So what kinda threat level is Clethus considered after the severe upgrades he's gotten compared to when he first appeared?
So what kinda threat level is Clethus considered after the severe upgrades he's gotten compared to when he first...
Is that an army of Doppelgangers?
No known weaknesses, can turn anyone into his pawns, unkillable and ridiculously strong. He's pretty much capable of taking over the world. It's a shame this event was any bigger, could've taken the place of War of Realms.
Sort of, we haven't really learned much about them yet.
Isn't Carnage just insanely powerful anyway without the cosmic shit? I remember nobody being able to beat him one on one and there always needing to be a weapon against him.
Stronger than Gohan Blanco but weaker than Jiren Rojo
>no known weaknesses
electricity fucks him up good, but not for too long
We just need Anti-Grendal.
Pretty strong, probably tier 10. But people like Devil Hulk, Thor, Sentry, etc., would stomp him hence the reason the heavy weights are largely staying out of this event.
yeah, and thanks to his darkhold boost he doesn't have that fire/loud noise weakness anymore
Just read maximum carnage, and yeah he's stupidly OP, while he was defeated just barely by Spider Man and Venom, after he got his powers back, practically nothing could beat him save for microwave radiation.
>reanimate the dead
>mindcontrol the living
>regenerate from any wound
>can't drown or suffocate
>take any form you pease
Only thing that seemed to hurt him lately was electricity
He could probably beat Sentry now if they ever met up again
They aren't doppelgangers - just symbiote covered people.
Carnage has been doing this since the 90s, first by faking his death, then mindcontrolling the Avengers in Carnage USA
Carnage slums with Spider-man. It makes him look more powerful. Any heavy hitter handles him.
You guys realize this is just the plot of Web of Shadows, only Cletus is headlining it
Still a chump compare to the real heavy hitters at Marvel. I would go as far to say that even non-Binary Captain Marvel is significantly more powerful than him even with that shitty upgrade.
You are aware that Peter always holds back against his foes because he's really stronger than most other street levels but poses as one, but he still barely ever hurts Carnage even when going all out and has to rely on Venom and other people for help?
Threat level : Blood Gang Boolin
Like the same as always. He'll be stopped when whoever's the designated hero grabs the plot device to stop him.
He's going to be tussling with the Hulk soon, the same fucking Hulk that kicks Carol's ass every Tuesday.
There is no need to be upset.
That’s Dylan
Honestly can't take this event seriously. At some point, you will have to execute the mass murdering cannibal villain in-universe. Because there is literally no reason they should be allowed to live. But they will probably just have Peter or Flash going full retarded and attempted to defend Cletus from being executed... again.
I'm sorry are you implying that Spider-Man is somehow not a heavy hitter?
A symbiote capable of defeating Hulk is nothing but wanking of the highest order. Like when crossover Venom managed to overpower and nearly defeated Superman physically.
He's got a healing factor and survived reentry into Earth's atmosphere, you retard.
They changed the symbiotes into being the creation of Universe-level threat with the Knull shit.
>He's going to be tussling with the Hulk soon,
Ewing isn't going to stop his plot for this shit. Hulk will just cameo in a tie-in comic like he cameoed in the last Fantastic Four issue.
Spider-man have a well balance powerset and is powerful for a street level but he ain't a heavy hitter.
The new symbiote backstory is so fucking ridiculous.
not that user but while Spider-Man on his own is strong and probably one of the Strongest Marvel Street level characters out there. he is nothing compare to characters like Hulk, Thor, Black Bolt, Sentry etc who are some of the heavy hitter marvel characters.
Carnage did not survive reentry. A bunch of delusional scientists funded by an even bigger delusional rich man went up into space and retrieved him. All with the hope that they can rehabilitate him into a good person. Only for Carnage to escape, and cannibalize a small town.
You may have well just shouted "I DON'T READ COMICS", you goddamn wikireader. Spider-Man canonically pulls his punches. He's fought
>The Thing
And so on. Otto found this out when driving Peter's body, because he punched Scorpion's jaw clean off.
He's fought The Hulk and has beaten the shit out of Rhino when pissed, who is also a gamma powered powerhouse who fights Banner. Jesus it's amateur hour in here.
Can Spider-man at least destroy a mountain with a punch? Can Spider-man destroy a planet by punching it hard enough? Can Spider-man punch so hard he tore a hole in spacetime? He can't do any of those.
Well of course he can't do planet busting/reality nonsense. But to say Spider-Man isn't a heavy hitter is goddamn ridiculous. What, is bench pressing a few hundred tons not considered heavy hitting?
