This is what happens when you want everyone of your movies to be like the dark knight.
This is what happens when you want everyone of your movies to be like the dark knight.
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Wonder Woman and Aquaman are great and not dark
I think you just proved OP right.
>MoS - 6/10
>Aquaman - 7/10
>Wonder Woman - 7.5/10
>Shazam - 8/10
The rest is shit tho.
JL also wasn’t dark after the reshoots. Sure it had some deaths but it was still a light tone with tons of jokes.
The Batman and Flash lesson was the best thing to happen in all Snyder movies, even Spider-Verse copied it.
No this is what happens when you try to apply the same tone to every character like it's cookie cutter film making. You can't have the dreary and depressing setting of Batman in your Superman movie, for fuck sake.
The issue isn't that they are dark. The issue is that they don't have competent people who know what these characters are.
Man of Steel, update Superman for the modern age, sure, but instead we got a confusing mess that didn't know what it wanted to be. And it continued from there.
It is like giving creative control to a grandad who doesn't understand anything. And they tried to course correct.
Suicide Squad apparently had 5 cuts. Hey make it lighter! Hey make it darker! Hey make it funnier! Instead it came across as a shit awful film where one of its main actors didn't even want to be there.
Marvel has course corrected so much over the years but always managed to get a decent tone. Ultimately Marvel understands its characters a lot better.
>The Batman and Flash lesson was the best thing to happen in all Snyder movies, even Spider-Verse copied it.
The Russo also copied the Trinity entrance against Doomsday for the entrance of Iron Man and the others against Thanos.
Dark Shit was never good?
Then why are the most popular comic book movies the Dar Knight and Infinity War/Endgame?
Why are the most popular comic shows Daredevil and Punisher?
>The issue is that they don't have competent people who know what these characters are.
This. Snyder and WB people thought that updating a classic character means turning him dark and edgy. That only works for a character that was conceived in that way, in this case Batman. It doesn't work for characters who are liked by being the opposite.
Captain America worked really well and he's basically just classic Superman.
Yeah MCU Captain is closer to comics Superman than comics Captain America personality wise.
Heat Legend was a phenom, and his death added even more buzz. Begins is objectively the better movie over TDK, and it got a modest reaction compared to Batman 89. TDKR is pure unintentional comedy.
IW and Endgame have plenty of levity and character building drama, it's not Edge.
For me, it isn't the edginess that is the issue. It is that Clark is just so confusing.
From the Stop Invicble Son to the Killing of Zod. They aren't clear on who he is. If they had made him super edgy, I would have understood it, even if I disliked it.
That movie is a mess. Clark is told off from saving people as a kid, he travels the world kinda helping people but even that is weird (he smashes a guys truck for being sexist?)
They are just so confused about the message they are trying to make.
>This one retard who thinks Golden Age Superman has some relevance on the last 50 years of Superman.
Oh, hello.
>Then why are the most popular comic book movies the Dar Knight and Infinity War/Endgame?
Dark Knight because is a fucking Batman movie. Batman is dark by default. Endgame is not dark, and IW is only dark at the end. Also, Endgame and IW aren't popular because of the movies themselves, but thanks to the gimmick of "connected movies" and "look, these are the last parts of the story".
>most popular comic shows Daredevil and Punisher
You don't seriously believe this, do you?
OPs statement is wrong, though. What he meant to say is that dark shit isn't good when you forcefully change a character to be dark just for the sake of it.
This is what happens when you want everyone of your movies to be like 90s
P I X A R CGI cartoons.
Aquaman was cheesy as fuck
MoS Clark is just confused and scared of his powers, he have no idea what he is and live paranoid due to fear of being found out. He help people just because those things just happen in front of him.
He's kinda similar to the Frankestein monster original story.
Yeah, I prefer my Superhero action with fight choreography worse than the 60's Batman show by miles.
I want Catwoman to telegraph kicks 10' in front of guys and have them fall down when it's clear she was nowhere near them.
Just like 90% of the MCU.
And no one wanted a confused messy Frankenstein story.
God it was bad.
People always talk about how BvS was awful but give a pass to Man of Steel despite how messy and choppy that film was.
Ok let's not pretend this didn't happened now.
Worse than that, it finally became tiresome. The people I saw it with in theaters agreed that everything past the ship being sucked into the phantom zone was unnecessary and made an already slow move seem interminable.
Yeah, I prefer my Superhero action with fight choreography worse than the 70's Hulk show by miles.
I want Spiderman to CGI kicks 10' in front of guys and have them fall down when it's clear she was nowhere near them.
DC movies are horrible because their superheroes are horrible. Trash heroes translates to trash films. There’s a few exceptions but that isn’t enough to make an entire cinematic universe like the legendary Marvel Cinematic Universe
It's a stark contrast
For me the worst scene in the film is the oil rig scene. It was a throwaway clip in a montage of Clark travelling early on. So many scenes in that film were short and choppy and there wasn't enough scenes to explain who this Clark Kent is.
