Marlon Wayans Wants to Play DC's Plastic Man

>"I would love to play Plastic Man," Wayans said. "I think he works with the comedic skill set that I have, in terms of how I'm physical, I'm bendy. And I think it'd be cool to just do it without... You know, what's great about Black Panther is he's a black superhero, right? But sometimes it's fun to just do something crazy. Like, you wouldn't think Plastic Man was a black guy, but it's not black - it's just, he's plastic. I think it'd be fun for me, because I know I got to add my humor to it. The only two superheroes I ever really wanted to play was Plastic Man and The Mask. Those are the two superhero films I would love to play."

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>Plastic Man and The Mask. just made me think about how a 90's era Jim Carrey might have been as Plastic Man

But he doesn't have red hair

Disney is probably on the phone with him right now to play Reed Richards.

Plastic Man has had no good stories outside of cross over shit. Dont @ me

Is he a good actor? I've never heard of him.

>Plastic Man

U wot?

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Cmon man watching Marlon Trolling the shit out

He's okay. Mostly does lowbrow comedies with his brother, but was objectively great in Aronofsky's Requiem for a Dream.

That's random

He's probably the worst Wayne's brother and the vast majority of them are just god awful.

Never watched the critically acclamed White Chicks?

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>Black guy wants to play an ex-con
I see no problem with this.

I do love that guy.

>He's okay
He's horrible dude

There's only one retard in the town who Must play him

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Sure. I don't give enough of a shit about Plastic Man, to be bothered by a race swap.

Bill Hader would be the perfect Plastic Man

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That was him? He does have some acting talent then.
I did, don't remember much. I was a kid then and thought it was kind of funny. Now that I'm an adult and prejudiced I'm not sure I would.

I agree with this race swap as I did with Micheal clark Duncan as kingpin.

Haven't we shown repeatedly that Plastic Man can't change color?

I know ben schwartz was lobbying to play him as well all three of the actors suggested work. I don't see marlon doing it honestly, he's a decent performer but I want someone with more range then he does

It fits because Plastic Man was a criminal before he got powers.

Based and Checked

Must have remembered the time in the 90s when everyone wanted him in their movie as the wise cracking sidekick. Including Robin.

Jerry Trainor is my pick

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Fun Fact, Marlon Wayans was signed on to play Robin, not sure if it was for Burton or Schumacher but around that time. When O'Donnell got the part instead, Marlon still got paid.

White Chicks was pretty fun. I liked it, but I don't really care much for Marlon Wayans anymore

Why would he want to be Plastic Man if he’s already lived it up as Little Man? Remember Little Man?

He sounds genuine
Some characters need actors to push the projects forward because studios will never do it otherwise

This. It's one thing to chase fads, but wanting to play fucking Plastic Man? The guy has a love for the character

I want Hader for Blue Beetle

Johnny Knoxville is my dream cast for plastic man.

No. He and his brother need to get back together and save the Scary Movie series.

NO! NO I AM DRAWING THE LINE HERE! I will not have fucking O'Brian played by a goddamn Wayans brother!

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No way. Tom Kenny is Plastic Man.

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Too young looking.

Hes made of plastic. Age him up before he falls in the acid and then his skin is tighter.

So you didn’t hate black people when you were a kid?

dude fuck that have jim carry play as him, he looks like he would play as him

>Marlon Wayans as the Mask
just too good to be true.


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I’ve always liked him, what’s he been up to lately?

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Jean Ralphio all the way!

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redpill me on plastic man's power level

Decent. He's just been doing a lot of really shit movies.

i dont want marlon wayans to play anyone

He's actually pretty terrifying. There's a reason why Batman imprisoned him on the moon after his transformation

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He's okay, but he's not even the best Wayans brother

i like the Wayans and don't care if Plas gets BLACKED
but "stretchy" heroes are basically unfilmable especially for someone as spastic as Plastic Man
(maybe just "grow big or small" or "stretch out an arm" powers would work)
imagine photo realistic CGI plastic man turning into a flesh tone bicycle ? its basically Body Horror
maybe (and this is a big MAYBE) if Plas is a fully CGI/animated character and the movie is basically roger rabbit then it could work.

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As a racist, I can still say that this can kinda work. Black people are really good at physical comedy and wacky, over-exaggerated stuff, because they lack subtlety. So yeah, this can work (just like Blade worked with Wesley Snipes)

I'm sure he does. I'm sure Marlon wants any sort of career at all these days

>Mostly does lowbrow comedies

So perfect for Plastic Man?

The only person who can handle the part is Dana Snyder.

Remember when they were trying to make a keanu reeves plastic man a decade ago?

He has a Netflix contract, he's not hurting for work.

Dana Snyder is Plastic Man, just like Kevin Conroy is Batman. But neither have played their respective characters on film and I don't believe they could, it requires a different set of skills/restrictions.

Personally, I'd want to see either Hader, Trainor or Swartz as plastic man - Kenny is too old at this point IMO.

Also, I thought Blue Beetle(or the one Zoomers are familiar with) was a little Mexican boy?

>But neither have played their respective characters on film and I don't believe they could, it requires a different set of skills/restrictions.

Conroy has been cast as Bruce for CW Crisis

We gave him the Riddler and it didn't work. Keep Jim away from capeshit next time.

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I wouldn't mind. I'd rather go for 1:1 recreation but I don't mind a Wayan Bros in a capeflick.

Oh shoot that's really cool! I'll have to check it out when I have time.

White Chicks was actually pretty good.

Why can't they just make a high budget 3D movie? Then it won't even matter who plays him as long as they act the part.

I... wouldnt mind it? Eel's pretty lowbrow. but he'll need a great side cast to prop him up.

>tfw you know they would ramp up the gang aspect to his criminal past instead of just making him a normal city crook

"City crooks" no longer exist.


based and boogiepilled

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>Actor wants a pay check

Why are so many sites treating this kind of shit as actual news.

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Also my pick

Nobody would care. DC's movie franchise is already dead and buried.

Maybe ten or fifteen years ago user but Knoxville's in his late forties now. He's getting fucking old for physical comedy.

Plasticfags BTFO

God help us.

We truly are cursed to live out the worst timeline.

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Get off the board

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If you didn't realize this by 2010 then I don't know what to tell you.

Cry more.

get all the wayans