Quasi-related but have we ever seen Black Bolt at his max?
he raped murdered people all ages in most cruel way. annnd jews from Marvel keep this shit alive no matter what.. explain me now why russians dont want western gay propaganda at all.
Rhino is a powerful but he is a tier below guys like Thing and Colossus, who are several tiers below guys like Hulk, Thor, and Superman analogs in terms of strength.
Spider-man can't do shit against the Hulk but pray he doesn't get hit.
Firelord incident is nothing but pure Spider-wanking.
Is that suppose to be impressive? Thing is a nice guy that will pull his punches. Especially against someone he considers a friend. The Thing is also powerful, but he is a low tier heavy hitter at best.
Rhino at his best will never be as powerful as Hulk is at his worst. Rhino is barely in the 100 tons range with his suit amping him up.
>Well of course he can't do planet busting/reality nonsense
That is exactly what it means to be a heavy hitter you fucking retard.
>heavy hitter
Well clearly you and I have different definitions of that term. There's "heavy hitter", and then there's "bullshit character wank". Is beating a herald of Galactus still "street level" to you? He's not fucking Daredevil or Moon Knight.
Yes, but usually only to immediately get clowned on by Thanos or Galactus or someone similar.
You do realize Rhino was once considered a Hulk villain, right? And yeah, but he and Spider-Man have done alright against Banner. We also just literally had an issue where Thing KO-ed Hulk
okay I'll give you Spider-Man being strong but he's still not a Heavy Hitter. for me a Heavy hitter in Marvel is someone who can level a Planet or so, and Spider-Man ain't one of them. I'll give you that he is above Street level.
Depends on the story but the highest it's been shown to get is pushing back a Magic Powered Galactus but as put it he got beat afterward by Galactus.
About as dangerous as he was in Carnage USA but since he's now magic adjacent he should be getting fucked by guys like Strange, the Ghost Riders, Hellstorm ect and there is no way Cletus can handle legit mages, they'd just throw him into some nameless void that even Fuck couldn't save his sorry ass from
That's a good joke especially after Bob became a Horseman of Death and just recently fused with the Void before fucking off to realms unknown
Against a mindcontrolled Hulk that wasn't at his best.
I'm hoping the crossover with Immortal Hulk will end up with a surprise It's not Hulk fighting Carnage but Fortain/Abomination as revenge for desecrating Ross let's see that faggot Knull handle a real evil OC God's avatar
And Purple man got tossed into the sun, just have Strange teleport him into the center of the sun or hell or Dormamu's relm or the Cancerverse or any other place. Cletus with Grendel is a low tier Thor threat tripping on author's fiat
Technically Hulk has never been at his best, not yet. That's the terrifying thing.
I'd rather get Blonsky back
Blonsky doesn't have the backing of the ultimate evil and a connection to one of the victims. Carnage/Knull getting shitstomped by Abomination/OBA would be great. Hell it's a good comparison to Cates and Ewing since Cates is Ewing's dark mirror
Please tell me Thanos got fucked up after this panel and didn't just shrug it off condescendingly
Thanos got up like nothing happened and proceed to turn Black Bolt into his rapedungeon slave.
>Blonsky doesn't have the backing of the ultimate evil and a connection
Technically, he does. It's his body. When Blonsky reenters Earth's orbit, crash lands like some biblical hellfire from the sky, you don't think his shell will spit that guy out?
He lost his armor and was bleeding with a broken tooth but overall he is fine.
It's fine though, it was later stated that initial blast injured Black Bolt which is why the later screams didn't hurt Thanos.
That looks more like Thanos's blood that dripped onto his teeth.
Wouldn't be shocked if that was the case t.b.h.
He look like street level villain to me. I'm still have no idea how he suppose to collect spine from captain marvel or how he suppose to fight against immortal hulk in upcoming tie in.
Because the new retcon is that symbiotes are created from The Void by a dark godlike being named Knull who predates existence and once killed a Celestial
Reminds me of the What If where Black Bolt screaming at Dazzler killed Thanos and the Black Order.
No one but Cates and maybe Aaron considers that as canon.
Didn't Firestar roast him for a good few minutes, trying to kill him, with the only effect being that he was in pain while it was directly applied?
Aaron would 100% see it as Canon because Knull used all black the necrosword (a thing Aaron made back in the early days of his Thor run) to kill the Celestial named Eson the Searcher.
Dazzler and Black Bolt have teamed up a few times in earth 616 that honestly that being one of the out comes doesn't suck me at all.
Ok but is there anything that says the other symbiotes are anywhere close to the negrosword?
yeah, maximum carnage
Anyone remember when Carnage was powered by Chthon himself, and fought a weird and angelic paladin Toxin/Raze?