In the clip he jumps off a fishing boat, into the water, helps prop up the rig and falls in the water. Why was he there? What was the point of that scene?
A few changes could make that scene god tier: Clark says they need to move in to help survivors. Captain says no. Clark goes and helps people. Uses his superheroics testing the limits of his powers (since he doesn't full know what he can do). OH GOD! They are trapped! But then the boat drives up, captain inspired by seeing Clark. He saves the people but falls into the water.
Sure it would have been cheesy, but it would have captured who Superman is. Instead we get bland CGI scenes. Or the BvS scene in Mexico...
Learn to read DCuck
OP didn't say dark shit wasn't good he was calling Dark Knight a piece of shit which everyone knows it is
All I see is one massive piece of shit cut into seven shitty pieces
Oh shit is ladderfag, thread ruined
Marvel movies are horrible because their superheroes are horrible like their comics. Trash heroes translates to trash cartoon films. There’s a few exceptions but that isn’t enough to make an entire cinematic universe like the legendary Star Wars Universe.
Taco autism.
Go back to playing Gears of War with comicbookcast2.
>unironically uses a gif of better fighting than exists in almost any of the DCEU.
Outside of Aquaman, the rest is obnoxious ramping shit or pure CGI like Black Panther's final battle.
>This is what happens when you want everyone of your movies to be like the dark knight.
The thing is, making a series of superhero films like the The Dark Knight would be great but people got confused.
I call it the Watchmen effect. Watchmen came out (along with darker comics before it, TDKR, Miller's Daredevil, etc etc) and people suddenly thought audiences wanted dark edginess. What they wanted was mature storytelling.
TDK is a good movie because it generally gets the characters and setting right. Has a great opener. Some iconic scenes. Unfortunately the only thing DC took from that was: dark/edgy and REAL WORLD.
>Trash heroes translates to trash cartoon films.
That explains why your direct-to-DVD movies are so shit
The second pic is hilarious for several reasons.
What's funny is that you can tell its not even the actress doing this. They literall have a stuntpersons leg.
it also explains why every Marvel character is changed to have a Tony Stark persona
The Virgin Filmmaking vs. The Chad Fix-It-in-Post
>Why are the most popular comic shows Daredevil and Punisher?
Do you really believe this? Even S3 Arrow is better than both of those
Does it explain why they changed Aquaman's personality to Thor (besides finally making money)?
Marvel Trannies still mad they haven't won an academy award that matters.
Can't wait to watch you seethe when Joker gets best picture.
Dilate and Cope
Given how well super-stache worked out for them, I can see why WB tries not to do anything in post.
>Not dark and edgy
Even if you are right you prove my point.
Aquaman wasnt always edgy faggot. Thor got changed because all his films were dogshit.
>that matters
>Oscar ever mattering
hahaha, modern Joker was finally funny!
So, this is the power of the PS2.
More like GameCube.
>"trash heroes make trash animated movies" explains why live action Marvel heroes have entertaining personalities
It doesn't but it's okay I know that being a DC fan means you have trouble with things like the english language and following along in a conversation
>Everything in Marvel movies is CGI
Cinema is dead.
The funny thing is Captain America, Shazam, and even Spider-Man proved you can make lighthearted, almost goofy/cheesy superheroes in such a way that people find appealing.
DESU, the cgi in Shazam! was so 1980's bad I would have started hanging actual buses too.
Oh yeah whatever will marvel do without that precious makeup oscar
Also interesting how oscars matter now when you losers were swearing up and down just a few months ago that they, like box office and critic reviews didn't matter
And I'm just go to go ahead and predict that next February they magically won't matter again
It explains why they changed Thor's personality to Tony Stark after both his previous movies were deemed the worst so far
Yes, that special sort of appeal when everyone stays away from theaters.
>Inb4 n-not a flop! 300 million is fine (for a cape movie in 1986).
>why they changed Thor's personality to Tony Stark
Potato, does Mommy know you've unlocked the computer again?
Truth is, The Dark™ style is the best, but it's also the most difficult to pull off.
I can't wait to see how they Damage Control the latest DC bomb
Obviously if the character has a personality that isn't a flat piece of cardboard they're just a copy of Tony Stark
This is why DC movies are so superior to marvel
Both things can exist. Dark and light hearted.
As long as they understand their tone, world, characters and have an alright story.
Producers too often confused what makes a movie good and double down hard on "trends".
DC has been chasing Marvel. Marvel has changed so many times. Not massively but slightly to keep everything fresh.
One is a trend setter. One is chasing the trend.
>Infinity War/Endgame
out of the 100 capeshit movies ever made
maybe a handful of them are any good and NONE of them are DCEU or MCU
you're so cool
>Dark Phoenix flopped after being in a franchise that’s lasted 20 years. DC barely lasted 5.
>Does it explain why they changed Aquaman's personality to Thor
Yes. Because it worked for Aquaman when he was a chill dude in Batman TBATB. You know, a cartoon that was released way before the Thor movie.
