her exist.
Cats are evil. What are you, some toxoplasmosis victim zombie? Get some fresh air.
i agree yiff in hell furfags
it's not a 1:1 to comparison to other brands you fucking mook
I mean based on how the owners act. Trying to make this thread fun instead of sad.
No it doesn't
Animal intelligence isn't measured in the same way that dog intelligence is
A lot of dogs don't recognize themselves in mirrors, but some ants and fish do
That doesn't mean a dog is more stupid or smart than a fish, but just that we've bred dogs to do specific things
If you look into all accounts for how intelligent various breeds are, you'll just see a list of dogs that are easy to train
then it'd be console vs pc because there's no difference between peasants
I recall The Mask episode from Courage did the opposite. Sure, the cat is kinda evil-ish but she is justified in her actions as she does not like dogs and wants to tongue her bunny girfriend in peace.
Also the dog antagonist was a damn asshole.
>Pitbulls will absolutely eat your corpse.
Fixed that for you, user.
Dude cats are assholes.
If dogs are so loyal why do we need to put leashes on them and fence our yards so they don't run away while cats will return home on their own?
Eating a corpse is a survival mechanism. They wont eat you when you're alive, unlike a pibble snacking on toddlers.
But that’s the point. Normal people don’t give a shit about what pets you own, it’s a pointless argument, like Coke or Pepsi.
someone who just exists and does nothing of note for their own or others benefit, or a perfect balance of both.
Toxoplasmosis isn't even a thing unless you are an outdoor cat moron or you live in a filthy mouse-infested shithole
theres a whole cartoon right now where a cat is the hero an unlucky one at that get with the times
>Pitbulls will eat you alive.
Still needed adjustment
or Manchester and Liverpool
it's because a dog is loyal to you but not others, and are instinctively aggressive and stronger.
And cats return because its a comfy place with a good meal. Thats why it sometimes happens that a cat will ditch you for some grandma that put milk outside
You know if someone is dying on the street and you want to stay neutral and not help, you are actually responsible for that person death?
Aka you are Evil if you are Neutral. Apathy means you are Evil.
Not letting your cat outside is fucked up and x100 times more so if you are a fear mongering pussy over a rare assed thing killing you.
Meanwhile a pitbull just ate a 3 year old somewhere.
I got jumped and bitten by dogs a lot as a kid which actually made me afraid of them for some time.
I've gotten over it, but others who suffered the same maybe not
So loyal they just run away like a fast retarded child? I don't get it man.
Ok, but did you ever start hating them enough to argue with a bunch of losers on a cartoon forum about it?
My faggot neighbours dogs bark all the time and my ears are fucked up and I can't handle it. That's why I hate dogs.
But you're just being a smug radical centrist arguing about it
that's a very vague example.
Why do I not help? If it's for the sole reason to actively stay neutral then thats basically selfish and more of the evil I meant.
True neutral just won't bother either way, or maybe he'll do something but he won't have a motive. In a sense that form of apathy is neither evil nor good. The apathy of the cat position is not actually apathy but uncaringness. They just dont care if nothings in for them and if they were a person theyd not help that dying man because they are too afraid of consequences, want actively not get bothered or just dont see a benefit
That’s a fair enough point, I’m really trying to stop the argument because it’s dumb. I’m just confused why people are so offended by others’ animals. Like why are you so defensive about this topic? It’s ludicrous.
user they do come back you know.
They're just really fast, so they'll run very far
people argue all the time about everything, on this very board there's people arguing about cartoon characters and super hero authors, what confuses me is why this was the last straw for you
Pixar's Kitbull
Cats suck spiky dick, dogs are cute
>tried to kill the MC
>came in at the end and gave the MC the tools to fix everything for free
Sure user.
Dogs are the friends of attention seeking betas (the very people who make cartoons). Cats don't put up with that stupidity.
cats are literally a beta giveaway
tiny dogs are basedboy too but cats topple them.
The amount of low tests I've met who also happen to be catlovers is astonishing
Dogs are for personable, normal people who can handle giving and receiving affection.
Cats are for socially stunted, fragile loners with limited joy in their lives
>Every time they meet a person that says anything near "I like dogs" they will interprete that as extreme praise and just try their best to seem better in comparison, while everyone else just doesn't give two shits. For them someone liking dogs is personal.