Well thanks to black magic he's no longer harmed by fire or sound, and the symbiote he's using is Knull's "dragon" or some shit. Basically he wants to rip out the codex from the spine of every person to have ever worn a symbiote, reconnect to the hive mind, so he can talk to Knull
Spider-Man IS a street level hero, the fact that he's stronger than all the other street level heroes doesn't put him on the same level as Hulk, Thor, Black Bolt, Sentry, etc.
It's a shame that authors only ever use Black Bolt to demonstrate when someone is better than Black Bolt
>It's a shame that authors only ever use Black Bolt to demonstrate when someone is better than Black Bolt
Same like the least time I remember him being allowed to win anything was like in Uncanny inhumans where he beat his son who become Kang and his fight against Vulcan
Spider-Man is a street level hero fighting under his weight class. He's actually crazy strong physically. I'm not saying Peter should beat The Hulk, merely that he has a better chance trading a few blows with him than most
>Spider-Man is a street level hero fighting under his weight class
I don't think anyone in this thread is denying that.
I'm seeing a lot of downplaying in his physical feats, like he's Steve Rogers "peak human" when he's way past that.
Honestly that's one of the reasons I love Spider-Man so much. It's not like he's stuck where he is because he's too weak, he just cares too much to abandon the people of his city even if he qualifies for a "higher up job"
It's not downplaying when you're comparing him to gods and beings that can destroy worlds, Peter is incredibly strong and smart but he chooses to be a street level hero so calling him that is not an insult.
He's a medium weight. He's really at a good spot in the middleground of the Marvel powerscale. You can putt him at any level and he'll work because he doesn't have to shift so far.
Carnage has always been a threat. That's why he's relegated to his own books until they make him into an event every few decades
>bench pressing a few hundred tons
He's not that strong, he can bench press a little over 10 tons.
Doubtful. Sentry was pushing Thor's shit in the last time I saw him.
Spider-man can't bench press hundreds of tons. 10 tons is not his limit but he's not class 100.
I'm waiting for his rematch with Deadpool.
That sounds miserably stupid, very nice.
Oh no he broke the skull of a regular human in a scorpion suit!
Spider-man is at most Thing level strong who also pulls his punches against regular humans
stronger than venom and spider-man can take over other people and still be active on his own great recovery powers and shape shifting lets him make his own sharp liquid weapons on the spot
I still think he can be taken down by most people with ranged weapons and psychics but obviously they would have to be harden like emma frost or something to stomach his toxic brain but if you don't have a great healing factor and getting into a fist fight with carnage you are going to lose even people with high durability he is still a liquid razor wire fence that can go up your nose and turn into a blender
>Thing level
So easily can trade blows with The Hulk
the answer there is they chose who they kill and cletus chooses to kill, that's it there is no fancy explanation or curing cletus. Wasn't he on death row before he got the symbiote?
>So what kinda threat level is Clethus considered after the severe upgrades he's gotten compared to when he first appeared?
When he first appeared, he was strong enough to solo Venom and Spider-man
How many people can do that?
So he's insanely strong (though people often forget that due to his slice-and-dive preference.
His regeneration isn't quite Logan tier, but it's up there
He doesn't really have a weakness that knocks him out, just ones that keeps him in check when constantly on.
He very likely is the most bonded symbiote host ever, anywhere.
Cletus' main limitations is his movement abilities aren't all that great. Better than a humans, worse than a flyer's. He's fucked if stranded on a planet or another dimension
That being said, how are Cletus' interactions with the newest symbiote-lore bullshit (the Klyntar, Knull, the symbiote black sword)
Pedo spiral army. Nice commentary of epstein.
>can barely punch through a wall
Big deal.
More like sidegrades.
So how does Carnage fit in with the new cosmic ancient god origins of the symbiotes?
he's having fun
Jesus Christ what is this, the thing?
he's like Knulls prophet or something
he's all for releasing him because that'll spread chaos and death across the universe
the new abilities are a bonus
He can’t be anything else. Tiers in marvel now go
>street level
He only qualifies for street level
>Sentry was the original "end of Carnage" that tore him in half in space
>Carnage gets all these powerups
>No one knows what the fuck to do about it, other than call Thor who has experience fighting against Knull's weaponry.
>Sentry shows up, attempting to tear Carnage a new one
>They have an all out round 2
Bring it to me.
>tosses a poison at the Grendal Cletus to see what happens
>Heavy hitter
You retarded, mate?
And while we are at it
And while we are at it.
>He is still young his power level still has room to grow
>Strength is still relatively the same years later
at the same time , an entire arc with spidey
throwing tanks like they were made of paper.. marvel's retarded.