And even then, Thor's personality wasn't the one of this chill dude who was funny and wants to have a good time. That was mostly done in Ragnarok. Marvel didn't know what to do with Thor, they didn't know if they wanted him to be a king or whatever, so they just turned him into another funny character, like every single one of the Avengers.
>if the character has a personality that isn't a flat piece of cardboard they're just a copy of Tony Stark
>Tony Stark: acts goofy and makes silly faces
>Thor: acts goofy and makes silly faces
>AntMan: acts goofy and makes silly faces
>StarLord: acts goofy and makes silly faces
>Drax: acts goofy and makes silly faces
Is that what personality means to you? If it is, then no wonder you support those shitty Marvel movies.
More like Thor copied Aquaman because his personality was shit before Ragnarok
Why the fuck is Doom Patrol on that list? It's the most capeshit capeshit show. Replace it with The Punisher or some shit
>In the clip he jumps off a fishing boat, into the water, helps prop up the rig and falls in the water. Why was he there? What was the point of that scene?
he's a loner that wants to stay far away from humanity. But when shit happened in the rig, his cover was blown and had to move on. Though we dont really know why until we had all the scenes with Pa.
Is litrally not a flop, 3.5 times it budget back is a really good return.
BvS > MoS > AM > SZ > WW > SS > JL.
If you disagree you're a pleb with shit-taste.
>WB literally can't break 500 million in 2019, and that's a good thing!
Jesus Christ, What's wrong with Affleck's mask in this shot? It looks like it's slightly askew?
>Apply the same tone to every character
So the MCU then.
It is, how many times the box office do you think a movie needs to break even? 5? That's just absurd and hollywood woulnd't be able to sustain itself if that was the case.
Damn, Marvel did human cloning on Evans just to film a scene?
OP here.
>The Dark Shit = The Dark Knight
Learn to read dumbass.
Yes, assuming every single cent of Shazam!'s domestic and worldwide Box Office went back to WB, and they paid no more than $2,000 marketing it, it did real, real gud.
>>In the clip he jumps off a fishing boat, into the water, helps prop up the rig and falls in the water. Why was he there? What was the point of that scene?
to make a point that the name 'man of steel' is figurative and not literal, as his body is stronger than steel.
it's one of _those_ films -and i like it for being one of those films. what i don't like is that the main character is somehow poorly defined and that the tone is somehow schizophrenic -especially in important moments.
who is clark really? at the end of the film, you know what he's capable of but you still don't quite understand who this guy is. the up close moments with him are all awkward as fuck, and i don't think anyone knows who clark is, not even clark (or cavill).
the first time we see him meet lois, he gives her a goofy grin as she's bleeding out and says 'i can do things other people can't'... if he has a natural talent for being a hero, why isn't he being firm, calm and reassuring instead of acting like a goofball? why is he doing something so unnatural that the only natural reaction is derision? it's almost like someone thought that a heroic moment isn't good enough and so they decided to inject some inappropriate comedy that is totally out of character and doesn't match the scenario (because everyone already knows superman, right? WRONG! this is a new character in a new film and this moment ... is not justified by the rest of the film), and since clark is the main character, that bad moment affects the feel for the rest of the film.
then there's that scream he does after he snaps zod's neck. there's no restraint. this isn't like in 78 superman where he's in shock -and even there he tries to hold himself back before unleashing his rage. if there was even just a moment of hesitation, a moment where we see the emotions building inside, it would have been appropriate, but instead he just immediately drops to his knees with this twisted up expression -as if anyone wants to see that! people want to see a hero who is in control trying to keep control, because that's what people do, nevermind that we're talking about superman.
then there are the moments with jor el. the first time we see him, he's claiming that his unique biological child is the solution to krypton's problems. like, what? that seems awfully egotistical. aren't we supposed to kind of like this guy or have a better understanding of who he is before you pull something like this? i'm sure that there were such moments that were filmed but they were cut out, and the first time we see him actually do something instead of just reacting to something is when he says this. unbelievable. everything this guy says is pregnant with emotion and we're just supposed to go with it, again, without even having an understanding of who the character really is.
mos is great because it tries to be a kind of modern mythology, but it's not great because the character moments are weird, and not in an interesting kind of way. 'stop invincible son' is actually far less weird than the other stuff because it's actually telegraphed and makes sense within the context of the character and in the film.
it's astonishing that they made the exact same mistake again with batman in bvs. no awkward humor this time, just another main character whose motives are hard to read. if you make people have to wonder why batman wants superman dead, people are just going to assume that you're fucking shit.
a lot of tdkr is astonishingly bad.
i don't have a gif of this but i couldn't help but notice how the tank turrets were wobbling as if they were made out of hollow plastic.
tdk was the peak of that trilogy.
I have noticed while reading more of the comics lately. DC does the insane fantasy shit but in a more darker kind of tone, while marvel does the more realistic shit but in a way more upbeat thing. I prefer the DC comics but have no idea how the hell to have that ton fit into a movie. There is just a different feeling. I think Tim Burton sort of got it, but then his weird ass self got in the way of it.