I never meet a a cat person that gets mad at someone for simply liking dogs. It's when they talk down about cats unpromped is when cat owners get defensive.
half of you fucktards haven't watched the show and it's apparent, get out of the thread
if we're really only talking animals then dogs ARE beta. It's in their genes, they are a pack animals and there's only one alpha in a pack. Cats aren't in groups and don't really have leaders, just food providers
That's because you interprete simple truths as "dogs are more useful" or "i prefer dogs because X" as talking down to you because you have severe social complexes, while probably completely dismissing your own "witty dog diss" that kicked off the chitchat in the first place
I've experienced the opposite tbqh
the only dog owners who argue "aggressively" are just boomers who don't even get why you'd get a cat and poke fun.
What about lizards? I kinda want a Chameleon they eat flies and look retarded.
>witty dog diss" that kicked off the chitchat in the first place
ha jokes on you I like both cats and dogs and I have neither. My sister has a dog so I see her a lot. have interacted with a cat in years...it hurts.
>A dog mourns your death
I'm not even a pet owner, but why should I care what happens to my corpse? As long as they don't eat me alive, it's all good.
It's not funny.
I miss my cat, spent 17 years with him and I had to leave him at my parent's house when I moved away.
dogs do care for their owners, but i really doubt that the dog in the vid learned to read or that he understands the concepts of cemetery and tombstone
Did we watch the same show? What I saw was the Cat always makes the right decision, and the dog was some kind of purgatory hell beast
>when the peanut butter is gone but it keeps sucking your soul anyways.
He doesn't need to. He saw his owner was put in a box, then the box was lowered into the ground. As dumb as you think dogs are, they can still figure that much out.
Cats can care and be friendly and shit. You can teach them to play fetch and even walk aound on a leash. People just tend to raise cats free range and without authority. So, they come out bratty as fuck.
I mean, if you're not gonna try, why bother posting?
My neighbours cat visits me every day st 8pm. It meows at me starts kneading the ground and purrs. He stays for awhile and leaves. It's the sweetest thing.
>He saw his owner was put in a box
do you think they let the dog in the funeral home as they prepped the corpse for the funeral service?
at best he saw the corpse being put in a bad and on a stretcher
Based cats comforting lonely grandmas.
This never stops being funny to watch.
Dogs are betas. That implies the owner is an alpha. Cats see you as a provider, not a companion. If anything cat owners are the betas as they let a small animal exploit them for personal gain and just laugh nervously about it.
>Dog being a pack animal desires companionship and has limited capacity to think for themselves.
>Cats are intelligent loners that enjoy tormenting their food and killing for sport.
Why is this a big surprise?
Would have killed that cat. Any animal that betrays its human owner deserves to die quite painfully. Wild animals are one thing, but domesticated animal betraying humans? They must die and their final moments must be full of fear and instinctual regret for attacking the hand that feeds and houses them.
As weird as it sounds, some people do bring dogs to wakes and funerals.
I've seen both animals learn how to manipulate and use doorbells and toilets. I have also seen both kinds of animals run head first into glass doors and attack their own tails.
Well yeah I thought we established that by Courage?
Literally tribalism. It's why you have DC vs Marvel instead of liking the good from both. That said I don't know where the Dogs = dumb meme came from. They're incredibly smart animals that can perform multiple duties
Like eating shit and vomit and not burying their shit like civilized animals
No like service dogs
It's right though, cat apopogist.
>Cat: likes baby warmth and goes to sleep next to it in peace
>Dog: eats the baby
>likes baby warmth and goes to sleep next to it in peace
Or sleeps on it's face and kills it
Stimpy is a cat????!??
tell that to the cat that knocks all my shit over
ACKSHUALLY felines have been observed to occasionally form packs in a very ad-hoc way if the environment permits it. In North America, Cougars have adapted from being one of the most lonesome animals to forming small groups, usually brothers of the same litter or full families in order to venture into human settlements and fight off the growing grey wolf population in places such as Yellowstone national park. Tigers have been spotted in pairs or trios outside mating season, too, and everyone knows the common housecat can be very social.
Dog lovers are people who seek to control and rule over others. Selfish narcissist fucks who turn everything into dick measuring competition as seen in this thread
This can be seen how ost dog owners treat their pets they luuurrrrve sooo muuuch more as toys than companions. Then when the dog doesn't act like a perfect toy but instead an animal it is, dog owners get mad and dump their pet into shelters.
Dog owners are the worst.
You got it the other way around, Dog people hate cats for not being dogs a lot more than Cat people hate dogs for not being like cats,
If the baby was too weak to fend off the animal then it deserved to die
Not to mention, have you ever seen cat people force their animals fight each other to death? How many cat people get lions or other dangerous big cats to compensate their micropenis and walk it around the neighborhood to scare people?
i dont mind, i want serious male cat with goofy doggirl
>they were holding treats for the cat off camera
you can even see the shadow of their arm.
>He never watched Cats Don't Dance