So power levels are dumb but strength levels are fine right true believers?
The average guy doesnt know how heavy a tank is. Not like you had google back then
Scorpion has the proportional strength of a scorpion. He's a mutate, not a "regular human."
bro , everybody know that a tank is at least 40tn even then.
My OC could take him
>new cosmic ancient god origins of the symbiotes
Wow that's gay as fuck, why wasn't mysterious alien goo good enough?
Reminds me of Alien Covenant ruining the xenomorphs.
Spider-Man has the PROPORTIONAL strength of a spider, as in if his muscles grow his strength increases exponentially. In his teenage years he was on that chart, but an adult super-ripped Spidey should be way ahead of those strength measurements.
>the blazes with you all
Its a bit worse.
It reads like someone took This is Spinal Tap seriously.
As if someone only had praise for DC's Metal event.
They had already fucked with symbiote origins a lot. This added a soundtrack by Slipknot to the dumpsterfire already created.
Yeah and him punching the jaw off of Scorpion doesn't make any sense because Scorpion is fucking stronger than Peter.
The Klyntar being the symbiotes word for cage was a good jab.
Also isn't the Symbiotes being weak to Noise and Electricity literally because of Thor?
Symbiotes aren't heroes. Venom should be the only exception. I really liked what they did with them in Separation Anxiety this week.
>brofist of the gods.png
I will take Fuck over YE OLDE SHINY NOBLE GUARDIAN OF DA GALAXY any day of the week
>nobody being able to beat him one on one
Ummm... wat?
Carnage: He can reform his head from blasted bits, but being bisected at the waste finishes him...
Wait, isn't Cletus missing his legs (sometimes)? How the fuck did he lose his legs? I used to think it was from this, but now that I think about it, he's not missing his lower half, just the limbs
Toxin was a true hero.
I miss Pat...
yeah I say that's about right since Thor is the one who cut Knull off from the Klyntar long ago.
Is Sleeper a target for his brother and do you think he's being controlled by Knull or with the Klyntar Guardians?
>and thanks to his darkhold boost he doesn't have that fire/loud noise
1- The Darkhold boost was undone at the end of Conway's Carnage run. The Carnage symbiote was killed by Peter Parker in Amazing Spider-Man #800. He used fire to kill it.
2- Carnage has -always- been resistant, but not immune to sound. In his 3-part origin story (specifically in ASM #362), Venom talks about how the Carnage symbiote has stronger resistances due to being born on Earth.
3- Cletus isn't currently even wearing the same symbiote. He's wearing the Grendel symbiote right now that first showed up in the beginning of Cates' run.
Apparently you didn't read Venomized and Carnage Born.
>His regeneration isn't quite Logan tier, but it's up there
I don't know, a point blank shotgun blast exploded his head, but it pulled itself back together as they were already exploding.
In Minimum Carnage, he was reduced to nothing but a head (that was microscopic sized) and regrew in minutes. He walked away from two missiles released from an F16. This was all before Darkhold and Knull hax.
>He very likely is the most bonded symbiote host ever, anywhere.
Well, considering he's wearing symbiote #4 currently, not really.
>Original Carnage symbiote ripped off of Cletus and eaten by Venom.
>Gets new symbiote in Negative Zone and is seperated from it.
>Gets forcefully bonded to a third symbiote during Venomized so they can turn him into a Poison.
>Symbiote #3 is killed during re-entry and he is bonded to the Grendel symbiote.
>The Carnage symbiote was killed by Peter Parker in Amazing Spider-Man #800. He used fire to kill it.
The Symbiote was just temporarily disabled. Roxxon have it contained. They talked about it at the end of ASM #800.
user, that would be interesting, so we cant have it.
>Toxin was a true hero.
Toxin was asking Pat if it would have been ok to eat someone just every once in a while.
Pat was the true hero.
Missiles made him think of heaven for a second
But mostly it's the whole 'regenerate from a single cell' thing
I don't think Cletus pulled that one off yet
Why is MJ and angel?
It's not MJ
MJ and Pete consorted with devils, they're not getting into Heaven
>Symbiotes aren't heroes
Tell that to Scott Washington.
Its inconsistent from writer/artist to writer/artist. But yeah, he should missing everything from the waist down.
You mean tell that to CLETUS
Who cares? Sleeper sucks and should just be forgotten about. Just like every garbage OC that Mike Costa created.
False. They were referring to the piece of the symbiote that was extracted from Normie.
Weren't Normie's eyes all symbiote-y in the same panel?
He can literally be all three of those.
>Ass blasted Jess
Based Aquarian
What's he doing these days?